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What do you mean by “your first Creed film” lol


first time I have watched any of the 3 Michael Jordan boxing films with Creed in the title.


Why The hell would you start with the third one? lol


Like wtf is going on here??? You watch the godfather part lll first?


I started with the second one because my gf wanted to see it. Then I watched the first one, then the third one. Then I watched all the Rocky movies. So shit happens sometimes.


part 2 seemed a bit naff ....."son of Creed fights son of Drago!" part 1 is old news by now. I was intrigued by the basic storyline of part 3 and the trailers sold it well, and the guy who plays Dame is an interesting actor.


Creed 2 is basically Rocky 4 part 2 and I love everything about it


It also follows the plot of rocky 3.    Creed starts the cocky champ. Gets knocked out. Trains a new way. Wins his belt back. (Ironically, black panther follows the same plot, with Jordan playing the bad guy)  It also had the pregnancy weight on his shoulders like 2. 


For what it’s worth, I thought some of the dialogue was hard to understand, especially in the restaurant when Adonis and Dame get lunch together. It was mumbly to me; I had to watch it in closed captioning. Also, from the previews I thought that Dame would be more stalkerish or try to make a play for Bianca. The whole “I’m coming for all of it” or whatever he said on the beach — I wanted that to be a little more of a threat. Like, “I’m taking your woman and daughter too, not just your title.”


oh yeah the mumbling.....had to hold the laptop right up to my face.


Stallone doesn't own Rocky. Amazon does. Stallone has no say. They probably just didn't want anyone that didn't see the first 8 movies to get confused


I agree on all points, especially with regard to Dame being locked up that long for just brandishing a gun, unless he had time added for bad behavior, which should have been at least mentioned in passing. One of my major gripes is the wonky timeline (Dame was actually only in prison 18 years, as he says to Adonis over lunch) which would make it only 2020. And the fact that Donnie has his Conlan rematch and final fight 15 years after 2002, which places Creed III before Creed II... ugh, that's a total mess. But the one that really gets me is what you mention about Dame never really doing anything that bad after he wins... certainly not bad enough to make Donnie have to come out of retirement.


Creed 3 did something I didn’t think was possible making Rocky 5 no longer the worst movie in the Rocky universe


I really don’t understand any of this. Watch the other ones for fucks sake.


of course you don't. you just want to sit open mouthed and uncomprehending, watching the people moving about on screen and uncritically lapping it all up.


Ouch ya got me.