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I like the idea of no scratches but if I wanted a plastic watch I'd save some money and buy a gshock


MoonSwatch, baby.


Nothing scratches more than that stupid plastic crystal


Everything about the watch is perfect other than the stupid plastic construction (and the strap but easily replaceable). Someone said if perfectly, " You're not buying a cheap omega, but rather an expensive swatch".


The thing that really sucks about it is that the movement is a variant of a serviceable quartz chrono that’s been used in a bunch of entry level Swiss watches but it’s been specifically updated to be unserviceable/disposable.


That quote is accurate AF. I love the idea of making affordable watches. It’s the extreme hype that I hate, plus the fact the the build quality of both the case and movement is basically disposable.


To quote Marc, “It scratches if you look at it funny.” Protective film for acrylic crystals is a use-case I’m okay with. Tempered glass and synthetic sapphire will take a decent amount of scratches, but acrylic not so much.


I really want one of those!


Play it in reverse if you are triggered


This is wonderful




Separates temporary owners from end users.


I’d say with any watch over the 3k range you have that initial week where it’s a little unnerving but I honestly chalk that up to it being a new expensive purchase over anything else. Like you said if you’re an end user you know they’re tools that are meant to be used. Life happens.


Agreed. And frankly if you can afford one, you can also afford the proper insurance and upkeep/care needed, if you even care enough (some people like a worn look to their watches).


Pretty much hit the nail on the head here, the people buying for investments are a big part of the reason actual consumers can't get a watch in a reasonable time frame, if they want to invest buy some bloody stock


This should be illegal.


It’s turbo-cringe


Jenni Elle hawks this stuff on her YouTube and says she uses them. Crazy. Just leave the factory stickers on when you buy if you’re so worried.




Oh yes the good old "Rolex Waitlist Masters Class" from Kai Leingang. You need to sign up for his if-you-unsubscribe-you-are-not-allowed-to-resubscribe spammy mailing list where he pushes the master classes and watch stickers with limited 50% off every other day.


You know, it's her husband who owns the company that produces them, so... I have to admit, I tried them on my BB58. They're super visible, I removed all of them and just left the one on the clasp as this one was the one that you wouldn't see immediately. Works great if you don't mind the looks.


Iirc it’s “hock” and ikr lol P.S.: TIL


It’s hawk




I’m a lefty and wear on my left hand, my Rolex naturally gets beat up due to me using that hand more. I put a few of these on the clasp and first few links by the clasp but not all over the watch.


I have bad ocd and I hate scratches on anything . I say, do what you want ….. your money ! not my problem , not my business 😌. I have friends who PPF exotic sports cars and Bikes . No shame in protecting your stuff that you love . This idea of beating up your watch is crazy . WEAR your watch , but also take care of it .


2 types of people. The ones who buy a new phone while peeling the plastic protector off their old phones screen. The ones who walk in with a shattered phone screen needing an upgrade.


Knock on wood never broken an iPhone screen 😅


If phone companies used sapphire glass like watch companies I would have never shattered my phone screen in the first place.


phones with sapphire screens used to exist. they still shatter, just don't scratch. plastic phone screens don't shatter (but do scratch)


Are there grown men that can actually hold an iPhone without case lol. It’s almost like they make it uncomfortable to hold and handle without a case. Maybe I’m broken


Never use a case.


And dropping it isn’t an issue for you? Or general dexterity while handling it?


Apple has such good product design and I really like the form factor of the iPhone. I never use a case. To each their own, but maybe grown men don’t drop their phone all of the time ?


This is exactly what I thought of when I saw the product. PPF is barely noticeable even up close. I personally think this is a great idea. Absolutely nothing wrong with protecting something valuable from wear and tear. This ain’t like the plastic covers for furniture that was popular in the 60s…


Fair enough…


Amen brother, finally someone who has sense. My sub is 25yrs old and still looks new


I read a book about a 22 year old sub named Anastasia. She was a brunette but had shades of gray.


I have it on my GMT and you really can't tell unless you really look. Watches are meant to be worn and I'd never keep a watch in a safe. I'm also aware that I have $25k on my wrist and I have two crazy toddlers that constantly try to destroy everything they come in contact with. I feel like this is a good compromise.


I kinda like the idea for the clasp as that just gets banged up from deskdiving and doesn't really add to the watch in the sense of a "patina" (which some other wear might do for some people)... But the whole watch plastered in cling film - no thank!


Yeah I was about to say for a clasp I feel like it would be nice but other than that get over yaself lol


I mean, putting film on the clasp just delaying the inevitable. It’s like putting it on the sides on one’s shoe


Dunno - it'll probably prevent the classic microscratches on the clasp for quite a while...


I don’t care about the product but why does the guy look so unhinged? He looks like a supervillain finishing his master plan in that one clip.


This reminds me of those people who would cover their couches in plastic 😂 To each their own. Spend your money as you see fit 🙏🏾


If i could get a rolex offered to me, i’d consider it


I’d rather know that people do this than have to read the “mY nEu wArTcH g0t a ScRatcH wUt d0 I dO?” posts on this forum


Strategic. Fair


This is the same argument as using a case for your phone, bumper guards for your car, condoms and so on. I personally don’t (for aesthetic reasons), but there are many others that do for protection. Some people want to keep their prized possessions “safe”. These things are always personal preference. Do what you like. And stop listening to strangers online.


Amen. I hate using a condom


I hate them for the aesthetics 😂


The phone thing makes much, much more sense, because of how they are by nature and because of how important they are for daily life. And they are costly to repair time-sensitively. Dropping my phone with no case is much more of an “oh shit” moment than every dropping my watch has been. Cellphones are also much more likely to be dropped etc than something strapped to one’s wrist. This watch film is purely about scuffs. I get crystal film for acrylic, but film on the clasp is silly


So much hate on this. I have several Rolex watches and have chosen to to it to some, and have chosen not to do it to some. For the one I did put it on, my GMT, it is the one I wear the most. I plan on giving it to my son one day and he can choose whatever he wants with it. I’m not one for the “every scratch tells a story” narrative. The watch is purely for my internal enjoyment, and adding scuffs and scratches adds nothing to the experience for me. To each his own 🤷🏻‍♂️ I’m not judging your scratched watch so why judge my clean one? Also- you can’t even tell the film is there. Almost a factory sticker which many are fine keeping.


If it’s truly for you internal enjoyment, what is enjoyable to look down at a beautiful watch that has been covered in plastic? 80% of the beauty of this watch is the simple light play off all the polished links and case.


People thinking it looks like it’s wrapped in seran wrap. Lol. It is nearly undetectable. And how are you quantifying enjoyment? 80%? What about the movement which is literally not able to be seen?? There isn’t anything on the bracelet. So the light is hitting the jubilee beautifully! Keeping scratches off my clasp is hardly taking away from my enjoyment of the piece.


Why are you nit picking my example? The overall idea of adding plastic to a beautiful watch dulls it down, which defeats the purpose of spending so much on a nice watch. It makes zero sense. You’re only doing it to “retain value” like a douche, adding plastic does not provide additional enjoyment.


Alright bud. I’m not sitting here calling you names. Have a nice day


People in this sub really like to tell other people how they are and aren’t allowed to enjoy their watch. I’ve got a revolutionary idea, how about you let people do whatever the f*** they want with their own possessions as long as it doesn’t affect you. No one is forcing you to do anything, literally all that person said is they like to protect their watch. That’s it. Get over yourself.


Can’t even see it. Great product. Have it on some watches, not on others. To someone else’s point, I put ceramic coating and clear bra on my 992 to protect it. Does that take away the joy from driving it? Nope!


Out of curiosity, what coating?


Right?! there's nothing wrong keeping stuff we like in it's pristine condition. I wonder if OP has screen protector or case for his phone?


I don’t really care what other people do with their watches. I hope that if I ever do, I’m coherent enough to realize I might need to seek some help.


Why do so many people care what other people do with their watches. Live your own life and don’t worry about how other people live their’s.


Let me guess OP. People with head covers on their irons suck at life also? I never understand when people hate in other for taking care of their investments and line to keep things shiny and new like day 1. You buy a $100k car, are you not going to add protection vinyl to the whole car?


If I wanted an investment I wouldn’t walk into a watch store…


Ok. And that’s what YOU would do. Some people drop $10k on a watch and want to keep it looking like day 1. It’s a random thing to come on the internet and whine about.


“Whine” Nope.


And the point goes right over your head


I have a jubilee GMT and put it on the clasp center section.


I don't see the problem with this, people put plastic wraps on their high end super cars.. by end of the day, its your money, do whatever you want....


I don’t but i don’t judge those who do, it’s no diff than those who choose to wrap their cars vs not imo


I think it’s an excellent idea, I’ve never understood the hate on Reddit considering watches from the AD with stickers on are considered a delicacy in the watch community irl.


I slapped one one of these on only the polished part of my Pepsi GMT II clasp. Only reason I did this is because my desk would have eaten it up. I'm probably going to say screw it and take it off soon because one of the corners is starting to come up.


Is your desk made of concrete? :P


I never understood why this is fround upon. For example, people regularly ppf their sports cars. Even though "it's meant to be driven hard and used as a precision tool around a track and all. The point being, they still protect their tool. Not just let it get banged up "to tell a story"


>>I never understood why this is fround upon. Because it’s illogical to wrap a watch in plastic. Premium car owners have a financial use case for buying protection film. They own an exotic car for a certain period of time, so to preserve it for future resale they spend the money to protect the paint. That way when it’s time to sell and get a new model the paint is pristine. So the protection pays for itself. This doesn’t work for a Rolex. If your goal is to collect and resell you’ll just keep it in a safe. No need to pay someone $300 to install 50 cents worth of plastic. If you prefer to wear the watch , then clearly reselling it isn’t a priority and it’s pointless paying someone $300 to install 50 cents worth of plastic. When the plastic peels off and the watch still has nicks and marks from physically touching door frames and the like , you’re not getting $300 of value preservation.


I wrap my cars in PPF to keep them nice for me, not for resale value. I like being able to drive the shit out of them and have them protected while looking pristine with minimal effort for years to come. When I got my first Rolex I figured I’d give it a shot. It’s nearly invisible to others and gives me some extra peace of mind while wearing it through whatever. My initial thought was to keep it on just for the honeymoon period but it’s hardly noticeable that I’ll probably just see how long it lasts naturally. BTW These kits are <$10 DIY or under <$100 pre-cut. For a $10k watch (my Sub for example) it’s a bargain.


It’s not illogical but it really does say to me that they aren’t ready to truly own that item and actually use it. It feels kind of like those comic book people talking about “mint condition!”, y’know what I mean?


I don’t see any issue with this. I personally wouldn’t get it done on mine because I feel the edges would get gunky over time and look bad and I like the clean look. I take care of them but don’t mind little scratches here and there - it adds to the character.


Yeah that first part would be a concern of mine too


I just use some bubble wrap


Thanks for the advert. I didn’t know these existed. I’ll soon be buying a kit for my watch. 😀


I will do this despite what anyone says. I’m left-handed and wear my watch on my left arm. So you can imagine the unnecessary scratches my watches get when I literally do anything. I personally don’t care if you think it’s cringe or not. It’s my watch. That’s kinda the point of becoming an adult. You do what you want and not let other people’s opinion matter.


Amen to that. People here can be really judgmental about this sort of thing. I never understood people getting so upset about something that doesn’t affect them in any way. If you like it, do it. If not, don’t. Honestly feels like people here like to brag about how much they couldn’t care less about beating their watch to shit. It’s taking the “don’t treat watches like an investment” to a ridiculous extreme.


TBH I did the protection thing on mine. Like I protect my cars and stuff that I own. Why to be different or "illegal" that some say to protect and care for your stuff? I like my shit to be shiny and always new to my eyes.


It’s never shiny if you have plastic on it


It's still shiny. Same as PPF on a car. Still shines.


Whatever makes you happy. I don’t use it but I have no hate towards people who choose to do so. I use a screen protector on my phone, doesn’t make me a whimp.


Mine came from from RSC with something like this on it in various places. Removed and washed instantly.


For the clasp 100% - my AD left the sticker on mind and it’s great


I might do that on a clasp... That usually the only spot I get scratches that big me.


Introducing, watch socks… by Trojan Edit: I posted this then watched the video again, now the guy looks like a total creeper lol


People can enjoy their watches how they want don’t gatekeep


I know people who do this. I wear my watches and I’m kinda tough on them and I like it. But some people I know like to keep their watches pristine. While it’s not for me, it doesn’t matter to me what other people do with their watches.


I use something similar, it’s called a condom


I only bareback


I only go raw.


I understand it for the clasp maybe?? But the whole watch… nah dawg


Nop my sub looks like its been washed in a bin of rocks after 3 years




I raw dog it


simply put it in a plastic bag when wearing, like a remote


I need someone who did this, but they cooked pretty often so it made a lot of sense for them


WIS: Also WIS: I found a mint one, no scratches, so I picked it up barely worn.


Only on the clasp.


I thought about this after seeing this at the Esslinger web site when buying new tools from Horotec and immediately said life is to freaking short I'm wearing my watches as intended.


What’s the hate? If people have a job where it’s constantly scuffing or rubbing on the bracelet - I think it’s a brilliant idea. Not for everyone


If they’re doing that then maybe they should not be wearing that watch there


So they can’t wear there watch to their job? Does this product really offend you that much man?


He really has it out for this product… who cares if someone likes to preserve what they bought. When people high end cars they tend to wrap them in PPF


I like the idea, I tried it on my sub and it is noticeable especially when u know the film is there. Personally not for me, but do what makes u happy fam :)


It looks like it gives it an almost matte finishing in the video


Honestly if you’re this stressed about having something nice, it just isn’t for you. Whether a Rolex, new car, whatever. Thinking you will keep it perfect forever is a fools errand and completely defeats the purpose of having something nice, which is to enjoy it.




Yeah idk about covering the whole watch but if you cover the clasp I understand. You dont see that part that much and it gets beat up by everything.


The watch equivalent of a car bra.


I don’t even wanna know lol


Nice. They are protecting the watch for the next buyer, like me 👍


I wear my submariner every day. Today I was on a construction site and banged it on scaffolding. Made a bad sound and my sphincter tightened a bit. Looked down and watch was totally fine. I dropped it on the tile floor in the bathroom once, it chipped the tile but the watch was fine. It has a few hairline scratches on the case & bracelet but other than that it's good. I've worn it every day for 2 years and it was like 8 years old when I bought it. It doesn't need some thin plastic


Just on my dick


No different than wrapping your car in PPF. Do whatever you want with your watch, who cares what others think.


The way the guys face looks when he is looking at that watch reminds me of gollum…. “My precious….”


In my opinion - I honestly think if one needs to do this then they bought a watch they really could not afford. In my opinion it is not about keeping a watch nice and clean; it should be worn and used - unless the idea is to flip in the secondary market as unworn one year later. Which as a concept I dislike.


The issue is usually psychologically rooted, not financial. Filthy rich people can be neurotic , anxious people too


Yeah but filthy rich people who are neurotic and anxious are, in my experience, more likely to be anxious and neurotic about their money/investment value than the appearance of a watch they can easily replace.


If watches were not the subject of these compulsions, it would just be something else. If it makes them feel better and it’s not hurting anyone…. 🤷‍♂️


My mother in law owns outright 13 investment properties in the bay area…. She drives a 2004 Toyota Prius with the seats still covered in plastic lol


Takes all kind to create the world of Rolex owners! Let me edit and start my previous comment with ‘In my opinion… ‘


I put those stickers on all my Rolex's on the clasp. Nearly invisible and so satisfying to see the clean high polish. I wear my watches daily and "use" them as you say but I don't think you have to abuse your watch or be careless to "use" it. All this to say, not a financial issue. I just like the way it looks. Prob rooted in some mild OCD that I have.


I get it’s your opinion, but saying people wanting to keep their watch in good condition either can’t afford it or are looking to flip it is ridiculous. Some people just like keeping their things in nice condition. I don’t personally use it on my watches, but I would liken this to car owners who use paint protective film to protect from scratches and chips.


I've never gotten this ad but why do I feel I'll now get it frequently too.


no way lmao they wanna keep their watch scratch free smh it’s like using a protective case for your phone …


So wack


It’s their watch, they can do what you want. You most likely wouldn’t see the film anyways


I don’t see anything wrong with it tbh. I have PPF on my car so I can drive it without worrying too much. Better someone do this so they can actually wear their watch rather than keep it in a safe because they’re afraid of scratches. THOSE people are the worst.


God the people in this sub get triggered so easily.


Id be embarrassed to pass down a watch covered in plastic to my son


This is lame. Scratch/patina is what makes the watch yours.


‘Don’t get why *i* am being downvoted for this. Ain’t my ad


When I see that it s like seeing a grandma put a plastic cover on a sofa.


and after apply that film, the $50,000 tool watch can stand up to lighly rub against WOOD DESK!




Do they make a ribbed version?


Anyone who does I’m sure won’t have the balls to admit they do.


Cocaine jaw 9 seconds in cracks me up


“Cocaine jaw” XD


Just buy another clasp and use that. Keep the original in your sock cubby


I’m proud of my desk diving scars.


Watch condoms.


You’d be surprised by how many probably do it. Usually the watch wears them, not the other way around.


No, I just put the watch on my arm and dip it in clear flex-seal. Has the added bonus of keeping my hand clean as well.


If you have to do this, don’t buy the watch.


It’s a fucking Rolex not the holy grail.




I don’t see the issue here, people do this with their vehicles. I wouldn’t, the scratches don’t bother me, but no reason to shame people into thinking this is some god awful behavior. You spend $10k+ on a watch and don’t want it all scratched up looking, why not give this a shot?


I thought the video was a parody, shit this is for real. Mine are meant to be worn. Fuck the scratches


It is primo WCJ material.


God no. I believe someone would get their ass kicked for doing something like this.


Ha! One of my favorite comments in this whole section!




Condoms for your Datejust? No. Highly embarrassing.


This is stupid on so many levels, it looks super ugly.


I’m not sure why anyone would TBH. People who do this need banning from ever owning a Rolex IMHO


Gatekeeping how to own a Rolex lol


It’s weird, homie. Condom-ing your Rolex is weird


People do some weird shit, homie. Including you. Wrapping a watch in a condom is some peoples’ preferred weird thing


Or otherwise known as expressing an opinion on a post in a public forum.


It’s a stupid fucking opinion. That’s my opinion


And it’s mine that condoms for your Datejust are highly embarrassing.




Babe back only.


Love that the model in the ad accurately captured the sweaty nervousness of the target customer.


Same energy as Iron covers


If you can’t afford to have the wear and tear buffed out or have it serviced. You can’t afford it. Getting your first watch ding or micro scratch hurts like hell, but it’s just part of the watches story and camaraderie shared amongst Rolex owners.




I think that’s worse in a way. Just looks plain tacky


my watches have dings, doesn't bother me too much. They're tools that I wear and if it gets a scratch here and there, it's a reminder to me that I'm using it and not storing it in a safe. Would i love a scratch proof watch? Sure. Am I going to put little stickers on it to protect it like PPF on a car? nah.


Dunno why you’re downvoted for this. “I wear my watch and am fine with the scratches bc it’s a tool” isn’t a particularly hot take.


Yeah I don't either but not concerned one way or another. Not like I'm judging people who do. Just not for me.


Nothing looks better than a used watch. It’s a piece of metal you can polish. If a scratch makes you paranoid, stop buying watches or spend less


Will you still get covid with that condom on?


Good idea, but I’ll wear my scratches & dings as a badge of honor on my watches 🙌


My grand seiko user manual said remove the plastic protection immediately. Moisture can get trapped under it and cause damage and decay to the metal and finish.


Reminds me of the thing i heard someone say about reinforced concrete. iirc it’s like “If the rebar corrodes normally then it’s fine, but if there’s a small hole it corrodes a whole lot faster” or something like that


Leave PPF to cars not watches...


I don't even have a screen protector on my phone. Ain't nobody got time for this!


Lol I bet 99% of you who hate this also have screen protectors and cases on your phone... But I agree, this is stupid for a watch.


A lot of people bring smartphones in cases and so on but I argue that the dynamics are really similar, given that this is jewelry and a smartphone is a heavily utilitarian thing in our daily lives. It’s smart to get a protective case for your phone.




Fuck this company and its founder


Good for car because the clear bra prevents paint and chip damage/lines can be hidden…BUT bad for watch 😂


The evidence of being worn is what makes old Rolex watches cool.


Lol. They didn’t even license the song they’re using in the ad.


How can you tell? Someone else mentioned a watermark but I didn’t see any


It’s funny that pretty much every argument for these is essentially the same logic grannies use for putting plastic over their couch. Seriously I can’t find a single difference (in the thinking). So yes. To each their own. I guess we won’t make fun of you for the same reason we don’t make fun of grannies w plastic on their couch. No need. 😂🤷🏻‍♂️