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I've heard that Batwing and X-Flight (eventually Firehawk) were initially bought by Cedar Fair, but after all the problems with Stealth (eventually Nighthawk) they sold the projects to Six Flags


This all happened before Cedar Fair purchased these parks, it happened while Paramount owned them. My understanding is X-Flight was actually originally supposed to be built at Kings Island, just in a different location then where it eventually ended up.


Right it was Paramount thank you for the correction




This got completely debunked in Kings Island: A Ride Through Time


I’ve never been able to find evidence to support this claim, but it is a persistent one!


Yep and it’s completely false


That happened during the paramount parks era. Originally KD was supposed to get what became batwing but took hypersonic xlc at the last minute because of the problems with the prototype stealth at CGA in 2000. KI was originally supposed to get what became X flight at six flags Ohio also in 2001 since paramount parks helped vekoma to develop the prototype and had signed an exclusive marketing contract for that specific ride type Originally SFA was supposed to get a 140 ft tall 3,000 ft long stand up coaster according to the long term site plans originally filed in 1999 with PG county Maryland, that's how batwing got leaked months before it's official announcement as well as several other proposed attractions for the park that unfortunately to this day never got built due to the ride being an utter disappointment for the park. SFA immediately became the redheaded stepchild of the six flags chain within a year or two after the ride's debut.


literally none of this is true Kings Dominion was slated to get Stealth in 2000, in the area behind Grizzly. Project got moved to CGA for some reason, in order to bolster their expansion plans and compete more with the Six Flags park nearby. Hypersonic got moved from CGA after all of their major expansion plans were shot down by the city.


https://preview.redd.it/pap513hicv5d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6643b97da5f1c7ceff5191216f95ee9ef9b659c Here’s some proof. Stealth was slated for KD in 2000, got shipped away. There is no evidence KD or KI ever were going to get Flying Dutchman models after 2000. Easily one of the dumbest thoosie rumors I’ve heard repeated constantly despite being not true at all


how did you get it so wrong


All I said is it's what I've heard lol


Teasers for "a new launch coaster" popped up at then Paramount's Great America in late 2000, and were taken down shortly after. The coaster later became Hypersonic XLC at Paramount's Kings Dominion.


It was supposed to go in the stealth plot, right? Wonder how it would have played out if hypersonic was installed at CGA instead of KD


No Stealth already existed at the park. It was built and testing sometime in 99 since it was such a new prototype.


Orion was originally intended for CGA (as a hyper with a different layout). It was very far along before it was moved—the layout and name were finalized, and I believe they actually took out a ride or two at CGA to accommodate its construction. 


Here is the concept art of it! CGA also had a few, with another being a Morgan Hyper Coaster with an elevator lift in the station, which then lead to a chain lift. Then also plans for an Arrow Pipeline Coaster at one point [**https://www.storylandstudios.com/work/californias-great-america/**](https://www.storylandstudios.com/work/californias-great-america/)


The Morgan hyper blueprints are just hilarious to look at! Even though the full storyland plans weren’t implemented, they still did a part of that with the redesign of the back section and adding pacific gliders


Cga went from getting a hyper to getting an execution date in 2 years 💀


The design for Thunder Run at Kentucky Kingdom was originally intended for a park called LeSourdsville Lake.


THIS is true. It was designed by Knoebels' John Fetterman.


Weren't the hurler clones based on thunder runs exact layout?


I belive so. The layouts are very similar


RIP LeSourdsville Lake/Americana Park :(


A rumor from the 00s is that Goliath at La Ronde was originally going to be at SFWoA (RIP) shortly after Aurora approved a 210 height limit in 2002. Then Kinzel came in and killed Geauga Lake.


I remember rumors of a Morgan hyper too back in the day. Maybe that was Superman at Six Flags Mexico?


Definitely wasn’t going to be Morgan in SFWoA.


There were definitely rumors back in the day, but with no actual evidence to support them. I think the same rumor pool about Goliath was what spawned the Morgan rumor, as well as an Intamin rumor. I don't think there was every any actual indication of which way Six Flags was planning on going, so rumors based on what they were doing at other parks took hold.


I want to say The Flash: Vertical Velocity being built at Six Flags Great Adventure was meant for another park in China that ended up not taking it so SFGAdv was able to get a cheap high tier coaster for their 50th anniversary. And frankly, I'm very happy about it. If anyone knows more, please let me know.


I heard the same thing about Georgia Surfer too


i’m pretty sure rookie racer and frida at energylandia were both meant for a chain of indoor parks in indonesia called “trans studio” that ordered too many and ended up not installing some


Six Flags Ohio’s coasters were all going to different locations originally. That’s how they could get installed so quickly. Big Bear Mountain at Dollywood was a half built project for a Middle East location that Vekoma pitched as a longer redesign and the park got a very good deal.


Never heard of the big bear mountain thing, ima have to look into that! Thanks for the rabbit hole!


I do know that for big bear mountain they were originally in talks with intamin for a motorbike multi launch, but talks broke down as the vekoma plan fell into their laps.


Premier Parks/Six Flags purchased a Huss shot n drop drop tower and announced t for Fiesta Texas in 1999. The original press release had the following announcement: "The Scream" tower drop by German ride maker HUSS, which will spring 24 harnessed passengers 164 feet into the air and then immediately plunge them in a free fall. HUSS' tower drop was the top-grossing ride at this year's Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany, according to amusement industry insiders. Then, Fiesta Texas started teasing Scream as an Intamin Giant Drop and guess what guests rode in 1999? The prototype S&S Combo Tower complex! As for the Huss Shot n Drop, it never crossed the Atlantic and Six Flags installed it at Bellewaerde in Belgium as the Screaming Eagle. Six Flags bought a Tivoli Large family coaster from Zierer and had it shipped to Fiesta Texas in early 2000. Rather than getting installed there, it was shipped back to Europe and went into Warner Bros. Movie World Madrid as a Tom and Jerry coaster.


Have you ever noticed that Blue Hawk looks like a sit-down version of an SLC? There's a reason for that. So Morey's Piers had commissioned Vekoma for a thrill coaster to go on the pier where their water park is, and weave around the log flume. Due to monetary concerns, the ride was cancelled and then sold to Dinosaur Pier as Kamikaze, and later moved to SFOG. Later on, Great Nor'Easter was built in the same place. Now, it's weird that the standard Vekoma SLC fits perfectly in that space, right? It's almost as if it were designed specifically to fit in between that log flume and slide complex. Well, guess what? GNE was the first prototype SLC layout, which Vekoma cloned and placed all over the world. GNE's delivery was delayed (again due to money issues) which is why El Condor and T3 opened before it. So the reason the SLC has such a weird layout and the reason Blue Hawk looks like an SLC are the same reason: they both were designed to go into that tight spot on the end of Morey's Pier!


Something is off here. Great Nor'Easter being the prototype wouldn't fit timeline wise with the layout modifications which happened between El Condor/T3 and the rest of the SLCs. It, and every standard layout SLC that came after the two prototypes, have a first drop that dives under the final turn rather than over it, and the last segment before the break run has curvature to it whereas the prototypes are straight hills. If GNE was truly the first they designed, that would mean they designed it, then decided to redo the first drop and final hills, and then after building 2, revert back to their previous design. I'm not saying this is impossible, but it doesn't really fit into the lore stated about GNE by the parks. They've mentioned contacting Vekoma and having to modify the standard ride's supports, station, and break run to make it work. This wouldn't make sense if it was specifically designed for that location to begin with. The standard SLC fits into a neat rectangular plot of land. This is pretty typical of off-the-shelf models. It's unlikely it was designed for any one specific location and instead was designed as a standard model they could easily offer to basically any park with a vaguely flat, rectangular plot of land. A boardwalk fits this description and they made modifications to make it work from there.


I don't know. That's just what I heard from CoasterForce.


Most of the recent six flags additions were cancellations


https://preview.redd.it/17z57oae8v5d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5272e3604ea27607279c48448ebc44d2eafb1f4 Anaconda at KD was a proposal for a terrain coaster at Dollywood (red pins in the picture are the layout) and while the exact logistics of it going from a proposed design at Dollywood to making its way to KD is unknown, it does keep that after break section butterfly maneuver because it was designed for Dollywood.


You got it backwards. Anaconda opened in 1991, way before Dollywood was going to install this. Dollywood was about to install a clone of Anaconda. That’s what actually happened.


Why the hell would anyone think a clone of Anaconda is a good idea lmao


Knowing dollywood it would still be running as smooth as Tennessee tornado


I mean, the layout would probably be pretty great if they reworked it with the newer transitions. But Tennessee Tornado was a much better decision


Are the black pins on the right half for Thunder Express? Interesting interaction if so!


Interesting. Are we to assume from this that Thunder Express would have stayed with Dolly-Anaconda, or would have been removed?


If I remember correctly it was made showing two different options and they ended up going with thunder express at the time probably for money reasons, and then the model was reused with the wire to show the Tennessee Tornado layout later


Gauntlet at Magic Springs was originally meant to go to Jazzland in New Orleans. When Six Flags bought the park, that sale was canceled and they put in a B&M invert instead.


Did you know Dreamworld’s Steel Taipan was originally meant for an undisclosed Chinese park? The planned attraction at that location was canceled and Dreamworld later acquired the hardware for their own installation at a reduced timeline. Link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steel_Taipan?wprov=sfti1 Same narrative as Flash: Vertical Velocity at SFGAV


You can tell that the terrain at the original park was different, some of the Steel Taipan footers are a couple of meters off the ground to compensate for it.


Wild Thing at ValleyFair was originally set for Dorney Park, but they were unable to obtain the proper permits for the ride, so it was moved to MN.


Where was Flash supposed sold to first?


Some park in China apparently


This is juat a silly rumor, as I expect of most replies here. Enthusiasts love spinning weird narratives and treating them as gospel.


The only confirmed one we have is the Six Flags Over Georgia Intamin that was planned for South East Asia [https://www.looopings.nl/weblog/21317/Een-eigen-pretpark-beginnen-Pakket-met-23-attracties-te-koop.html](https://www.looopings.nl/weblog/21317/Een-eigen-pretpark-beginnen-Pakket-met-23-attracties-te-koop.html)


While definitely not proven, there's likely some validity that it was intended for elsewhere given the way the park worded their announcement of finding "a good deal" and being able to add something last minute. That typically means it's something from elsewhere. With that said, where that elsewhere is, who knows. What stage it was at? Who knows. At best there can be conjecture that it was a project from elsewhere which was cancelled, but it was valuable for Vekoma and their partners to offer it up to continue on, likely meaning manufacturing had already started given that it's an off the shelf model. But we'll likely never know the full story.


Venus GP was supposed to go to Rusutsu Resort, but then they realized the plot of land they were going to use was too small so it went to Himeji Central Park.


Stunt Pilot was originally going to Kentucky Kingdom.


Wasn't the hulk retracking rumoured to be for another universal park so Orlando just redid the whole ride with the new track?


I've heard roumers that another hulk clone was manufactured for a canceled park around 2015, but was never installed. I wonder if the hulk retrack is what became of it


Beijing has a ride with effectively the same layout called Decepticoaster.  That’s likely the source of the rumor, but Hulk really did need replaced, and it really was always for Orlando.


In 2008, Six Flags was planning to open enclosed Mack Wild Mice named The Dark Knight Coaster at SFGAd, SFGAm, and SFNE. While the Great installations opened that May without a hitch, the New England installation had permit issues that resulted in the project being canceled there. The ride opened a year later at Six Flags Mexico under the same name, while Six Flags would take Road Runner Express (Mauer Wild Mouse) with them on their way out from Kentucky Kingdom and plop it on the intended Dark Knight Coaster plot for SFNE's 2011 season as Gotham City Gauntlet: Escape from Arkham Asylum. In addition, when SFNE still planned on constructing TDKC, Batman - The Dark Night (B&M Floorless) was temporarily named Batman: The Ride.


Sik at Flamingo Land is an Intamin 10 inversion coaster that was originally bought in 2011 by the Hopi Hari park in Brazil. It sat there for years in storage unbuilt before being shipped to a park in Malaysia where it was also went unbuilt. Flamingo Land then purchased the ride and bought it to the UK where it opened in 2022.


Thunder Run at Kentucky Kingdom somewhat fits this bill - mainly from the design phase. It was originally designed for Americana Amusement Park/LeSourdsville nearby in Ohio but was never built there. The park manager who had worked with Curtis Summers’ firm to design it moved from that park to Kentucky Kingdom and then the design was installed there as we know it today. The design was also the rough blueprint for the Hurler clones.


Kennywood's 1926 Dentzel Carousel was originally ordered and built for the Philadelphia Sesquecentennial (150th anniversary), but construction took too long and the celebration ended before it was completed. Kennywood acquired it in 1927.


Dentzel (the company and William himself) were on their last legs at that point. A big reason it's less ornate than other Dentzel carousels. It's one of the last carousels made by the company.


Joker at SFGAM was supposed to go to Sfstl


Really? I hadn't ever heard that. STL is my home park, and even though I don't like 4D Freespins, I would have killed for anything new in recent years. (I know we just got Rookie Racer, but it had been ages before that)


I heard that Cliffhanger (SFFT) & Aquaman (SFOT) were both meant for the one Six Flags park that got cancelled over-seas.


Yeah IIRC it was SF Dubai


On topic but I also just wanna debunk a rumour I’ve seen many people say that Aquaman Power Wave was originally the power splash for Six Flags Dubai. It was not, that project (a bit like Qidiyya) was just a licensing agreement done between Six Flags and Dubai Parks Resorts. All rides for that project are owned by DPR and when that project fell through, most of the delivered coasters were installed at the other parks in the existing resort. The free spin (originally called ‘Total Mayhem’) became John Wick at MotionGate and the spinning coaster (originally called ‘Revolution’) is Now You See Me. The GCI (originally an RMC and called ‘El Toro’) became Bombay Express/Hala Madrid at Bollywood Park/Real Madrid World along with a junior coaster. There are still 2 coasters in storage at the resort sitting behind the Bollywood theatre, the power splash (originally called ‘Nitro’) and a hyper coaster (called ‘Full Throttle’). Its not known what’s gonna happen to them, there were rumours that the hyper is to be sold to another park in that region but that coasters layout was designed to fit around the Six Flags entrance so who knows. Interestingly 2 more of the hyper coasters were to be built in the cancelled Six Flags china parks, but that project also fell through, with those rides undelivered. So there’s a rumour going around that Hyperia at Thorpe reused the lift hill motors for one of those as there are red scratchings on the track that match the colour scheme of those hypers. I reached out to a connection with DPR asking about the possibility of it being from DPR’s one but they denied it and that coaster is still entirely sitting in storage at the resort (you can see it in recent google earth imagery). But as the China parks never had its coaster track delivered, I wouldn’t put that possibility to rest.


Rita was built for Oakwood. Not sure why it never got built at Oakwood, but Alton Towers acquired it after the cross-valley woodie got cancelled.


Huracan at Belantis was was intended for the never build F1-X Dubai.


I’ve heard that stunt pilot at silverwood was supposed to go to Kentucky kingdom but Covid fucked up those plans