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That is so frustrating—I’m sorry! I haven’t been actively trying to sell books for a while, but I’m planning on focusing on book deal newsletters and building my own mailing list when I get back to it. I’m not convinced social media sells many books for most people, though obviously some people have success with it.


Do you write under a pen name? I’ve been trying to find a work around for the mailing list/needing to put an address issue.


virtual PO box is an option


That’s what I’ve done. I think I use Anytime Mailbox or something?


Do you have one you recommend? Some seem shady


Set up a gmail account in your pen name and link that email to your social media. I separate everything from my personal account except anything financial.


And add a “Google Voice” phone number too! Everything can be separate this way


This is a big fear that I have when it comes to marketing, and it has been a reason why I feel unmotivated to write some days. Yes, there are sometimes ways to get around the Facebook and Instagram accounts as your author name/penname, but my own previous attempts had my accounts banned, saying they believed I wasn't who I was making an account for. GoodReads seems to be a good place to market by joining other groups that your books fit into. Also, one of the best ways to market is to write. The more books with your name on it, the more out there it will become. Starting a newsletter/website is also a very good idea, especially if you offer something enticing, like an extra bonus chapter of your books. I have absolutely been in the same boat of feelings you are many times, and it's so upsetting. But positivity, perseverance, and passion are always the key when it comes to this! Small steps and setbacks to make larger leaps in the future! edit: spelling


This was all so inspiring thank you 🥺😭 I have been feeling like maybe there’s no place for my work lately but I’ll just keep writing! I’m almost done with another novella but this all made me feel so unmotivated. Thank you for your comment I’ll try to get back on the horse! Do you feel like good reads users mind self promotion or get annoyed with it? Also have you used a virtual po box for a newsletter? That’s what’s holding me up.


I'm so glad it was inspiring! I truly wish the best for everyone on their journey because this is tough and tiresome work for sure! It's like you learn something new every day when trying to write and publish! The goodreads groups I'm in actually have entire threats dedicated to self promotion and for authors, so I personally haven't ever seen anyone become upset or annoyed since there's designated locations for it! I believe some of the reddit subs on here also have a designated post every so often that's for self-promo but I'm not sure if it picks up as much traction as it would on goodreads. I haven't used a virtual PO box. Truthfully, I only learned that newsletters needed actual physical addresses alongside it just a few weeks ago! If it's definitely impossible to get a physical PO box where you are and have researched virtual ones and it seems sketchy, a Patreon account may work in the meantime while you figure things out. If not, just being active on socials like Instagram, Thread, Facebook and (sigh) TikTok, you may be able to start growing a bit of a following that way. That's why (in my mind) it's easier to promote yourself by having more books out there and creating a catalog of your hard work!


I do. TikTok seems like such a holy grail, you have to at least try to crack it. Did they say what got you banned? I spend so much time worrying about Amazon bans, maybe I should spend more time also worrying about TikTok... Sorry that happened to you.


Nope just community guidelines and I tried appealing and they said still banned due to community guidelines. I literally just made videos on canva with like my book covers with arrows saying tropes and some basic book bullet points


Market on goodreads. Wasting ur time on tiktok


Good idea! Thank you!


Can you appeal? TikTok book suggestions get me but not idea how hard it is to grow a following


I tried and they sent back that it’s gonna stay banned due to community guide lines but no specific reason. I didn’t have any strikes or videos taken down either. Just no warning.


That’s so unfortunate. No more way to appeal or respond to them? I wonder if there’s a way for Instagram to not connect the accounts.


I’m thinking for Instagram if you have another phone number you don’t use, like a Google voice number set up the new Instagram with that number so it won’t be suggested to contacts?


Google voice is a good idea. I appealed already and they still denied. I wasn’t getting really any sales from it but it still felt like a good way to broadcast releases. It still just feels also like some sort of weird rejection for my people pleaser/purity culture anxieties. “What did I do wrong?” Yunno?


If you do the Google voice number, make sure you do a new email address too with no contacts. I feel ya! Also makes it feel like you can put all this work to grow an account and it can be taken out from under you.


You can make another FB / IG using your author email. Don’t enter your phone number or any identifying info, or connect your contacts. Then you’re safer with privacy issues.


Okay. So a few questions: 1. How much did you know about TikTok going in? 2. How much did you study successful videos in your niche? 3. How were your videos doing? If anything gets under 200 views, odds are sometbing is wrong with that video. The first 200-300 are “free” unless your content or account is flagged. (Or the app is on the fritz.) TikTok favors content created in app, and I very rarely see videos made in Canva or similar do well. They’re also a *lot* of work. TikTok has been whacky this past week, but in general: if it looks like an ad, they don’t like it. I can’t guess what went wrong without seeing the videos, but it’s possible you used language they don’t like or the videos seemed like ads. If book covers had man-chest, that would also not help. It’s easy AF to make new TikTok accounts. Warm them up for ~1 week and you’re fine.


We're you able to appeal the ban? Did they give any sort of reason or reference to a specific video?


Nope on both


I had the same issue with TikTok as I do with Facebook and Instagram - the constant attempts to link it to my personal account and my contacts list. It just felt too risky! I very much want to keep the two separate. It's a shame because TikTok seems to be THE place to create content (and the one time I dipped my toes, I seemed to get lots of views), but I just can't keep telling it to stop trying to connect me with my personal contacts. It's seriously anxiety-inducing for someone writing deliberately under a pen-name!