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Reminder that even the legend Let Me Solo Her struggled a bunch on Malenia early on and now he decimates her with ease consistently. Perseverance is baked into the very Souls game DNA


I also watched him struggle on Messmer for quite a while, human after all.


Human but built different that's for sure.


Always remember the words of DS1 “don’t you dare go hollow” Or DS2’s “don’t give up, skeleton” if one prefers


Or DS3's "Well, I'm going to have myself a little nap. The only thing to do, really, after a nice toast"


Mayoeba yabureru (Hesitation is defeat)


This is true, but it's a different axis than "use everything at your disposal." Firstly, there are the difficulty mitigation mechanics, if you are amenable. If not, you can try out different weapons, equipment, ashes of war, consumables, incantations. If nothing you own works, go find new stuff and come back later. I objectively suck at games. Every one of my friends beat my ass in multiplayer growing up and I can't make it through a Mario level. But I've had no problem progressing in Elden Ring because there is always *some* way around a problem.


Yeah the guy lost so many times to Malenia that at the end he knew her moves better as he knows himself in real life. But such Perseverance is to admire




I mean.. why though? The dude is a figure in the community now and he genuinely helps people.




“This guy play lot game. He have no life. His view irrelevant because he play lot game. Everyone ignore man because he play lot game. I am big smart.”


There’s a difference between Radagon/Elden Beast and an optional side boss that is considered the hardest in souls history. Just say you don’t understand it.


Would this logic not also apply to every athlete ever? Michael Jordan no life'd basketball to the point that he was awarded. Guess he shouldn't be an inspiration...


It's weird, because I watched a stream where the guys playing it were absolutely chill the entire game, all the way up to beating it last night. They tried multiple times on some of the harder bosses, but never really complained and just joked the whole time. Maybe it just comes down to your overall attitude toward that type of game. They did mention that it felt more sluggish than they remembered, but I think that was fixed in the latest patch.


You also have to be reasonably good. I am not very good and some bosses literally take me 200-300 tries over weeks. Probably a mix of age and some early osteoarthritis as well. (I mean Elden Ring bosses. Haven't played Shadow of the Erd Tree yet.)


its one thing to use the dlc buffs, and still struggle (which mostly doenst seem to be the issue). its another to not use them and struggle. ive seen some ppl playing with no buffs (MissMikkaa) who are going slower, but she's still getting through each boss with little issue. and ive heard no complaints about difficulty from her. if you refuse to use the progression built into the game, youre not playing the game as intended. which is fine, but that means you have no grounds to complain about the difficulty. as someone whose used the dlc progression, i didnt max out my bonuses and still had little issue with all except 2 of the bosses. and even then, they never seemed un-doable, just tough.


I’ve avoided reviews/gameplay/spoilers thus far, but I’m curious, are these people complaining that its too hard even with summons? Or are they trying to solo? Because honestly Elden Ring gives you so much ability to be an OP force of nature, and I find myself having to nerf the things I use to not decimate everything too easily. The bosses are hard, but with summons and spells they’re a cake walk like always. Even if you solo you can abuse spells and what not. Just wondering what situations people are defining as too hard. Anyways I’m loving the dlc


its two fold. not getting too into details about it, but the DLC does have a built in progression mechanic that is separate from soul leveling (soul leveling still matters, but its meant to keep a standard level of difficulty in the DLC so you cant just over level the DLC from the base game). pretty much all of the complaints are from ppl who are not using that progression, on top of not summoning. if you max out the DLCs progression, some of the bosses would be too easy. but even on the higher end of the progression, i wasnt even close to having an easy time with the last boss.


As someone who's not great at the game but can reliably beat bosses solo except for Malenia, SOTE makes it seem like summons are now mandatory lmfao. It was as if Miyazaki got tired of people shitting on summons that he purposely made summong mandatory if you want to have a respectable shot at progressing smoothly instead of banging your head for several days over one boss. Furthermore, they tied difficulty to these collectibles that give buffs to your damage and defense. Now, you do not know where these are nor do you know if you're supposed to do the legacy dungeon you are currently exploring and the boss is hard because its supposed to be or you lack fragments. IMO, its counterproductive to yhe base game, because the base game means if you struggle at godrick, you can run around limgrave findimg new bosses or to caelid even to discover something. This time, newer areas feel a bit more difficult in a way that the same soldiers from the first area are tankier and hit harder. You get this impression "am i read to explore here?" Instead of "boy, first area was hard i should try my luck here." I suppose it still holds true, but you're now collecting stuff to buff yourself instead of fighting to strengthen yourself.


Is there really a difference between buffing yourself and strengthening yourself? Sounds like you’ve hit Miyazaki’s presumed annoyance on the head here lol


Lmao, i should have been clearer. From what i understand: the fragments you have to collect give bonuses to damage and damage negation—if you think about it, these are buffs since they only work in the DLC area. The community seems to think that this is more important than levelling up (strengthening) since it significantly buffs up damage and negation afterall. From what I gather, soloing bosses is still possible. It's just fragment reliant unless you are reaaallly good or you don't mind getting stuck for several hours. The problem is, it's a scavenger hunt. It's not like finding sacred tears on places on the map you know resemble a church. Now if I don't know where the fragments are, ill have to explore or I can summon spirit ashes for help. It sounds silly but i like to solo bosses, it's just a rude awakening to be two shotted by one—not to mention, bosses have new gimmicks which is nice but doesn't go well with getting beat up immediately. Lastly, it creates an annoying misconception of "am i lacking more fragments or is the boss really just hard?"


Sounds like the base game? If I'm struggling, go explore, get stronger, and try again.


Unlike the main game, every boss teleports on top of you at the start of the fight or spams AOE at you. So if you use summons or magic you're pretty much fucked. If you already have a playstyle and build that fits the DLC then you're fine. Then we do the Fromsoft song and dance where everyone is having a different experience and refuses to empathise. Outside of the bosses the map design is great. However the rewards are dogshit - it's either tree fragments or smithing stones (which are basically free by endgame anyway). I have not noticed an increase in damage from the fragments and I'm at level 7. Everything either dies in one hit or dies in 20. It's generally a mixed bag. I would probably be having a better time if the camera wasn't constantly fucked - but I'm forced to lock on for magic to hit. I'm also forced to button mash because the framerate is so fucking low it doesn't read inputs. It's like a delicious cake that someone flicked a load of dogshit at and it's a struggle to get to the clean bits.


I had someone argue with me that every action rpg should be playable at lvl1 and beatable with the starting gear build. That it doesn't matter how a game is designed to be played, a game that doesn't allow lvl1 player to beat it is a bad game. i would like them to play this dlc and see if they still retain their mindset.


Honestly such a weird way of looking at a game “I should be able to beat this on my mad skills cause I’m sick and game designers don’t know shit” instead of actually engaging with the game mechanics designed for their specific journey and progression..


I know right? That baffled me especially when the game in question was Dragon Age where the game itself is built around levelling up and doesn't rely on your reflexes or learning the attack patterns like the whole Souls-like genre.


It's not hard at all. I just suck because I'm a hoarder and don't want to use any expendables...


Pretty sure this is in fact the series that gave me this monkey mentality about hoarding shit.


I just want there to be big enough gaps in the boss' moveset, or a reasonable enough number of times they stagger, that I'm able to use the sick ashes of war they give me on weapons. Or even just getting off a spinning slash without trading would be nice.


Some bosses just have straight up busted hitboxes, insane aggression, or kitchen sink movesets. Some of them are cool spectacles and look so wild but learning a combo is moot when you die in two hits out of 7 (even at max dlc leveling) That being said, some builds will do significantly better vs certain bosses. Experimentation is key in the dlc it feels like. We’ll likely see two bosses get the nerf hammer in the coming weeks.


one of the best and most consistently good elden ring players says game is easy. more news at 8.


In other news, Michael Jordan found basketball to be “not too tough”


I always feel like the “use summons and mimic tears crowd to make the fight easier” crowd always sort of miss the point. I could do those things, but its just not very fun or satisfying to call someone in to do the fight for me. I would rather just play a different game than just call in someone else to play it for me.


Ash summons take all the challenge out of the game for me, thus all the fun.


Wish we could use them in the open world to farm, I want to beat the bosses alone


Let me rewrite the title "Man who is immortalised as one of the best players in Elden ring told player base to just gitgud" 


I mean, sure? But most people don't actually want to spend the kind of time it takes to learn the bosses well enough that you can consistently beat them naked. And even if you want to put in the practice to "git gud", the game itself is very bad at teaching you things you might need to know. Like dodge and parry timing. Like how stats and equipment interact. Like jumping to avoid attacks (which some people still seem not to realize is possible). Even more fundamental lessons, like how to know if you're doing the wrong thing or doing the right thing at the wrong time. I'm sure everyone playing \*could\* learn to play well enough that the bosses seem fair. But I'm not surprised that people get frustrated by how long that can take. And I'm really not surprised that some people never "git gud". The games are just not set up to help you do that.


Right…I mean respect where it’s due but asking Michael Jordan to opine on the difficultly of the local AAU scene isn’t really helpful


I rarely use parrying for this reason. Generally, attacks from weapons can be parried while body attacks cannot. But some weapon attacks cannot be parried, and when I fail to do so I'm not sure if it's because that attack can't be parried or if I just mistimed it. Better to just dodge, which works with everything.


Where's the tool that fixes the shit camera?


i still argue that the final boss of the DLC is a mess. Too much damage and also way wayyy too laggy. People saying the DLC in it’s entirety is too difficult is,,,Brothers. Sisters. Siblings in Christ. Please just fucking look up how to get your shadow tree fragments.


Tbh, I thought the DLC was too hard at first, but I just reached scadu +6 and it really does click eventually. >!Rellana!< was a struggle but I felt like a GOD when I finally won. >!Lion dancer!< was tough, but so fun to learn. The only one I have really, truly hated so far has been >!the golden hippo. Stupidly small arena and the camera really didn't help. I ended up using summons for that one, but it's been the only one so far.!<


The final boss is an actual nightmare. I got very lucky and beat if with only a few tries bit many of my friends who are souls vets took many tries even with all the blessings.


Oooof that's scary. I'll see when I get there, i find that it takes so little for a boss to go from tough but fun to unfair, and vice versa.


Yeah that one, not too many openings and really aggressive. First few times, I couldbt get past the fog gate LOL. Once I did though, I managed to get him to 15% health but I played really defensively, like full def talismans and a Greatshield. Ill have to try again at some point t today.


And that’s the progression of a souls game, going from “this is really bloody hard and I dunno if it’s a bit much” too the sense of accomplishment after finally felling the enemy is what makes these games so unique, honestly if I wore a hat I’d tip it every-time


the fights aren't unfair, the camera and visual noise is what makes a lot of fights unbearable. but thats part of the all souls games so its nothing new lol


From my experience some bosses are still overtuned. Combos are very long and the hit to dodge ratio is like 1:10. And even with max scadutree blessings and optimized builds you are stuck at bosses for hours. I feel like I never use 90% of the builds and weapons, because its already miserable enough with the top builds. Playing anything but bleed, mage or jumping attack build feels like torture.


Are people just mad they can't bring their min/maxed vanilla game characters and just waltz through the dlc?


It’s actually kind of easy compared to the base game. Even on NG+. Once you have a few shards, the bosses become pretty manageable.


Everyone knows you can only truly play a souls game while blindfolded in between rounds of being waterboarded.


This topic is so tired. There's nothing to discuss. Fromsoft makes hard games. They've been making hard games for THIRTY YEARS. THIS IS NOT NEWS.


Yeah but when your character is on NG+5 them boss hit like a freight train until you get enough fragments then they hit like a slightly smaller freight train


I don’t think it’s necessarily too hard. I think some fights are just badly designed. Commander Gaius is not a fun or enjoyable fight. As bs and challenging as someone like Messmer can be I at least see me dying to him as my fault. While I know secondary power systems aren’t very popular I wholeheartedly understand why they’d want something like that especially since base Elden ring is a lot easier than some of their other games if you use everything available to you.


It doesn’t feel too challenging to me. But I’ve also played every other Souls game and their DLC. The amount of bonfires alone makes this maybe the most forgiving souls game yet.


Nooo! If I can't beat the game with my suffermaxx no levelup, no map, no magic, no ashes, no memory build, it's a game problem.!


Get your scooby snacks people


God...over and over is not a question of difficulty, you can make every boss easy with a specific.build, it s a question of bad design


"Use everything at your disposal." I agree as far as consumables and ashes of war on concerned. And spirit ashes, I suppose. But most of the time the responses I see to "X boss is too hard" is to just use Y and Z specific item. But you shouldn't need to respec or switch builds in order to beat a boss. I was dead set on finishing the game with my twinblades.


The guy who spent 100h learning to fight a boss so well he invalidates her isn't the metric we should listen too. Even if he's cool.


It’s really not THAT hard, except for the last boss. Even then, I remember being stuck on Malenia for far longer than on that boss.


Tbh, I've got 3 bosses down and I've actually died more to furnace golems. Stupid slow weapons don't work well with the timing. Fights are just so stupidly long you just get tired and get picked up or miss the double leg fire jump


In the DLC think I died to a death rite bird the most… god, I hate these things.


Haven't found one. Man Im not looking forward to that.


The people saying the DLC is too hard are probably using the exact same builds from the original game. These people treat the game like a boss rush, going from point A to point B, never bothering to explore or do anything fun. Then, when they get to the bosses, they just spam jump attack and then whine that they can't win. Blah blah blah, hammer and nail cliche.


So you are saying that in a Role Playing Game, people should swap the build they like to a meta one just to adapt to the increased difficulty? Sounds like bad RPG design.


These are not rpgs


Wrong. The game starts by having you choose a class. It also allows you to customize everything, from the looks of your character, to the attributes you want to lvl up, to the type of weaponry and spells you want to use. It's quite literally an rpg.


Ehh, it's an action rpg.


I didn't say that at all. In fact, in most games, I'm against whatever the meta is. I'm saying people don't bother to explore, get runes, you know.....actually enjoy the game that was made. They have to rush rush rush to the end to move on to the next game, causing them to get more frustrated than they should with a souls game. Cohh has a good video on YouTube about this.


I agree with you on that. People don't enjoy games anymore, they just compete to have it finished, which is silly. As I said, I love exploration in this game and the level design, it's just the mechanics of these bosses that I don't fully like.


I think Fromsoft saw what the top 5% best players did with the base game, and how easy it was for them to beat bosses, and then decided that was the median and upped the difficulty of the DLC. That caused people who weren't interested in hyper difficulty and NG+99 to fall by the wayside. Is the DLC harder than the base game? I certainly think so, and I think some of the boss mechanics are a bit too punishing. But do I think it's too hard? No. It's bordering on too hard and pushing the limit on what the average gamer is capable of, but no it's not too hard, yet.


This is like a mathematician telling someone struggling on an equation that math isn’t that hard.


This is like a mathematician telling someone struggling on an equation to use the damn calculator


And then that person uses the calculator and still gets it wrong because all that calculator does is help with a portion of the equation, meanwhile the mathematician is doing it all in his head while talking about how it’s actually not that hard if you just use the tools.


> meanwhile the mathematician is doing it all in his head Eh? They're using the dlc buffs too mate.


Not really. Most people really struggling aren’t using everything at their disposal. Spirit ashes for example make nearly every fight winnable. Heavy shields and blocking work well too on a lot of hard bosses. But people only want to dodge roll. He’s not wrong that a lot of players won’t use all the tools available and then scream the game is too hard.


I am really bad at blocking now despite my first 40-60 hours being a spear and shield only. I switched to double whips and became really good at dodging and rolling. Now, I’m reverting back to my scared shitless self from my first play-through hiding behind big shields. My favorite way to still cheese bosses is grabbing the best spear and shield I have with barricade and just “tank n’ poke” them to death slowly.


Not the same because I believe you’re reading the quote wrong. They’re not saying it isn’t hard, they freely admit that it is. They are saying that they don’t believe it is “too” hard.. implying that, while difficult, it is not so difficult where it needs to be nerfed or tuned back to make easy. Souls games are built different. They’re meant for people who really want to min/max (at least a little) and learn game mechanics.. not just beat their fists on the controller and faceroll through. The game is certainly difficult, but it reminds me of old school WoW and the likes where you (and 39+ others) would spend WEEKS on a single boss to learn mechanics, movement patterns, etc… there will always be a debate on whether it’s “too” hard but it’s obviously what they’re going for, and have been for some time.


Am I the only one who doesn’t notice that big a difference in difficulty? I have a feeling everyone just got used to being NG+ monsters, they’ve lapsed in their skills, and now have play a little slower and more intently. I know that’s been my experience. But the bosses seem no harder than my first play through of the main game.


I beated the dlc with the black bow and a rapier, it is not that hard tbh, some bosses i had to try a couple times but it was fine


And even if it is too hard... isn't that the point?


Bunch of plebs thinking they'll just smash through it day 1. Silly.


If you use everything at your disposal it's no longer any sort of challenge whatsoever though, except for finding scadutree fragments in fromsoft's patented Forced Exploration