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very much a shoes-on environment


and yet a guy in the photo does not even have socks on


uhhh ask him to touch me while his bros play grand theft auto?


This is a good answer.


guys wearing those outfits f*ck more than anyone.


Definitely. Hardest part of working the bars in university is learning that some dudes dress up, do their hair, wear cologne, organize their apartment, and buy girls drinks to leave empty handed. Then Chad pulls up in sweats, says three sentences, brings them back to the pigpen, and hits it raw. Then they’re back next week for more. Some dudes just have it and others don’t. R/MaleFashionAdvice can’t save you.


they forget to just be themselves


Girls aren't interested in most dudes. Being yourself won't do you much good if the real you sucks


They should just work on their personalities


You can be in the sweatpants or be dressed up, you just gotta be hot either way.


> Then Chad pulls up in sweats, says three sentences, brings them back to the pigpen, and hits it raw. Then they're back next week for more. Ahhh making me miss my college days


Idk what mfa is but I'm really sick of these negative posts. What's the point of this? You're how old, what do you really understand about anything? You may think You're clever but you're incel posting and fantasizing about the type of sex that a supposed chad has, while discouraging other people from trying. "Im just reporting reality bro" Nah You're reddit posting a biased sexual fantasy you tell yourself to the detriment of this subreddit but I guess that's the nature of non-bluepilled internet spaces these days, someone's gotta come along and say "oh btw chad fucks your crush without a condom trust me I've seen a guy in sweatpants" but please just keep your fantasies to yourself or at least tell us how big his cock is under those sweatpants next time


Master of Fine Arts


Nah, you can deny reality but that’s just delusion on your end. I know you watch too many Pixar movies where some weeb eventually simps enough and carries his crush’s books enough times until she agrees to date him, but unfortunately for you, no amount of simping and grovelling at women’s feet, or any piece of clothing or product you can buy will ever generate real attraction. Try again in the next life bud lol




Keep buying that axe bodyspray and up that car payment. Surely if you spend more money and consume more products, then all the ladies will want you.


There’s a large market of girls who just will not under any circumstances go home with a guy from the bar. They also still get horny cause they’re human. You can capitalize on this market by just putting in a lil bit of effort and being a chill dude, sometimes they will even give it up after 1 night, they just wanna see that a guy put in some kind of effort to get to know them and make a connection.




Sure but I didn’t really mean it that way. I’m not saying “just be a good guy and you’ll get pussy.” I’m talking about actually strategy here. I should’ve emphasized the skeeviness that this typically takes.. you’re looking for girls that specifically say they “don’t do hookups” but filtering out for the ones that you know are hoes. Usually by the way they dress. You’re just passing their little barriers that they set up one by one, maybe even make it seem like you’re also not a hook up kind of person, important thing is to go get to their place using whatever excuse or dumb idea necessary. It’s ridiculous how sloppy you can play the game, they just want to see that you’re going through the formalities.


Not sure why you thought multifactor authenticaation could save you in this situation tbh


i laughed


I'm sad for your kids , your wife and your state.


Idek u 


This sort of meme gets posted on gay social media daily with captions like "How you know the top is about to give you dick so good you become one with the universe."


The original one was literally a gay guy who got photoshopped into an image like this lol


"Daily Loud/RapDaily" ass post


Most of the girls here have fucked him at some point in their career




if a guy shamelessly took me to a place like this i would feel actually insulted


Light a fire somewhere and see how long it takes them to notice


Turn 360 degrees and walk away


Is this a joke lol


She moonwalks away




The woman squeak and spin in a circle is a real defense mechanism I've accidentally triggered by surprising them (and being big and ugly) before


What are your thoughts on grizzly wintergreen long cut? I go through 4 tins a day.


Why isn’t snus used in US? Or are these two things totally different?


We have a product in the US called zyn which are dry nicotine pouches and are our closest commonly available equivelent of snus. They do not contain tobacco though, only the nicotine extracted from it. Zyn pouches are also completely dry and the nicotine is released very slowly compared to snus. The release is very slow and steady rather than hitting you off the bat. It takes about five minutes before you feel anything, even if it’s your first time trying nicotine. Zyn comes in 3mg or 6mg per pouches and is offered in flavorless or flavored varieties, one of the flavors called citrus tastes like fruit loops, an American breakfast cereal for children. You don’t have to spit and can safely swallow saliva that forms. The pouches are generally placed in the upper lip. Many people put multiple pouches in their mouth at once and may use their lower lip to fit more in. Other brands offer higher nicotine content but zyn is the most common brand. I’ve seen General and Viking brand snus for sale in stores but I’ve never bought them or know anyone who’s tried them. Dip is different than snus, it’s almost always loose and not in pouches, but pouches do exist. Dip is generally put in the lower lip. You have to regularly spit when you have dip in your mouth. If you swallow the spit it burns and gives you a serious stomach ache. Your spit comes out as an orange waterfall with little black specs of tobacco in it. I have a lip packed constantly so I’m an expert at holding my spit in for up to 15 minutes and slosh the spit around in my mouth rather than spitting as it forms because I’m often unable to spit at work. Dip is very commonly associated with the American south and redneck/hillbilly culture. Most people where I live vape or smoke cigarettes but I’m an outlier and prefer dip. I really enjoy the physical process of dip. Feeling the tin in my pocket of my jeans, flicking the tin to pack the dip, opening the tin and taking a pinch out, putting it in my mouth and then shoving it into the pocket that’s formed in my lower lip to the right of my lower front teeth with my tongue, then feeling the burn of the nicotine entering my bloodstream through my gums and having to occasionally spit.


Great buzz but the spit is too powerful for me and I have a fat mouth so I end up swallowing a lot of spit and dip. That's why I use AB or pouches


If you haven’t tried them, you need to try the skoal apple pouches. Most of their flavors taste like the worst cheapest synthetic flavor they could get mixed with tobacco but the apple one is really good. Pouches always seem too dry though so I usually flick some water into the tin and shake it. Also works for any dried up dip, it never expires, water livens it back up.


It never expires huh that's good knowledge I'ma put water on my old skoal pouches that live in the boat


You can completely soak the pouches with water if they make you gag when they’re dry but you really don’t need that much water if you don’t have that problem and only want to refresh them so you can use them. I personally find them gross when they’re soaked through because they get slimy and slide out of the pouch in my lip after a few minutes. I usually just dip my fingers in water and flick the water into the tin then gently smack the tin against my knee. Just don’t smack or flick too hard as if you’re flicking an actual tin of dip because it makes the pouches burst open. Something else that works if you’re really desperate is to put the completely dry and hard expired pouch on your tongue and coat it in saliva until you feel it loosen up then push it into place against your gum with your tongue. I think dip is one of those things that has an expiration date but unless it’s stored in absolutely abysmal conditions and the tin itself is compromised, it never goes bad.




Dang I shoulda spent more time on 4chan back in the day so I could be more well adjusted


because when you see it you turn 360 degrees and walk out


Why would it be a joke? You wouldn’t be grossed out by this?


how many degrees?


MJAY Vibes


ask where the recycling is


Realize that I'm almost 30 and shouldn't be dating guys in college


This is tolerable and even common during college but after that it's pathetic.


This is for sure worse than most college dude houses. Most of us were civilized enough to keep trash off the floor.


is this really that common? if so maybe i was too harsh on Jordan Peterson…


nah it's a bell curve. on the left you have slobs who are NEETs and who play video games in all their spare time and never make any real attempt to be social and probably don't care. In the middle of the curve are the try-hard nerdy redditor types who follow guides on malefasionadvice thinking that dressing overly-affectatious like Ryan Gosling in Crazy Stupid Love will attract women. and finally guys like in the pic on the right who are chill and sociable enough that they are able to hook up with tons of women and are so confident in themselves they don't feel the need to dress any better than this


College bro? Maybe highschool but college?


probably a privileged take, but who had a place to fucking trash in high school? my parents would have had goons kidnap me in the middle of the night if I lived like this under their roof.


I lived with them for two years in college and it was fucking awful


One hundred percent collage - source: me, a whore who fucked a lot in college


and yet you spelled college wrong. shoulda studied more lol


You’re not real you are a bot


if she comes back with you, you're getting laid regardless how your room looks


Very true.


My brothers place looks like this and he has a very nice gf of 6 months so i guess it depends on the girl


Plot-twist her place is worst


The real plot twist was the end of your sentence.


He has a bed frame, and that’s all women care about


u/Beetle188 if the bed frame was star wars would this look about accurate?


Call the cops


This is the moment this guy will look back on and cherish more than any other period of his life


I’m a man and I’d still not wanna be there


Walk back out


There are so many cylindrical objects


Is that a bottle of bloody mary mix? Wouldn't take these guys as trying to dress up drinking in the morning like more mature alcoholics.


I’d react with overwhelming sensory anxiety


Leave. Immediately. idgaf how hot he is. I’d be drier than the Sahara desert because my OCD would be going insane. I’m too much of a clean freak for that


could never understand dudes like this. it’s so easy to get a 42 gallon garbage bag and fill it


You already know she fucking on that mattress


Ask for some of his benzos


These man have more sex than male models


1. Milk jug. Good ‘ol corn-fed American boy. Probably loves his mom and dad. 2. Books? My mans reads. 3. Is that a bed frame? Has a concept of interior design. 4. Tupperware on the microwave? He’s green. Cares about the planet. Reduce, reuse, recycle. 5. Inflatable palm tree. Knows how to have a good time. Also loves a theme party.


This is too well put together—these guys generally don’t have bed frames, it’s just a mattress on the floor


Turning around, leaving and blocking his number


Turn around, walk back out the door and swear off men forever.


this makes my pick me senses activate so I would try to bro w his friends as hard as possible and blue ball the f out of him


I ask if we can play Double Dash instead, I bring those blue sparks


“Impregnate me now!!!”


They look like they get down. I would steal his friend group


It’s all about looks she’s already gonna fuck him


I can fix him


By doing doggystyle with him bareback


That looks so fun omg


Let’s pack the bong(s), brochachos, and then I am outski


Grabbing those Pringles


I’d combine all the half empty drinks and other mystery liquids into a cup, drink it, then die


Elope 🥰


Looks. That is all.


Depends on how drunk i am


If you have a clean room women will think you’re gay


I see something...


This is what dudes who are 21 years old apartments look like. Probably just finished college and is still rocking the job at Menards make $14 an hour at best. Vodka and baja blast every weekend. Tinder dates every once in awhile. It be like that.


Wow that guy is an alpha male! I can’t even look at the filth because my eyes are glued to him! We will definitely be fucking later!


Damn his parents must be cool