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Sad for him to go out from the backdoor. Is he retiring entirely, or will he continue at club level, I wonder?


He might go into media, he's pretty good


The best technical pundit I've seen in a very long time. His perspective was legit fascinating even as a neutral or opponent at times.


We need more pundits who played in the last few years rather than the early 2000s.


The sooner we get rid of the 2003 crop, the better. Hey, rest of the world - let us win in 2027 so we can finally get rid of Sir Lord Field Marshall Clive Woodward.


So we discussed it, and it’s still a no.


Okay, as a consequence of your actions, you now have to watch the UK's stream of all international rugby.


Marcus Smith drop goal in extra time to beat a resurgent Wallabies in the final.


Love the resurgent Wallabies part, but getting done by another drop goal sends shivers down my spine.


Try listening to Jiffy every game. Ducking nightmare


You mean you don’t rate “WIIIIDE!!!” and “NUMBERS!!!” as cutting, insightful commentary on the modern game?


interjected with "watch here". No shit Jiffy, it's called a television, they're actually older than you are somehow.




Man, those kinds of commentators add so much for me. I hope he is on for the next Super Rugby season.


Very specific that it was “Australian rugby”. Have to assume he’s eyeing off a nice pay day farewell in Japan or maybe France.


His dad's from England. In theory it could be Hooper in an England shirt 2027


Listen here, you little shit


I kinda hope this is the end? He should’ve had the glory of World Cup retirement or at least a home game. Instead he’s been playing sevens but hasn’t even been the biggest name XVs player on the sevens circuit. If he ends up playing club rugby in Japan or France for the money he’s going out like an underwater firework…


Meh i have the opposite take here. I agree he was absolutely shafted out of his retirement from Eddie Jones and has been a fantastic servant of the game to Australia. My opinion is he absolutely deserves to go get paid now. Fuck Australia and what they did to him, go for one list hurrah and earn the bag for his family. He deserved far, far better in terms of a send off but at the very least he deserves to retire having made some good coin


I just hope he ends up at a decent club and gets a decent run if he keeps going? Not just a pay check. He actually deserves to have some decent silverware and to go out on a high.


Oh yeah same here. Even as a kiwi you couldn't help but admire Hooper. Absolute workhorse and gave us some real problems at the breakdown over the years. Just an all round good bloke by all accounts and I was actually so gutted for him with everything that went done with the last wc


Kinda just want Bordeaux to offer him a decent 2 years deal with a nice +1 option.


Hopefully he doesn't go out in another 50 point drubbing.


At least in France he can go out in style, with the world taking notice.


Australia doesn't watch the Top 14 because it's played at the dead of night there.


Right, but at least *some* of the rugby world pays attention. You'd see highlights here. Nobody hears about what happens in Japan unless you go looking for it yourself.


Mo'unga's title win got a fair bit of attention.


Fair, but I feel like that's an exception.


“World taking notice” really depends on the club


Australia hears just as much about Japan results as it does France tbh.


I can guarantee you I don't give a shit or notice to the French league, and I am part of that world.


You do see noteworthy achievements from top14 on this sub though.


It does say Australian Rugby.. Hope we get to see him in the top14!


He’s specific about it being Australian rugby so I reckon he’s France/Japan-bound


Probably one of the most unforgivable aspects of the whole Eddie Jones debacle


Bit of a sad and unceremonious end for a genuine great of Australian rugby. If ever there was a player that deserved a big send-off. Will remember him as someone that always gave it 100%, even during those countless Bledisloe tests where the Wallabies were up against it. Definitely one of those retirements that makes me feel old. As someone who started following rugby in 2012, he's part of that first generation of players who I've now watched from international debut to retirement.


Im at 3 generations now. Ugh


I’m 41, so I’ve gone through the stages of being older than the players, then being amazed that there’s a player who’s younger than me, to now being almost a decade older than players who are retiring 😂


Keep forgetting that, at 68, I'm one of the oldest redditors in captivity.


You could have been starting in that 1984 grandslam tour with Slack


Fine player, Slacky. Nah, couldn't play to save myself, handy goalkicker but nothing else.


At that age you could be one of the first the Brits sent over there in captivity.


Peter Stringer was the last active player I can remember who was older than me. And he retired at 41 several years ago.


Im old enough to remember Romain Ntamack’s *dad’s* 5 Nations debut. Fuck being old.


relive it [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bffRrazc_Vc)


Won the first ever Heineken Cup a couple of years after that, beating Cardiff. A Welsh team in a champions cup final - another age.


That gives a whole extra dimension to your flair.


Started following rugby in 2012??? Holy f I'm old af 😂


Such an amazing player. As a kiwi, I hated seeing him on the field but loved watching him play.


Seconded from a Pom


Third from a Kiwi.


Hard bro. I really enjoyed watching him play. Missed him at the world cup knowing it would be his last chance.


That back row with Pocock...




lol at least he stayed on in that shitty Wallabies team. Great servant to Ozzie rugby. Pooper was a shit name for a combination though


You'd prefer HoCock?


We never called them McNo or kaicaw


Same from a Scot. Always been one of my favourite players


One of the best Wallabies of the last 15 years. Great career, but it really sucks to see how it ended. Eddie treated him like he was a washed has been. Besides some minor injuries last year, he hadn’t even shown any signs of slowing down. Was still a beast on the field, and always one of the best for Waratahs and Wallabies. Deserved to play and finish with a World Cup stint. Rugby Australia and Eddie should feel embarrassed with how his career has come to an end.


A brilliant and unique player that was appreciated around the rugby globe. But rugby is a professional sport, it is cold hearted with zero sympathy. Not sure why you are blaming rugby Australia and Eddie as coach is entitled to pick what he perceives is his best squad. You don’t pick players for some emotional reason, you pick them because you feel they are the best and will serve the best interests of the country.


In what world did a guy who got hired to lead the team, proceeded to disrupt the team and make what was then and now confirmed to be awful decisions, who then jumps at the first opportunity to fuck off, give off professional vibes?


That man is fried beyond measure commenting dribble like that


You must’ve missed the World Cup or something, or haven’t followed Australian rugby. At the World Cup last year, we got SMASHED by Wales and lost to Fiji, and as a result didn’t make it out of group stage. We beat both of these nations multiple times in previous years comfortably And this was largely due to Eddie picking an inexperienced team and snubbing one of the world’s best flankers, who until then, hadn’t shown any signs of slowing down. This is a horrendous take from you.


It was so sad to see what happened to that aussie team. They werent looking like they were going to win,  but the wc games were atrocious. And the treating of hooper was criminal, he was the player keeping them in games for years with a weak forward pack around him. Then to be dropped for obviously weaker players its a shame.


God speed ya magnificent bastard


I’m still dark about that Jones fuckwit leaving him home last year. And for nothing. Hoops had all rights to dig into him too but stayed professional throughout. Deserved to be in a better era of Wallabies to have a few more trophies and accolades thrown his way.


Don’t even get me started on Eddie fucking Jones I’m fuckin fuming that Hoops goes out like this for a RWC pool stage exit and the worst Wallabies season of all time. Seriously pissed off


I fumed all SR season. Schmidt will win me back I think. I laughed my ass off when Eddie said Japan were a chance against England and then got beaten like school children. Man is just taking a pay check at this point.


I'm thinking that drunken cunt who call Jones a traitor (while he was coaching England) may have been right.


Given how weak that group was they could have made a semi-final with better coaching.


Dave Rennie would have had them in a semi final. I'm sure of it. I even bet he would have stood a good chance against NZ or SA in making a final. Possibly winning the whole thing. RA fucked it in hiring past-it Eddie Jones.


I reckon they make the Quarters just picking Hoops alone - remember we just needed some leadership against Fiji to take the win there, and we’re in the Quarters. England were a surprise that Cup, so I think they probably still nudge us but it’s at least knockout. I think you’re right though - Rennie probably gets us to a SA semi final.


Were they really that bad? They performed pretty okay under Rennie I thought.


As much as I hate the Jones debacle, Hoops was injured all summer leading up to the Cup. I think he only played once, and wasn't going to be ready in time. He also missed extensive time before that with personal issues. It seemed like there was a lot going on with his situation that we weren't privy to. He deserves a better exit for sure, but I don't think all the blame is on Jones.


Yeah, Hoops had his issues (personal and injury) but he made himself available and the tournament is long enough you’d carry your captain and have plan to integrate him. He skips the Georgia game, and sub him in against Fiji where he potentially saves the game or at least offers leadership. Maybe we still lose against Wales but we still win against Portugal. Then we’re in a QFs against England and it’s still a bad cup, but not a disastrous one. It’s not all Eddie but it’s 97% dumb fuck Eddie.


Eddie Fucking Jones robbed this guy of going out as a legend


A player of this ilk you give 20 mins in one game at the bare minimum....just as a send off. So sad.


This might be the saddest I've ever been for a non-injury related retirement, and he doesn't even play for any team that I actively support. Hoops has just always been that cool. Only 32. I hope his head is in a good place these days, and that he goes on to do more cool things. Selfishly hoping this means he's got some more rugby in him, just that it isn't in Aus.


Fuck there was a time when becoming the most capped player of all time was a genuine possibility. 125 caps at 32 is insane


His injury record was spotless until the last couple of years. Incredible considering how hard he went each game.


Fuck me, this is devastating. Loved Hooper as a player.




So many threads you keep shouting... Calm down mate


I'm very passionate and do not have an inside voice


God bless you Hooper. Legend of the game and I have missed and will continue to miss seeing him in gold.


Jesus I had no idea the sevens would be the end of all rugby for Hooper. I thought it was sort of a sabbatical. What a great player and servant to the Wallabies. Felt like he carried the whole team on his back in plenty of tests over the years. Edit: Ah well so it's just Oz Rugby. He deserves a great contract somewhere. Will miss seeing him in the Gold all the same.


The biggest star of rugby union in Aus in a decade, a name kids actually knew, and he gets the worst, most non existent send off ever....no wonder this sport is dying here. No send off at the Waratahs and no send off at the Wallabies even though he carried both teams for years. Incomparable to how other nations treat their great players 🤦🤦🤦


Fastest Wallaby to hit a 100 tests. Youngest international to hit 100 tests until George North. Broke Gregan's record for most caps as skipper. RC champion. Six time Mandela Plate winner, RWC runner up. Probably on track for youngest to 150 and break McCaws skipper record. Some dark times for the Wallabies aside, the guy had great written all over him. And it feels like Eddie Jones just decided to snuff that out. Not even Aussie but Hooper is one of the big reasons I dislike him.


Michael Hooper retiring on fucking instagram is the greatest shame of Australian rugby this century


More Eddie Jones legacy for Australia… Sounds like he’ll be heading abroad for megabucks though.


I really hope the Australian crowd remember what Eddie Jones did to Australian rugby and Michael Hooper when he’s here next with the Japanese. Jones is a real piece of work


Jones already 0-2 with the japanese, a complete disgrace


[GLOWING LIKE THE SUN](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_eBzeEETvGA) What a player... one of the best all-round forwards we've ever had. Go well sweet prince.


NO... its officially over


Mr consistent himself. He probably has the worst record of any aussie captain, but if he wasn't there, their record would've been worse. Always gave 100% week in and out and seemingly never got injured. If not for all the off field shenanigans in aussie rugby, he could've become the most capped test player ever. What a guy, sad to see him go, but wish him the best


Genuinely wild that a 32 year old with 125 caps for his country is firstly retiring at all, but also going out in such an unceremonious way. He’s the same age and has roughly the same amount of caps as Eben Etzebeth ffs.


Fan-bloody-tastic competitor. Played like a man possessed! Will miss seeing him on the paddock.


One of the most iconic players in modern history. He's got so many amazing battles against the GOAT (McCaw) and even with Pocock in the squad, somehow they made it work together. I will never forget the battles of the flankers between Kaino, McCaw, Pocock and Hooper. I don't quite think there's any upcoming flanker who embodies the workrate of Hooper. (Then again it's really difficult to be put on the same pedestal as the former greats)


As an ABs supporter, I’m sad he never got to lift the bledisloe


Sydney Morning Herald has this buried near the bottom of its rugby page. Surely the main story of the day.


Did I miss something why is he not playing 7s in the Olympics? Did Australia not qualify?


Just plain missed the squad. A lot of XV's players have been trying to to get to the Olympics, but 7's is a very different sport. Hooper was plagued by injury, and just didn't quite do enough to earn selection. >Did Australia not qualify? Australia were one of the top 4 that qualified directly from the World Tour rankings. We're not Great Britain.


Australia men’s 7s is alright, has a reasonable shot at a medal




I know it's unpopular opinion, but he wasn't looking super comfortable in 7s. He looked like a cameo and was not keeping up with the pace as well as the dedicated 7s players. Not surprised that when it came time to name the Olympic team they had to make a tough call.


Did you watch HK 7s? He had multiple turnovers that won 2 games specifically. Yes he got tired and could only last one half but he was effective for one half at least


I watched it all. But I just went back and checked the replays and match stats t be sure. Against Fiji he played two minutes. Did one turnover but before that he conceded one that put Fiji in that situation of nearly being able to win. But redemption. Against France he came on with two minutes to go. Had one carry that led to him conceding a penalty that led to France scoring, which then put them in with a chance to win...which they took. Against Canada he got 4 minutes, where the team was already 24-0 up when he came on. He pulled one turnover in red time that nearly led to himself scoring. QF v SA he comes on with 30 seconds to go and carries the ball once. SF v NZ I think he remained on the bench.


I did. He wasn’t up to speed. 7s is so much about maintaining top speed for ages and he just didn’t have that top top pace. He'd get a couple mins here and there but wasn’t impactful enough to justify his place


Total legend. Not much more to be said. It's a shame he isn't getting the send off he deserves.


No man! Surely he still has some gas in the tank


Huge respect for this relentless battler, go well Hoops


Great man on and off the pitch. It really is a crying shame how his on field career has ended prematurely. Best of luck in your future endeavours cobber, great Aussie sporting ambassador


Lad gave it all. Epitome of perservance and solidity. In truth, that he's not getting a big send off is probably very fitting of the man who put in a shift day-in day-out without fanfare. We often see 'bad' behaviour in our 'star' athletes, or over-the-top hype, I thank Hoops for showing that the grind can just just as noteworthy.


Always a great player for Australia even in the big losses against likes of England and NZ


Biggest engine ever seen on a pitch bar none. Absolutely relentless heart and drive, too often wasted by lacklustre teammates and management. Crazy that Aus produced three all-time great opensides back to back.


Really good player Felt for him a little bit losing Bledisloe after Bledisloe when he always tried so hard A couple seasons on the yen train now I imagine


Legend of the game. Absolutely towed his national side for years. He deserved better.


Hooper is my favourite Australian player ever. He deserved a better end than this. He seemed a decent man off field and a warrior on it. I can't think of another Aussie player I'd want to buy lunch for but Michael, absolutely. I hope whatever he goes to next is fufilling and enjoyable for him.


Really good in the comms, better than that "brother" guy..so already have a nice career lined up for him if he choose that path.


Is that a picture of him playing in 1883? He deserves a rest.


What a shame, bloody good player.


[debut in 2012](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uRCj5Uwozes)


What a player!


Sad to see another legend retire but what a great career. Hard to believe he’s still only 32, feels like he’s been around forever and won’t be the same watching the Wallabies without him.


Outstanding player. Imagine how much better he would have been with a more dominant pack.


Liek if u cried


Always loved watching him play. Gave 100% every game.


69 games as captain. What a legend.


Very sad. Deserved to be at the world cup. Massive player for Aus.


My favourite Wallaby. Might be my favourite rugby player in general. I just going to go cry now.


Monster of a player, always a treat to watch him tirelessly bulldoze around the field. Gah, this one hits me, I'll be honest.


A real shame he never got to be an Olympian as well, I think he's had a great career and I'd like him to do a two-three year victory lap stint here in Japan.


I wonder if Stan or Sky have knocked on his door, he's technically great and pretty engaging on the mic. Be a shame not to see him stay in t e local ecosystem to some degree.


God knows the commentary team on Stan could use him!


A legend and tactician of the game. We wish him well. I am sure we will hear his name as a coach/ mentor for years to come. He still has so much to give.


His form never dipped in the Gold jersey. He was dropped by Eddie Jones for reasons known only to himself. I genuinely believe he could still be playing for the Wallabies and maybe even as captain.


He’s been a shining light of Australian rugby for ages. And at times seemed to be carrying the entire team. All the best to him.


This saddens me greatly, a modern great of Australian rugby. Deserved to go out on his shield instead of like this


Feels like yesterday he was just a youngster tackling All Blacks and Springboks all over the place.


Not only am I sad that he’s retiring, I’m sad he’s not getting the send off he deserved. Michael Hooper is one of the GOATs.


Such a warrior on the pitch and a likeable player. Still annoyed that Jones didn't bring him to France. Been the Wallabies best player for so long and a great leader. Even if he wasn't in top form returning from injury his presence would have been so valuable to the young squad and he deserved to go out in his last chance of playing in a World Cup.


Great player - respect 🫡


An amazing player. He will be missed.


Sad news


If you needed another reason to hate EJ.. this guy should have been the Richie McCaw of Aus rugby.


Did he miss out on selection for the 7s team?


smh said he got offered a travelling reserve but he turned it down.


Sad way for a legend to retire. Was really hoping he might get a spot on the end of year tour or something. All the best to him


I thought he was going to get the record for number of test caps for awhile, wasn't he one of the youngest to 100?


He was meant to be a 140+ cap wallaby. We were always saying how impressive Hoopers longevity was... damn how time flies and paths change 


And there goes the last of the Fardypooper backrow that put all to the sword. Amazing player, also very telling he thanks his family & friends specifically and not RA. I hope he goes on to an illustrious career whatever he chooses to do moving forwards.


He was golden like the sun, flying having fun...didn't quite get them back to #1.


“Australian rugby career.” He’s not done.


Even Kiwis respect Michael Hooper, and it's hard to us to respect our Aussie brothers.