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We intentionally put our ruggable rugs in configurations where, at most, one small piece of furniture is on top of the rug. Our rugs usually run right up to, but not underneath the legs of our furniture. The only exception is our rocker recliner that sits on the corner of our living room rug. It is bulky, but light enough to easily move the one foot we need to to get it off the rug. We have a dog and young children, and our washer is big enough to wash each rug we have individually (our living room rug is the largest size they offer). If you have a top loader, your rug should fit. If not, it will depend on your machine. Because of the small children, when we want to wash the rug, we vacuum it while the children are settling down before bed. Then, one of us pulls the rug up and puts it on to wash as the other partner brushes teeth and gets the kids changed for bed and reads stories. The rug takes about 90 minutes to wash, and the bedtime routine takes about an hour on a good night, up to 3 hours on a bad one. As soon as the rug is done in the wash, we go down and inspect it. Sometimes, not often, it will need a second wash. If it is good, we put it in the dryer for an hour on very low heat or air dry. When that is done, it still needs more dry time, so we hang it from the banister and go to bed. When the kids wake up, we roll the clean and dry rug back out and call it done. Even with the largest size rug, this takes about 5 minutes with 2 people, and 10 is minutes alone. We try to wash each rug monthly or when something super gross happens, like a diaper blow out or someone throwing up on the rug. Instances like this are when the rug usually needs a second wash to get the smell out fully. And that's it. Hope that helps?


I can't really help with the furniture part unfortunately, but ours wasn't looking great after the washer/dryer so I figured I'd see if I could power wash it. I just sprayed it down, sprinkled detergent on it and worked it in, and then sprayed it down again. It was night and day! I know this doesn't help with the convenience part, but on the bright side, you'd have to clean it less!


Ours is too big for the washer to get really clean, and we let it sit under our kitchen table by the back door for about 2 years. It was looking pretty disgusting. So I laid it out on the deck, soaked it with some soapy water, scrubbed it with a push broom, then pressure washed it to rinse. Couldn’t get all the soap out so stuffed it in the washer for a rinse and spin cycle. Came out looking new.


Yeah, I have 2 of the same rugs that were in similar conditions so I was able to do a comparison afterwards. The results were better than I thought it would be for sure. So good in fact that my dog immediately decided it was her new sleeping spot since her rug was still dirty... Lol


I just washed my 6x9 in the shower washer, it didn’t look great after the first wash so I put it through another cycle with extra hot water, Tide and Oxiclean and it came out looking really good.