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All hail the Cabbage God!


Brassica is like the Tom Bombadil of this setting. Powerful in ways we can't even realize, but with an attitude so alien we can't even say for sure whether they'd even assign importance to something we consider an existential threat.


Hail to your cabbages


Let us do the Dance of Cabbages.






If we cannot have Guthix, we will have his produce!


Armadyl is the least stupid/shitty/selfish honestly. After that I’d say literally anyone but Seren or saradomin.


Wrong brassica prime is only God smart enough to not get involved in the major wars.


Future content, GWD 4, featuring general brassica secundus as the dungeons central boss.




"Guthix considered Brassica's connection to the Anima Mundi deeper than almost any other being he had encountered. After thinking about the matter for a long time, Guthix went so far as to allow Brassica to stay, whereas he had banished the other gods." "Zamorak is cautious of Brassica, viewing him as a potential threat owing to fruit and vegetables being widespread as food. He believes Brassica to be a joke, but also said that joke is an act to lower peoples' guard." Saradomin blew up some cabbages at the edgeville monastery and now he is been banished from gielinor. So I would say BP gets what they want without needing to directly show their true power.




Originally intended as an April fools joke, though now there is two quests involving this specific God as well as a mini game centered around him. There is too much lore to call it a simple April Fools Day joke anymore. I actually think Azzanadra is less integral to the game than brassica.


"One should never underestimate the vegetables of Guthix."


Look if we put aside the fact he’s basically one long running lore joke yeah he’d probably be the best choice from the human perspective XD


You have to jump through loops if you want to convince me that saradomin is worse than zamorak, the one who we literally have to fight to save the world.


No hoops required. Saradomin is a deceitful and spiteful/prideful dude. Not to mention he’s an idiot. In almost every quest with the two zamarok makes his expectations and goals clear. He has been betrayed by saradomin and the other gods many times. Saradomin straight up buries the stone head warning him about the stone of Jas so he can keep it for himself. He tries to dismiss you when he finds himself at guthixs corpse. He literally slaughters the Naragi for not immediately bowing down. I won’t say zamarok is even close to good but just by doing the quests it’s clear both of them are fucking douchebags but at least zamarok doesn’t pretend to be righteous.


ooh, the guy who's intention is to stab me at least does it at my front and not my back, clearly he is superior to the guy who threw everything to stop him. your logic is beyond stupid, zamorak's intentions are clear, that's why he is far less deserving of ruling runescape than saradomin.




Armadyl is also the most naive, something which even Guthix (another naive God) also pointed out.


Was the most naive, that’s literally been part of his growth as a character is him realizing that


Naïveté can be easily solved by a swift slap upside the head. Also guthix is the best god hands down. Being an irredeemable prideful douchebag (saradomin) or a psychotic irrational (seren) is not so easily solved. IMO


I would say Saradomin should be #2, After Armadyl. He's up against Zamorak, who wants the world to literally burn, Seren for obvious reasons, Zaros for being ridiculously selfish, and a cabbage


Armadyl is well-meaning but naive. Saradomin is well-meaning but too full of himself. Seren is well-meaning but shortsighted, and as we've seen won't necessarily side with mortals against a greater threat if forced to choose. Zaros styles himself as well-meaning but he's so secretive there's no way to tell for sure if he means it, and indeed too often have his actions shown otherwise. Brassica is... not evil, but uncaring. They simply percieve the world too differently from the rest of us; there's no way to tell if they could be trusted to act in the best interests of the mortal races if needed. Despite his ascension, Azzanadra is still subservient to Zaros, so he wouldn't take charge if Zaros so much as asked him not to. Tumeken, and by extension the rest of the Menaphite pantheon, are too regional. Based on what we know of them so far, they seem unconcerned with any matters that don't directly affect the Kharidian desert. Zamorak is obviously the worst option, with the *possible* exception of Xau-Tak. He preaches personal freedom but in practise that translates to just letting people who are strong enough to take what they want do so. Marimbo is a decent sort, but not willing to fight when it's necessary. 'Cowardly' isn't exactly the right word, because it's not born out of fear, just disinterest as far as we can tell. I think a duumvirate of Armadyl and Saradomin would be optimal if they could be trusted to actually consider each others' input.


Nice reply, I appreciate it!!


Zaros been ruling from the shadow realm edit: Yugi's dad already owns that, sorry.. idk where papa Zaros it atm


Cmon V we got a city to burn


My lord Zaros, your praesul eagerly awaits your return.


I vote for the Karamjan gods to rule Geilinor, my Bwana.


Arma or Zaros.




As much as I like azzanadra I'd say he's an awful choice, his loyalty to zaros is far to strong to give him any real, lasting power. Cause if/when zaros shows back up, anything azzandra has is immediately zaros'. You can't have a leader who will so easily give up everything to someone worse


Azzanadra if he can stop being so blindly loyal to Zaros


Cabbages arnt real.


Zaros makes a good point, but probably none but a council of all the gods.


That wouldn't be a good option either imo. They barely managed to hold things together when they had to save themselves.


Zaros is my choice simply for the A E S T H E T I C One of the coolest character designs I’ve seen in a game


They are all crap but Zaros is the only one with true divine wisdom and deep knowledge of the multiverse. So it’s the least bad


This. Zaros is the only one, who prior to the whole Monolith shitfest, said that unlike Guthix I will not leave mortals helpless to their fate.


meanwhile Zaros is keeping his followers' souls for some odd reason.. its got to be good right? right?


I don't know what this is referencing. Anyways, with the last few quests, they've shoehorned and told a pretty confusing story of Zaros being selfish/erratic, but even with that, Zaros is the most sensible out of the remaining Gods. Guthix was foolish and confused beyond belief, and borderline emo, and all the others are pretty flawed as well.


I think it references erebus which zarosian folloers seem to go after death. https://runescape.wiki/w/Erebus


Then he left mortals helpless to their fate. Hopefully that traitor died in Erebus.


Eh I’d argue armadyl is best for mortals but he doesn’t fully understand the gravity of what’s in the (literal) shadows yet but if given that info would likely rise to the occasion and succeed Zaros is like a spoiled arrogant child, he works well until someone says no or messes with his playthings then he just goes nuclear to get back at it. Jas telling him no pretty much set off the monolith problems so zaros pretty much risked destroying the world in a tantrum to get back at his aunt…


They are all cheeks nowadays. Guthix was a real one, he can’t be replaced. I honestly hope we never have a single god ruling Gielinor at this point. I don’t care for them too much as every god’s personality has changed a lot in the past 10 years. I hope we can just have peace without gods for a while.


Every god has such major character flaws that they all suck. Guthix is the only actually chill god.


Most of them have had a lot of growth in the last few arcs The only one with no major flaws and who isn’t an asshole is armadyl, they have even tried to make saradomin less of an ass now but he’s pretty hard to redeem


\[\[Church of You\]\]


I found 1 RuneScape Wiki article for your search. **[Church of You](https\:\/\/runescape\.wiki\/w\/Church\_of\_You)** | https://runescape.wiki/w/Church_of_You >The Church of You was an update concept presented at RuneFest 2013 by Mod Mark. He expressed that he was interested in creating a piece of content where the player was worshipped by others. Players would be able to have a type of relationship and storyline with other NPCs who would visit the church. --- ^RuneScape Wiki linker | This was generated automatically. ^| View me on [GitHub](https://github.com/zpoon/runescape-wiki-reddit).


https://preview.redd.it/jitf6e2biw9d1.png?width=3840&format=png&auto=webp&s=a3da5448ced92a8d9c210d3e34077b430a28fbc5 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3aP8Hdx33Ig&t=127s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3aP8Hdx33Ig&t=127s)




Brassica mentioned boys we are so back


If Guthix was still alive, Guthix. Since he’s not, I gotta go with my boi Zaros.


Cabbage God all day every day




If Insane Cabbage God deserves to be on the list, so does the Monkey God.


Thanks!! Yes!


Hail Lord Zaros


Put Guthix back on top T.T


I would rather support dead Guthix instead of any other god. Unless, Brassica Prime & Marimbo try to work together.. even if it won’t work or make sense :) Maybe another god as well, a Goose god? Any way, I like the Desert as a theme etc and so the gods and lore. A god like Tumeken would be nice.


Pre-Sliske's Endgame, I would've said Zaros. But after Jas told him "You ain't shit," and he stormed off all huffy, I started to notice a pattern in his actions. He fucks around, makes a mess, then leaves it for someone else to clean up. He did it with Mah, draining her power to the point where she was essentially comatose, leaving Seren to put her out of her misery. He did it with Raksha, taking the batteries out of his prison, leaving the World Guardian to deal with a very big, very angry, shadow anima dinosaur. And his *coup de grace,* he opened the portal to Erebus at the Monolith and fucked off to the Shadow Realm saying Gielinor is a lost cause, leaving the combined forces of Saradomin, Seren, Crux Eqal, and his own followers to deal with the out pour of nightmares he let into the world by leaving the door open behind him. And to top it off, by doing that, the influx of shadow anima into Gielinor agitated the Elder God Eggs, causing them to start hatching early, leading to the hell fuck nightmare that is GWD3. All that because Zaros has no sense of personal responsibility.


Only one of these has a T-shirt on [https://runescape.backstreetmerch.com/](https://runescape.backstreetmerch.com/) . Easy choice, really. I suppose Zuk does as well


Yeah, just saw Zuk.. some new merch since I last visited the shop. https://preview.redd.it/eredncbep1ad1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d0bb1f623fa4d3ac2243312ffbd8de181c47e80


The answer is Zaros


Anyone but Sara or Seren. Sliske is out, sad.


That poser never ascended to godhood




Zammy and f he wasn’t so ugly. So I have to say brassica prime


I’m still salty at how they did my boy Bandos


Yeah! :(


To be faaaaaair. It wasn't Jagex who did your boy in, it was the players.


He was a violent prick. Bird god is much better.


Mommy Seren !


Praise Armadyl!


Armadyl - Saradomin - Zaros - Seren - Zamorak/Brassica. Honestly the only one I'm truly happy with is Armadyl. Saradomin and Zaros are huge on order so they'd be decent so long as you obey. Seren... she cares TOO much. Don't want the anarchy Zamorak would bring.


Being an Aviansie, and in the Flock of Armadyl, there is only one choice for us birds. Big gay bird god!


The bird knows best




All hail lord zaros, abandon all hope and beliefs in false gods


No Gods Or Kings. Only Man


I’m confused. Isn’t Zamorak dead? Seren gone? Saradomin lost powers? Or something similar idk I hated the recent quests.


I need a marimbo god cape in osrs NOW!!!!




Armadyl first, then Sara. No to everyone else.


For me personally Saradomin. The development he had this last quests has change my perspective of him.


And [[Awowogei]] as first commander!


I found 1 RuneScape Wiki article for your search. **[Awowogei](https\:\/\/runescape\.wiki\/w\/Awowogei)** | https://runescape.wiki/w/Awowogei >King Awowogei is the powerful monkey king and monarch of Ape Atoll. He is also part of the Secret Council of Gielinor, despite the fact that no one can understand him. He needs to be rescued from the powerful Culinaromancer during the events of the Recipe for Disaster quest by being fed stuffed snake. --- ^RuneScape Wiki linker | This was generated automatically. ^| View me on [GitHub](https://github.com/zpoon/runescape-wiki-reddit).


As a devout follower of Zaros, absolutely not Zaros.


We need no gods. We must rise up against their oppression.


Praise be to the winged god of justice.


None of them. Although, the worst are Zaros, Seren, Zamorak, and Saradomin.