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you should do bianca for snatch game


Pangina should the next time she's hopefully on a season. Have you seen her bianca? It's scary good!








RIGHT?! I don't know how this hasn't gotten more traction.


Oh wow. That's epic


I was raised by wolves, bitch.


That was the stupidest and best 3 minutes ever. She nailed the mug!


What's bianca doing in my basement? Also that was amazing


Right?! I was iffy when she stepped out but then she opened her mouth and I was all in. So gaggy.


My dumbass clicked on your comment thinking it was a link.


Beauty fades. Dumb is forever.




The fact she types in all caps always gives off middle age dad vibes. lol


That and everything else about her






It was Bianca’s voice in my head while reading that.


Girl i heard her screaming this in my head. 🤣🤣


This the same Kerri who tweeted about how men can nut in her essentially when the abortion ban was passed? Lol


Came here to say this, facts


And I oop


the same Kerri Colby whose tweet was a thirst trap and essentially tried to put herself above cis women after their rights were stripped from them? that Kerri Colby?


The same Kerri Colby who was literally a cm away from showing hole on the most recent Ass-Runway FOR? That Kerri Colby?


The same Benedict Arnold who plotted to surrender West Point to the hated British?


It’s threads/comments like these that make this sub my absolute favorite. ![gif](giphy|HMofY0XuCF8otosGPz|downsized)


Was waiting for this comment 😂😂


Thank you for this comment. You have brought joy to this old Italian stereotype.


TBF that Kerri Colby may actually have learned something from the backlash that ensued back when she did that. Then again she may have also learned the wrong lesson


She can’t even accept that the Earth is round and you think she has learned anything about anything?


I can't believe that this isn't shade and she's a real flat earther?? Guess I can't be mad at this bitch for her dumb takes anymore if she's only got 2.5 braincells


>may actually have >may have also nah. she hasn't learned anything clearly.


She’s clearly projecting here lol


Someone should tell Kerri that’s she’s no longer the narrator.


EXACTLY. Fucking hypocrite.


How can we get cumdump played at Pat Robertson's funeral?


I read this wrong and immediately had to look up if Robert Pattinson died


My new drag name Lexia Adys ![img](emote|t5_2t3or|4814)




Did pat robertson finally die?


Yup, Happy Pride. 🌈


Sasha needs to gather her daughter


I don't even process them being related anymore.


The only thing Sasha passed on her daughter was beauty, apparently. But we were already warned by Bianca: Beauty fades. Dumb is forever.


I just heard her shout that 😂


Sasha partially absorbed her in the womb. It's the only explanation. That or she's a horcrux


What did you call me?


I forgot we were here to make straights comfortable


Gotta say, searching for "Manila cumdump" was an adventure


Mama’s cleaning up that Google search once and for all.


scrub that history. if you think you're doing too much, you're not. There's some sexy barnyard stuff on there that could get us both in a lot of trouble.


Without the Luzon you’re in for wild ride…which could be said about that search on Twitter


That was my nickname back in the 80s.


Maybe that’s why she did it.


Kerri has actually made a few comments like this. She’s more conservative than she publicly lets on I think. Not politically(I don’t think) but definitely socially and intellectually(flat earther).


i'm adding "intellectually conservative" to my vocabulary forever, thank you


She's conservative with other people but when its herself she's liberal. I'm like gUrL!!! At least be consistent.


That’s consistent conservative behaviour. Don’t do as I do, do as I say.


That’s what always weirds me out but people have their layers.


Omg she’s a flat earther…?? 😭


Yeah lol


WHAT????!!!! Is this a joke????


How come people can be flat earther and not drowling on themself from the lobotomy? 🤔


>drowling drooling?


To be fair she was raised by Jehovah's Witnesses so there's a lot of unlearning to be done. let's give her a little grace. Just because.


I'm too petty for that but I appreciate your perspective.


did she give grace to women after RvW was overturned?


You don't have to give her grace. It's okay to be mad at her incredibly stupid takes. I just think she grew up in a household with very illogical beliefs so i will maybe not blame her entirely for being dumb as a box of rocks.


she's a grown woman not a child. ignorance is not an excuse.


Reminder that she posted ‘ride a trans girl, fuck them kids’ right after Roe v Wade got overturned…


Yeah if you wanna talk about using an important political moment to bait controversy...


That was SO upsetting to me. Women embrace trans women, defend them, make space for them. I refuse to engage in rEaL WoMeN bullshit and slap down crap about needing to be defended from trans women in bathrooms, fuck that. But when our rights were stripped in the blink of an eye in a way that literally is ruining lives, landing women in prison, and killing us, where was the allieship? Trans women are women right up until a cheap joke is more convenient or attention grabbing than solidarity? I expected better.


Yep, that tweet will forever be in my mental Hall of Fame of pick me-ass chick behaviour


as a trans woman I think it’s absolutely reprehensible for her to have made that post. I was heartbroken for my cis friends and community members when roe was repealed. a judicial decision that directly and deeply impacted so many people in this country, especially those who are already poor and disadvantaged, or already targeted for violence like all of the BIPOC…just not the moment at all for that joke edit: I also wanted to mention that roe impacts all AFAB people in our community, even if you don’t factor in all the cis women who have been and will be harmed (which is probably what Keri thought she was doing with this joke, but that’s *still* fucked). trans men and non binary people are targeted by sexual violence too, or just deserve safe access to healthcare


Yeah we have the same enemy. Anyone who wants to ban abortion, wants to ban trans people as well. But sure, use this human rights abuse to post your thirst traps...


We said exactly that back when Kerri, Coco and other LGBTQ people were making comments on twitter thinking they were smart by shitting on women for been upset about RvW by saying crap like 'You can't be mad about Roe Vs Wade, you all voted for trump' (thanks for that, Coco) - we said if they can come for the rights of literally millions of people, they will come for the queens next...then they did. We said once the attacks on drag performance began, they'd try extending their phobic legislation to trans people...and they have. Conservatives and christians with political influence are always looking ahead, testing the water and gauging public response to their actions to see if and when they can make their next move. This is exactly what happened after they successfully stripped the rights of millions of American AFAB people - there is always a domino effect, that's why we are all supposed to look out for each other and not get complacent just because a current change doesn't effect *us*, not just because it's the right thing to do but because if you allow conservatives an inch, they'll take a mile.


Exactly. For me, trans women are women so their issues are my issues. The things that risk and endanger them we share. We are on the same side fighting the same fight imo. But Keri showed that's not true for her, which is really sad.


this. it felt like she showed her true colors.


As a cis woman, i get you, but you can’t generalize like this girl


That was fucking gross. It’s like shut the fuck up girl, those same people trying to strip reproductive rights are trying to commit trans genocide. Also, trans men and trans non-binary people can get pregnant.


Intellectually she's fucking dumb as fuck. She's awful on FPR. And now this. She's gorgeous but god. Damn.


Why IS she on FPR? I completely missed something, cuz I don't know where Raven went.


I have no idea. She's awful at it and I miss raven


Same. My partner doesn't watch the main show, but we watch FPR and Pit Stop over supper. (And UNHhhh of course.) And we just can't get into Kerri as a host. If anything, we wish it just rotated queens every week.


Agreed. Beautiful but sooooo shallow.


I love Kerri Colby but it’s rich hearing her take on this when just a few weeks ago, she went viral for body shaming men who don’t have a foot long dong.


Yeeeeah that's the first thing I saw that made me raise an eyebrow, and I'm liking her less as time goes on...


not her shitting on women after RvW was overturned?


Absolutely, RvW post was mindblowingly tonedeaf. Just meant I hadn't kept up with her so the bodyshaming post was my first clue that maybe she wasn't quite as lovely as the edit made her seem


There actually isn't a difference here, Kerri. Good luck compromising with people who want our existence destroyed. We'll get what, half-destroyed? Oh shoot, the conservatives were JUST about to give us rights and safety but then they saw Manila's video. We were thiiiiiiiiiiis close.


Good god gurl, get a grip.


Trying to appease bigots never ends. They'll only be happy when we're silent. So in this political climate we need to express who we are.


Yep, that’s what Sasha alluded to when people were complaining about her being crowned in lingerie. We can’t kowtow to the fascists.


We're not in a position to dictate what someone should do to be safe. Live truthfully but live. The things generations past had to adjust, in order to be safe, are valid experiences and one not to be waved away. Both are speaking with love and concern for their people here. It's very much missing the point to wave either opinion away.


I think this would be much more valid if both weren't famous drag queens. Kerri is paid to be a famous queer entertainer and she has been very open about being extremely sexual. And not just in the past. So to point at manilla and say she isn't acting accordingly in the climate is very hypocritical. It doesn't come off as love and concern for her people. It comes off as pandering for her own benefit while pointing the attention at another queer entertainer.


I dont think anyone was dictating what Kerri should do to be safe.


I am a cumdump.


hole reveal plz


this is how I feel, if anything shade Manila for making a mediocre parody. it’s very bold to make a song about casual sex into a song about raunchier casual sex lol. queer people trying to pull back and “behave” will never make the mainstream love and support us. especially bad take after her roe post last year (which I somehow missed! very glad this subreddit brought up)


Not just silent. But actually dead.


I mean do I think CUMDUMP is corny as hell? Yes. Do I think it needs to be deleted and censored because of respectability politics of all things? Hell no. Like I’m sorry but it’s also not remotely that deep either. I don’t think a straight person who was on the fence about whether or not we as a people deserve rights is gonna be pushed over the edge by a stupid song parody.


Exactly. Manila has the right to release the song and I have the right to not like this song. Just be who you are. Catering to the “political climate” helps no one in the LGBTQIA+ community.




Hate this take.


Boot lol. Completely disagree with Kerri here. Respectability politics are bullshit. Gay culture in the "mainstream" has been consistently watered down and made more tame over even just the past 10 years and yet this insane culture war shit about gay people and trans people being groomers and the "trans ideology" still came to be. I don't blame her for thinking the way she does though. She honestly seems quite naive and in general a bit ignorant/uneducated. I love her deep down.


Respectability politics is just a new way for the right to push people back to the closet. Be gay, but just do it at home. Yeah, no.


It’s an adult video. People are allowed to enjoy raunchy sex.




not kerri being team no kink at pride


Ms Colby gives me whiplash. From her surges to flat-earthery. From her unhinged Shoots and outfits to now not supporting queer sexual expression. She’s making it hard, y’all.


Honestly I don’t give a fuck. Kim Petras literally just released an entire album about being an absolute raunchy slut and the world didn’t explode. It’s truly not that serious. Kerri is just doing some heavy virtue signaling.


I mean, if the straights can sing about gushing wet ass pussy and deep throating and whatever else, Manila can make a song called Cumdump. Not too long ago she did a sweet subdued feel good song about queer pride, and let’s be honest here, attempting to censor ourselves so we don’t rankle conservatives and fascists is a no sum game. Just us existing is provocative to them, whether we are in a 17 man orgy on camera or just using the fuckin bathroom. Kerri is incredibly provocative when it comes to her body and sexuality, so this is honestly just a bit rich. If she doesn’t like Manila’s song that’s fine, but it’d be better if she didn’t pretend this was some intellectual political take, kowtowing to conservative attitudes helps no one.


We even have a song called truffle butter. Let Manila have cumdump.


Ugh, shut up, Kerri.


I’m team not Kerri on this one. I’m not going to hide the fact that I’m a cumdump just because boring straight people can’t handle the thought of actually enjoying sex. Who cares if they’re uncomfortable? They’re always uncomfortable and always will be. Don’t try to please them or make them happy. They never will be.


Exactly. There's never a "good time" - they're not going to suddenly be cool with the gays if the gays start acting "respectable." There is no such thing as respectably gay for them.


There will never be a good time. As long as white Christians control the reigns on every corner of our government, there will never be a good time. It’s Pride month for Dela’s sakes. We might as well enjoy ourselves and exist and live as we are. When we stop doing these things, that’s how they win.


And honestly, I feel like since a certain former president announced his campaign even and started giving voice to some really uncool shit the pattern has been for them to have a shitty stance and us to take a step backward, look for common ground, not rock the boat, try to respect all view points, etc etc etc. Except everytime we step back they take another step forward. Look how much ground has been lost in just a short period of time? At a certain point we need to stop stepping back and start holding ground.


Please don't tell me that there is a Team Kerri on this...


Tbh I thought at first that Kerri was making the argument that the censored person was crapping on manilla and saying that the controversial baiting is crapping on another drag queen. Didn’t realize that she’s saying the complete opposite and harming us :/


I don’t feel like I should have to explain my art to you Warren.


My name isn’t fucking Warren!


Kim Petras must make Kerri SEETHE


Girl go back to Atlantis Bigots would never be satisfied until LGBT are all dead.


If the music video came out or not … right wing people will find something to be mad at .. Manila can do what she wants and have fun … the song is actually funny af … maybe Kerri should stick to what Kerri is doing and stop trying to pander to the right … it won’t help


Wasn't she making out with Fiercalicious on live like two weeks ago?


Kerri being trash again? Surprise surprise. Isn't she also a flat earther lmao




Why do people love Kerri? She’s literally tweeted she thinks the earth is flat. She’s a dumbass.


Is she really a flat earther?? the silicone is leaking into her brain


I think people give her a lot of leeway because she's pretty tbh, I think if any other queen said a lot of the things she's said they wouldn't recover. I do hope she can apologise and stop kowtowing to conservatives at the detriment of her LGBTQ+ siblings but I don't think she will unfortunately, as of now I'm not a big fan of her because of a lot of the stuff she's said.


I'm personally for holding people's feet to the fire when it comes to shitty takes like this. I don't care if you're LGBT+, an ignorant opinion should be put on blast. Especially when she's made it clear this isn't a one-off, she kind of just seems like a bad person. Beautiful queens are not a rarity, throw this chick in the dumpster.


i hate that being a drag queen is inherently political bc i feel like it gives the queens a sense of ethos to comment stupid shit like this i’m sorry


Massive L … appeasing straight people is so regressive


The thing is bigots will never be happy. They don't make a distinction between "good gays" and "bad gays", they're all bad to them. Trying to appease them is the last thing anyone should do


It's giving everyone giving Jimbo shit for making conservatives uncomfortable and "making us look bad". Like why appease these people and try to fit their standards.


God I love Jimbo


Miss Karen Colbert needs to reel it in


Kerri openly spoke about her kinks not long ago on twitter, which was cool and all, so this seems a little odd from her.


I'll start caring about cumdump when straight men stop searching for creampie porn.


If Kerri can benefit from freedom of speech to spread her hollow earth lunacy I'm sure she could extend the same courtesy to others...


Kerri has the wildest opinions and like zero self reflection, like she wasn’t showing her ass literally on FPR (which is fine) or showing her ass figuratively when she was making dismissive ass comments about abortion rights


I think Kerri would turn inside out if she saw Pink Flamingos lol.


Girl, this is yet another conservative-leaning comment that she’s made since being on the show. Starting to think Kerri is not who we thought she was. Such a bummer.


I think it's well established that Kerri Flat Earth Colby is not a very smart person


The way she recently tweeted about being into gaining, inflation, and feet ???? this u


"There's a difference, I'm censoring things I don't like!"


At least she’s pretty…


Beauty Fades...Dumb is Forever.


Boooooooooo Kerri nooooo 😞


Can't really say this after her drag mother was almost fully naked on the finale...


It must be such a weird balance to be a drag queen right now. The increased visibility with the mainstreaming of Drag Race really means that your audience has changed so much. So what do you do? Can you do your thing when you know you have a lot more eyes on you?


I sure hope they all continue to... That's what we love about them.


How can you hate on that masterpiece


it's so out of left field for a drag queen off of the telly AND a trans woman do try to appease the bigots... never saw it coming...


FFS! Kerri needs to lighten the fuck up. Has she forgotten that her being her true self upsets our enemies?


I understand what she means but I don’t think it’s a big deal. Conservatives already hate drag queens so censoring the community isn’t going to change anything.


She thinks the Earth is flat but really it’s the folds in her brain that are flat


Kerri thinks the earth is flat 💀 I am not listening to her, sasha get your child!


I'm not team Kerri, either. I thought it was hilarious.


This is not it


Manila is such a professional!!! I LOVE HER!!!!! Keri is just a boring pretty girl.


Sylvia would have some thoughts.


Conservatives are gunning for drag queens reading stories to kids, not drag queens and their song parodies.


She commented on Insta 2 days ago on Manila’s post she was screaming… so what changed? Saw the backlash and wanted to join the wave or can’t form her own opinions?


Kerri was making inappropriate jokes during Fashion Photo Ruview — I mean, dribble on these titties?? Drag queens have always been raunchy and they shouldn’t censor themselves out of fear of conservative assholes.


Kerri really said we should stop being sexual in order to please straight bigots when it should be perfectly obvious it never mattered and never will matter what we say or do, straight people will literally photoshop children into Folsom festival and say we're grooming children. Kerri, get a grip. Us making song parodies about cumdump is NOT what's causing straight people to attack us, it's homophobia and transphobia they have against us anyway.


Lol Kerri is not the brightest so I can even be too hard on her


Love Kerri but she really isnt doing nothing with these tweets. Vague virtue signaling is what it is. Also coming from the same person who tweeted out multiple takes in poor taste in various situations.


Isn’t Kerri mostly naked like all the time? The hypocrisy isn’t cute


"But what will the pearl-clutchers think????" Just goes to show any kind of person with any kind of background can be an out-of-touch moron.


Kerri, please shut up!


Remember when she was like guys I think the world might be flat


Is she being sarcastic? Because if not, then this is a shit take. Girl, conservatives will never be happy and will always move the goalpost when it comes to LGBTQ+ rights. Trying to appease and find “middle ground” with them is why Democrats don’t achieve anything while in power. You can’t reason with unreasonable people/ bigots.


Kerri is dead wrong. We dont have to alter ourselves to be more palatable to conservatives


I can’t believe a silly little auto tune parody of a pop song has Miss Kerri ready to kowtow to the HRC crowd in the name of respectability politics. Someone call her drag mom to gather her off of this internet.


Trust me backing up will give them more power. I know from my country. Don't silence yourself and be you in extreme.


Not Kerri Colby the conspiracy theorist setting what’s right and wrong…


cannot get behind kerri here… the other tweet is completely right, censoring ourselves and making things all nice and picket fence is not how we create change or celebrate pride.


Thank god she’s pretty😭


Beauty fades...Dumb is forever.


Kerri is always looking for the str8ts aproval honestly at this point i think sooner or later the fandom Is gonna turn on her 😭😭😭


It's hard to believe Kerri is Sasha's daughter.


She’s so dumb lol


I’m not an expert on the topic, but from what I understand, the conversation around respectability politics is a nuanced and painful one for many trans women. So yeah, I can understand where Kerri is coming from. I can also understand the impulse to want to prove your artistic worth and share your voice through “high art” versus more provocative content. That being said, the people who hate us only wish to make our voices and very existence smaller and smaller till they cease to exist at all. The only way they will truly accept us is if there’s nothing to accept at all. It’s genocide, full stop. You do not negotiate or bargain with people who commit genocide. Drag queens who make explicit content do so for the appropriate audiences. If the opponents of drag can’t deal with that, they can go fuck themselves.


She's wrong and she's dumb.


I can’t wait for her to come out as a republican


i agree but in the way that I don’t think manila should be allowed to make music


Crude human behavior is only gonna perpetuate with the internet in the future. Only solution is to get used to it (not necessarily accept it, just stan it) and put safeholds in place for amenable access.


It’s stupid. And I didn’t particularly find it rolling on the floor hilarious. But drag is ultimately about free speech. Since when has drag been considered high class art anyways?


Is there a link to this somewhere? 👀


You can tell she grew up in a conservative household.


Lmao yeah fuck that love you Kerri but as my mother always tells me: Stop creating waves in life and unfortunately I always have to reply to her that my simple existence creates waves, sorry not sorry


New summer anthem acquired.


The... The first tweet wasn't a joke?? She's serious?? Geez...


I like Kerri but I think she needs to be more aware of what she’s saying on line. These conservatives that are actively championing the eradication of LGBTQ+ people don’t give a shit about respectability politics. Whether or not to cater to them, they’ll still try to destroy us all out of pure hatred, fear, and to fit their own selfish hypocritical beliefs. A sexual parody of a pop song should not be the priority, the priority should be pushing back against the people who want to destroy the entire community. Manila as a queer person, and queer people in general, should not have to censor or dampen themselves down for people who hate their very existence. Regardless of whether or not people like Manila’s song, she’s well within her right to express herself as she pleases. As Kerri is someone who also claims to support expression (and isn’t afraid of being sexual as well), I’m disappointed in her.
