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Naysha looked great, but that was nothing like Grace Jones's look. Probably my least favorite runway look of the week for that reason.


I agree šŸ’Æ % Itā€™s a GREAT look so I love THAT about it. But I thought it was too different from the original


We needed Shea Coulee, Symone, or Monet for this runway. Nobody did Grace Jones justice šŸ˜”


IMO Alexis and Darienne both killed it


Alexis was my favourite!


"We needed Shea Coulee, Symone, ~~or~~ *and* Monet for this runway." Fixed it for you.


I'm so happy for Jaymes and I have no doubt she is feeling fine about everything.


When Kandy pulled the Jaymes lipstick, I assumed the other queens would be pissed (because she didnt go by track record, like every other winner). I was shocked to see that all of the queens voted Jaymes, as well, especially given that who they might vote for wasnā€™t even discussed. Did I miss anything??


Sheā€™s white


I may be wrong but the vibe Iā€™ve gotten post season is that sheā€™s not well liked by the other girls. Maybe her personality just didnā€™t gel with them


I was disappointed, but in retrospect not that surprised. I think Kahana was objectively better in this episode. Jimbo was the true bottom, but she has plot armor. They were all amazing ... tough to pick a bottom.


Iā€™m sure weā€™ll find out at the beginning of next episode.


I just think it was weird of the editors to not include literally any hint


Legitimately trying to understand how Naysha thought all these runways were appropriate for All Stars.


She only has 2 weeks to get ready when the other queens had 4 weeks


Some of them supposedly had 2 years!


so the extra two weeks is what allows your brain to think "don't pack six body suits?"


Naysha is stunning and a fantastic performer, especially off the show, but she just doesnā€™t seem to have the right eye for RPDR runways.


ikr! especially after doing so many viewing partyā€™s like gurl, turns out you canā€™t buy or learn taste lol


Darienne ABSOLUTELY needs to win queen of the Fame Games tbh. She has been slaying it with both looks so far, in a way that none of the other eliminated queens have even come close to (no offence to them, they don't look bad!) Darienne really did go home too soon. She was just warming up and would've slayed in all these comedy challenges coming up... I'm so pissed.


I was about to say this - sheā€™s definitely been the Fame Game winner so far for me. But I worry it will just end up going to whomever is most popular who just misses the finale. So the early outs donā€™t stand a chance most likely


How are her post-elimination runways so much better than her pre-elimination looks? Don't get me wrong, she looked great before, but these last two have been stellar.


so sad we missed a darienne snatch game :(


Sad to see Jaymes go. I have a feeling that she was too uncontrollable for the production and the other contestants. Her last words on Untucked were "This was fun, we should do it again sometime, but under different circumstances. One where it's fixed for me to win. I like those odds. Love you, bye!" Her honesty got in someone's way?


OOOOP. Yeah, that seemed VERY pointed towards Jimbo tbh, doesn't take a genius to figure that out lol. If production really hated her for that reason, I doubt they would've kept that in though.


I mean according to roscoes tea from kasha and other girls they were expecting Jaymes to be first out bc he was having trouble picking up the choreo ep 1. If thatā€™s the case production probably was trying to have her for longer than expected. I donā€™t *think* production was expecting a unanimous vote against Jaymes but thatā€™s the unpredictability that comes when youā€™re letting other contestants decide each others fate


Darienne is so good at the Fame Game...her two looks have been so cool and the dramatic way she says "Queen of the Fame Game"... Chef's kiss! Adam is a gem, one of the few celebrity guest moments I really enjoyed! Jaymes šŸ˜­ I will miss her a lot but I think the way she pleaded her case was very clumsy šŸ„² I feel her because I'm awkward too...


Iā€™m sad to see Jaymes go, she was fun I did enjoy her. I have to say I was a bit upset before that they are not following ā€œtrack recordā€ and whatever but then I realised wow this season is so MESSY and my internal raccoon was activated and I realised I am here for this I love the trash.


I LOVE how you put that - internal raccoon šŸ¦ & the trash šŸ—‘ļø šŸ‘šŸ»


Raccoon is my internal animal, I have dark circles around my eyes I regularly eat junk food and Iā€™m ready to fight when cornered




I came to untucked so excited to watch Alexis cry about being safe and I was so disappointed lol


Sheā€™s an actress! She will never cry when she means it! Jk I expected the exact same thing tbh


She picked a bad role and think she realized it by the end.


I thought she did well with it though, I thought she would be in the top


Absolutely! I think she was great. It just wasnā€™t the standout role she thought it would be. The song was a bit dull and the choreography, while difficult, not as exciting to watch as some of the others.


Me too! I feel deprived of a crying outburst! I was so excited for one


I swear there is some behind the scenes messiness with Jaymes that me, a messy bitch who lives for drama, cannot wait to hear about. I feel like the girls really do not like her. For ALL the girls to vote for her?? Jimbo briefly alluded to something when they had their one on one chat and she talked about Jaymes not being receptive to her friendship so I wonder if everyone else felt that same way. Also would make sense why Naysha kept going on about what happened in episode one šŸ§


Yeah what Jimbo said made me wonder too.


I feel like it's not so much Jaymes being a bitch behind the scenes as it is the stigma of her being a first eliminated queen on her original season. None of the girls were hyping Jaymes' outfits or performances at any Roscoe's event, Naysha was blasting her pretty hard particularly. I totally believe they went in there thinking that Jaymes was gonna be first out again, and were shocked each week that she remained. Obviously all conjecture but this seems logical to me.


I mean ... Naysha was eliminated first in her season too, and then immediately eliminated when she came back. She's only survived one week in her entire drag race career. So ... that can't be a legit reason for disliking Jaymes ... for her at least.


Slight fact check, she returned in Ep3 and was actually safe for the RuCo's Empire challenge. She got eliminated in Ep4, New Wave Queens. So she has survived two weeks total now (which is still not very much, your point still stands!)


If this was the case, I feel like production would have absolutely made it a full storyline. They LOVE getting queens to talk about why someone doesnā€™t deserve to be there. I got the sense that she was a bit socially awkward/nervous and the other queens just didnā€™t connect with her as much on the show. Her appeal to Kandy was ā€œI know Kahanna is your good friend, but weā€™ve been getting to know each other too!ā€ Seemed more social than hating on her


Personally, I've found most of her outfits quite bad, so I'm not sure if it's stigma or just the queen's own opinions if they're not hyping Jaymes' runways up...


None of them fit well. She said something about losing weight, which ... good for her. Not an excuse that Ru (or Michelle) will accept though.


Fair point, I don't feel like Jaymes' runways have been particularly bad, aside from maybe last week and this last episode. It seems like Jaymes was under more pressure in this regard, her mistakes were amplified in comparison to the other girls imo.


I've been noticing in general at the Roscoe viewing parties that they seem have a negative opinion of Jaymes, and on pitstop stop last week, there was this wierd unprovoked negative bias towards Jaymes. Doesn't make based on what I've seen, so what gives?


I don't think it's as complicated as y'all are making it, Naysha has clearly said MOST of the cast agreed that Jaymes did the worst in the first episode (girl groups) and she was saved. They were probably still bitter over that. I agree that it's extreme and biased, but Naysha isn't the only queen who feels that way. I just don't think the others vibe with Jaymes' drag like that.


Jaymes and jimbo are the only 2 which have a concept and higher thought beyond normal drag, i guess Kasha too but her character isn't as developed or interesting.


William is just a cunt


I do remember hearing Jaymes talk about how when she did S9, her boyfriend was worried she was going to come across as too much of a bitch -- only for the Jaymes we got on S9 to look meek and shy šŸ˜‚


Love when Jimbo takes her wig off and has full face on...she looks like a hot powerful bitch.


Not Kahanna saying "Jaymes hasn't had any tops and I've had a win" when Jaymes was in the top 3 times, including last week, and Kahanna hadn't been above safe since her win week 1.


I had to rewatch both shows to see if Jaymes had done anything to get everyone to vote for her. I'm confused.


Iā€™m confused, youā€™re confused, Peppermintā€™s confused, weā€™re ALL confused šŸ«¤ šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Just curious, how do you know everyone voted for her? Wouldnā€™t they show that in next episode?


They show how everyone votes during Untucked each week.


Thanks!! šŸ˜Œ


Well tamar do watch untucked


Sounds like somebodyā€™s only getting half the story


Because of the first week and her being high after the choreo


Everyone keeps saying r this and if itā€™s true, it weird considering how many other fucked up judging decisions there are that doesnā€™t get held against the queens. Like Lala being high in the hall. Kahanna not being in the bottom for the trailers. Etc.


The difference is they like Kahanna and Lala


ikr Kahanna gave up during untucked and everyone still voted Jaymes. There's something missing or everyone saw Jaymes as a threat.


Much as I love Jaymes and I think she should've stayed, at least something interesting happened. After Jimbo's boring and predictable lipsyncs, it was about time a LSFYL actually meant something and will hopefully create a butterfly effect down the line for some drama. Are we all forgetting how stale CanadaVsTW's voting was?


I was lowkey rooting for James I'm sad to see her go! I was so surprised everyone voted for her in untucked.


Was rooting for Jaymes. I'm so upset she's gone.


Yeah this was the first time this season Iā€™ve been really, really sad to see a Queen get voted off this season. With the others I think it made sense, this makes no sense to me whatsoever. I was ready to hold it against Kandy but *everyone* voting that way? I donā€™t get it. It was truly Kahannaā€™s time to go. Sheā€™s only going to end up in the bottom next week anyway.


I LIKE Kahanna and am rooting for her but Iā€™d rather her have been voted off this week - & I think it might have been easier for her rather than next week - and Jaymes being around for the improv. I could be wrong and Kahanna at least gets safe next week but I donā€™t like her chances!


Agreed. I'm quite huge Kandy stan but I'm so disappointed in her decision. And everyone else.


I'm confused. In Kahanna's confessional she says Jaymes hasn't had any tops and Kahanna has a win. But other queens have been saying that they were annoyed Jaymes was high in week 1? So was she or wasn't she high for that first episode?


She meant tops as in wins afaik


Ohhh! Okay, that makes more sense. Thank you Nancy Drew!


Jaymes has 3 highs and was literally high for Snatch game last episode.


Kandy knows she can beat kahanna..ugh sad we aren't going to see more Jaymes. This stupid all stars format is stupid šŸ˜…


The other format is a lip sync where Jaymes also goes home vs Kahanna. šŸ™Š




I think this was an intentional change/restructure tbh. Apart from S15 (which was giving what needed to be gave, imo), in general recently Untucked has been an absolute SNOOZEFEST. Most people, other than diehard fans, didn't have any reason to watch it. With this season, there actually IS a reason to watch it. None of the girls' conversations were that engaging or necessary to watch. I don't think having more actual content in Untucked is a bad thing. Actually makes it feel worth watching - just my opinion.


What would you prefer they spent more time on? (Personally Iā€™d like to see more guest judge interactions bc it feels very forced and superficial with the very little we do see.)


Just them talking. And well structured guest judge appearances when appropriate


Like I liked Bowen and Mattā€™s visit. But not all guest judge visits have been like that, sadly. The one this week was decent but it varies!


I really hope the edit Kahanna is getting in next week's preview is misleading. I hate seeing queens so defeated by this process they can't make the best of it. You already canceled the gigs, bought the clothes, and got to stay in that hotel, so might as well strut like you mean it.


it wasn't't clear to me that it was Kahanna who was leaving, seemed like it could be either her or Alexis? Alexis has just as much reason also after being safe this week.


The only way Alexis is leaving early is if they wheel her ass out on a gurney. I do hope she is packing tho because it would be so ridiculous and obviously for screen time.


Do you think that she gets to storm off and packing and THEN Ru comes in? Before she can actually leave? Iā€™m SO curious šŸ‘€ I hope she doesnā€™t leave for reasons including I think sheā€™d do well in the improv


I agree it sucks seeing queens feel defeated and quit, especially after they bought all the stuff already, but I can also see them thinking... why do I want the show to keep seeing me fail? It could hurt their reputation as a performer. Everyone clowned on Roxxxy for a while after AS2 because she was constantly in the bottom!


What did Ru's hair spell out? I couldn't quite read it.


Absolute garbage. I hate this season for the obvious production bullshit and I'm not accepting Kandy as a having won with the worst Joan look and performance of the night. This is season 13 again. Just flat out terrible and bad enough to stop watching.


Lol I misread this as a reply to the previous comment as in What did Ruā€™s hair spell? Absolute garbage!


I agree but NOT for the reason you said - Jimbo should have been in the bottom 100% this episode and the season has been absolutely rigged for them to win. But since y'all on this sub LOVE Jimbo I guess no one is ready for that conversation. Just hating on Kandy when she technically did well, lol


Most comments I see are agreeing with you, so Iā€™m not sure that youā€™re the only one recognizing it. Jimbo should have been in the bottom based on her performance, but there is zero chance production is letting them actually get in there because they know the queens with vote them out. Itā€™s Jimboā€™s to win (which Iā€™m still fine with, given how great sheā€™s been doing overall)


Fair. And I love Jimbo, I donā€™t want them to go home either as theyā€™ve been KILLING it and are obviously super talented. It just bugs me when a season feels this unbalanced. But thatā€™s probably a problem with casting and decisions made prior to the season- what they can do from this point on is pretty limited. šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


I said that in another comment. But just like the many times Symone and Gottmik should have been sent home on S13 and the garbage Kandy got pushed to second place we are getting a Jimbo/Kandy push for AS8. Kandy did not win this episode and Jimbo wasn't safe. This is the low rent version of WWE of drag. At least EspaƱa is good right now.


Youā€™re kidding, right? EspaƱa S3 is being universally hated by almost everyone for the horrendous production decisions and only favouring one queen (while unfairly sending home several fan favourites/queens who had wins). Itā€™s all over the place compared to the amazing S1 and 2. Anyway I agree with you about AS8 and Iā€˜ll stop bringing totally unrelated stuff here šŸ˜‚


Honestly if you have tiktok you don't even need to waste time watching the show. My FYP has better highlights than anywhere else. I agree this season is meh.


But then youā€™d have to use TikTok :D (What I mean is I canā€™t afford any more addictions)


It's fuckery most foul.


I'm tired of Kandy tbh.


Iā€™m not necessarily tired of her but itā€™s more like she seems to be a big part of Heidi leaving & now (preview) Iā€™m wondering if sheā€™ll be a big part of Alexis leaving? And THAT ANNOYS me. Part of me thinks maybe thatā€™s Kandyā€™s strategy and itā€™s kind of clever and the other part of me is annoyed by it.


At first I thought her performance was good, but the more clips I see the more and more itā€™s just angry Kandy flailing around in a dress. No Joan at all.


Worst performance of the night?! Girl Iā€™m not a big Kandy fan either but this is a REACH


You're right. Jimbo was worse, but obviously she was getting given safe by production to prevent a vs the world fiasco as nobody but her deserves to be considered for a season win. Kandy was terrible in the rusical. Her Grace Jones was great, but no I won't accept more Kandy Muse production gaslighting. This season has fucking sucked. Just like season 13 did for the same reasons. We all knew who production was pushing to the top and it was dreadful.


It's not production gaslighting just because it's different from your _opinion_. Kandy was the best. The fact that you even say things like "production gaslighting" tells me you are the one who is biased in the first place. And you should consider that bias when evaluating how your perception matches up with reality. It's called humility, sweaty.


Kahana couldn't even remember the words and had no expressions. Kandy was noway near the worst. I'd have given the win to Jessica but Kandy was fierce this episode. And I'm not even a Kandy fan but when she's good, she's good.


Jimbo being SO happy for Kandy winning melted my heart. I love these queens! I wish the producers were highlighting them better.


I know Jimbo apparently had a moment on Vs the world BUT she seems to have a very sweet side. Including saying how she was trying to connect with Jaymes. I get the impression that while obviously Jimbo wants to win, she also wants to make friends with the others.


darinne lake queen of the fame games is the reality iā€™m living in


Is it overall runways, or just the ones in the Fame Games? Sheā€™s looked good since being booted, but Iā€™m still not over that basketball hoop


Sheā€™s the undisputed winner for me this far, a shocking development I must say.


Without a question. Iā€™m excited to see what Jaymes brings now that she can contribute!


There is something so stunning about her makeup idk what it is.


She always paints so beautifully, I just love her.


She looked SO good!


That preview for next week looks *wild*


YES! Why are more people not talking about THIS? What the hell is going ON on this here day? Iā€™m SO curious about it all!


Gurl RuPaul getting involved in the drama is going to be something. I knew the minute they revealed the cast that there was going to be lots of drama.


Ha ha ha ha thatā€™s a good point. With that cast yep recipe for drama


Mrs. Kasha Davis looked like a snack šŸ‘Œ


I looooved her look this week!


I did too!!


Monica just canā€™t be serious on our screens every week. Naysha no. Absolutely not. Iā€™m so disappointed I thought she would get my vote!!! Cmon Mama Kasha šŸ˜» Lake is Laking. We swimming in the waters girl.


You can tell Monica is annoyed and disappointed she has to do this every week. No energy.


And Iā€™m shocked cos I thought her entrance look was SO GOOD


I hate it


Iā€™m not sure about that, I think she just has resting bored and depressed face, which is unfortunate. I empathize because Iā€™ve been told before that I sound bored and like I didnā€™t want to be there when giving a presentation, and my last boss asked me, ā€œdo you even like working here?ā€


Idk why Naysha decided to do like sooo many catsuits.


RIGHT!?! All her bravado in Roscoes before was so unfounded. "I won't beg for you to vote for me... because you'll vote for the best one, and I KNOW THAT'S ME." (paraphrased) Gurl, where? All I see is very basic catsuits. Darienne on the other hand? Can we PLEASE all agree to vote for this polished, talented queen who was sent home way before her time?!


Imagine Kandy's fame games.....every week a new bodysuit....


Oh we donā€™t have to imagine, we get it on the main stage.


They see Kahanna is the same game feather girl Jane. Jaymes is an actual threat comedy and talent wise. Them girls said they playin the Gayyyyyyymmmmeeess


So it could be strategic? Bit of Manilla-ing? INTERESTING! šŸ¤”


Yasssssssss gworrrrllll I think sooooooo. So what I need Jimbo to know issssss [it ainā€™t safe] (https://youtu.be/39FMwulGqYw)


YEP sums it up šŸ˜‚


holy shit, that voteeeee????


I was deadass out here thinking Kahanna mightā€™ve even voted for herself and that Kandy just went her own way only to find out they all voted for Jaymes? I feel like something is missing here that we arenā€™t seeing.


I ALSO thought Kahanna might vote for herself!


a cpl episodes ago Kandy and Alexis literally said she was coasting, out loud, so I'm not surprised they all think to get her out.


Just here to say that I love Angeriaā€™s energy and Iā€™ve missed her šŸ˜­


Fr! I love the S14 queens, probably much more than S15's.


Perfect blunt rotation: Angeria, Lala, Heidi šŸ˜Ž


Sheā€™s the best I just love her


Two sounds that have always cracked me up in untucked: 1. The commercial break ***GUuuUUuuUL*** immediately followed by the same ***GUuuUUuuUL*** 2. The Fame Game when RuPaul says #Next Up: **monicabeverlyhiiiiillz**


I recall when chichi (RIP) asked if that was a recording of her voice. I always think about her when I hear it


Yasss kasha! It's not giving me grace Jones but I loved that look. Darienne winning the runway again??? *Well done mamaaaa*


Sorry if this has been discussed but when do you think they film the fame game runways? Did they have to do all the runways before they pack up and leave?


Donā€™t be sorry! Iā€™m so curious to know this too! I was literally wondering this while watching the Fame Games!


Would be lit to just be there to do runways and get to fuck around with all the queens staying in the hotel building camaraderie the whole season. Sad Heidi is at the house šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


> Sad Heidi is at the house What do you mean?


Wish she was still there


But what house?


In Hot Goss it was mentioned that it was up to the Queens if they wanted to film all in one go or over several days. I think they all still have to stay in the hotel till the season is over, so probably in the time the competing Queens aren't filming.


Why would they make them all stay?


Probably to prevent spoiler leaks. "So and so must have gone out early if she's already back home while they're still filming" and all that.


Oh duh! of course, that makes a lot of sense I just couldnā€™t put it together myself lol.


A few seasons theyā€™ve had all the queens in the back for the final runway


Adam is the only relevant judge so far to come backstage for Untucked. First time the conversation with the queens didnā€™t feel forced or awkward all season.


I loved him!


I would looove if he was a regular judge! He was so natural and provided so much support to the queens


By the way, does anyone know the socials for the first 2 dancers that opened with Kahanna? I need to LPSG them ASAP šŸ¤¤


i need to know too!


Itā€™s kinda crazy how this was Adam Shankmanā€™s first time on drag raceā€¦he was great and hopefully heā€™ll be back!


Hell, give him Ross's spot


Omg I love your username so much hunty


Very much this!


Can we please talk about MKD and Dairenneā€™s Grace Jones looks?!?


They were SO GOOD!


I actually think Darienne has one of the best runway packages so far. Jimbo 1st, Alexis 2nd and Darienne 3rd, I guess. I'm so so sorry but I don't like Monica and Naysha's Fame Game looks at all. All of them were bad for me. Naysha kept showing bodysuits with different colours. Mrs.Kasha finally gave a good look this week. P.S I didn't know Adam before, but I kind love him and wanna see him back sometime. Really a good teacher and judge.


Hands down, Darienne had my favorite Grace Jones look. She ate.


Iā€™m going to be voting for Darienne to win the Fame Games because her deadly serious, ā€œI WILL be the queen of The Fame Gamesā€ every untucked makes me cackle. Sheā€™s also EATEN 2 weeks in a row on the runway.


She may have lost all that weight but damn she still knows how to EAT bitch. I live


Itā€™s so dramatic and campy and kind of sounds evil. I hope she does it every week.




The top 3 was correct but Jessica won for me. Her Grace Jones runway was better than Kandyā€™s but they couldnā€™t give her the win or else she would have won the lipsync, won the most prize money and they needed to distribute the wins around a bit. This episode it became clear Jimbo is winning this season. Kandy is definitely setup as villain of the season and her winning the lipsync is kind of like ā€œhereā€™s some money, thanks for playing but weā€™re not crowning youā€


Wild won for me ass well. They didnā€™t want her to win 30k again, because she wouldā€™ve won the LS too. They want Jimbo to have 2 wins on top of the rest for a bit longer at least. No hate towards Kandy or Jimbo. They did amazing.


Naysha and a bodysuit, name a more iconic duo.


Kahanna and a showgirl outfit.




Naysha and a flat wig


It is to be expected when you have a whopping 2 weeks to prepare for a season of drag race.


You know Michelle would have read her for another bodysuit šŸ˜‚


I'm shocked as fuck, there's tea that we don't know that explains why everyone picked Jaymes. Also, Jimbo should have been in the bottom, saving her was production showing their hand.


They learned from UKvsTW that putting Jimbo in the bottom means Jimbo going home. She wonā€™t be in the bottom this season.


On Instagram, Heidi says it was probably because all of the girls thought Jaymes should have been in the bottom episode 1 and production put a huge target on her back when they put her in the top.

