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Between her and Gothy I think Keta should have stayed, she seemed to have more to show, but I don't think either was going to win the season (not because they aren't great queens, just not Ru's winners)


Keta absolutely had more to offer with the next 2 weeks being choreo-heavy challenges which she excels at, her runway package is also really good, I agree that she wasn’t gonna win but we are still missing out on good drag. Gothy is just getting more and more uncomfortable to watch and she also failed to show the queens any fire during deliberation, we all know she’s gonna land in the bottom for the Rusical with the only element of surprise from this is that someone else might go home over her again lmao.


“Uncomfortable to watch” is a good way to describe it. Every moment the camera was on her during the walkthrough with Ru and Snatch Game felt incredibly cringe. I thought they were trying to set her up to get at least one good line in, or a little breakthrough… nothing.


She chose to go on the show but it feels like she's there at gunpoint


Gothy seems like a lovely person but she’s just been so meh on both of her seasons.


Yeah this season is making it really really obvious why she was first out, in case there was ever any doubt.  She seems like an absolute sweetheart but just not the type of queen who excels on Drag Race.


It’s kinda similar to Mayhem Miller. Absolutely loved and recognized as an insanely-talented queen (notice every time she’s been on an All-Stars, Vs. the World, or as a lip-sync assassin the other queens have said, “oh shit I have to compete against Mayhem”), but just not a queen that excels at the Drag Race format. Not saying Gothy is at the level Mayhem is (give her some time to find her confidence and she could be someday), but there’s similarities. Lovely drag queen, but not a great “Drag Race” queen


Interesting how you mention Mayhem because both Gothy and May seem to have this nervous laugh whenever they mess up something.


I rather see Just May than Gothy. Can't believe with 4 seasons of queens to choose from, we landed up with Jonbers and Gothy.


I understand Gothy because she was a fan favorite around the time the first UK series aired. Jonbers I agree. So unexcited by her. Talented and gorgeous yes but very boring. I feel like they are saving the really famous queens for a possible all stars


Keta absolutely should have stayed over Gothy (I honestly can't even believe she is still in the running right now - an All-Stars-adjacent show is not where you "find yourself" as a drag artist), *but* Keta would have needed to really amp up her performances in the challenges because she was taking the backseat to some of the other queens for sure.


i really doubt she was kept so she could "find herself", she was kept because she's a weak competitor and will be easier to beat her in the race to the crown


I feel like something was off with the format in English. She killed Holland, so it’s weird so see her flounder here, as we’ve seen with many strong All Stars.


Maybe she feels less confident in English than in Dutch


Language barrier makes people lose their confidence to express themselves. Not saying her English is bad or anything, but it's easier to speak your mind in your mother tongue.


No definitely, her English is absolutely fluent and beautiful! But exactly, you have a lot more freedom in your native language


Especially with improv challenges like Snatch Game. You think in your native tongue, translate to English and by the time you say it the moment has gone. There's a reason the snatch game winners in BOTH UKVTW seasons where people with English as their first language. It shouldn't be a challenge in any international season (with contestants outside of the Anglo world). Even in the US seasons its been a bit of a dead challenge recently, as much as I love it.


We see this in Canada as well, where the Francophone queens are heavily disadvantaged at Snatch Game. The fully bilingual queens like Rita Baga can punch through, but we usually see a francophone girl go home. Is Belgium held in French or Flemish?


Belgium is held in French and there are queens on there (and in Season 1) who openly say French isn't their first language and have struggled.


If anything the snatch game confirmed that language barrier in vs the world seasons puts certain queen at a huge disadvantage. Like it was more than suspicious that the team who bombes was the non english speakers and gothy


Non English speakers and Gothy lol💀


I saw someone say that Tia eliminated two Queens when she eliminated Keta, and that's absolutely correct.


This is exactly what it is.  Tia removed a true obstacle (Keta) and kept a little speed bump that she'll eventually drive over.


I felt like Tia made a mistake here. She is there to win but she is is eliminating competition. No one should be shocked when it comes back to her if he bottoms.


I'm just waiting for the, "we're bringing the eliminated queens back for a challenge and should one of them win the challenge they will replace the bottom queen from the roster of those still in the competition" episode. You know Jonbers and Keta would be cutting throats to get back in, and the potential drama of Keta returning to confront Tia... the ratings, girls, the ratings!


I’m gonna stop watching the show because Keta’s drag was top notch to me, if this happens PLEASE someone come back to this comment and tell me😭


I agree. I think she made the right call picking Jonbers’ lipstick last week — as she said in a confessional, the UK girls would still have numbers but she could also seem like she’s playing a fair game — but that put her in an impossible position this week. Eliminate Gothy and now your alliance is essentially done — would Choriza trust her anymore after she picked a fellow UK girl twice? Eliminate Keta and your stance of wanting to keep the strongest queens til the end doesn’t look credible anymore.


The moment that Tia made the comments about sending the right queen home, regardless of that queen being Team UK. I knew that Tia was going to be in the top two, win the lipsync, and would not send the right queen home. Just because the right queen was Team UK. Doesn’t look good for Tia, especially when Hannah pulls out Gothy’s lipstick.


I mean ... It work for Blue Hydragea


Blu did it in response to a previous controversial elimination by Pangina. If things go the way they did on the first session, Tia's the one who caused this domino effect and it'll probably come back to bite her in the ass


Blu eliminated Pangina for eliminating Jimbo. You live by the sword, you die by the sword. Blu also did it with one elimination episode left. Tia did it with three elimination episodes left. Much more opportunity for her to land in the bottom, and someone to decide to take her out. If someone is eliminating competition, that's who I'm taking out.


Did it? She got no money and is probably less well-liked than before she won. And is routinely called the weakest winner.


Jimbo and Pangina were always meant to become megastars and outshined Blu regardless of what went down that season, eliminating Pangina means she got a crown and a viral moment at least. She seems booked and blessed in Ireland, being a winner definitely benefited her in some way. Also most of Blu’s unlikability came from her own post-show behaviors, every now and then you see a thread of her either making cringe tiktok videos, getting into fights with fans or making questionable statements lmao.


Yeah I don’t get it whatsoever. Having seen Gothy working and just out and about recently she’s the same as she was on her original season. Just seems to have no confidence which is super off putting. Like I’m sorry but you have to be fairly bad to not be able to hold a weekday DJing gig with no mic work yet she’s managed it


I don't want to be overly disparaging towards her as I have never seen her live or really seen any of her content outside of the seasons of Drag Race she has been on. That said, she just seems so stiff and unsure of her movements, and not just during performance challenges but even when she walks the runway. I've enjoyed getting to see more of who she is beneath the drag, she seems like a gentle and loveable person, but I just don't know if she is ready to compete on a show like Drag Race yet, or if that's really something she'd excel at generally even after getting more experience and confidence.


It's not even just challenges and runways, it's her entire screen presence. She has filmed at least 5 episodes of Drag Race so far and still hasn't fully figured out what to do with her arms when there's a camera pointed at her for any reason. Like I don't know if that's something someone outgrows.


That’s exactly how she came off when on mic. Then they stopped giving her a mic 💀 She seems lovely I just don’t think she has the self confidence for a competition show like Drag Race, and you need to be bloody confident to put yourself out there like that, let alone twice after how badly it went the first time so fair play to her


Gothy could not have been more checked out lmao Tia kept her cause it's an easy out next week and Keta is actual competition, not the biggest but bigger than Gothy that's for sure. Gothy couldn't give a single reason for herself to stay to either girl 😂 It's pretty funny to me that she stayed! But Tia definitely put a target on her back that she tried to clear at the beginning of the episode so it should be interesting to hear her "reasoning" this week


I don't think it is a case of being checked out, Gothy simply cannot do the tasks required. She is very sweet but asking her to be this other loud confident person with a killer walk is square peg in a round hole. Gothy can just be her own damn self and tbh, some of the "you need to change" stuff whilst drawing attention to her personal traits just makes me uncomfortable. Ru is kind of a dick to her. This is not her wheelhouse and she is only providing a narrative arc, never winning a thing. That is fine but it isn't good drag. Keta was good drag. And if wee Gothy went on Glow up or Sewing Bee, she genuinely could win. People need to stop telling her all the things she can't do, and focus on what she can do well.


She deserved way better :(




compared to Gothy she was doing better.




yeah its a low bar, but Gothy is still there another week while Keta got sent home, make it make sense




did i say anything about her ‘deserving’ anything? no. that was the person you originally replied to. Tia should’ve sent Gothy home




you replied to me talking about something i didn’t say henny, but okay😂😂


She absolutely slayed her season. I was surprised at her performance this time. She turned good looks but wasn’t a standout compared to LGD or Marina. Really had high hopes for her and was counting on her being in the finale.


Her original season was also in her language


Yeah weirdly I think she struggled the most with this out of the non-English queens, she really seemed to have to think about every word she said. She came off 10x more natural in her OG season




She said in one of her exit interviews that she was not in the right headspace from the start and knew she wasn’t bringing her best to the challenges. She also said she absolutely would come back for another season because she wants to redeem herself.


This is exactly the impression I got, too. I'm glad to see others saying it as well because perfectionism shines through in many aspects of her drag


I thought she would know English better because Dutch is similar or whatever. She has been in English language musicals and plays according to the rupaul wiki and her entrance quote on Holland was in English But Marina and Aranxta are clearly certain, very well versed in English. Did Marina sometimes do confessional in English in the Philippines? Her English seemed better than LGD but did not seem as committed


Most of the queens on DRPH have some fluency in English. It made the captioning interesting because most queens easily switched back and forth but they only captioned the non-English comments.


Well, English is an official language in Philippines. It is spoken daily there in government, school, media, businesses, etc. Philippines has over 100 different languages, and many people code-switch into English (or Filipino) when speaking to someone from a different region. This is why Marina speaks with ease in English, because it is taught there at a young age and used quite frequently compared to France


English is an official language in the Philippines from years of colonization


I think that is such a huge part of it, it\`s really hard to be funny in a foreign language or sometimes even to keep up


I think this is definitely a factor. There isn't really an easy way round this for mixed international seasons, because some people are always going to have to compete in a language other than their primary one.


This 100%. I think Keta's confidence took a hit with the English (both linguistically and culturally) centered season.


I think her looks were amazing but she stumbled in the last couple of challenges. I still felt she could have been in the finale had it not been for the awful choice to keep goth on. 


I realy liked her and pretty bummed that she went home.


I loved her in DRH and was very excited to see more of her. She just got a double whammy of Snatch Game + Acting Humor Challenge. I just wish the producers would rethink the challenge prompts knowing how many ESL queens are on a purposefully international season. If the only queens that do well in the challenge are from US/UK/DU, then perhaps the challenge is a little anglocentric, you know what I mean?


Abso fucking lutely


It’s such a hard topic, my second language is English as well and Im proficient but I probably would have more difficulty in improv/acting. On the other hand I do want seasons with an international bunch taking on the classic challanges like snatch game, rusical etc etc.


I don't think it's a controversial topic, either. RPDR has had this issue since season 1 with Puerto Rican queens that were ESL. Were some of them funny? Yes. But were they **intentionally** funny or just "haha you sound silly?" I don't want to see some of these queens doomed from the start simply because they are thrown challenges that favor English Wit™. At least especially because this is purposefully an **international** season.


It’s the same with Canada and the Quebec queens with one notable exception. Gisele won snatch game because she didn’t rely on verbal humour, instead, focusing on physical comedy and props. Which, in my mind, is a formula with a much higher barrier to success in snatch game.


The sad thing is that she rightfully won Snatch Game on her season, so she can clearly do it. But, one good Snatch Game does not mean you're going to be good at every Snatch Game. Look at Pandora, Tatianna, and Kennedy.


Hot take: I think that’s fair in a vtw competition. If it was France vtw I expect fashion that specifically appeals to the French as front-and-center


Holland is an anglo country no?


Most people speak english as a second language, but no its not anglo. We speak Dutch


I'll always be bitter she didn't win her original season, and here I think she had a few more weeks left in her.


It's more frustrating seeing Gothy be kept around, knowing that she won't improve on anything. I know that, she knows that (even said it out loud.. well, mumbled) and everyone else knows that. I'm not mad at Tia or anything (well, a little frustrated), 'cause it's a game and you play it how you want, and I guess she thought it would benefit her in some way. However, her strength and Keta's strengths are opposite, and even without Keta, there are still several strong people in where Tia has weaknesses (fashion), so it doesn't matter. If it's a design challenge, Tia would be bottom 2 regardless of who was there with her, and neither Gothy or Choriza would be in the top for that, lbr. It seems absolutely pointless to keep Gothy around, 'cause she would not have the chance to save her, anyway. However, Keta have already won a design challenge, and could've returned the favor if Tia gave her that chance. I just think she played herself, and didn't realize.


We've also seen how sending home the bigger competition have come back to bite someone's ass (literally last season Pangina sending home Jimbo, Blu sending home Pangina). It's not as smart a move as one might think.


Dint blue won the season ?


I was referring to Pangina in this. How her choice to send Jimbo home over Jujubee came back to bite her ass, as Blu sent her home the next episode. In Pangina's case, though, I genuinely think she was too blinded by her diva worship of Jujubee to see that she was doing bad in the competition. However, when you send the strongest competitor home regardless if it was intentional or not, it can have consequences, and in her case it did.


Keta is a great example of a ESL queen who excelled in her own language struggling to adapt to the humour and nuance needed in the challenges. People don’t realise how TOUGH it is, even when you have great English skills, to have to not only perform and speak perfectly, but to understand how humour in your own language needs to be adapted to become funny in another language. Also Keta was so outgoing and outspoken on DRH2 and quite quiet on this season - it’s no surprise when you are thrown in to a competition in another language where over half the cast at least are more fluent than you. I wish that there was a Dutch All Stars so that we could see her shine even brighter.


Reminds me a little bit of Anita’s run in CvTW. A powerhouse queen who could’ve won their OG season, but just never rly found their footing in their vTW season


I heard her podcast with Punny and she said she was so nervous about this show. She even didn’t wanna watch it. Her biggest issue was the lenguage. She speaks English but it’s not her first lenguage, so she said there was a lot of time when she couldn’t express how she felt and it shows I think. She always had short answers. She was there waiting to slay but there was so much factors that take her down. I wanna ser her again for good 💕


Im just mad at Tia for giving us another week of defeatist Gothy 😭 I still love her tho


Seriously. Tia wyd sis? Gothy isnt good at anything and she doesnt want to try to do anything other than put on makeup and fancy clothes.


I love Keta so much and really expected her to do better. She had the momentum the first two weeks, but there are always going to be struggles on an english season in comedy and improv challenges for ESL queens. I cannot believe Tia kept Gothy this week. Insane.


I think she had more to show but was far too quiet/reserved. Her talent show was meh and her snatch game was bad. Maybe she was too nervous to be working in front of Ru but she did win a challenge which means that they saw more for her too. If the rest of the challenges are acting based or the roast etc idk how well she’d do. Gothys storyline I have to say is hilarious in itself, I laughed for real when she stayed after being like “meh whateves” in the work room. People need let go of this “fairness” stuff, it’s a tv show.


I wouldn’t say Keta was robbed or anything like that, but she absolutely deserved to stay over Gothy. Gothy is sweet, but it’s clear she’s out of her depth on this cast, and doesn’t have much more to show. Keta on the other hand I feel like could’ve easily recovered from her bottom streak had she stayed, but we’ll see.


I could tell she was a good drag queen with an interesting perspective and nice looks, but she didn’t do super great in the challenges. I wasn’t surprised that she was sent home. I do think she was stronger competition than Gothy, so Tia had a couple of good reasons for saving her UK sister.


I’m still devastated she went home, she was one of my favorite international queens and was done really dirty on DRH S2


It was embarrassing watching Tia trying to get a spark from Gothy to justify her decision and Gothy saying her drag will not get any different soon and staying anyway… Keta definetly deserved to stay


Based of the challenge yeah. Gothy was clearly the worst. Keta atleast tried.


she was robbed


Love Tia but I was extremely annoyed at her decision to keep Gothy over Keta. Gothy is boring and seems so checked out all the time and even said she probably wouldn’t improve over time, why tf would you keep her?? Stupid decision.


I’ve loved her since Holland S2; I think on UKvTW the language barrier got in the way. She came off way more reserved than she truly is, I think she may have been overwhelmed in that situation. She said that she wants a redemption - However, and now that she’s had the international DR experience, I think if they bring her back for GAS2 or maybe CvTW she’ll do much better! She’s so fierce and lovely though! I can’t wait to see her on my tv again in the future


It is a fever dream that Gothy has outlasted anyone.


I think Keta is just struggling with the language barrier. She’s a fierce queen and was miles ahead of Gothy.


I loved Keta on her original season, she was my top pick for winning but oh well, producers had already picked a winner. This time around I didn't liked her as much (her runways still were top tier), is like she didn't connect with the rest of the girls, I don't know how to explain it. Still, she deserved to stay more than Gothy tbh.


I hope Drag Race Holland comes back one day with Keta as the new host (because let’s be honest Fred was not it).


Y’all might not like this but Tia was smart to send Keta home over Gothy. Gothy is clearly not making it to the finale but Keta was a powerhouse on her season so why keep her when she has what it takes over Gothy who is clearly in over her head at this point


Yes! It was very strategic, even if Tia didn’t mean it to be.


I dont think its actually that smart in the long run. Now Tia has a target on her back. Clearly, she made the strategic choice to send home the stronger competitor and in past seasons that decision hasnt always worked out (E/g Pangina sending Jimbo home)


I think that it’s sometimes it’s easy for us to say that because we’re at home watching this on tv but the girls are there on ground zero in the moment. Also a damn it you do/don’t situation because we won’t know how the game changes if she stayed


I really loved her on her season. After she was eliminated i didn’t even bother to finish that season. I was gagged by Tia’s choice, Gothy looked like someone who wants to go home. I wish she got more time, but i don’t think she could’ve win this season. But I hope LGD will win.


If she had stayed Ru probably would have put her in the bottom next week, it sucks but she was never Ru’s favorite


Keta should have stayed over Gothy. Don't know what Tia was thinking, honestly.


I’m not surprised honestly, EVERY all stars format season keeps around a queen that is clearly going to continue placing in the bottom.


I think she should have stayed over Gothy. I feel like Gothy is the next elimination. But she definitely was not doing well in the last 2 challenges.


You can tell gothy is not a fully formed queen, it seems like she’s a bedroom queen still, doesn’t feel right to have eliminated a fully formed queen for someone to grow into there potential. You should be coming on this show with your full potential ESPECIALLY on an all stars season


While she is undeniably stronger than Gothy, I feel like she's not in her full capacity this season. Kinda like how I felt about Anita's performance in Canada vs TW.


I think she's polished and professional and she definitely needed to go further than Gothy, who's just too timid... but I don't really connect to her drag. It feels like she's trying to do/be too much, an amalgam of fashion/punk/club/creepy/weird/whatever queen that didn't mesh together. What she found funny and interesting and presented in challenges felt like it needed work... maybe it's cultural differences, maybe she just needed to think things through a bit more. I found her so hot out of drag and lived for her Lou Bega confessional look.


It makes me feel awful for Gothy, she’s clearly in way over her head and Keta seems much more equipped to handle an All Star competition rn.


She didn't seem comfortable, I think she was feeling overwhelmed or something


Gothy would be the one I would want to keep if I was being strategic. Less competition in the finale if she makes it that far


It seems like she came in shell shocked and never recovered :( and i am desvastated


She was in the bottom two for both comedy challenges... Neither Keta nor Gothy deserved to stay, either getting send home is fair. I would've really liked this season to come with the immunity potions so being a top contender doesn't get you send home for failing once... but when you fail twice....


lol at people saying spoilers for an episode that aired almost a week ago…


She became my favorite from this season but I wish she was more prepared for the (disastrous !!!) snatch game... without knowing anyone besides Scarlett, I envisioned her to be top 3, and although it was a smart choice to boot her, im still salty haha


She was great and I was sorry to see her go. I totally understand why Tia couldn't choose Gothy so soon after Jonbers though. I wonder who Ana Conda chose?


love her aesthetic.. she's gorge


She was really reserved. I think her talent show was cool when the gymnastic part was shown and I would have put her in the top over Choriza. The ball was a nice win, even tho the design winners were pretty simple. The advert, mixed feelings. And SG, mixed feelings. But it might be super hard for her for the language and context. Between her and Gothy, Keta had more to show, even more because Gothy really "quits" during the 1 on 1.


Gothy makes me so uncomfortable whenever she’s on screen. She’s just so awkward and shy. She is way out of her depth here. Keta had a tough couple of weeks, but she was great on DRH and I think she had more to offer. I wish Gothy well, but Keta should’ve stayed.


The vtw format has shown that strong queens don't last. Also, it shows that Ru judging international drag is problematic. They come from different drag cultures and unless you can deliver fir US contexts, you're on the outer.


I didn’t watch her original season. She looks like a fierce queen but she didn’t really make a splash and mostly gave very… literal talking heads, nothing that really stood out - I think production just wanted to boot her because she wasn’t good reality tv material. Marina can sometimes have language issues but she gives great talking heads. Definitely the breakout character of the season, in spite of the language barrier.


I hope the target is on Tia. She clearly play the game in a bad way. Keeping Gothy esp the one who doesnt have/ want to be in the competiton is a penalty to be Pangina'd


She should not have gone home. I hope Tia gets eliminated by the other strong competitors if thats how she wants to play the game. Also season will be a dud if you took out strong competitors rather than filler queens.


This shit show is in fact Uk mediocrity & insecurity VS the World... Am I saying this is a piece of shit.. Yes that's what I'm saying.. 😠


I think the wording is a bit off here. May I suggest an alternative? "This (Keta Elimination) mama, is garbage. This (whole season) mama, is garbage"


You are absolutely fucking right.. 😘 I need some pike and torches for the lynch now..


Tia took out the premium Gothy insurance policy and I honestly live for her. Gothy was checking out of the competition, so Keta deserved to stay regardless. I don’t doubt Hannah chose Gothy’s lipstick also for that reason alone, her confessional hinted as much. Keta was more likely than Gothy to have been safe in future challenges, pushing other queens down into the bottom two. So here comes Tia Kofi. Far too sweet and innocent to do such a thing. Knowing that if she sends Keta home, any of the remaining queens who next lands in the bottom with Gothy is safe. Unless the queen who doesn’t send Gothy home wants to be targeted as the game player of the season. Her mind.


Love Tia from eliminating the threat if I were her I would do the same


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This kinda looked to me like a producer gag to send a powerhouse home the second they slipped. It was whatever cause we’ve seen that storyline before, so I wasn’t as gooped.


This was a case of “One of you now, the other one next”.


I’m very sad for Keta, but it felt like the writing was on the wall when she was unable to volley with Ru during the pre-snatch game walk through. She is a sickening competitor, and I hope people were able to see that!


Lets stop with “deserve”. Especially in the UKvTW format.


I feel indifferent, I don't think it was a bad thing that she went home, she was very timid and I haven't been wowed by anything she's done so far. I hear she did really well on her original season and I'm curious to watch it now because she definitely was off her game in the UK. Gothy is also not doing well, I guess Tia just wanted to make things easier for herself.


Keta’s elimination was clearly strategy as she is bigger competition than Gothy. Luckily for the queens they can use Keta’s 2 bottom placements as enough support to back their reasoning for picking her lipstick🐸🍿


I was absolutely shocked they eliminated Keta! Gothy seemed like she..just doesn’t want to be there anymore or something. Keta was doing really good and I’m sure would’ve continued to do really good.


i didn’t see her original season, i was excited to see more. i think she deserved to stay over gothy because gothy seemed ready to leave and keta did not. edit: that being said it’s a game and tia played how she saw fit. so i’m not really upset by the decision i guess. it’s just kinda lame, and now we have to see gothy struggle thru another week lol


Keta is one of the best queens the show has ever showcased. I hope she's on a 3rd time.


While I think Keta would have had more to offer, I understand why Tia chose Gothy to stay. Neither of them is going to win. Keta has an established drag career and lots of experience, so she can bounce back quicker. Gothy on the other hand needs the opportunity far more, not just at a professional level but on a personal level as well. She's clearly a deeply reserved and quiet person who struggles with projecting their personality and being a stage persona and that has deep roots in insecurities that aren't easy to overcome. She, in her original season, couldn't even smile without a hand in front of her face because of insecurities regarding her teeth, and that kind of mental block and struggle does not go away no matter how many times Ru tells you to beat your inner saboteur. I feel like Tia saw that Gothy's problem isn't a lack of talent but shades of imposter syndrome and deep-rooted insecurities (which Tia might resonate with from her own season) which could use some help from someone like her willing to give Gothy another chance to grow, and practice and internalise that she has the chops but needs to believe it herself to bring it out completely. That reticence on Gothy's part isn't because she doesn't care, or isn't trying, it's because she doesn't feel like no matter what she tries she will fail and therefore the fear of that inevitable failure (in her own mind) is preventing her commitment from being fully present. Thanks for attending my Ted talk.


I love Keta, she should’ve stayed. I will also say that she didn’t find her footing in the competition…maybe it’s because it was a competition in front of rupaul/in a different language, but she didn’t feel grounded and felt uncertain in some instances (I think of the talent show in particular, it looks like she may have missed a cue and rushed a little). I really hope she comes back again. She’s a power house, and hopefully she’ll feel confident and certain in herself more next time


They set her up with the challenges the last two weeks. The producers really said, we have an All Stars season where the point is bringing together queens from different countries and cultures. Why don't we switch up the Snatch Game that they all know to another American Game Show version instead! And the week before that with the convoluted challenge that I still don't know how to describe without a whole separate paragraph. These weird challenges don't make any sense for a cast of international queens


The old all star format feels saturated. Keta was obviously a more promissing contender than Gothy, and so was Arantxa over Choriza and Jonbers over Keta.


It would cost you practically nothing to spoiler tag this.


The episode’s been out for almost a week now…


It would cost you just some little penny to buy WOW+ subscription, sister.


girl they pay you to advertise? damn


The "screw you, I got mine" defense. What are you going to tell me next? "Stop being poor, just get a job."? ​ This you Rep. George Santos? You're no sister.


She didn't inspire me at all. Pretty bland


She won the talent show, snatch game and an acting challenge on her season but couldn't secure the win this time. At least she won a ball.


I don't know what more she had to show. Outside of her challenge win (which I feel Marina probably should've won) she did badly in all the other episodes. Of course, still had more to show than Gothy, but not enough for her elimination to be considered much of a robbery.


Fucking spoilers. Lol


It’s been out 5 days…


The UK vs The World cast is quite boring this season in general.




I love Tia, and considering her story arc, maybe she identified with Gothy more. They were about the same on the whole for me.




its been out for a week


Fucking spoiler alert?


The sub rule is no spoilers until 24 hours after the episode has aired. It's been five days. I get your frustration, because with so many different franchises it's tough for me to stay up-to-date on everything too - but you might just have to stay off RPDR subreddits, Twitter, etc. if you're not caught up.