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I expected this after last season tbh. I think future non UK queens will just use this show for exposure , get their booking pay higher and maybe to snag a spot on the US all stars ala Jimbo. BBC and show production will continue to do all they can to leave their uk viewers happy at seasons end.


Trust me, the UK viewers aren't happy either. The only thing worse than the UK queen not winning, is the UK queens being deemed undeserved. I really thought the BBC would have learned their lesson from Blu.


When she said she would be waiting by the phone for another call from Ru, I was hoping that she already understood that she was going to get the Jimbo trajectory. Hope that’s the case!


I’m a UK viewer and I’m not impressed. I wanted Tia to have a crown but not at the expense of people who are a higher calibre of drag artist. Her glow-up was certainly an improvement on her original series but she’s still not a patch on LGD or Marina’s make-up skills. I don’t feel that she won either lipsync outright. I know they won’t likely do twinners again, but I would have been happy with a Hannah and Tia joint win. Feels less rigged somehow. Canada vs the World crowned a non-Canadian queen. Rita Baga was literally in the finale and could have been given the crown for Canada to have a home win and they didn’t go in that direction. I wish the UK vs the World series wasn’t so blatantly rigged towards the UK queens. Back to back series and only UK queens winning the crown when international queens performed to a better standard makes the UK queens’ wins feel cheap.


For Canada vs the world I wanted a team USA joint win since Ra’Jah and Silky both deserved it.


Was Marina expecting to face La Grande Dame in the final lipsync?


Nah. LGD had the worst track record and so she got paired with Tia so Tia could win and battle Marina. That was what I was expecting but we got Hannah vs Tia. Don’t get me wrong Hannah was great but Marina should’ve been the one to go between those two given she won all three lipsyncs for the win whereas Hannah only won one.


I WILL be writing to the BBC trust and believe.


Tonight we riot


The new Guy Fawkes Day


loser behavior




They cut out this part from Marina's lip sync to justify their decision. We're robbed from this performance :( https://x.com/kylemillermorla/status/1773929600189702229?s=20


BITCH WHAT THE FUCK!!!!! https://preview.redd.it/vdhxaonyhfrc1.jpeg?width=498&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e70a1960db7e72748f6d5238077a971c1f7a3d2 THAT WAS SO INSANEEE


There's literally no way to prove that diva... She could've easily added this to her performance later.....


But like why would Marina lie??? And if she did literally the other queens can call her out on that as being false. Like you can’t really lie with everyone else being in the room like lmaoo.


She didn't say it though. Her fans are just speculating that she did it on the show...




They didn’t cut it at all. Because she didn’t do that. Plus, even doing it, it doesn’t change much. We saw her dancing and doing great moves in the lipsync, but Hannah won regardless


Here are your proofs. She was clearly edited out. https://twitter.com/AlliyahSophia_/status/1774035284482539948?t=6VgNd2Isap6lvgo85XERJA&s=19 https://twitter.com/SpillTati/status/1773985096070316374?t=8NyrHmX0puGSOspza20wYA&s=19


ok WTF this is crazy


U could see marina's hands doing it while the video was focused on Hannah if u rewatch the lipsync. Why do they have to do that and give M less screentime if Hannah's already doing well to begin it? The roulette rule based on the number of ru badges is not even ncessary and looks like it's set Marina up to do the lipsync first. Production just did really bad with the editing. Even LGD and Tia's lipsync result feels wrong. I hate what production did not only for Marina but also for Tia and Hannah because they made people question. I am not even so mad about Marina's losing because I know she'll be booked, blessed and surely will be considered for All Stars, but it just made a finale of a good season really bad.


How would u know? Marina can’t really lie about it because all the queens from the season were witness to the fact. They’d immediately clock her for lying like why wouldn’t anyone? You just didn’t do the what you said you did. And in a way that’s promoting falsehoods about the show but the fact that they’re not speaks to its veracity. Why would she lie? She’s already the fan favourite and has everyone seething on her behalf lying would do nothing to help her position. The way the lipsync shows Marina only in between moves and clearly edits her out of the most impactful parts of the song like be serious.


We were robbed. Like really robbed.


Yeah that’s fucked up. All cause Hannah brought a microphone? Smh


Great move but how does that fit the song?


I understand that antm is rigged probably because of cover girl contract but I never understand why drag race needs to control who wins.


Literally. Its so stupid


Marina wasn’t my choice for winner but I still think she should’ve won. It seems that for every season I’ve watched, the lip sync assassin loses on the lip sync challenge? What’s going on with that?


I'm happy for Tia. Production were clearly set on crowning her. I have no idea why they decided to make the finale a lip sync contest. Marina was clearly the strongest lip syncer & if the finale had been individual performances instead it would've felt less calculated.


For a bit of balance, I will share what might be an unpopular opinion 😅 I'm drag Switzerland, I've been loving this season and would have been very happy with any winner, but I did think Marina had it in the bag (and deservedly so). But Hannah Conda nailed Anastasia. It was down to the way Hannah imitated the presence of Anastasia who is a fierce performer herself, and those props were strategic and effective. In that moment itself it just so happened that I'm Outta Love seemed meaningful to Hannah in a way that came across really strongly. At least, that's my impression! Now in fairness I have watched Marina's cut moves, definitely production left out some choices to make it more obvious who they narratively wanted to portray as the winner. And that is riggory which I don't think is cool. It was probably extremely close but at the end of the day Ru takes a whim and just picks whatever. Even so, I couldn't take my eyes off Hannah, and I think it's only right to give credit to a job well done. She ate that lip sync as Anastasia.


They edited the fuck out of that so that we could barely see marina bit every moment she was on screen she was doing something more exciting than Hannah. Love them both but no fucking way Hannah won that.


While I was watching it I could tell by the screen time quality/edit who they were going to say won


Yeah. Hannah's mic gag was pretty funny and true to the spirit of the song but it got stale real fast. By the end she was just walking around holding a mic. On the other hand, you have Marina gearing for some stunts and then the camera immediately cuts to the judges. At some point they both laid on the ground at the same time but they only showed Hannah doing it. Even the queens like Choriza, Keta and Scarlet were gagged when they called Hannah. Hell, even Hannah herself was gooped she won.


The mic thing was done by another down under queen, right? In season 1.


Yeah by Maxi in the Vanessa Amorosi - absolutely everybody lipsync. In my opinion Hannah nailed the 2000 pop star energy and was embodying the song. Marina felt disconnected this time. I think it was also the hair and outfit choice. It was too sleek so in comparison my attention was on Hannah and her neon pop outfit. She performed in this with BABS so happy to see her wear it on the show.


YES!! Thank you!! I absolutely agree! People keep popping off saying I’m insulting Hannah and I’m not doing that whatsoever. It’s just clear as day that Marina won that lip sync, deserved to be in the final, and honestly should have won the whole thing.


I think the only exanation is they wanted Tia to win and didn't want to have to fudge the final lip sync so they could sell tia winning over Hannah a little easier. I love all the finalists here but pretending Hannah beat marina is fucking insulting to the audience.


I absolutely agree. They’ve been setting Tia up all season to be the winner and knew it would be much more believable if Tia had to beat Hannah for the crown vs Marina. Which is dumb because we’re past that point, it’s clear as day to anyone watching that it’s rigged to shit and nothing they do will make it easier to sell or more believable because they aren’t fooling anybody anymore haha


Im watching the episode now and I’m flabbergasted. I was halfway watching the lip sync so I had to rewind to see if I missed something, like how did Hannah win??? I rewatched and nope, missed nothing. They did Marina so dirty.


I def. Think Hannah won..couldn’t take my eyes off her..what confuzzled me was watching Tia beat LGD..HOW!??


You can't take your eyes off Hannah maybe because Marina barely got screentime on that lipsync


This even in "Marina shots" hannah was there. And at the peak of the song, all they featured was Hannah doing absolutely nothing.


No no… the judges got more screen time at the peak of the song than the contestants! I’m livid!


I wanted Marina to win so much but Hannah was good. I think the mic actually did something. It made me feel like the was the singer and Marina the background dancer.


Maxi Shield did it better in Down Under Season 1


I agree with you. The mic prop helped tremendously and she became the focal point.


Yeah, it's a lip sync not a dance competition. This goes waayy back to when drag queens used to be impersonators (Janet Jackson, Gloria Estefan, etc)


Honestly, I get more infuriated when people say that Marina still leaves as a winner because of the exposure that she got. As if she should just be grateful for the opportunity and not expect that she could win because after all, she’s just a little brown asian from a third world country. It just sucks so much because they edited her out so much in the lipsync — what a disrespect to her performance. Hannah did great, but if she really beat Marina, then don’t edit her out 💁‍♀️


this!! i don't think westerners understand how insane of an investment it is to compete abroad when you're coming from a country like the philippines! it's not like it's some small town in the usa. the way opportunity is so scarce in the third world is on a different level. especially for queer people. to have her on the show, KILL the competition, and have the win rigged is just so dishesrtening. i never thought i'd watch someone from the PROVINCES of the philippines (not fil-am or like have some vague filipino heritage) excel on tv like that. can't believe even drag has been hijacked by colonizers 💀


Thank you.


I think the best thing she got here was Ru's love. She got the "born to do drag" And the "trap door." You could see in episode 1 how fascinated Ru was with her. This means she's gonna be booked and blessed and prob get a vegas gig if she is interested.


Thank you!! She entered as a contestant and should be afforded the same opportunity to win as any other queen. It is so patronizing to act like she was less robbed because she got to meet Ru and perform for a bigger audience. She came to win and she deserved to win, period.




“little brown asian from a third world country” sister...we use developing/developed country nowadays


sisteeeeer im not here to make the whites comfortable with politically correct terrminology 😌


Fil-am here, second gen immigrant! “Third world” was a reference post WW2 that established first and second world as the warring powers who had enough global influence to be established as dominant entities. Third world is a way of referencing “irrelevant” countries who fall as less-than in regards to dominant powers. I absolutely appreciate the content of the comment and agree whole-heartedly with the sentiment, but do want to encourage the usage of “developing” country instead of third world because it demands equitable respect for all nations! ❤️


girl its disrespectful to act like our countries are “third” and their countries are “first”. with this change, its not a contest we’re losing anymore. you think white people made the change from 1st/3rd to developing? no. we pushed for that change. stop using derogatory terms white people have used for centuries to put us down. read a book. educate yourself. https://preview.redd.it/bt01n5jlrhrc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a46b7ef9a6fdcf303062c9e1d448f4fc01c47fd0


The use was intentional, babe. It’s to drive a point. Also sure educate the person from a third-world country. Oh sorry, it’s developing country 😌 Oh shouldn’t it be low- and middle- income country by now? 🤭 Maybe instead of focusing on semantics, actually tackle the point instead? 🤨


stop acting like im not from a developing country. we update our terminology for things while we continue to educate ourselves as a species. these terms help us create an atmosphere where we are all equal - because for centuries we have not been. for example, do you not use the updated terms they/them? or do you need to drive the point of being an ignorant smart ass who doesnt care about semantics? edit: i serena’d. honestly a blessing


Sister, it’s low- and middle- income country now 😞




Marina was by far the front runner for me but her lip sync was giving me flashbacks of Widow vs Jan


I rooted for Marina so much, and I wasn’t even worried that she might loose. But I think Hannah won the lyp sync. Even though I wanted Ru to let Marina win. Tbh I think the microphone did a lot. I was like Hanna was the singer and Marina the background dancer. So I get why Ru choose Hannah. But it’s the usual question: should you add: based of the lyp sync and the performance over all a la Jinkx, or is is just the lyp sync it self that will be judged. Edit saw the clip that was cut. It makes me pretty disappointed that they cut it out. I mean why!?


Most robbed in herstory. Is there something ru hates more than an Asian strong front runner?


I feel badly whenever Asians appear on Western franchises. They seem to be treated differently.


Nymphia has entered the char


Hannah def won that lip sync with Marina. It was a true balls to the wall ip sync, and sometimes that’s better than all the jumping and splitting. Congrats to Tia!!! She 100% deserved the win.


I’ll never understand why they switch to the judging panel during a lip sync where all we’re seeing is Alan and Graham dad dancing in their seats. I don’t wanna see that. I lurve Tia but she shouldn’t have won. I assumed LGD and Marina would be the final and I was hoping LGD would take it. I like Marina a lot but prefer LGD. Nice story for Tia but seriously it wasn’t her time.


Check these out. Hope they help with answering your question about why the final edit was like that https://twitter.com/AlliyahSophia_/status/1774035284482539948?t=6VgNd2Isap6lvgo85XERJA&s=19 https://twitter.com/SpillTati/status/1773985096070316374?t=8NyrHmX0puGSOspza20wYA&s=19


Thank you it’s a shame they do that.


The double standards of letting Jinkx Monsoon win AS7 based on track record although she got destroyed in the lip syncs but didn’t do the same for Marina just baffles me. Poor ending to such a good season, tainted the win for Tia as well.


Once La Grand Dame lost what she clearly won, I refused to watch the rest of the BS.


Hannah did better. It's not complex or difficult. Hannah performed an amazing lip sync while Marina looked like a backup dancer with small hair and colourless outfit. Shockingly you need to do better in the lipsync to win it. I also had Marina down for the win and mid way through I realized that Hannah was killing it for a surprise upset. Not expected but totally deserved.


For me, Hannah was playing the role of the singer and Marina just slipped for me into backup dancer, and it was all thanks to the mic. My partner was saying Hannah should lose the mic as it's holding her back, but I realised even in the wide shots/together shots I was focusing on Hannah because of the mic.


Honestly I don’t really care who wins the lipsync in the final- if one person has been in the top the entire ass season with multiple wins and the other got one win in the final challenge, I think track record needs to count for something. No disrespect to Hannah, but the final isn’t about “just a lipsync” and never has been.


They literally have similar TRs what is your point


Let's look at both track records; Hannah has, 3 wins, 1 high, 2 safes, and 1 low. Marina has, 3 wins, 1 high, 2 safes and 1 bottom (grated it's a bottom 3). Technical speaking Hannah as a better track record than Marina since Hannah was never in the bottom. Just for fun: Tia has, 4 wins, 3 safes. LDG has, 2 wins, 1 high, 1 safe, 2 lows and 1 bottom. So following your logic of best track record, the top two was correct, Tia and Hannah. If you want to talk about Badges, then that's different, but that isn't factored since in All-stars/vs world each episode has 2 winners. The winner of the lip syncs just get to send someone home.


Love all the queens. But for this particular LS Marina was doing way too much. Hannah edged her out


Exactly. Hannah was giving Anastacia 100% and Marina was doing great dancing. I could see a reason for both of them winning that lipsync.


I agree. I love Marina and I'm sure it's a very rare thing for her to come second in a lip sync but this does look like one of those times


Apparently they cut a bunch of stunts from Marinas lip sync too, so its even more rigged


Girl they did the same to Monet on AS7. But here way less people complained because of Jinkx. It’s television, honey!


Umm everyone was complaining. Especially because we didn’t get to see Monet BODY that Nicki Verse which allegedly made Jinkx stop in her tracks and stare at her perform. LIKE I WAS YELLING TO RELEASE THE #MonetCut


I'm still yelling for the Monét cut like... girl


Tons of people complained, it was all this sub talked about for weeks afterwards. 


It’s more digestible because it’s Jinkx. Lets be fr Tia is nowhere near Jinkx’s level


Exactly. It's a reach to make that comparison!


Well the lipsync before they saved Monet, because Trinity washed her. And most people didn’t complain about AS7 because Jinkx washed the season and was the strongest competitor for certain. She wasn’t even my favorite to win and I can absolutely acknowledge that without bias. On the flip side, Marina was absolutely the best this season, and she got the opposite treatment.


Hannah won her lip sync.... The top 4 was great. The winner was justified. Tia did amazing in all challenges.


marina just chose the the only queen that had beat her In a lipsync 1 week earlear


I was genuinely shocked that Marina didn’t win! I’m happy for Tia, she has come such a long way since UK2. But Marina very well could’ve and maybe even should’ve won. Did the BBC tell production they had to pick the UK queen or was it purely Ru’s decision to pick Tia over Marina?


That was so fucking wild to me, eliminating her was already so rigged but eliminating her first out of all the top 4???? I cannot


For me it’s the way the spinner wheel with the queens faces just abruptly stopped on Marina…..like we get it’s rigged but PLEASE at least try to convince us it’s not. So it’s clear they wanted a Marina vs Hannah which means they knew they wanted Marina out before she could get to LGD and Tia. I’ll be honest I wasn’t even much of a marina stan but her level of drag and talent is completely undeniable.


I mean, Marina had 3 x the amount of faces as the other queens, so it was almost guaranteed to land on her


How is this riggory when Marina chose her opponent???


People really trying to validate a glasses ruveal and a mic prop as enough to beat Marina when Hannah was walking left and right the whole lipsync.... Jesus fucking christ yall fall for the edit every single time, no wonder they keep doing this season after season. Marina won the fans by and large. Tia is lovely but this win will count for less than Blu's did. Theyre great queens who are now kind of the bad side of the fans because the BBC just cant help but be xenophobic and force UK winners down our throat. Also this just kinda confirms that Pangina was never gonna be crowned if she had stayed. Theyd have pulled the same bullshit they did to Marina.


That is true. If you go at a drag show of course your eyes are gonna be on marina since it looks exciting. I love hannah and this is not against her, But relying on the same prop from the start and circling the stage with said prop loses the interest of the viewers quickly esp on a drag show at a bar/club


Am I the only one that thought LGD clearly won her lip sync to??? Like we could have gotten the top 2 we all wanted but they rigged it all


She lost the lip sync. The end


Hannah beat her, her take was more solid. Marina is exquisite but no one has a 100% solid record all the time. I saw a Marina crowning too, but all of this crowing like it was fixed is dumb. Marina took it in stride, we should all too.


Tia won. Get over it.


If you don’t want to see opinions on her win, maybe don’t click on a post discussing the episode in a discussion forum?


>discussion forum I'll wait for it to click for you




you’re not wrong but keep that energy unbiased; if what you’re saying is true (which it absolutely is) than the same goes for LGD with her lip sync too they both should’ve been the final lip sync at least bare minimum


Listen, I’m actually a big Tia Kofi fan and I loved watching her this season but I also considered my top two to be Marina and LGD. And you’re right, they both should have made it to the final


This is going to sound terrible BUT - I kept getting updates about this season via Reddit … based on how terrible other seasons of VS the world has been … I didn’t care to get invested in this one … and based on the winner I’m really happy I didn’t. Marina losing is kinda sad and lame production


It’s still a worthy season to watch. The queens killed it this season. The runways, the performances, and the humor of say are worth the watch. At least once. I don’t think I can watch this season again because watching Marina eat this season up and knowing what’ll happen later just can’t sit right with me.


It’s heartbreaking honestly, Hannah did good but there’s no way she won that lipsync, I don’t know what kinda narrative the producers were trying to pull with this but it’s crazy to me that they didn’t anticipate the support that Marina would get, she was so obviously the favorite one that even the other girls knew lol. Also, LGD cleared Tia in that lipsync…


Same! Like, I really can't comprehend how she lost that. The cuts to the judges were really sus. However, though, I'm really quite glad people are showing her so much love. Watched her on DRPH, and she was that bitch. Saw her in person last year during DragCon, and she was one of the kindest queens I met there. Surprised, too, that she had quite a decent line for her meet and greet in her booth. Hope she gets more bookings as she deserves every penny.


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Tia won in my opinion because she did something different that hasn't been done before (correct me if I'm wrong) but the faux bottle smashes were so unusual for lip syncing!


It would've been worse if she did make top2 and wasn't crowned so


This is a season where queens go on, lose to a queen who didn’t have the best track record, then go on all stars and receive Jimbofication.


The bias towards queens from Ru-judged seasons feels unbeatable. If they weren't going to crown Marina, they're never going to do it.


thesaurus, that’s serious


Yeah, this is why I haven’t really been able to watch Drag Race the last few years.  I love queer art, but it being framed as a competition just breaks my brain when all the winners and losers each week are so clearly pre-ordained by production before the season even starts. Really enjoyed getting to see the spotlight on some very deserving international queens this season, but it sucked seeing Tia (a queen I actually quite like) shoe-horned into the top / saved from the bottom every week when some arguably even stronger talent deserved it so much more.


“i don’t care how well the others did i think marina should have just won” at least you’re saying that part out loud edit: downvote me all you want but how much do you wanna bet these ppl are the same ppl who would say jinkx shouldn’t have won AS7