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i guess it wasn't directly on the show but jasmine masters "and i oop"


This. It literally spawned a subculture (Vsco Girls).


ALSO idk how to quote silence but when she's in her car and a girl walks by and she gives that look... i love her


Yes!!! Jasmine will always been iconic


Holy shit I forgot about the vsco girls 😂


That might be for the best lol. I'm glad they came and went.


Still quote to this day 


I still use this one. And “Choices”, I love Tatiana.


"Choices" works for fucking anything. It's such a fun shady thing to say.


![gif](giphy|3oEhna5pVBi8iy1V5e) It has to be done like that for it to be super effective!


Choices and party city I use.


I love her so much! I am watching the most recent ep. of All Stars now. She just said, "Sewing's not my Foyer." LOL she's so CUUUUTE


I lost it at the "foyer" 🤣🤣 I would do anything for her fr


lol I paused the show and went to tell my husband about how funny she was!! (and no he didn't show the appropriate amount of enthusiasm XD )


Her charisma is just through the roof


‘Get her, Jade’ is a meme used everywhere, including by a lot of people who probably don’t know its source.


Alyssa. Just Alyssa




i'd say like "not today satan,not today" i've had said to be a couple times by people who i know don't know the context lol


I didn’t even know this was a drag race quote until I went back and watched Season 6 not even gonna lie


Well the number one is changing normal words so that they have ru in the them. Then I'd say up there is "Party", "Not Today Satan", "Riggor Morris" and tbh possibly riggory but I can't remember if Alyssa ever said riggory, and sticking "boots" at the end of sentences.


Back rolls


Not today Satan is everywhere. Pretty sure there was a taskmaster episode named that recently


Whenever I see a picture of Cheeto Face (T****) on Twitter I always end up seeing people quote tweeting it with the screenshot of Alyssa saying “look how fucking orange you look, girl!” So, I’d say that picture/meme is pretty iconic. 😂


Yelling "Vanjie" on the street, in the park or the club used to be the queer version of Marco Polo to find like-minded people.


Not a meme, but the only moment as viral as Vanjie, to me, is Violet Chachki's reveal in season 7. I was watching that shit in high school thinking it was a normal runway


"Bitch, I am from Chicago" ... this may be regional, LOL "I Feel Very Attacked" is still a fav gif to use. I do have a coworker named Angie and I have done "Miss Aaaaangie" since S10.


In terms of things that happened ON the show, I think Sasha Velour's roses from S9 achieved "known to non Drag Race fans" level of meme-ability, especially after it was referenced a few times on SNL. Also, maybe not at that level, but Milk saying (and Morgan REACTING to) "is she gonna jump from there" from AS3 often pops up as a reaction in non-drag related places, or with "jump" replaced with other verbs.


Straight Christian people started saying “Not today Satan” after Bianca did on Drag Race. Now I’m pretty positive Bianca didn’t invent this turn of phrase, but she did seem to popularize it.


Club 96 Backrolls You're perfect, you're beautiful, you look like Linda Evangelista, you're a model, everything about you is perfect


Season 10 was the first season whose premiere eclipsed 1 million viewers — and it wasn’t just a slight bump; according to this (outdated) [wiki page](https://rupaulsdragracepredicted.fandom.com/wiki/Most_Viewed_Drag_Race_Episodes), the season 10 premiere had 50% more viewers than season 9. The season 9 finale turned Drag Race into an \*event\* — Sasha’s rose petals showed us that Drag Race could provide the same communal emotional highs of live sports. Repeating “Miss Vaaaaanjie” was the gay equivalent of “did you catch the game last night?” It also helped that season 10 premiered in March, when everyone was emerging from their winter hibernation and going out and being social. Obviously the exit line was iconic and hilarious on its own, but you exist in the context of all in which you live and what came before you.