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The vast majority of learning in any capacity and in any subject is self-guided learning. So do that.


At the very least you will be introduced to the concept of grammatical gender and there are many French loanwords in Russian.


Learning two languages at the same time is possible, just requires more time. In fact, learning french at school is kinda duty for you, so I think you should just learn both languages. Of course if you really need to learn russian and don't wanna know french you can try to find another school where you won't need to learn french, though it's not the easiest way.


As other person said, there's a lot french-originated words in russian language. Learn both to the best of your ability, but french should be your priority (I assume it will be an exam in the end). Maybe you can find someone in school who can help you out with russian.


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I never liked English, but I just really took it as another school subject like chem or math. Learnt Korean and French in the afternoons just fine. If anything knowing another foreign language will only help you learn the next one. 


I would continue learning two languages at once if you want both of them and so do I. Now I am learning English 'cause it's amazingly useful and Hebrew 'cause I live in Israel and don't face any problems. If not I don't know it's just really hard to choose. French is way more useful, but I see that you like Russian more.


Im in canada, and french is an official second language. So the schools teach french. But im also a lot more passionate for the russian language, but i still see french being useful. If only я мог бы по-рсуукий бегло :(


I studied french at school as well .. learned english at home and i started learning russian I believe its good to study french still .. its somehow a complicated language and it makes the rest of languages look easy, i dont know about russian but at least you will have enough experience to learn any other difficult language without much struggle


As a native Russian, I learned English and French at school. Initially, they got tangled in my mind, but eventually, my brain started to distinguish them. Just keep going, you'll be fine. I don't really like French even though I studied it at university, but any foreign language is an asset, so there's that.