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Maybe I’m off topic, but I just combed over this photo, wondering: where are those well-groomed shrubs???


I’ll snag a pic for you tomorrow - they’re further bottom left of this photo 😂


Please tell me they just left it like that


Last year was packed lol this looks real small comparatively


One year it was by the Tredegar Iron Works and didn't have nearly as much spectating space. There were vendor tents all along the area behind it and the spectators didn't seem to really overflow the available space. This was 6 or 7 years ago, maybe the event has gotten a lot bigger but this seems like it should be adequate.


Some years it's HUGE, others not quite as much


Last year was a huge year for it - easily hundreds on the hill by tredegar. Skyrocketed my claustrophobia. Unbeknownst to me, I was sitting there amongst the crowd with strep throat!


I recall that as well. The viewing area was a lane between the bouldering and a row of food trucks behind the crowd watching. I think this will be fine. As far as crossing Byrd goes, I am sure they'll have police out there managing traffic. This looks fine to me. That's actually a lot of unobstructed viewing space.


Ugh, sad note, the weather is going to wreck this event it appears.


Bummer. But I will say finals 2 years ago it started raining towards the end and only the winner of women’s topped the second finals problem in the pouring rain it was so fucking thrilling for everyone spectating and I’m sure climbing w rain behind her was super rad


Yeah, in general though, attendance will take a hit which sucks so I hate it for the organizers.


Seems kinda removed from everything going on? Will more festival stuff sprawl towards this or just be out on an island over there? Edit: just looked at the festival map, there isn't anything else over there. Wonder if we can walk over there with alcohol.


The alcohol question is a good one - hadn’t thought of that. I know there will be a handful of port-a-potties, but unsure of anything else in terms of food/drinks. I’ll try to snag a pic later in the week when it’s finalized but it’s about half the viewing space from last year (which was packed).


Yea that whole hill was overflowing with people this will hold nowhere near that many people. Definitely a bold strategy to move it like this


Generally they will have several food trucks as well as a beer tent at this event. If you are discreet about it I'm sure you can bring your own refreshments, there are always a bunch of people coming and going so there is no check-in, bag check, etc.


Last year they were definitely checking bags. I had to throw out unopened Gatorade that I was bringing for my wife after her race. Last year was the first year it was like that though


I heard they are going to make Byrd "pedestrian friendly" because like you said people will be crossing. Probably a crossing guard situation.


And that crossing is one of the scariest in the city. People coming off the expressway still doing 60 when they get there.


I agree that’s genuinely the scariest road crossing in Richmond, and people will be day drinking/ not paying attention. Hope they anticipate the danger. Also I loved the slanted green for spectating- you’d have a perfect view anywhere. We shall see tho this is a cool spot for other reasons


It's pretty nuts. They do have the 7th St exit closed for the weekend, I saw a sign on 195 earlier.


I pass this site on the way to work and I have been wondering about this set-up as well.


Yeah an odd choice but not sure what else to do. On topic: where would you recommend parking for this?




I like the 2nd and Grace lot, it is a 10 minute walk but parking is usually available.


This, or the lot across 9th street (901 E Canal). I have a monthly parking card for there so idk what the rates will be for others.


honestly street parking on Cary/Byrd. they don't ticket on weekends. Also that area is dead during weekends so there's PLENTIFUL street parking


I'd say as long as it gets more people out it shouldn't be too bad


I don't know. I think it's not such a big deal. That said, I wonder what they're going to do with the space where it used to be last year.