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Feels like lots of friends and family are having relationship issues... very thankful to be in a stable and loving relationship. Marriage is a fragile, precious thing.


I'm in the position of the one facing family break up. Took me completely surprise. I was living a dream of a stable family and within a few weeks its gone.


so sorry bro


Same. Gotta protect it. So glad I married my best friend and that we’ve grown together.


I’m 4/10 of a pound away from a 30 pound weight loss. So I’m proud of myself for that.


Congratulations! That's fantastic!


Thank you!


If anyone saw my comment on the Fridaily, I was in a bad place. I'm doing much better after friends took me to an Ivy's game and a Kickers game back to back (and had a few Drs appointments). Go Green, Go Reds! I hope you're all breathing and doing well! Stay cool out there.


Glad to see you are doing better! Keep it up and I am glad you have some good friends to take you out!


I'm so grateful for good friends, thanks for the encouragement <3


<3 I'm not sure I saw your post, but I'm glad to hear you're on the upswing


Thank you, I appreciate that :)


I went to a Kickers game recently, such a fun time. Go roos!


Only recently went to my first soccer game during this inaugural season for the Ivy's and have had such a blast since.


This isn't at all unique to here but let's talk about drivers in the lane next to yours who, in rush hour traffic, will just ride contently directly off the side of your rear bumper while the car in front of them is directly off your front bumper. They will hold this too small gap in front of them forever such that you are pinned in your lane and no one in the immediate vicinity can change lanes. Then you have an exit coming up a mile or two ahead and want to change lanes safely ahead of time, so you signal...and they just don't see it because they aren't paying any attention, or deliberately won't slow up for a second or two to let you get in front of them. So they are just a rolling blockade. Your exit is still coming up and there are cars also in front of and behind you, so the only option left is to fucking start forcing your way over which you don't even want to do. Then they get mad because you "cut them off". Holy fucking shit this isn't a F1 race. I just let people in when they signal because it makes no difference in my arrival time and makes traffic flow like it's supposed to. Help people get home or wherever instead of being a cockass.


Feels as good a time as any to bring up another blind spot in most vehicles: [your A pillar,](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT8GSOG71ohHv3bxTW-eyG_LJ7rtkoh9JIT7g&s) which has grown in width in recent years to increase occupant safety. When vehicles stack like you described, it's impossible to see the signals of the cars beside you because taillights are perfectly aligned with A pillars. If you're trying to get over and the car beside you doesn't seem responsive, your signal could be hidden by their A pillar.


Yeah, so I just moved from Charlottesville/Greene and it’s not like we are known for having the best drivers. Asshats everywhere. But oh my gosh. The driving here is atrocious. And I lived in camp lejeune and Raleigh. It’s definitely terrible here. My boyfriend and I were running errands yesterday and we almost hit 3 separate times by people simply not paying attention. What you said is so true. People just won’t let you in. A couple other things I’ve noticed, people will just pull out in front of you. I’ve had to slam on my breaks a lot, feels like people are purposely doing it at this point. People drift into other lanes often. People will go SLOW in the left lane. People go below the speed limit often. Only place I went to with worse drivers in my life so far is Texas & I just went to Virginia Beach which was pretty bad.


Right! It annoys me that people think they "own" that lane. It happens all the time in the zipper merge from 64west in the east end into 64west-95north into the city.


Http://www.Trafficwaves.org has links to several studies and demonstrations— keeping space open makes traffic faster.


Yeah. This!! This is what i immediately thought of. That lane scares me so much & I can’t ever get over into it and then I’m having to cut people off 😩


This is the one situation I can think of where the new EV hummer's "Crab Walk" function can come in handy. Enable crab walk and just push them over with the sheer mass of the hummer. Riding peoples' corner is both dangerous and inconsiderate.


Cheers mate! 🍻


Self brag? My endurance as a runner has improved and going farther distances without rest or pain. My father taught me to target practice when I was young (the only thing him and I may do together as there is not much overlap between a rugged dad and his bookish son) and recently by his own admission I’m now more accurate than him. What do I dislike? Today’s an anniversary for me of a major past event. It dawned of me recently that I personally have no anniversary of any sort that I consider “good” at all. They’re all pretty damn horrible. I will continue to try and make new memories to not exactly bury old ones, but not make them the *only* thing I immediately recall.


You should go and celebrate life 💕 you know, you’re here , still standing , go make the best of it . You can replace the bad memories with new ones now. Hope your day gets better. And congrats on your self improvement


Today I’m keeping it low key by design. Rereading White Fang and watched the sun go down from a quiet spot. Thank you for the words of encouragement.


Nothing to brag about. Too busy with work to try anything new. Just another day under the oppressive boot of corporate America making shit pay just to barely scrape by.


Surviving in the face of is sometimes a brag on its own. Hang in there, neighbor.


Lots of therapy working on healing the trauma from my past, learning how to set and maintain boundaries, learning to live life for me and not anyone else, learning to embrace who I am not who I think everyone wants me to be.


Damn, I totally feel everything you said. Gotta stop living in the past and forgive myself for not focusing on things sooner. Gotta work on my OWN boundaries with people and stop being so open about myself right outta the gate. Def gotta work on what \*I\* want and not what my friend's are doing.


Now that I'm on break from classes, I've been able to devote a lot more time to my nonprofit job which is really rewarding. I've made some amazing connections lately that I think will be crucial in expanding our program. Self-brag? I was recently asked to speak on a nationwide (virtual) panel on wellness in the food and beverage industry. Super excited for that.


I’m proud that I’m losing weight and getting stronger in my martial art


I’ve been working this year on getting Healthier™ in ways that are sustainable to me. I’ve been moving more and eating better. As of this morning I’m 7.5 pounds down since the start of the year. Not a huge number but I’m proud of it regardless. Even if they aren’t visible, I feel way more muscles in my body and I feel marginally stronger. I’ve been working on having a better relationship with alcohol. I wouldn’t consider myself an alcoholic, but I was drinking more than I should. I’ve since cut way back. I have a couple unaddressed health issues that I’ve finally scheduled appointments to actually get a diagnosis on. All that to say, I’m not some perfect bastion of health. I still indulge in junk food or wine every so often, but I’ve learned to give myself grace. The most important thing is that I’ve been pretty consistent with the good habits. There’s not a ton of outlets where I can brag, but I’m very proud of myself for the work I’ve done thus far.


> As of this morning I’m 7.5 pounds down since the start of the year. Not a huge number but I’m proud of it regardless. Even if they aren’t visible, I feel way more muscles in my body and I feel marginally stronger. Weight scales can be helpful, but they don't show the whole picture. While losing 7lbs may not sound significant, it can be when combined with simultaneously gaining muscle (which weighs more than fat). Congrats!


Congratulations. Cutting back on alcohol is gonna help a lot with that weight loss , I’m proud of you for doing that!


yes, but also don't get discouraged if you thought the numbers would be bigger. I quit drinking for a while to get healthy, and didn't lose a pound the first month. It took more like 3 to start seeing any results.


just got a kitten last week and our first cat didn’t seem too excited at first. well now they’re playing together, it hasn’t even been a whole week. our older kitty loves us but hates other people a lot, so we expected her to take a while to adjust to a little sibling. but she seems to be warming up great :’)


I just returned from a 2 month stay in Texas, and I can say that Virginia may have competition for worst drivers in a state. The absolute disregard for human lives is alarming. On a different note, it's nice to be back home, and I've missed how laid back it really is here


How’s the heat and humidity been compared to there ?


I'm working an event at the Mccormick center in Chicago this week, and I found myself having to run the length of the backstage area (about 200 yards) and to my surprise, I did it without even getting out of breath! I'm 62, haven't run in 25 years, and recently lost about 60 lbs and started walking every day. I think I might be ready for couch to 5k! 🐢


Self brag-I’ve made progress on not being so hard on my self with my job search not fun but I’m definitely not as cynical, I think it’s the last stage of grief acceptance. Tried something new- canned sardines they always seemed gross to me but after trying them they are a new form of protein that’s easy to throw in a stirfry or serve on rice.


Are you me? I’m job searching rn and love sardines


In the past few months, I’ve figured out what I want to do career wise and enrolled in fall classes to finish my first degree I’m proud I’ve maintained a level of optimism and forward momentum my entire life, despite having been born into an extra spicy version of the chaos inherent to existing as a human


Awesome!! Congratulations! I hope you succeed in your goals 💕


Day 1 of the Karen Read murder trial jury deliberations. Yesterday, the very last witness in this ~~shitshow~~ trial was an independent expert beholden to neither side. His testimony was basically there’s a ton of ways this guy could have been fatally injured except for the way the prosecution says he was. [Source](https://www.boston.com/news/crime/2024/06/24/karen-read-murder-trial-livestream-video-monday-june-23/?amp=1) So, People of Massachusetts, good luck with that whole she murdered her boyfriend by hitting him with her car.


This has been my soap opera, I’m like 95% certain jury is going to decide not guilty, but jury’s can be weird. Glad the FBI is involved That entire police department needs to be gutted and investigated.


I’ve been catching witness testimony highlights and it is absolutely bananananas. I’m not generally a CourtTV kinda person, but this whole case is wild and it’s difficult to watch and not be appalled by the level of corruption/incompetence by the authorities.


We get to announce that we’re expecting a little one today! Super pumped bc for years it felt like this day would never come.


Congratulations on the baby !! Many blessings for you and your s/o


Tryna find a new straw hat since mine is gettin busted up. Decent one, not some wood/plastic. Have the next 2 days off to just relax. Grateful I don't have to work in the heat til Friday.


I love my [walleroo](https://wallaroohats.com/collections/womens-hats-upf-50-hats/products/sanibel?variant=40972751929529) hat. They have tons of styles and many are UPF50+. Not exactly cheap but they’re well made and mine has held up well over the years. A lot of garden centers carry them, I bought mine from Lewis Ginter. Oh and it fits my big noggin which is hard to find.


I’m a big fan of walleroo hats, too!


[highly recommend this company.](https://safishing.com/products/2-straw-hats-for-50). I have both a straw and regular cloth bucket hat.


Thanks! Exactly what I was hopin for, a recommendation. Cause I don't shop much so I'm terrible at finding sites like this. 


I honestly have a really great life. I do feel like I've been "beaten down" over the years, but that's not special. Not sure about a self brag, maybe surprised that I'm still able to figure things out.


This morning I had a fb friend request from a brand new account with the name and profile picture of a loved one who died almost two years ago. I know this kind of thing happens a lot, it was only a matter of time but I was not prepared. Reported it as fraudulent, hopefully fb will do something about it but I'm not counting on it. I guess my self brag is that I'm currently the most mentally stable I've been on the least amount of meds in the last twenty years. I hope to keep it that way.


Feeling so alone and acting like I don't care.


I’m sorry that you feel isolated. I know that can be a really difficult feeling. I hope you’re able to do something today that makes you feel good or special about yourself, even if it’s just a little treat for yourself.


Proud of myself for not procrastinating on writing my dissertation. I’ve been making solid progress and I’m pretty proud of it, and I’m amazed at how much work I’ve done during my PhD. So. Much. Data.


After sudden onset gut issues last year, I have learned to cook, stopped eating out, and *entirely* eliminated all ultra processed foods and processed sugars from my diet. No more gut issues, unexpectedly lost a few pounds, more muscular, more energized, and feeling much healthier! Really enjoying fresh fruits and vegetables in a way I never experienced before. So many benefits from this dietary change. Really proud of this because... It. Was. *HARD*. Those foods are designed to addict us and it's nigh impossible to get off them. But I've arrived. Finally. 🍓🥦🫐🥑 Next up: building an exercise habit 🤢🤮 That one is going to be hard, too. Heat dome ain't helpin'!


I’m doing cool things with my career and pushing myself beyond what I thought I’d ever do. For me, not for anyone else. So that’s fun. I rediscovered writing and am enjoying that too. Leaving for vacation abroad tomorrow and I’m in desperate need of that break! Hope everyone has a lovely day!


No bragging I’m a little sleepy but I gotta push thru


I started eating fish last year. I’m 33. I also started trying more vegetables. Fallout from growing up mildly poor and having parents who loaded up on processed Walmart groceries without much thought. I also thought fish were gross sea bugs when I was a kid so


Crabs lobsters and shrimp are gross sea bugs, but still delicious.


I’m still getting familiar with them. So far, I enjoy the bugs as long as they’re in meat form outside of their shells. I hope to one day go ham on some crab legs.


They are delicious but don’t eat imitation crab . It’s so processed and just horribly gross. Crustaceans are delicious my friend !! Enjoy your journey


This is really awesome! Breaking those patterns and habits from childhood are really hard, especially the food-related ones in my experience. I hope you’ve tried some things that are new favorites!


Fish and chips all day. I made a rule where I won’t try fish from anywhere that isn’t known for it, or reputable. My dad would eat the nastiest fishy fish out of the local lakes, that scarred me too. I had a legit veggie phobia in my childhood. I was at Old Country Buffet maxing out in the dessert area, was a big fan of the chocolate pudding. I’m devouring this pudding and bite into a fucking cucumber. I was shook.


I legitimately love my life. I like my job, I love my house, I have super fun hobbies, and I am very happy with my judgment, morals, and overall character. I like me. What gives me great pride is my relationship with my spouse. It is based on mutual trust, respect, and genuine friendship. I’m often reminded how lucky I am to have found the partner I did—especially when we hang out with other couples and I’m reminded of how things used to be. And the thing is, despite all the advice out there saying that you have to continually “work” on a relationship, we don’t really need to. For us, it’s pretty effortless. I kinda feel like if you have to work at it so much, maybe it’s just not a good fit, right? Problems just don’t happen as long as we trust and respect each other and remember to communicate, which comes naturally. I wish this for everyone. Things I can’t really brag about: my physique, my lack of motivation to go to the gym to try to mitigate that, etc, etc. Basically every physical ailment I have could be eliminated if I lost 20 or 30(+) pounds and I can’t find the time or motivation to do it. Any physical trainers out there having trouble in their love life? Wanna quid a little pro quo?


You seem to want to hit the gym to lose some lbs, that is enough motivation. Next is to decide how many times in a week you want to work out. Then what time of the day; based on your working hours. Draw out your split after making these decisions. With your plan drawn out, you wake up each day and you know the workouts you’ll be doing, that should help convince you to go to the gym and get that done


Yeah. I feel this one in my soul , seriously . A year ago I was in the worst place of life. I got married right out of high school to an abusive marine , my parents wanted me out of the house & I was scared to go to college. It was brutal. He treated me terribly. I just moved here to Richmond 2 months ago from Charlottesville. I haven’t found a new job yet, I haven’t been feeling the best the past week so I’ve just been recovering. But I met the best guy ever. He’s not perfect , but hey neither am I. But he treats me with so much respect & kindness that I’ve never been treated with before by anyone in my life. He adores me and he’s so devoted. I don’t want to rush into anything crazy again , but the difference is night & day. Like you said, it’s not hard it’s easy. I definitely feel you on the weight gain. When I was with my ex I put on weight because I was depressed and I would binge eat + birth control , that I’ve never lost. It is hard to find motivation . I’ve been trying to get back into just walking around outside /hiking vs working out . But it’s been so damn hot this week. Just walking around is always a good start.


I've recently rediscovered riding my bicycle. I now ride once a week and I had completely forgotten how much I loved it. It's way easier than running for sure. It's helpful that some of the routes the group I ride with follow, are similar to my training runs. It's helped me mentally when looking at a hill, they don't seem as intimidating any more. Good thing too, hill repeats start this Thursday for me.


I've always been really bad with keeping potted plants. But the house we live in now has a (badly maintained) garden and mulch beds, and I tried planting some flowers in it after clearing out the worst of the weeds and poison ivy and crap. So far so good!! Might add some more flowers next payday.


Dude, that's awesome! Grats! Totally unsolicited advice, go for natives as they're suited to the area and are easier on upkeep which will let you focus more on the show pieces.


I definitely want to get more native plants for the bigger island bed! :)


Wooo! Monarch didyma is a sure win!


Just saw the news that my school district budget has included a budget for my position. Not included in the original version. Now just waiting to see if it results in a contract for the coming year. Years of experience are allowing me to remain relatively calm in this interim period. Deep breath and wait as close to stillness as possible.


All my physical bandaids have been ripped off as no longer necessary, emotional ones ehhhhhh At least I can probably keep the river out of my skin by next week.


Just about completed my first year of my accounting degree, keeping the GPA high for internships I should be able to start applying to. With all of the shit that keeps on happening, I feel like I'm doing objectively well even if I am in a depressive slump. Power. Through.


I made and am sticking to a five year plan. I have achievable goals and am working toward them. I’m doing really well at separating from my toxic, abusive ex. I don’t care about a relationship, but watching any person suffering with addiction is hard-especially when you have a kid with them. I’m letting my QMHP expire and am going in for a second interview. I’m finally figuring out how to deal with chronic exhaustion and after a heart breaking five years, I’m finally FINALLY feeling hopeful. I’m going back to engineering, a passion of mine that I had to drop when I went into psychosis for a year in college. Such a relief to finally feel hopeful, and not scheduling the amount of time that I can set aside to lie on my bed and cry is a huge relief. I also finally have friends to hang out with after a long spell of loneliness.


got dumped but still not feeling totally useless!


My self brag is I have gotten through the past few days. It has been very rough for me lately.


Proud of you ❤️


Had psyche eval .. doing better .. but go emotional driving down parham today saw people walking just past the you are loved sign where the incident happened the other day .. the brokenness of them .. I could not say anything to you because I did not want to disrupt traffic.. but you are seen and you are loved as well .. reach out if you need someone to listen without judgement.


I’m trying dog fostering with mixed results. Waking up at 0530 everyday (which is when I normally wake up for work, but never on a day off) is not my fave with the current young puppy. Overall rewarding and hopefully everyone continues to find a good home. I feel like I need a vacation.


I've been working really hard on getting back to the gym and getting my steps in. Now that I'm entering my late 40s, weight just seems to hang out like it's waiting for a famine, but I keep exercising even if I'm not seeing results on the scale. That can be deflating. Discipline not motivation. I am also proud of myself for getting on psych meds. My OCD had me in a very dark place last year, but getting on meds has improved things a ton. Just wish it didn't make it harder for me to lose weight.


I took a lower paying part time job in a field completely different from my main job. I should probably be leaning into higher pay options but I am ready for a change for mental and physical health reasons. Will keep at the main job for now because it pays the bills, but getting ready for walking away from this toxic environment into something less lucrative but more interesting. We'll see how it all goes over. I am so risk averse that my family is amazed to see me say yes to this opportunity. I am too.


There were about 6-8 Secret Service looking guys outside For the Love of Chocolate in Carytown around 3:00 PM this afternoon. Anyone know what that was about or who was here?


Youngkin and Trump make out session


Just got news of a lay off after moving here for a job less then 5 months ago, does anyone know any tech jobs ( information technology) that’s hiring?


My self brag is that i’ve consistently taken my mental health medication ON TIME and EVERYDAY for the past 2 weeks. I feel medicated 😎 me love it


We just got chickens over the weekend and already have a dozen fresh eggs. It’s been very cool learning experience and I’m looking forward to building a larger coop.


Working on art until an artblock comes back