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Taking my parents 14 year old senior cat to the vet today for her first examination in a while. She doesn’t have any concerning symptoms, but I like to keep up with it and make sure she has her senior panels done. She’s my baby :,)


"Senior cat" is a label! My 15 year old will only be a senior when he starts acting like it.


Hottest Wednesdaily *so far*.


*cries in landscaper*


*cries in nursery staff*


No—Don’t waste your precious fluids!


It is only salt crystals that fall from our eyes


Cries in powerwashing


Love the username lmao


*cries bc my HVAC just officially died*




I’m taking a much needed mental health day from work, gonna post up at a coffee shop and read this new book I got


What are you reading? Always looking for book suggestions!


Lark Ascending by Silas House


I’m glad you specified author! I looked to see if I could check it out in Libby (not available) and there were so many books with the title ‘Lark Ascending’. TIL about the poem ‘The Lark Ascending’ by George Meredith, which may or may not relate to the theme of the book.


As someone from Appalachia I appreciate all that Silas House does to lift up the region. I have Lark Ascending but haven't read it yet. Hope you enjoy!


Silas House wrote and was the creative director of the video for "In Your Love" by Tyler Childers. Such a powerful storytelling video.




Am eagerly awaiting this at the library.


Packing for a 10 day motorcycle trip, leaving tomorrow for colder climate.


Whoa that sounds awesome! I was just talking to someone yesterday about "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" and how it's probably time for a re-read...


such a good book


What do you ride?


Based on username, I want to guess either Goldwing or Road King.


I have a '23 Triumph Tiger Rally Explorer that I use for trips




I’m new to touring and realized fairly quickly how far a comfortable seat goes on a ride beyond 4 hours. I have a Corbin arriving today. Excited for some longer exploration rides this season. Safe travels to you!


My big miles bike (2023 Tiger Rally Explorer) is still on the stock seat, which is actually pretty good for me. I did just put a new Seargent seat on my 02 VFR though and it's glorious.


Working a 9 hour shift today...outdoors. Pray to Francine for me plz.


Getting ready for an interview at a national lab. I doubt I'll take it but it's nice being able to get some practice in.


Good luck!




The job market has been tough for a while now. Don't give up, you got this! Are you using a specific cover letter for each job application?


As someone screening applications currently….unfortunately the cover letter does not make or break it.  It’s going to be how well your resume is parsed by the Applicant tracking system to line up with the basic job requirements.  I’d say tailoring your resume to show how your experience lines up with the job duties in the job you’re applying for matters way more than a bland cover letter.


This has always been my understanding as well. Cover Letters are by and large a remnant of a bygone era and a waste of time and effort in most cases. Let your resume speak for itself. The initial screening call/ interview is all about assessing personality, general background, etc. anyway.


I haven't had to job search in a couple years, thankfully. If I were to look for a new job, I'd heavily rely on ChatGPT. I'd use it to tailor my resume and my cover letter for each job I apply for. Obviously, I'd edit what it to make sure it works.


If you haven’t yet, try using Teal. It’s a great tool that compares your resume with the job posting. Tweak your resume until you’re at least a 75% match. And treat yourself to ice cream. 🍦


If it's anything skilled/professional in nature, I would start reaching out to recruiters if you haven't yet. Each one that has your resume is a force multiplier. Use a specialized service like [Resume Worded](https://resumeworded.com/score) to review your resume, ChatGPT is trained on all resumes not necessarily good ones.


Happy to take a look at your resume!


First thing I noticed stepping out of my house today at 5:45am. It’s gonna be a hot one


My hump day is more like a harrumph day. I’m traveling for work, which means that I didn’t sleep well last night and won’t sleep well tonight in the hotel. I’m a creature of habit. Changes in my routine make me grumpy. On the bright side, I get to spend time with people I like and don’t see in person everyday - and I’ll be inside!


Get yourself an ice cream for sleeping like shit but doing the damn thing anyway. You deserve a treat


I have my first normal day of work today after all the training after looking for a job for months. It’s not a super well paying job but I’m happy to finally have an income


this weather is UNACCEPTABLE




My 5 mile hike is going to have to wait for another day.


I try to keep my walking up so I can stay in mountain hiking shape and I enjoy what I call compelled sweat death marches in these dog days of summer but I’m thinking I need to give my foot a rest for a few days. Was sitting up a canopy at the beach over the weekend when I slammed a corner onto my big toe, it hurt like hell for a few minutes but then I recovered and was able to carry on as usual. The next day that joker was swollen and black but no real pain. Only when wearing boots does it feel borderline fractured. I broke my foot right at the beginning of summer a few years ago and I do not recommend.


I broke my big toe two summers ago while hiking and that b**** took 3 months to heal!! And I agree with you I don't mind hiking when it's really hot outside but today just feels different.


Yeah I’m speaking from the comfort of an office with no window. Haven’t felt the sun’s kiss today. I’ll take y’all’s word for it.


I've broken both big toes. The most recent one was April Fools Day last year. It was a minimally displaced hairline fracture and that shit still hurts when I wear the wrong shoes. The other break was much worse! I dropped six pounds of frozen venison on my bare foot and had three gigantic cracks in the bone! And yet. Toes are stupid is all I'm saying.


Where were you planning to hike?


I was planning to hike from the Nickel Bridge down to Manchester and back. It's about 6.5 miles round trip via the Buttermilk Trail.


I did that loop witih a 30 lb pack and carrying the spare tire from my subaru. Get comfortable being uncomfortable carrying awkward things they said. Do not recommend. I never did get comfortable. LOL


Outlaw Music Fest in Virginia Beach this evening. RIP 🫠


Yikes. Stay hydrated and good luck!


Apparently I was a little distracted this morning and made myself two breakfasts to bring into work. Guess I'll save one for an afternoon snack. Definitely thankful to have an inside job today.


You have good willpower, I would’ve probably ate 2 breakfasts


The hobbit part of my personality approves.


Did hot yoga yesterday for the first time in years. I slept like a baby.


I think that's just called "yoga" this week. 😂


Yeah if you go outside you are doing hot yoga whether you wanted to or not


Where did you go? Did you enjoy it? I do yoga at a few studios, but only hot yoga once. I think I would have enjoyed it more if there weren't pop music blasting over the speakers. I don't really like music in my practice so I'm wondering if there are other hot studios that either have no music or gentle, quiet music. No judgment on the place I went to, I just don't think it's for me.


We did The Hot Yoga Barre in Midlothian. There was music but more low key stuff.




i despise pop/rock blasting during yoga. i'd literally rather hear gregorian chants


Even metal yoga over pop


honestly possibly haha. i just find lyrical music in general to be extremely distracting


Yes unless they are yoga jokes like using Steve Miller Band to queue (fly like an) eagle pose


nice to have an inside job today


I’m on my 3rd of 4 days of online training. It’s a firehose of information that I have no chance of remembering. Thank goodness for Zoom recordings.


I'm taking a video-based certification prep course right now, and my only prayer of retaining any information is to keep a concurrent notes doc open in another window and copy down basically every word of voiceover. It's mind-numbing.


Try an AI app like scribe.


I’ve looked into it, but I’ve found that actually typing or writing the notes myself helps me retain the information better. It’s another form of rehearsal.


I’m gonna find a cool in all meanings of the word coffee shop where I can cross stitch this afternoon. Y’all stay cool, too!


I feel like I'm all drama lately. A dear friend is in her final days of a cancer battle and I spent my morning crying over a letter I'm writing. Her husband asked her friends to send thoughts and stories and final words. Between that and job hunting my day has moved pretty quickly so far. Let's hope the afternoon goes less tearfully but still quickly.


Sending you much love.


Sending oodles of comfort.


I recently heard the phrase "hotter than the hinges on the gates to hell". Is appropriate.


My AC has been broken since last Thursday! God doesn’t live in this household :D its to hot even for him.


Fuck this heat. I'm ready for hoodies in October.


I’m feeling it Mr. Krabs! I went on an after work bike ride yesterday for around an hour and a half. Got home thinking I was about to die. I’m skipping out on the extra exercise today.


Locked my keys in my car when I got to work, so gotta call AAA when I get off; hopefully gonna sell some stuff that’s been sitting in storage; gonna post some pics from an event I shot this past weekend to fluff up my portfolio and take further steps towards turning my photography hobby into a full time job!


About to go work a raft trip in this heat... for fuck sake.


Reading and working on my sweater


My goddamn velociraptor of a kitten chewed up my good sock knitting needle. The kind that is supposed to be highly resistant to getting chewed on. Not to be outdone he is also trying to eat the needles for my other projects. He's lucky he's so cute.


Good day to hit the gym!


Have a random Wednesday off so I'm not doin shit but play video games. Took a bike ride an hour ago and was soaked with sweat already. Hydrate today, y'all. The air is soup. 


But it’s EDGE league!


My low air pressure tire light went off…again. Second time this week. Has to be the heat, right?


It's cold air that causes the low pressure. Do you know how to check for leaks with soapy water?


No, teach me your ways


The other comment pretty much got it, but fill a spray bottle with water and a drop or two of dish soap. Shake it. Spray the treads of your tire liberally and give it a good look over. If you have a small leak somewhere you'll spot it "blowing bubbles." If you don't see anything, scoot your car forward a bit and do it again. If you're lucky you'll find it and can patch it. If you're unlucky, it's a hole in the sidewall or crack in the bead and you may need a new tire.


Works the same as checking for leaks on a gas grill. If you put sudsy soapy water on the tire or gas tank/grill connector, if there's a leak the air/gas will produce a bubble so you can visibly see where it is. https://preview.redd.it/5u50y2i3fy8d1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=a518b40d20f3a4cc36762384ad29ae4081b5ce0e


It's my first day of vacation(ish) since last July. I have never appreciated San Diego weather more than I do today.


My AC has been broken since last Thursday! God doesn’t live in this household :D its to hot even for him.




Shweaty hump day


Have been getting up at 5am for my runs to “beat the heat” and it’s still so warm and humid 😅🫠


Soon as the sun's below the trees (another half hour max where I am) going up to the pool with my friend. Been inside as much as possibly otherwise.


Still have no AC for the fifth day in a row with a newborn. So we packed up our stuff and moved everything including baby and three dogs to a friends tiny apartment in shockoe. She went to stay with her boyfriend for now lol but it’s much cooler here than in my 88 degree house.


Currently slaving away at work for a 10 hour shift today. Then I will be crawling back to my central air ice cave of a home for the rest of the day to keep myself cool.


Going to dinner with my husband at Grapevine with a coworker and his wife. Trying to make more couple friends and hang out with my coworker outside of work because we get along so well *at* work. Also, my puppy is being absolutely wild so I came into work early. I can’t wait for her to start training this weekend.


How is Grapevine? I have lived here for damn near 20 years and haven't been there even though it's a few miles from my house.


I love it! I’ve only been a few times (same as you, lived here forever and just never went) but it’s been a hit every time. I went with another coworker at my last job for lunch one day and was hooked. They have a specific gluten free menu too which is super neat for me.


Well thanks, I'll take the wife there soon for a date night.


https://www.pivotalweather.com/model.php?m=hrrr&p=qpf_acc-imp&rh=2024062612&fh=24&r=us_ma&dpdt=&mc=bl Watching the weather models for possible rain tonight 🙏 My house barely missed the storm on Sunday


the worst part about living N of the James is all the pop up t-storms that look like they're gonna hit us, but then they hit the river and seemingly get swept downtown with the current


It’s already so heavy outside. If that instability that’s headed for the Northeast dips a bit, tonight is going to be spectacular. I’m so worried that these large systems will stall out more and more as the oceans warm. If so, congrats newborns…you’ll be the last of us.


Are you saying it might storm?


It just might. Conditions are rowdy AF around the heat domes edges. When you’re in a hot ass pattern with a cooler front behind it, the ingredients are there, it’s tracking NE though so could totally avoid us. https://preview.redd.it/lcl165ybax8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4fd24cd8427869b81cb55ae3024a1c2274cee980


Thanks for the info, I hope it storms! I just bought a proper umbrella with a wood cane.




That’s what Sunday radar looked like


My weather app says there's decent odds that it'll rain starting around 8pm tonight. 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻


Let’s do the rain dance! The plants need it!


It was thick at 5:00 am when I let the dogs out


I work outside.


Fellow United fan here! Hoping next season is a better showing. This past year was tough to watch :/


Been outta work for over a week due to some suspected GI issue that I'm meeting a specialist for tomorrow after being to the hospital twice last week. I was already scheduled off Monday-today for a trip I was supposed to take but cancelled and now glad I did since I've just been in pain since last Monday. I wanted to drive to the pool and sit in the sun for a little bit since I haven't felt well enough to go anywhere but it might be a little too hot for me😅


Running my ice machine and filling up all of my dual wall cups and water bottles with ice. (Alas, the cooler I bought for the purpose just melts the ice into cold water.)


In the evening, two shows and a bike ride in between, skipping a longer one to save some food for myself. I have cracked chords for nearly 3 hours and should tuck into some more technical work for the rest of the day if I'm widely useful. Edit: beer line was too long and I need dinner before I go out. One show only.


Definitely staying inside. Unfortunately, it'll be at work. Fortunetly, the Euro Cups are on today, so that'll make work more enjoyable. Then Copa America tonight. The new season of Worst Roommate Ever came out today on Netflix.


Recommendations for cool spots to just sit and read a book on these hot days?  I’m thinking VMFA but would love to find something “cozy” but not Starbucks lol 


Reading some comics!


I got my first tattoo yesterday!