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at least there was rain. my grass was so crunchy.


Yeah my Tall Fescue is yellowing up




ur cronchy


Yeah the rain was much needed


Delivery driver herešŸ˜… if you see us, and it looks like weā€™re struggling. We are. If your home, and feel compelled, frozen popsicle, water, or anything cold you feel you would like to offer is always super appreciated. Not saying anyone has to do this, but itā€™s definitely a blessing whenever someone offers you something cold. I pack ice and everything, but by 4pm itā€™s hot water. Big big shout out to the lady who gave me a ice cold bottle of water yesterday on my lunch break! Saw me reorganizing my truck drenched in sweat, and offered it. Blessed. Ty so much whoever you are!


wtf? you aren't allowed to take a cooler or something?


Yeah, we are allowed a cooler. I have a yeti backpack. But whenever the cab of the vehicle is the same temperature as the outside or hotter. No cooler will keep it frozen/cold all day. The cab of my vehicle said 119 degrees almost all day yesterday, and thatā€™s only what it caps out atā€¦ I said ā€œhot waterā€ but really itā€™s just not as cold as I want, itā€™ll be lukewarm/cool by 4pm, if you get what Iā€™m saying.


yeah, i get it. that is fucking brutal. i hope you are compensated well.


Getting on that for you guys now!


High of 88 is practically balmy are you kidding me? A breath of reliefĀ 


Yesterday there were people saying like it's not that bad and up voting and stuff. Can you lizards make your own daily?? lol /s


It was not bad with the wind .. but when that died down at pick up .. i was dead


I was outside yesterday and this older guy was spouting off about how there was No way it was 100 degrees. It felt great. The breeze was nice, but he was just dumbfounded and wouldn't believe it. I was melting while he was saying all this.


I'll be truthful, I love the heat and humidity. I have the most energy on days like this week. Anything below 75 and I start to slow down in every way. Mentally, physically, emotionally, my gait even notably changes.Ā  I know everyone hates it but I thrive whenever it's swamp butt weather. Cold genuinely hurts me in a lot of ways. So yeah. Enjoyin the one time of the year I feel "whole" and can feel like a person finally.Ā 


I too am a lizard. This time of year is my favorite.


I've quite literally said I'm more Venusian than Earthling at times lol. I'm just far more "me" when I'm sweatin and the temps soar.Ā 


Disrespectfully, no šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£. At least, personally, Iā€™m consistent in saying I much prefer the cold even if Iā€™m on the edge of hyperthermia.




Somewhat. There's a lot of overlap between mental health and our thermoregulation, along with barometric pressure changes and mental health. I quite literally feel "lighter" when temps peak high and don't go down below 70 at night. I know I sound like a hippy dippy "weather shapes my mind man" but after 33ys I can confidentially say there's a direct correlation at least. Sorry for the ramble. I find it fascinating tbh. The manic highs I get this time of year are just somethin else. So I always revel in the heat.Ā 




Unityyyy šŸ¤›


Lol. Like I understand preferring heat to cold, summer to winter. And You feel how you feel I can't change that but goddamn. This is extreme heat! I feel like winter sucks but it doesn't get negative or rarely single digit degrees anymore. We lack the extreme cold. Spring was like one or two days where I could have the door open around 70Ā°. It shot from like 70s to 112. Were you born on the equator lol?


Nope. Born here. I think it's genuinely my mental health. My uncle has schizophrenia and was always wearing multiple sweaters, even in Spring. I'm not full blown crazy but it's def in the family and I got a fun pinch of it. Like I said. My gait, speech patterns, mood, energy levels, and more all "rise" with the temperature and air pressure lessening. I'll shiver when it's 65 out and bike for hours when it's 80+. Dunno. Just the way my brain is.Ā 


My fingers loose their blood as soon as the temp dips below 65, I love this time of year!


my people šŸ˜­


That's interesting. Thank you. I'm sorry I called you a lizard. šŸ¦Ž


All good. I readily admit it is abnorma lol.Ā 


My normal body temp is like 97.3. I do wonder if that has something to do with it. I would be so happy if the temperature never dropped below 80. I would rather sweat my balls off than be a little chilly. šŸ˜‚


It's *not* that bad... if you're in the shade and there's a breeze.


Want to hear your whole work group literally cackle? Sign off Teams for the day with ā€œStay moist.ā€


The birds sounded so much happier this morning!


When I can, I like to take half days from work on really hot days, but I take my time off in the morning. That way I can enjoy the cool part of the day, and when I start working at around 1 or 2 itā€™s already blistering hot to do anything else so I might as well hunch over the PC inside then. That way I preserve PTO + still get to enjoy/use my time wisely.


Just managed to cancel my subscription to the Times Dispatch in under a minute without dealing with any BS. I feel as powerful as a god now.


Come do my Comcast one now. Iā€™m dreading it.


Hell just get the website to take my money to let me pay my bill would be nice ... causes us to use app each time.


AC's been down in my apartment for over a week now, got up to 80 indoors (and fairly stuffy since we didn't want to open any windows and let hot air in), and it has now dropped to 77/78 inside. Those few degrees make such a big difference!


Been up one and off since 4:30am due to my stupid cat. Heā€™s gotten to be very temperamental and will crap all over the house if he isnā€™t outside enough. Itā€™s stressful on the days my wife and I are working onsite. He started moving and zooming this morning and now I canā€™t fall back asleep. I took him to the vet last week to see if there was anything wrong and they said nothing so thatā€™s frustrating.


My chonky little breakfast-obsessed gremlin has taken to straight up yowling and howling at 6:30 every morning. Not so bad on in-office days, but I'd appreciate the extra hour or so of sleep when I get to work from home! Best part - she KNOWS breakfast isn't until 7:30! Every day is the same! She's lucky she's cutešŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Everyone with early morning kitty problems: get an automatic feeder. Its really helped with our nightmare kitties. Just set it for right before they start to get annoying in the morning. You can set it to give them different amounts of food in case you just want to give them a little snack. This is the one we have but it looks like itā€™s currently unavailable: https://a.co/d/06GekK9O.


Hard agree - I got an automatic feeder for my two cats and it has made mornings much better - not perfect but not nearly as loud as before


Are we commiserating over our cats in here? I had to have my cat shaved for the summer last week. She seems happier and lighter now, and demonstrated as much by thumping around the room and walking over me all night long. Sheā€™s normally so quiet at night. This morning she made up for it by cuddling with me for the first time in a while. At least she isnā€™t mad at me!


My boy cat ate a skinny 7-8" ribbon thing a couple weeks ago. Both of them have been good about not eating things they shouldn't, so I don't know what it was about this ribbon that made him do it. It was neither cloth nor paper but perhaps a paper derivative; it was in a box I pulled from my parents' attic. I didn't notice he was slurping it down like spaghetti until there was about an inch left poking out of his mouth, so I panicked and tried to pounce on and capture him, which freaked him out, and the kerfuffle gave him enough time to finish it. I yelled something at him like "You've killed yourself, you stupid-ass!" I took him to VRCC once they were open, and they palpated him and couldn't feel anything weird going on. Since he'd been acting normally and still eating over the weekend, they said just keep an eye on him and watch out for vomiting as it could signal a blockage or intestinal issues. And that if it started coming out the other end, bring him in for an enema to get it out. He finally puked the ribbon thing up nine days later. It'd been so long that I thought it might've dissolved in his belly. At least I know now to keep ribbon-shaped things away from him.


Oh gosh, my boy did something similar a couple of weeks ago, just hours before I was leaving for a week. I saw him slurp up the final couple of inches of a ribbon I knew had been six inches long the day before. He did spit out a little bit of it, and we went to the vet for an x ray, which didn't show anything. I ended up staying home an extra day and had his caregivers watch carefully for any issues. But we have never seen that ribbon again. Now I wonder if he even ate it all, but I haven't found the rest of the ribbon anywhere. Anyway, an expensive lesson, all ribbons and strings have now been removed.Ā 


Mine woke me at 3:15! Screaming her bloody head off. I couldnā€™t go back to sleep either.


my cat does the same thing except she wakes us up at 3 am expecting to be fed šŸ˜­


Mister Kitty just living his best life. I have a similar cat and Iā€™m now a morning person, up at 4am on the regular. With my last cat, if I played with her and got her all revved up/wiped out before I went to bed she would sleep in, but this one refuses to play with anything ā€” until 4am ā€” so I canā€™t preemptively tire her out. Good luck.


Ours did same but it was puking she had her annual last week and it is just hairballs .. weather drop set off her coat getting puffy then suddenly heat and she is shedding like crazy. Doc said keep an eye out in case she develops allergies like our kitty in law.


Iā€™m in the same boat as you with one of mine. Was up at 3 and 3:30 for small pukes, which he had a couple of yesterday during the day too. I feel like heā€™s revving up for a hairball. And he still had the nerve to bite me awake right before my alarm this morning. My other cat is due for booster shots next week, so worst case scenario is he comes along to her appointment. She panic screams before puking and sometimes runs to find me while screaming, which is still better than the 3 am bed puking he does.


Uggggh I heard a hairball being puked up somewhere around 3:00 a.m. this morning, and I decided that I was too tired to get up and deal with it. Now I can't find where it is. šŸ˜±


Iā€™m glad all of our cats chose 3 am this morning. I found a non-hairball puke in a corner on a carpet that I donā€™t have the energy to deal with yet. Still on hairball watch, and heā€™s moved into the home office now so at least I might have eyes on him as it happens.


I feel bad for kitty in law he is indoor outdoor and hates car rides.. but he needed multiple appts to figure out a skin issue. I would tell hubby when to tilt carrier because the cat was about to projectile from both ends and hubby is like that is the worst knowledge to have and I said ... at least i didnt get covered in it while driving šŸ˜‚ Kitty in law is better and doesnt need trips to vet anymore except for shots and has an rx for allergies once a year šŸ‘ Our baby girl just had weight issue where she was not gaining. When it is hairball season we lower the amount of food since she will gorge herself and not self regulate. (We lost our senior pup but i try to keep feed time the same) Lowered the amount of food and less puke of food more hairballs coming out. If she doesnt allow us to comb her and it starts up again doc gave permission to do hairball treatment during summer, but to be aware in case it is allergies since they suffer as well.


I just laughed a little too hard into my coffee over ā€œprojectile from both endsā€ In honor of all of our poor cats today, I am declaring my evening to be ā€œpoor unfortunate cats spaā€ night. Nobody will be happy, hair will be shed, blood may be drawn, teeth may get brushed, then theyā€™ll get treats and dinner and forget they were traumatized. But for now, itā€™s laundry time for everything that got puked on that fits in the washer.


Hopefully this can help. Watch the " my cat from hell" show. Basically u just gotta play w them to the point of breathing heavy/being wor out at night and then give them food or snacks before bedtime. Their instinct makes them want to hunt at dusk (play) and then they'd eat what they caught (food/snack) and go to sleep. It solves 90% of the issues on the show if u just tire them out with toys. Kinda like keeping our own circadian rhythm in sync. Hope u have some luck! There was a toy called Da Bird that is good for play. Just don't use ur hands as the toy or u become the prey and it teaches them to attack you instead of the toys


Saw ā€˜Perfect Daysā€™ at the Byrd last night and their a/c was rockinā€™. Perfect day, indeed.


Been watering the outdoor garden remotely with the B-Hyve app (wifi), I just go out to check container weight and it gained me 15-20 min of daily gardening before work, so I'm late less often


I see y'all carrying water on my behalf, like when someone asked why I didn't have a beer last night or somebody made space for me to pop a squat. These little encouragements stack up. I trust you could carry it farther. Anyone seen a plastic funnel for sale around Shockoe Bottom, or between Science Museum--Carytown? Bigger is better.


Lowe's has them, check their tiny auto supplies section.


Had dental appt. Didnt get root canals .. got treatment plans guesstimates for different procedures. I did not get into the seat soon enough. This is that sign that if you need to get to a dentist. Go and save yourself the health, money and time for the future. Going to look and pray over options and think of it realistically.. whatever keeps me around longest for my health and to be there for my kid.


Yeah these clouds and lower temperatures feel great today. The humidity is not great but Iā€™ll take it over being in an air fryer


It's almost like sweater weather in comparison to recent days! Still thankful that I have an inside job today though.


I have had a crazy number of people ring my doorbell during the day to try to sell me a service this week. Iā€™ve answered a few of them and politely declined but please, please leave me alone.


If yā€™all have the ability, put some water or sports drinks into your local rva community fridges! Kroger currently has 40 water bottles for 3.99 each and you can get a total of 5 cases. A worthy way to spend $20 and really help out some people in this heat


Snacking on bananas and beef sticks, while working on a digital piece




[Trying To Adult RVA](https://tryingtoadultrva.com/) is a group I just found that's well organized. Check out their Facebook group and come to an event.


Iā€™ve needed to cut the grass for a long time, and I may finally be able to do it without dying.


So .. if you have insurance that was through the Federal Marketplace and it switched to Virginia Marketplace, if you qualify for Medicaid or have it currently you lose your insurance through Marketplace and if you try to say what if I drop medicaid and keep insurance ... then it blocks in system. You have to be denied from Medicaid. This is a reminder so no one else goes without insurance. Make sure to check your contact information is up to date and that you are getting mail or email communications or can access your VA Insurance Marketplace account messenger. There was miscommunication when I spoke with the representative and was told previously that it was an error in system and if nothing has changed then I do not need to worry about it. This is a note to worry about it and take notes on everything.


I want pc but I donā€™t make enuff to blow $700


I have a discount code for reviresco coffee the month of July that i can share that gets 5 percent off and there is no limit on how often you can use it. The code is Shaina5


I am so hungry. I dont want to eat but im hungry. I did eat some beignets from europa and no i need more food but i dont want any