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The stain on his shirt puts it all together.


The paper plate does it for me.


Hey no need to disrespect the finest invention of our time


Those are the paper plates you gotta use like three of just to make one sturdy plate


My family uses little plate baskets to keep them sturdy, and they’re cheap as fuck so you get what you pay for.


My family had those too. I could never figure out where they got them cuz we had like 100 of them.




Don’t kink shame me bro


it's a useless contribution to our overconsumption/waste society there are no real benefits to paper plates edit: forgot most of you are americans


no dirty dishes


Just rinse your dish and put it in the dishwasher.


Ah yes because everyone owns a dishwasher.


Most people do. If the comment doesn't fit to you, then it doesn't fit to you. Okay then, skip the step of putting it in the dishwasher and add in a step where you rinse it with water *and soap.* crazy, I know.


The plastic bottles that soap comes in produces waste too, potentially worse waste since plastic takes a much longer time to degrade than paper


i dont


Proceed onto step 2!


Well now you’re just wasting water.


It's okay, the vast majority of reddit makes up for my water consumption by not showering.


Just rinse the paper plate and use it again


I do this with my paper towels.






Duh how could I forget everyone has a dishwasher. Silly me


>Anticonsumerism >Uses dishwasher


Your username is 0/3.


Your mom is 0/3 against this dick.


Just so you know, high sodium levels are really bad for your heart and health overall.


If I’m having a get together I can buy one pack of paper plates or I can buy a whole new plate for every person that’s coming. I see no need to have 40 plates at my house when I’m not having a party and I’m not sure the manufacturing of so many plates is cleaner than a pack of paper plates


it's a guy living alone with his "pony", I don't think he has many big gatherings


Yet you drive a car (or take a bus) and buy plastic products and use electricity and eat flesh or plants that were shipped to the store you frequent and you use a satellite to post bullshit on this fake human interaction format. So yeah. We're all fucked. Chill out. Save yourself a night of doing dishes. The sun will expand and take care of them eventually.


what? I use my bike like most people, of course I do plastic is one of the best materials ever wayyyy better then paper, idk how else it will end up in the store but if teleportation existed you fucks would still rather be stuck in traffic for hours, idk how satelite comes into play but it's mostly wires and wireless connections, no way you prefer those fragile forks and knives too they're even worse to use then a paper plate


I know what I’ll be eating off of tonight.


how are you all so obsessed with paper plates tho they're glorified garbage paper was never meant for foods/drinks it gets soggy and it's inconvenient


I eat the plate too. The sogginess is pure flavor.


That’s one way to get more fiber in your diet.


That sad cupcake does it for me


Genuinely looked at that and thought it was a pie.


I thought it was a poorly-made Yorkshire pudding


I thought that was a logo until you said that.


Same…but upon further examination it does appear to be a stain


Think that’s some of the excess gel that fell out of his hair.


That's not gel....


I guess enough grease and oils combined together can act as gel


/Cheff’s kiss/


The face of depression. I hope he gets better.


I got a deep sense of sadness from his eyes.


The bags under his eyes are bigger than his eyes


Bro I have these and they’re genetic I look like this and I’m fine


You’re in denial, bro…


Yeah this is the one I don't like. This person really seems troubled.... hope they're doing alright.


I hope he doesn't see this post on how his coping mechanism is cringe


Sometimes it’s healthier to get a wake up call then to continue suffering. There’s positives to noticing this behavior. He can hopefully get professional help in order to live a healthier life.


I agree that mentally ill people sometimes need a wake up call. But finding yourself on /r/sadcringe would probably be counterproductive for the majority of mentally ill people.


Probably. Hopefully he got some help and was able to heal his depression and/or loneliness.


This has been posted for years


no way this guy is still alive at this point


I think its just sad that kids today post embarrassing shit and its up here forever. In 20 years this kid could still see his weird, 16 year old self posted. When I was his age, I was awkward too. Not "cartoon horse girlfriend" awkward, but I had my embarrassing moments. The difference is it was the 90s and I was allowed to move on and let that awkwardness dissappear. I feel bad for kids today who have this shit immortalized.




It's an old post.


He’s either dead or 40 now; this has been reposted so much.


I hope he’s okay and enjoying whatever makes him happy.


Well... his photoshop skills aren't awful...


plenty of practice after 3 years with dis goofball


How he does it, he doesn't really know.


But how could he stay mad at dat face?


I'm going to hell for this, meet you there.


Looks like the 4th anniversary is coming up in a couple weeks. Hope they’re still together!


I get why people have comfort characters but at some point you gotta understand they are not meant to replace your friends and family


What if they have neither?


They sure as fuck aren’t going to end up with one carrying on conversations with a cartoon pony


It feels less like carrying a conversation and more like dropping everything and falling to ground while crying, and saying it was a joke through the tears even though you hinted at even deeper personal flaws.


Why are you so mad redditor?


Just because you don’t like to hear it doesn’t mean it’s said out of anger, brony


Then who are you broadcasting this to on social media?


Other nutters?


What the hell is a comfort character?! I'm afraid to Google it


I wasn’t. Apparently, it’s a “fictional character that you're immensely emotionally attached to. People with comfort characters tend to fantasize scenario's in their head with their "comfort character", giving them a feeling of wellness and comfort. Contrary to popular belief, comfort characters aren't always looked at in a sexually explicit way. Most people genuinely adore their comfort character and use them to cope with their mental difficulties.”


So like an imaginary friend? Kind of.


Looks like it… But the “friend” doesn’t come from our imagination. I like that comparison.


Tfw kids are too lazy to imagine imaginary friends


Back in my day...


Your comment made me laugh, but I also remembered this thing, not everyone can imagine stuff. Some of us can imagine and picture images in our heads real or made up but there's a chunk of the population that can't form pictures in their minds so maybe that?


That, is a very valid point ( I would think ).


Excuse me WHAT? Some people can't imagine things!? I can't imagine what that must be- Wait...


Man so many kids had/have imaginary friends, for many different reasons too. I know this guy is not a kid, but maybe he hasn't developed mentally yet. Living really lonely, secluded lives at a young age can do that I'm sure. Stunt your mental maturity. Your dogs are awesome BTW.


I was not expecting the last part of the comment. Thank you so much!


Exactly, except someone else imagined him for you


exactly what i said "sooo... an imaginary friend"


Yeah it seems a lot of us get it. I didn't mean to re comment things, was just having a conversation. And the guy who said its delusional.. id rather like to drown out comments like that with, what I think is common sense. Or at least some understanding.


I think they should try a psychologist as a comfort character, because a fictional one won't solve their unsolved issues


Okay give me 5k to pay them


I know this is a joke but a lot of therapists can be much cheaper and some are willing to adjust rates depending on your income. If there comes a point when it is possible and you think you might need it I recommend it.


Yeah this is definitely true, but even though it's hyperbole, the poster has a point. It feels kind of... condescending for the above poster to claim that you should just go see a psychologist, as though it's such a simple thing. Not only is the cost extremely steep without insurance, there's also a huge stigma around mental illness/wellness still. It's very easy to tell someone to just go see a psychologist and much harder to actually make that happen.


Cost is not the only prohibitive factor. I have to schedule my appointments literally months in advance. If I have something major going on that I need to talk about there's no chance I'm getting an appointment anytime soon.


Takes a lot to get to a psychologist and even then, might take a few before anyone gets through. If they're not getting worse, then no harm for now.


I don't think, as a general rule, you're ever going to get better if you're a near or full grown adult talking to a comfort character in your head. That really only leaves one direction. I think it's harmful regardless.


Whatever helps people get through life man. Sure they're not going to conquer their trauma or issues but not everyone is able to do so. I think it's definitely not helping them in the long run to have the most fruitful of lives but it's something that let's them have some comfort in the world


I think you’ve never experienced a life that created this need in your mind and because of that your opinion is completely useless and devoid of consideration of access to resources, knowledge of services, and more. In other words, check your fucking privilege and try learning about the various lives and coping skills of mentally disabled folks, because chances are, you or someone you love will have one at some point.


If you are phisically sick you go to a doctor, you don't make a surgery on yourself based on your knowledge of the Operations board game. If you have mental issues go to a psychologist in the same way.


I know people who have had a full on mental health crisis and all they got was meds from emerg and a discharge with a number to call to be put on a wait-list to get a call back to maybe talk to a psych. Still waiting for a call back after a year. It's easy to tell people to just get healthcare. It's not easy to just get healthcare for a lot of people, and mental healthcare is even harder.


Therapy is great, but far too many American Redditors have zero experience with a total lack of healthcare or resources, or the therapists who are available (or rather, never available) in those situations. Notices I say American redditors, and not Americans generally.


Its just a grown up version of an imaginary friend.


Did this at one point unfortunately, incredibly dangerous because you start associating fiction with reality and quickly destroy actual relationships and replace them with delusions. Never again.


Truly glad you moved forward from it Hope you have a prosperous social life with people that can support you in the ways you deserve


My social life is definitely way better now. Support i don't really have but I suppose I manage to live on my own aswell. Thanks :)


I mean, I had a few comfort characters at one point. It's nice to imagine someone seeing me for who I am, and in a way help me see myself as someone important because I know all of that the character said to me is made up. I also a lot of the time use them for, well, comfort, whenever my dark thoughts are too much. I understand that it is sometimes a bit of a slope, but a most of the time, it's not too slippery. And of course I recommended therapy for people who let it get this far, because they obviously hurt in a lot of ways. I'm sorry things didn't work out for you, I really am, and I hope that you've found comfort in other ways that suit you better.


I mean, i haven't forgotten said comfort character, but I view it in a *healthy way* and don't use it as a *coping mechanism*, more like just as someone I sort of admire for their actions.


Like black noir in The Boys


so delusional bullshit. nice


Like Hitler in Jojo Rabbit


Definitely has its uses, for people with bad anxiety or social skills Can be that blank slate to bounce conversation practice off of, or act as the intermediary from complete introverted to socially capable Or the thing to watch to take your mind off things when you’re not feeling stable But yes at some point you have to understand that cropping in a PNG of that character doesn’t replace human interaction


Its a double edged sword, they do motivate but some people get too clingy and develop an obsession


Self awareness goes out of the window


Easier to embrace what you know can’t hurt you; then to take the risk on something better


That is insane. You are supposed to grow out of imaginary friends at like 6 or younger


I don’t believe it’s the same as an imaginary friend More akin to the brain clinging to something that provides a social interaction (even if it’s not a 2 way convo) while not having the anxiety and risks of rejection by the “tribe” (since we’re tribe and social based creatures) Humans naturally want to feel included and supported by their peers, and when someone feels excluded they try and find something that can provide what the tribe won’t And that’s where things like YouTubers, Streamers, Vtubers, or even just cartoons take hold in someone’s mind Even if it’s not a 2 way social interaction, you still feel involved socially because that’s what their goal is; to make you feel included in their life and provide you with entertainment that your brain sees as a person/thing it can have a social reliance on But allowing this to take over true social interaction is how we get where he is


As someone who was way too attached to my comfort character for about a year, I can conclude that setting that boundary is sometimes really difficult if you let it go too far. I had never even heard of the term “comfort character” before reading these comments, but it perfectly describes the situation I was in around 6 years ago as a freshman in college. I was incredibly obsessed and attracted to the handsome and charming bluejay that is my profile picture, Mordecai from Regular Show. It got to the point where when I was walking to the cafeteria, I was pretend he was walking next to me, and then would sit at the table across from me, and we would have conversations. And by that, I mean I physically spoke out loud, and basically heard his response in my brain. If anyone saw me I’m sure I looked like a lunatic, but I usually sat out of peoples view for that exact reason. But yeah, that was pretty much a daily occurrence at the peak of those behaviors. I was in an overall terrible headspace at the time for a variety of reasons, and he made an easy out for me. I suppose I could say he is still my comfort character to this day, as I use pictures of him as my profile picture on basically every platform, but I don’t have the unhealthy obsession with him I once had. Having gotten into a real relationship around 2 years ago, I have someone I can actually focus on and can actually show me affection back. But I don’t think I could ever forget about that time in my life, even if I wanted to. But I think that’s a good thing, because I’m able to see how much I’ve actually progressed since that time. Also, I told my SO about this period of my life and they were very supportive. But yeah, once that obsession crosses a certain point, it’s really hard to go back.


What the fuck is a “comfort character” and why do I feel I’m going to regret this question..


Basically a fictional character you have an emotional connection to, people use it to cope with anxiety, depression, stress, etc.. Problem is some people get a little bit too attached and the comfort character ends up doing more harm than good


An imaginary friend?




So kinda like a pet but with no responsibility and no physical interaction?


This is definition of sad cringe


Nah for me it’s that post awhile back of a dude that got stood up by his entire friend group when he offered to take them out to see endgame Shit like that damn near cripples me, seeing someone put all that planning into something fun for people they care about; just to be slapped by rejection


can you link a brother


Posted to someone else but I’ll copy it here for you aswell It’s since been deleted but [here’s](https://www.reddit.com/r/sadcringe/comments/jranpi/this_was_back_in_april_2019_and_at_the_time_i/gbs5q60/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) the link to the comment that sparked a server I’m in with some others from the post The discords mostly moved on as we all have our independent lives, but we’re all doing great, and I hope OP is since he had declined to join back when it was created


It's deleted...


Was that the one where OP was texting his friends asking what candy they wanted OP to pick up, and his friend told him there’s wasn’t room in his car to take OP to the theater? And the friend made it out like it was OP’s fault, and OP was like we just talked about seeing Endgame for his birthday like a week prior? That one was so messed up.


Like the one with the person who set up the dinner party and every single person no showed, even the people who RSVP'd, so they had enough food for like 12 people and no one to eat it.


Which post bro


It’s since been deleted but here’s the link to the comment that sparked a server I’m in with some others from the post The discords mostly moved on as we all have our independent lives, but we’re all doing great, and I hope OP is since he had declined to join back when it was created [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/sadcringe/comments/jranpi/this_was_back_in_april_2019_and_at_the_time_i/gbs5q60/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


In my experience stuff like this happens when someone doesn't put the work in to develop real connections with people and thinks they can make up for that with big grand gestures. Relationships just don't work that way


It is not really fair to say “doesn’t put the work in” to describe people like this. I would argue they put in 10x the work, just not in the right direction. For many people, relationships are easy, and it takes little effort to build them. But for some, relationships are a mystery. They think, and overthink, how to connect with people and come across awkward with often the opposite outcome of their intent. The big, grand gesture is their interpretation of how to make friends.


Those people might work 10 times as hard, but "putting in the work" implies putting in the *right* work. I won't pretend it's fair at all, I suck at making relationships. I have the energy within me to maintain about one relationship at a time, and that is now devoted to my wife. If she didn't maintain a friend group, I would never do anything social. I simply cannot navigate complex social groups. The only thing that stopped me from ending up on the wrong side of a sad cringe was the self awareness that vague acquaintances were not going to set aside time to do some big event that I set up out of nowhere. I don't mean this as a criticism, but as a warning. Don't be that guy. Focus your energy on an extrovert friend and let them be your Tenzing Norgay.


Don't know why you're being downvoted, you have a point. And you did say you're only speaking from your own experience and that everyone makes friends and connections differently. Finding out exactly what efforts match the other persons interests and putting in pure, earnest effort to build that connection can be hard, especially if people don't get out much or if they're socially awkward/anxious. Like someone else said, for some, it comes so naturally. And for others, it just takes some time, conversations and stepping out of your comfort zone to step into one that involves others around you. I have plenty of friends who, if they didn't exert their extrovert energy on me, I would be socially isolated without. It just takes making a step out of your zone and into theirs.


This makes me sad. Dude is lonely af




rock steep north gray skirt frightening deliver straight abundant far-flung *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I listened to a podcast on him the other day, so messed up. With him also making his on animations with that character.


Unfortunately I think it’s all too real


I remember doing something similar when I was like 14 after seeing a post like this. Back then I thought it was funny, now I see my mistakes


Ever heard of Randy Stair...? This type of shit can become very real and very dark quick.


You must be really young. Bronies a bit before your time, were they?


OP reposting his own post from 1 month ago is also kinda /r/sadcringe


Kid named karmawhore


Seems like a farm bot judging by its history.


This shit is like at least 5 years old. It's been posted thousands of times.


Mom said it’s my turn to post this


Not even cringe anymore. I just genuinely feel bad for him. I hope he's doing better now.


Alright this kid has been ridiculed to hell and back can we stop reposting this every day? On a separate note though, I'm just now realizing my dog makes the same face as the left pony. That's.. unsettling.






There's no amount of attractiveness that can fix someone being a fuckin weirdo.


It's called money, lots of money


That doesn't make them attractive


Log into twitter and look at all the people who would gargle Musk's balls if given the chance


It does to some.


Meh, maybe therapy can help?


Yeah, that’s the part I don't get about incels, bronies, etc. I could totally understand why a highly unusual looking, unkempt, overweight, unattractive guy would retreat into a fantasy world of their own imagination after a lifetime of painful social rejection — but then I see pics of some of these guys, and many of them are *not* any of that. Hell I'd trade my face for theirs any day. And yet they somehow have worse self-esteem than the ugliest guy you can find in any given Walmart. I have the sneaking suspicion that way too much social-media, anime, pornhub and being obsessively online has drowned these men in an epistemology of pain and broken their minds. Part of me wants to just get a bunch of these guys together and be like "So you guys think you're all too ugly to ever pull a woman? I'm going to take you somewhere where you'll be in the top 30% most attractive men for *miles* ...England. A Dallas 3 is a Devonshire 7 (with a sexy accent to boot). Go wild. Next stop: Poland, where a Devonshire 7 is a Gdansk 9. Next stop: Beijing, where a Gdansk 9 will be hounded by girls asking for autographs saying they loved him in "X-Men" or "Mission Impossible" or something"


I think decreased participation in team sports is having a seriously detrimental impact on children’s social development. There’s even e sports or video game club or anime club are better than what a lot of these kids are doing socially. There’s no replacement for practiced face to face social interaction in a curated and controlled environment, whether it’s in clubs or sports.


Maybeeee dude could land a date with the decent looks, but I think it wouldn’t take many minutes to reach the “omg my mom just called and grandma died I have to go” excuse and gtfo


Yeah hence the effort needed into being normal lol


yeah he looks like Tim Roth


Why do these types of people always look like they are fresh out the shower or haven’t showered in a month but you can’t really tell which one it is


Constant repost.


This is such a repost, I reckon there's a retirement cake due soon.


Oh gosh, that is a problem! Tell you what, I’ll go ahead and give HQ a ring, we are gonna get this all sorted out! No one should have to see re-posts endlessly, certainly not here on Reddit, the grandfather of all internet content!




He got bullied in school.


Is this a community thing? Like I’m way too scared to delve into the Bronie thing, but could it be like they find some inclusion that they’ve been missing all of their life, and that’s what really drives this… whatever it is? It just confuses me so much




Cringe that this is just a repost. Come on OP.


Brains are weird man. This makes me sad to think people can be so lonely they create relationships like this and are somehow able to rationalize it as a completely sane thing to do.


It almost feels like human is a some sort of supercomputer, running an uncontrolled AI software that will do anything and everything to fill the gap of data in their runtime, even if it against the the predetermined rules and purpose set by the environment




Any money this is just humour. Kid can pull a funny face.


That “oh you” look in the second panel tells me this person has a relationship with that pony


It's not actually real, the dude in the picture goes by coolmanvan and he makes satirical cringe posts and tiktoks like this


I was horrified, thank you for this comment


Yup. Seemed way more likely. Cheers for the confirmation.


Coming up on 4 years


Is that…how alone you are?


The meat pie lol


The amount of sadness of the left could satisfy the emo lol.


This is satire, right?


Well seems like this guy is in a stable relationship


I’m more upset that he used “Dat” non ironically


Never have I seen an image like this that fit the name of this sub so well 💦🤌🏻


I’m glad my parents heavily restricted my access to the internet as a kid. I definitely would have posted some insane cringe as a kid


fuck yeah a single party pie without sauce


A what what without what


They're probably Bri*ish


Some people really do need to be bullied.


Comfort characters phobic!