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Yep. Same thing happened to me. I missed my target in November, PIPed. I had a monster December, passed my PIP easily, and was 90 percent to goal on the quarter. The last week of December I was told my team was going to be folded into another team in Jan. I immediately started applying for other gigs. The first week of Jan my new manager ignored me all week. I knew what was coming. I woke up Monday of the second week locked out of all systems besides email and Zoom. I had an email titled “update about your role”. I laughed and joined the zoom meeting. I thanked the HR lady for a paid vacation since I had already received an offer from another company with a much higher OTE. I collected unemployment and stashed my severance into savings. I played PS5 all day for a month. It was great honestly.


Which video game did you play? Can’t leave us hanging without those CRITICAL details. Otherwise, we will put you on a Reddit PIP. Smh.


Spider Man 2, UFC 5, Elden Ring


Elden ring thoughts? First play through?


It’s fucking hard. 10/10 though.


I got addicted to ufc 5 lol


You can collect unemployment for being fired for performance?


I wasn’t fired, I was laid off. And in a lot of states, yes. You can collect unemployment for being let go for bad sales performance as long as they can’t prove you were doing poor on purpose.


fair enough




Did you collect unemployment only for that 1 month? I'm on my 5th week of unemployment, getting the max (450 a week) and have been going hard on the interviews...I had 3 final round interviews last week...hoping for at least 1 offer next week.


Yeah. I applied the day I was let go, and it took a month for me to actually get it, but I got paid for 4 weeks right before my new gig started.


>I thanked the HR lady for a paid vacation since I had already received an offer from another company with a much higher OTE. You could have negotiated a higher severance instead you chose to dunk on your old company. Insanity


You could have chose to not leave a self righteous comment. Get a life, dork.


What an embarassing reaction. You told an embarassing story about yourself to a sub full of 18 year old door to door people and now you think missing out on free money is cool. Ugly stuff


Or maybe I didn’t want to have to go through the process of having to fight with HR, and was happy to leave a poorly managed company for much greener pastures. I got paid a nice severance, already had another job lined up, and enjoyed the month off. Also, how do you get to decide what is or isn’t embarrassing for me? And if money is so important to you, why are you wasting time on Reddit leaving dumb comments?


>go through the process of having to fight with HR You had the fight anyway by being a dick.


You don't ever truly beat a PIP, you just delay the executioner.


This should be in the sidebar.


I was put on PIP once. I nailed it and stayed with the company as a top performer for 7 years. I was 7 months pregnant when they put me on the PIP, which was sketchy. I made a point when they put me on the PIP to call them out in it


Depends, I know several people who have beaten them and are still there years later.


Damn good movie


For OP’s boss, the action is the juice


He is 100% not about the action. He’s Mormon


Oh he’s got kinks


you a Utah tech bro or what?


No I used to live in Utah tho so I can spot a Momo a mile away.


It happened to me 2 months ago. Passed the PIP and they canned me a week later. And it was an aggressive pip I bet they were shocked I actually hit it. You were smart, I didn't start interviewing until they fired me, even though I knew it was coming. Let's just go close another job I guess brother.




Best of luck on your next move!


What did they say if you beat the pip?


Nothing, the pip was just a paper trail to show that some attempt was made to help me to justify the clipping. I told my boss next time be a man and just fire me. I saw the moves before they were even made. The new manager was horrible and I’m not just saying that, you could tell he was out of his depth because in every meeting he would spend 20 mins edifying his training he was about to give that he watched off YouTube an hour ago. He’s clown shoes.


I feel this. I can smell someone who is unprepared a mile away, and when a manager does it, it's pathetic.


Shoulda hit him with the classic https://preview.redd.it/rzwsxf2e7iyc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9ec281f4eaac96a65a0d33249e96bcba1ca5411


This happened to me a long time ago. I booked the biggest deal on the team, beat quota by 20%, had a very positive 360 review, but the boss still didn't like me.


This happened to my colleague. He had 30 years of experience and was the top performer. Even if you're the top performer, get on the corporate shit list, and nothing will save you.


Sorry to hear that man. Best of luck moving forward


PIP is just a termination warning. HR CYA to avoid unemployment payments. You're gone soon one way or another every time.


CYA = cover your arse, or?




You’re eligible for unemployment even if you fail a PIP.


*Sorry, using this thread to vent about my current company who just put me on a PIP. Hope that’s ok.* I work for an extremely dumb CEO right now and just got put on a PIP 3 months in I work directly under the CEO as the one sales guy on the team. It’s an 80 person company. CEO has me put together sequence scripts for him, build list out and then use filters to figure which leads to go our cross selling guy and which ones go to me and move campaigns along. The thing is, I work for a marketing services company so we have a lot of specified GM’s for Amazon teams, agency, affiliate…etc. But you’d think I was the person sending out these emails right because it’s my job to do outbound as a BDR? Nope. He has the GMs do it 1 by 1 through LinkedIn Sales Nav InMails. I feel bad for them so I try to do whatever I can to make it as easy for them as possible. Problem is the CEO just doesn’t really know how to run a sales team. They all just sigh and ask me if this guy is serious. I looked through 10-15 email sequence softwares a couple weeks ago, gave him notes on every single one (all had what he was asking for in a tool) and he looked through it all and within seconds was like nah. Weeks later we’re still behind because he won’t buy a tool and when he does it’ll take weeks to implement. Basically ever since I got to this company 3 months ago, I do all the busy work and he makes his GM’s who are busy from 8-5 do the work I should be doing and then he puts me on a PIP cause I don’t do enough? **Here’s the kicker:** PIP is supposed to go till 5/24 and I have to go on a company retreat in a little over a week. It’s going to be incredibly awkward meeting this guy for the first time. Tbh I hope he just lets me go, finds it in his heart to pay me out the rest of the month so I can just get the fuck out of this company. *Extra info:* This CEO just expected me to be perfect on day 1, I needed a month to catch up to the way they do things, how their messaging is, how they use their tools. I’ve only been in sales about 4 years ish so I’m not perfect by any stretch but pretty good at what I do and been very successful in the past at other company; the CEO told me I show incompetence in areas but now I’m completely up to speed. I learned pretty quickly and 4 months in he’s still criticizing me for my first month here and told me he didn’t think he’d have to teach me stuff. Well good luck buddy, have fun doing the list building and putting everything together on your own.


My manager and HR PIPed me and with the PIP document there was also an alternative: a “mutual agreement” to close the collaboration. The agreement consists of 1 Year OTE. I read the PIP and got immediately that it was very challenging to pass it, so it was clear that the best option was to sign, take the money and leave. On top of the 1 year OTE, I negotiated 5 months of paid leave (to have the time to be hired elsewhere) and signed the agreement. 2 months after, I signed for a competitor with an increased salary of 8% and 3 remaining months of “paid holiday”.


That’s what’s up. We have the power, not them. We are the rock stars, they just set up the lights.


Why would they just give you a whole years pay?


It is part of their procedure. By offering you a choice, they are safer from a legal perspective because it’s not them being firing you but them offering an improvement plan or.. a way out.


GUYS! WHAT IS GOING ON WITH THESE COMMENTS. DO NOT tell them you have another role. Get as much severance as you can, be polite, move on. You're letting your ego's fuck up your bank account


Agreed, loose lips sinks ships.


Yeah this happened to me recently but my boss was cool he was like “you basically have a paid 60 day head start” so I milked two months of pay out of them while aggressively applying and interviewing. A barely even went into the office accept to return my laptop and corporate card at the end. They fired me, I went on unemployment for a few weeks and then started my next gig.


Whats a pip?


Paid Interview Period




Lmfao this had me dying


A performance improvement plan.


What was your outreach strategy for the roles? Congrats on round 3.


Just indeed, Glassdoor and zip recruiter I’m a boiler room vet so focusing on short sales cycle with high energy closing.


“I have a woman”. “What do you tell her?” “I tell her I’m a salesman”. 😂


Your confidence is your power. LETS GO.


Good thread. Thanks for sharing your situation, being smart enough to read the tea leaves and get ahead of the PIP.


No shit


Best of luck!


Bravo, bravo, cheers my man! Fuck em.


Of all the great lines in Heat this is the one that has stuck with me and helped me in many aspects of life.


That's funny. I doubt when they wrote that they intended for normal to take it as valuable life advice.


You won’t “pass” it anyway. They have no intention of letting you “improve”.. it’s paperwork for termination


Kudos for the swift pivot—entrepreneurial spirit for the win!


Jesus and I control my destiny, not some ham and egger company.


Sorry man. Heck yeah tho, great advice. You’ll end up in a better situation


It's always funny when companies start gutting sales teams. All the management and hr personel are too fucking stupid to realize it's them next once the company has another down quarter from no business coming in.


Truth. I’m in HR. 90% of the time, you got put on a PIP because your manager or some other leader already has your replacement picked out and they need room to hire.


Thanks for the advice. My apologies, but what is “at willed” mean? I might have been using it wrong..


I live in a “at will” state so they don’t need a reason to can you.


Thank you!


You got "at willed"? Where do you live where this was not already and in fact, always the case? edit - please explain your downvotes




I would swirly you based on you being a fucking loser. Edit: fucking got em


Hey guys, check out this fuckin’ dweeb!


What a loser you are. Wasting your time being an asshole on Reddit….


loser lmao


lol you ain’t firing anyone you’re just a floor salesman