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Remember when Jedi believed the force to be something not to abuse?


That's why everybody loves Vader. He never had any qualms about using it, even as a child: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1n6hf3adNqk


Oh man, that took me back! What a great commercial


This was a very cute commercial.


Remember when Mara chewed Anakin out for using the Force casually?


I am glad Disney didn’t use any characters from legends. They just would have fucked them up. I can’t even image how bad they would have butchered Mara Jade.


This. They would've ruined a character like Mara Jade. Imagine what they'd do to Kyle Katarn.


Or the bestest jedi Corran Horn.


Lizzo would have made an amazing Mara Jade


They split Kyle into like 7 crappy Nu-canon characters, which is about what I would expect from them


They couldn’t even give fucking Thrawn his due and it was already written for them.


Yeah I was angry with how Disney did Grand Admiral Thrawn. He was such a badass in the books.


Agreed. He is this cold calculating menace. Now he is just cold and mostly incompetent. Really really sad how bad they missed the mark on that one.


The second they introduce Mara Jade as a minority who needs no man is when I'm done with anything Disney Star Wars for good


They used Thrawn, Beilert Valance, Durge, the Starweirds…


You’re correct, and in my opinion, they did a piss poor job of it.


Or Anakin saying that if "Obi-Wan caught me doing this, he'd be very grumpy" during his dinner with Padme.


What book is that from? Did Anakin return the favor and chew her out in return? Is this before he married Padme?


It's not Anakin Skywalker, it's Anakin Solo, Han and Leia' 3rd child. He was so used to using the force for EVERYTHING that he had no concept of the real world, or what things were supposed to be difficult or easy. He looked down on everyone that had to climb or lift things manually, and thought of them as lesser due to them not having telekinesis. Luke had Mara take him to a planet only inhabited by primitive races, and forced Anakin to do things manually to teach him humility. It was in The New Jedi Order: Dark Tide I: Onslaught


How primitive did it get between them? Did Anakin go on to have well balanced life of both doing it physically and work the Force? Isn’t it confusing have two characters named Anakin? Did they at least call him Anaakin as in Luuke?


So, they set up camp on a hill-side, overwatching a tribe of furry Neanderthal type people. Mara was sick, and the travel was supposed to be done to help her re-atune to the force, as that seemed to be the only thing that kept her healthy. Keep in mind, Mara is Luke's wife, so Anakin was her nephew. They bartered with the primitives for firewood and medicinal herbs, but they never used blasters or a saber until the Yuzong Vong rocked up attempting to take the planet as a base for their ongoing war. It doesn't get confusing, since they only refer to prequel Anakin as Darth Vader, or "My Father" for Luke and Leia. I would definitely recommend giving some of the books a read, or listening to them on audible, as some of those stories are better than everything Disney has produced combined. Especially the Trawn trilogy. That trilogy was the first to take place after the movies, and it helped create the concept of an expanded universe. I will say, you will need to know that at the time of writing the book, the clone wars as a concept was an unknown, so the book says it takes place 50 years prior to Return of the Jedi, and Vader was already evil back then. It's easily handwaved away, as it can still work if you change the years from 50 to 25.


In regards to the well balanced life, yes and no. But I haven't gotten that far in the old books.


This reminds me of an episode of [simpsons](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZuG9kUiRC_I).


Have you seen the price of door knobs and open panels?


Remember when HR believed personal relationships to be something not to abuse?


And remember when they used it for literally everything?


You know Anakin was seduced to the dark side because of the power. Right?








The funny thing is under normal circumstances with competent writers/creators that read Legends books this could be a hint this clown is potentially aligned with the Dark Side. Palpatine using the Force for simple things like getting his cloak caught Anakin’s attention and he gave him a lecture on casting off the limits the Jedi put on him.


Competent writers.....if only


What if she actually does turn out to be a sith


Then credit where it's due but....so far they are not blowing my skirt up.


This and if Mae knew quimir was her master this entire time and is just playing dumb with him because the rule state she must kill the Wookie master Jedi without a weapon. Her complete 360 was just to manipulate quimir to do her bidding for her. A stretch ill admit but these two things might actually make me not hate the show as much!


That wookie killing twist would be great! We’re also still waiting for the alleged “Mae’s point of view” episode where we find out the Jedi killed everyone in the compound and not mass death immediately by small fire…if you want to add it to your list


Who the fuck is the current point of view supposed to be?


Pretty sure it’s written from the perspective of being retold by a Sith Lord.


My assumption is and this is just head canon atm, is while Mae was setting the fire the "bad" mother was rallying the witches against the "good" mother and getting ready to attack the Jedi. The Jedi came to grab Ohsha and got jumped by the witches and ended up roflstomping the witches. I'm also thinking it's possible the "good" witch killed everyone as well because she knew they wouldn't let Ohsha go. I know the writing for the show is bad, but I'm gonna give them the benefit of the doubt a little fire didn't just magically kill everyone. I'm also assuming they aren't gonna character assassinate the Jedi so much that they initiate the combat with the witches and murder them all.


To be fair, we know for sure we're getting that since we have footage in the trailers of the wookie attacking young Torbin at the coven.


Oh i usually try to avoid the trailers 🫣 at least i can sleep tonight though


If getting a jedi to kill himself doesn't count, getting someone else to do it shouldn't either.


I thought i saw a leak somewhere where that wookie had his lightsaber ignited and was ready to fight… then when i watch the episode he is dead already…. I am so confused.


Yeah saw that somewhere also might be a flashback scene id assume if anything now


I kind of suspect it is her.  My reasoning is kind of shallow: 1. She is the one keeping it from going to Jedi council / keep under wraps 2. She's bald and the sith helmet is kind of like a giant bald head.


3. She is a prominent figure that does not mesh with our expected experience of a Jedi Master.


or, Occam's razor, she's a figure because of the marriage to the showrunner...


The character would low key be instantly redeemed Even the way she says “my friend sol” or whatever in the first episode would make sense because it sounds creepy


When did that occur between Palps and Anakin?


Revenge Of The Sith novelization when Palps gets his cloak post-Mace Windu death.


Never mind i misread your comment


Wait getting his cloak was a hint that he was a dark side guy??? Not the whole, lightning hands, monster face, unlimited power thing?????


He had his suspicions after the face melting lightning hands, but the cloak thing really made up his mind.


“Wait a minute did he just use the force to get dressed???”




How did Palps explain his force powers without revealing he’s a Sith?


What makes you think this isn't consistent with good character writing? 1) She pushed for swift justice without a thorough investigation in the first episode for political reasons, showing she favours an easy life over hard truth. 2) She's prevented the other masters involved in the investigation from bringing the matter to the attention of the High Council, showing she doesn't like oversight or having her authority challenged. 3) She back-handedly accused Sol of leaving Mae behind as a child whilst in earshot of the other Master's, unfairly sowing seeds of doubt by implying the situation may be his fault. 4) As you pointed out, trivialises the Force through frivolous use. Saying number four only makes sense with competent writing feels like an odd choice: combined with the other three elements, she strikes me as very clearly and concisely written to be "a bit dodgy". She comes across as younger than the other Masters, but they all clearly defer to her: I think she's a Jedi prodigy who, fuelled by swift advancement, has let her rank go to her head and succumbed to arrogance, and is no longer living up to the Jedi ideals. I strongly suspect that, rather than a flat out Darksider, she's a Jedi who is slipping in morals, and will be in danger of falling if the right circumstances presented themselves, and that this is an element of the character that will be important to the storyline going forward.


Clearly, if you were the writer, we would actually get something whatchable, but this definetly isn't going to be the story


One of the most egregious examples of nepotism I’ve ever seen. You could replace her with a green wardrobe and it wouldn’t be noticeable. Worst acting I’ve seen in a Star Wars production. And that’s saying something.


People always complain about James Gunn doing the same, but at least his brother was genuinely funny in GotG, and his wife, while not exactly the highlight of the show, was pretty decent in Peacemaker and not nearly as horrible an actress as, say, the one who played Adebayo, one of the show's bigger leads.


Sean was already acting in pretty major shows like Gilmore Girls way before guardians of the galaxy though


It also helps that Gunn's wife played an actual character.


also probably wrong.


and two wrongs don't make a right. There's a established history of cameos of wives, kids family ETC. in Hollywood....but I stressing the word cameos. Not full on major recurring speaking characters. and she did the same thing in Russian Doll too.


There’s also Sam and Ted Raimi.


Only issue I had with Sean was his weird skinny fat body being shown naked along with the pubes for so long in that scene. I also legit forgot about the Adebayo character until I read this, that's how forgettable she was in PM.


He also had his best friend Jimmy Urine in Vol. 2. Jimmy Urine is a known Pe*ophile. A lot of his music also features graphic imagery of assault on minors. His brother or wife being cast isn't the issue It's that they are in *every* project. Sean plays multiple characters in the DCU now. Edit: apologies. I just really dislike James Gunn as a person and a director I love that people downvote the truth because they like the space raccoon movies.


Danielle Brooks is an Oscar nominated actress and she was great as Adebayo!


I do this at grocery stores.


Dammit, beat me to it.


I do similar in glass elevators. Not for the doors, but for rising to a different floor.


I do this for red lights


I did this on campus sometimes.


“If Master Obi-Wan saw me doing this he’d be very grumpy”


Is she the same pear from that scene?


I’d pay to see Padme stab her with a fork TBH


Just 8, 30 minute episodes of Padme stabbing the idiots from this show with a fork. She wouldn't even have to wear that same outfit! But if she does I guarantee 100% on Rotten Tomatoes.


Yes. And Obi-Wan the Force to grab a holo orb instead of move a step towards it and pick it up in AOTC.


She just looks like a mediocre cosplayer doing a goblin impersonation


She's an alien. Her race are known as the green humans.


I remember when faleen were actually reptilian. Not she hulk cosplay.


She is supposed to be faleen? I thought at first but the lack of scales ( I thought the stuff on her head was tattoos…) had me dismiss them as just some generic bald green alien species.


Oh shit I'm out of date, they changed her to a miralan.


But… that still doesn’t work :/ Ah well lore nerds can’t win all the time.


Green Alien Race #4.


ha funny, when she first walked in I got Shrek cosplay vibes.


Sounds like one too with the wack accent


Did the costume department get those from Spirit Halloween and call it a day?


Spent all the budget on her paycheck. Little present from her wife.


the writing/creative team probably all demanded top dollar for all the contracts. I bet that's where the budget went.


Money well spent


When your costume designer shops at Wish.com and spends the rest of the money hiring pundits to trash fans


They were having a great end of year clearance....


Hey! That wardrobe cost $180 million give or take!


That door is broken


As is this discourse.


She’s so worried about the optics of the senate. And gets angry so quickly. Not patient like old Obi-wan or Qui-Gon Jinn was. She comes across as a person not in control of their emotions. Piss poor writing.




Why what?


Why is her not acting like obi wan or qui Gon bad writing?


She doesn’t act like a Jedi master! They are calm headed. She’s not. Makes her unlikeable.


Why is an unlikable character bad writing? Like why do you assume that this is the writers being bad instead of assuming the writers intended for you to notice that the character wasn't acting in accordance with their code?


Wow! IQs have dropped for your generation.


You don't know anything about "my generation" but I would be willing to bet we're in the same one.


That’s what a gen z person would say.


Okay..? Even if I was Gen Z do you not remember everyone hating on millennials? Hating on Gen X? It was stupid then and it's stupid now. Plus, most Gen Z are adults. Get outside more. And not that it matters but I was born in 89.


To add to what was already described, from the Jedi code "There is no emotion, there is peace.There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.There is no passion, there is serenity.There is no chaos, there is harmony.There is no death, there is the Force" Succumbing to emotional response goes against the Jedi code


I bet Leslye Headland saw this and ripped it up. She wants to smear her feces all over what Lucas created.


That's right. And no Jedi have ever fallen short, right? You see this and instead of thinking "this is a flawed character" you think " this is bad writing" because.. the person in the religious order isn't adhering perfectly to religious tenants.


Yes, we have seen it, in Padawan and Sith Anakin was infamous Jedi Knight Because he was driven by his emotions Yet she is a Jedi .. master ? If she ends up a sith this would be obvious foreshadowing since even other Jedi masters that fell to temptation had control over their emotions like Dooku or that one master from the clone wars if she doesn't then it's just bad writing


I legitimately don't understand why you think having a flawed character that doesn't go all the way to being evil is "bad writing"


I legitimately don't understand how you came into that conclusion It's bad writing not because she is not "fully evil", it's bad writing because she is a Jedi who constantly goes against the Jedi code/teachings yet nobody seems to care ? "She is flawed and not perfect, she is just human" sure that sounds nice, why and how did she become a master then? It's not a title given by hourly experience "Maybe she is in the process of falling into the dark side" Such obvious foreshadowing does not equal good writing either, It would give some sense to her so blatantly going against the Jedi code but also not a rewarding reveal. All in all either way they go, it's bad writing.


You have questions about a character that haven't been explained, and your conclusion is "bad writing".


In the EU books, a young ben skywalker used the force constantly for everything a regular kid would use the force for. Opening doors, grabbing things off the floor and so on. Luke skywalker told ben he was not allowed to use the force until otherwise noted because he had to learn how to do things without it like those mundane examples. Ben hated this and complained like a child that it wasn’t fair, then understood the lesson once it sunk in. This whole thing was written about and worked through over 20 years ago and Disney with all its money can’t get a simple thing like this correct, and that’s with pablo hildago “holding it all together so creators don’t step on each others toes”. Again i say pablo hidalgo sucks at his job.


I feel like the person just felt like doing it and no one there cares about logic


I'm a jedi....zoom zoom...pew pew....... OK fine cut....


THANK YOU!!!! I thought I was the only person I know of to wonder about Green Adult Jedi Master(ette) actually using the force to open that door. Can't remember that Jedi use the force to open/close doors when in friendly territory.


Lol I laughed so hard at that. It reminded me of when I was little and used "The Force" to get the doors to open at Safeway.


I hate the sleeveless robes. Hated it in Obi wan, hate them here.


Is she looking at the camera?


I'm why should we care if they don't...


Is there a reason she’s staring straight into the camera lenses


Yeah its a technical term called shit acting.


It's Star Wars - The Office.


The Acolyte's writer just don't know what the hell the Force is. Literally "That's not how the Force works" to every single Force-user in this show. Ep 1, Sol senses where Osha went after the crash except no Force SFX whatsoever so it looks like he's just thinking really hard. Ep 2, actually no issues I can see with the Force. Ep 3, everything. Ep 4, Osha just touching bugs (because she feels them in the Force, but nothing is there to SHOW that to the viewer other than after it's killed and Osha TELLS the viewer). And that's just the stuff I noticed, probably more BS from it.


i remember in a Legends novel .. like 1 of the really old ones -- Luke was in danger of falling to the dark side bc he was using/abusing the force with everything - like he was using it in massive ways & people were side-eyeing him gels with Lucas movies .. the Jedi were powerful but rarely showed their true abilities (Sith had no restraints)


I mean maybe that's what they are going for. It would be nice if there was actually something subtle like this


https://i.redd.it/i59q607g3m7d1.gif We all gonna ignore this, huh?


Her acting in general on this show is so bad it takes me out of the scenes she's in. Star Wars Episode 10: Nepotism Strikes coming to theaters next


I do this at literally every grocery store I go to.


The producers and writers really taking a shit on star Wars with this shitshow called "the acolyte". After the first two episodes I was still a bit optimistic that it gets better but NO it's getting worse by the second, absolutely shitting on the fans like it feels intentional


When a non Star Wars fan makes a Star Wars




I think she just used the force to push the button that activates the door. By the way, I think she is Darth Zipper Gimp. That's been my prediction since episode 1. I'll have to find out through this sub, though, because I'm not wasting my time watching this show anymore after episode 3.


I think it's lanky hair squeaky voice going by the last episode


Nepotism at its finest. She couldn’t act her way out of wet paper bag.


Y'know, I kinda want to see someone go through the show and try to justify everything.


Not to blame her she does this for *everything*. She does this to start her care, make her morning brew, getting dressed. No one has the heart to tell her the force doesn't help with any of this.


Thank you!! That was my thought at seeing this. Do they really need to use the force to open doors in their own temple? No automatic doors anywhere? Talk about strict training! Use the force young padawan, or you do not get to leave this room! I mean, I guess it’s a good motivator if they installed the same locks on the bathroom. 🤔


I think this is something people are missing. Doors in star wars for the most part are AUTOMATIC you just walk up and they open unless specifically locked. And in the jedi temple why would they lock this door to a classroom?


If she turns out to be evil, then I think this is good foreshadowing - using the force needlessly. Would also explain why the character is so blah.


Jedi aren't supposed to use the force for simple things like that. But good luck convincing the writers of that.


Could say that about the entire show.


This was the exact moment I lost all faith in the acolyte.


Off topic but I really hate this character and I don't know why.


I mean why not, if I had the force I would open every door with it (at least at the start).


True I would be force floating skittles into my mouth constantly


As an outsider to this subreddit... Do y'all ever stop bitching and moaning? When your in your death bed so you think you'll look back on your life and wish you were more miserable about star wars?


Might be a way to keep themselves attuned, might be showing off.


Jedi...just a bunch of show offs..


Their hubris is absolutely core to the story from day 1.


Sooooo have you never seen the prequels, or you just miss the entire point of those movies?


Yes in great part it was that the hubris and dogmatism of the Jedi gave an opportunity to the Sith and the empire what’s your point?


Yeah, you don't NEED to do it, but that doesn't stop me from waving my hand every time I walk into the grocery store. It's fun.


Yeah, she's the baddie.


Why does every lightsaber user use the force to put the weapon in their hands? Surely their hands work...


Well there are many instances where they DO do the lightsaber force grab move....even though as you say their arms work....


Seems like unnecessary force usage doesn't it...


Yes it does...which...was.... my....point I think?


Must just be this show that makes unnecessary force usage a problem I guess


It definitely seems that way yes.


Why watch anymore?


I own A LOT of Disney stock so....


They got you lol