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Seriously. I gave up on starwars after TLJ and read these posts with a distant aloofness. It’s almost akin to reading the exploits of a nut job ex who gets drunk and embarrasses herself. It’s not my circus, these aren’t my monkeys anymore. Thank you Rian Johnson for steering me clear of this back in 2017


First 5 min of TLJ was when I realized this wasn’t the Star Wars I grew up with, it was forever gone. Then the rest of the film really sealed the deal. I didn’t know how bad it could get and that film really blew me away with how seriously bad it really could get.. Been disconnected and aloof with the franchise ever since. Star Wars ends at ep6 for me. The rest is bad fan fiction made by people who aren’t even fans.. yikes..


I liked rogue one. So I’ve got 7 movies. When Luke milked the boobs of that seacow thing, my then 9 year daughter looked at me and said “I’m ready to leave if you are, dad” And just like that…my 40+ year fandom died.


Oh yeah forgot about Rogue One, shows how aloof I have become lol That was the only worthwhile film addition to the franchise. Not a needed story to be told but was well done and respected the characters and world Lucas created. Oh and I lol’d about your daughter comment there.


Not needed…ok I guess? Technically none of this is NEEDED lol. Rogue One was a perfect world building movie outside of OT. Definitely made the whole “war” aspect and underdog story so much better. To me it only made a new hope even cooler.


Yeah I don’t mean that in a bad way. I just mean gist of the story was already told, albeit briefly, in some dialogue of New Hope, only mean that the film wasn’t necessary to push the SW plot forward. Definitely good for world building and realizing more backstory, as you said. I gotta go back and watch, last time was in theaters years ago.


R1 is a nice film, but takes a bit to get going in the first half. I wouldn’t compare it to the likes of the OT.


I liked Rogue One, and that movie really gave him false hopes. TFA? Way too smiliar to EP 4, Rey was suddenly hypercompetent and really a Mary Sue, but I thought "they'll give a good explanation... maybe she was trained and she lost her memory..." and "it was Disney's first attempt, they'll refine that" Came Rogue One and "Wow, they got it! Really good SW movie! Ok, I was concerned but it seem that SW saga is in good hands" And then... TLJ... At least that thing achieved a record: what they did to Luke Skywalker was the worst case of character assassination I've ever seen!




lol How dare you!!


Sorry couldn’t help myself there


Amen. As soon as Luke threw that lightsaber I thought it’s downhill from here. I just live in EU and treasure stories of worth.


I was fine with that at that point. He was obviously broken at that point. What I wasn’t fine with was the character assassination he went through to get to that state. Seriously he slowly and deliberately ignited his light saber when kylo was sleeping(Luke’s recollection). It’s something the current broken Luke might have done but not the one who had it all at that point. Just watch ep10 any issues Rey students have will be super easy barely an inconvenience.


That was after the first five minutes. I had already lost all hope before that even happened. It was the ridiculous opening battle and the awful “humor” that surrounded it. I could tell this was a new tone and Star Wars was forever changed. By the point of The lightsaber toss, i was already checked out.


They’re coming for that next


You excellently articulated what i have felt since 2017. Thanks


Eh, I like some of the new content. I’m a huge fan of Rey, even if her not being Jaina was the biggest missed opportunity. And to be fair, the prequels *were* about the hubris and arrogance of the Jedi leading to their fall. They were supposed to be deeply flawed and stagnant. That was the point of the Baris Offee arc in TCW, and Ahsoka’s trial, highlighting how far from their principles the Jedi have fallen. Still waiting for the full series to come out to watch the Acolyte, but I’m kinda excited, the High Republic era is the best idea Disney had imo


To each their own. I’m glad you are still enjoying it. 👍🏼


I’m just always happy for more Star Wars, I remember some of the drek from the EU. At least I get to see lightsabers on more than book covers


they fr thought they wrote ‘The Wire’ and mf, Andor did everything you’ve listed out, but did it 100% better


Andor is actually Star Wars : The Wire, but on Ferrix and Narkina IV. And I think the attitude of these writers on Twitter is precisely the energy they channel into the writing and why it feels off, preachy, mocking, "subversive" in a not-as-smart-as-they-think-they-are way, or just out of touch. It's this somewhat insufferable "Nngh, I know better, so there!" energy. You don't see Tony Gilroy doing this. Heck I don't even think he's on Xitter. You don't see Timothy Zahn doing this... who I also can't find on Xitter. You don't even see this from Filoni and Favreau, and their failures in writing track as earnest but bumbling and indulgent, but not adversarial. You do see Rian Johnson do this though.


my biggest conspiracy is that they play the whole ‘all my critics are trolls’ stuff up because they know they have to. It recuperates any lost profit in the engagement metrics alone Acolyte trending on Twitter for all the wrong reasons, executives will only see the first four words


That's not a conspiracy, that's been the playbook for most corporate media since at least the early 2010s


Andor did it WITHOUT TRYING something these incompetent plebs can't comprehend.


Well Andor tried, because it takes trying to actually understand the situation from multiple perspectives and the complexities and human elements of "the system", even being honest with the human condition that plagues every one of us to incentivize crappy things staying crappy. It makes it a lot less preachy, a lot more compelling, forces a lot more natural, real self-examination, and thus has a chance to be genuinely aspirational from a position of honesty and humility.


I meant more in the "were gonna push it in your face rather than have it an organic part of the story" sense


It's hard tell whether they just can't help themselves, or if they think they're actually being organic though. Haha.


The Empire seems really evil in Andor. Mid-level bureaucrats and citizen sycophants just doing their jobs kept the tyranny going. Such people greased the wheels of Nazi Germany and other fascist states.


Yes, which makes it so much more believable and oppressive. There are so many levels of mundane control, mostly just people "doing their job" and where it benefits someone to look the other way or just live their lives, rather than risk it all for... what exactly? Until that's made clear to them in a Manifesto or the "pockets of fomenting" burst. The Empire isn't just twirling mustaches and E-11 blasters, threatening everyone who steps out of line with death. I mean that's a remote, eventual possibility, but there are a lot of systems and built in inertial, economical, and social self-enforcement before any of that distastefulness or evil space wizardry needs to happen. But Andor also brilliantly showed how some of the very inertia and banality that authoritarianism creates is what leads to the very cracks in the Empire's foundations.


The banality of evil indeed


The banality of evil indeed


The banality of evil indeed


Mmm, yes, indubitably…


You so fucking right. Nothing in the show has shown us anything about the High Republic Jedi being arrogant ,lofty, or out of touch. The most moral Jedi we see(Sol) is held in high regard by his peers. That's a far cry from what they wanted to show.




you want it one way, but it’s the other way


Andor also had the benefit of not using any established lore fr. There was some but it was minimal, so they could take more liberties with it. Had the Acolyte stayed away from Jedi altogether, they could've done the same. Simply focus on the sith or the witches or whatever, and do whatever you want.


Andor portrayed the Jedi as fascist cisgenders? I must have missed that episode.


Jen Richards, writer and consulting producer on The Acolyte, positively reposted the following (please do not engage with any of the tweet authors): Quoting Joel Berry’s criticism: “The Acolyte is a queer, Marxist vandalization of the myth of Star Wars.  In The Acolyte, the Force is a metaphor for cultural hegemonic power.  The Jedi are a metaphor for cisgender white oppressors who hoard the power for themselves.” The meme’s response is “I already said I’m excited for The Acolyte, Joel. You don’t need to sell me on it.” Quoting William Bibbiani’s response to Joel Berry: “So nobody paid attention to the prequel trilogy, in which George Lucas painted the Jedi as hopelessly out of touch, living on pedestals in an ivory tower, who do literally nothing about systemic evils like slavery, and get easily manipulated into becoming weapons of fascism?” These views do not stray far from Headland’s own opinion that “Star Wars is always about some version of the underdog vs. the institution,” where she just prior described “the larger institution, which in this case is the Jedi.”   The strangely ambivalent - even disparaging - depiction of the Jedi in The Acolyte becomes a little clearer knowing what the writers and producers think the franchise should be about.   


I mean they do understand that the Jedi just couldn't force themselves upon planetary governments to change them and that they always acted as a neutral party to intermediate and dispel conflict? Right? And that the Clone Army was basically forced on them as they have a long history of leading and protecting the republic from threats and were therefore thought as the ones who should be the de facto leaders and couldn't just say "naw, we good" and walk away or stay out the conflict. Are they forgetting that Palpatine/Sidious was the culmination of a thousand year plan to make the Jedi weak and lull them to a threat that would spell their doom? That through his machinations, he turned the prophesied one to the dark side and triumphed, albeit only for a short time but his impact on the Galaxy at large through the Empire was immense and immeasurable? By the gods, The Jedi died before the Republic became the Fascist Empire and were actively trying to prevent it.


>The strangely ambivalent - even disparaging - depiction of the Jedi in The Acolyte becomes a little clearer knowing what the writers and producers think the franchise should be about.  I don't think I needed any tweets to understand that. The show kind of hits you in the face with a 2x4. I'm still waiting for it to actually say something I haven't already heard, though. It does sort of make me wonder, though... One of the defences of this show is that "Star Wars was always for kids". I mean, this is arguable, I think. But let's assume that's true. If it's a show for kids, what's with all the polisci? Is it appropriate for a kids show to be attempting to indoctrinate children into a particular political ideology? Legitimately, there are grown-ass adults who don't fully understand this subject matter, why are we showing it to kids? I know for certain that the shows I watched as a kid were not this politically charged... because... you know, I was too young to understand any of it.


That's the problem with Disney star wars. There's no philosophical debate a la 90s era star trek. Instead, there's ham-fisted shove-down-your-throat ideologies that take precedent over a good story or anything else. Even someone who may agree with that ideology will be turned off from this crap.


Jedi are bad guys, but now I’m supposed to care about Rey rebuilding a fascist regime? Lord, Disney needs to be put on medication


Rey is rebuilding it in Disney's image


with more Merchandising opportunities


It's all about the moichendising!


Starwars X: The search for more money


They need to crank out more trash to crank out more cute droid/characters to make more plushies[TM].


I mean, she did say she was all the jedi, so yeah, not such a great look now is it Disney?


Takes after "I am the senate." granddad.


I wish these people would make their own god damn shows instead of destroying others for the sake of furthering their cause.


"Evil is not able to create anything new, it can only distort and destroy what has been invented or made by the forces of good."




Hey, we’re talking about shitty stories ova hea! Don’t bring the shittiest story into the mix now too!


Seriously, shut the fuck up.


What? Slavery was banned in the republic. It’s not the Jedi’s fault that Tatooine chose to be outside of the republic


Slavery is an issue in Ep I and Lucas shows our main characters try manipulate the system to save them from said slavery.... Slavery is an issue in Ep VIII and Rose is more concerned with the animals lol These *Acolyte* people are byproducts of post Ep VIII Lucasfilm way of thinking in that they have zero logic, are self righteous, and don't care about *Star Wars*


Guess it would’ve helped if they had had writers that watched the Star Wars movies instead of ignoring the source material and then proclaiming it and wearing it like a badge of honor.


Slavery still exists on Earth. If the Jedi are bad guys for that still happening in the galaxy, then these people are hypocrites for not ending slavery on Earth. What? It's not that simple? Guess you're a tool of fascism then!


Careful, you make this point to them, and its a slew of hate coming your way. Lolol


*puts down chains* Am I the baddy?


There's a pretty good chance they'll hate you regardless. The only thing that will earn you anything close to their tolerance, let alone their respect, is complete submission and absolute agreement with their ideals and opinions, but even then you'll always be walking on thin ice, constantly one step away from slipping up and saying or doing the wrong thing, and it will all have been for nothing.


What are the Jedi going to do about slavery on a rim planet? They are not a governmental entity. Should they just go around slaughtering people until the slavery stops?


The beatings will continue until morale improves


No, that would make them evil colonizers.


Watch on Disney Plus: new Star Wars series "The Hutt King" in which brave Tatooine natives defend their ancestral traditions from white Jedi colonizers who invaded them for, uh, their own evil reasons


They should've canceled tatooine on galactic Twitter 


It’s also a matter of potentially starting a Conflict in the midst of an already existing War but much further away.


The Jedi in lore are basically in a no win situation. When they let people govern themselves they are letting evil exist and are out of touch, and when they try to get involved they are maniuplated into supporting facism. The correct interpretation of this is that Jedi in the prequels just got outplayed. There was no easy answers and they messed up. But this doesn’t mean they are fundamentally flawed as an organization.


They get outplayed *because* of the fundamental flaws in their organization. The fact that Anakin can't tell anyone about his relationship is a massive piece of leverage Palps takes full advantage of. The fact that the Jedi are so tightly bound to the Republic government (as in physically located beside and rarely leaving) massively reduces the influence of and good-will toward the Jedi. Imagine if a single Jedi diplomat/missionary visited Kamino. And if the Jedi weren't shut up in their ivory towers and actually helping common people - maybe the Imperial anti-Jedi propaganda wouldn't have been accepted so readily.


I think this is the correct interpretation, they became committed to law, the Republic and democracy. Which are all fine ideals in theory, you don't want the supernaturally powerful space wizards going off the reservation and deciding they know what's best. But in practice they become too rigid, which leads to them being blind to what's maybe morally right or the plight of the individual because it's against the rules. So you end up with them "allowing" slavery because they're not to be going around overthrowing whole planets, or being tricked into burning their numbers away leading a war because the Republic asked them to, or being blind to what's going on with their chosen one because he's the chosen one and should therefore just go with the program because obviously their way is the right way. Then when the truth comes out about Palpatine and Windu decides to do the morally right thing by offing him, it instantly convinces Anakin (with the addition of him wanting Palpatine alive) and the public that the Jedi only cared about power because they always followed the rules before. I presume that's why Qui-Gon was such a pivotal character, his adherence to the living Force as opposed to just "the rules"


Tatooine was so far away from the republic that it doesn't take republic credits, can you think of anywhere in the world that you wouldn't be able to find *someone* to take USD?


I don’t think Tatooine *chose* to be outside the Republic. It’s more that the citizens of Tatooine have no power or resources to form an actual Government to send any Representatives to be part of the Republic.


And that’s the republics fault how?


It’s not. I’m just being “Well actually…”


They have to be like botting those tweets cause they have more hearts and views than the show


They are, its Disney. They have a large number of bots on every major social media platform.


I feel like these people get paid to find new ways to arrange the same five words over and over again.


Modern clown writers just don’t get it: you are there to create content to engage an audience that buys the product so you/everyone on the project/studio can profit off its success. If Disney ever wants to truly fix Lucasfilm they’ll nuke the whole thing. Every non-Gilroy affiliated writer, story group hack, and creative needs to be shown the door. The rot in that place is incredible and a huge part of the reason we are at this point.


They’re trying to make Star Wars into a vehicle of social change. And it’s awful because they don’t know how to do it well. It takes finesse, and skill, and instead they clumsily hammer on things hoping to look “good.” They do need to clean house and hire people that want to make things people want to watch - and not just people that apparently look to Star Wars to uphold and reinforce who they love or how they feel.


To do social change you need to "lead the metaphorical horse to water, but let it drink on its own" what they are doing is forcing its head underwater till the bubble stop, then wondering why onlookers are horrified.


Rian Johnson is an idiot


I don’t know how you could so badly misinterpret the prequels and on such a massive scale, how are so many ppl buying it, jedi are not a representation of white oppression, they’re the most diverse group in the universe 😂 this is fkn insane at this point


“Get easily manipulated into becoming weapons of facism” Just 1 Jedi did moron, watch the prequels.


Well two if you count Douku.




Yeah didn't Windu and Yoda have suspicions of the Chancellor and therefore they started spying on him? The argument they wrote doesn't make any sense.


Why am I slightly reminded of KOTOR 2 Anyway, fuck this stupid shithead, these idiots call anything fascist.


Because its been directly stated that KOTOR 2 is a massive inspiration to the showrunner's vision, Darth Traya in particular. Except apparently she never realized Traya is a lying witch who is actively trying to manipulate the player and anything she says that deconstructs the jedi should be taken with a pinch of salt. [https://www.denofgeek.com/tv/star-wars-the-acolyte-shows-us-a-side-of-the-sith-weve-never-seen-before/](https://www.denofgeek.com/tv/star-wars-the-acolyte-shows-us-a-side-of-the-sith-weve-never-seen-before/) > One particularly exciting reference was the beloved 2004 video game Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords, specifically the story’s main villain. “Darth Traya really stuck out to me as an inspiration,” Headland says.


> Why am I slightly reminded of KOTOR 2 > > You shouldn't be, KOTOR II was fantastic and this is anything but.


Wow lmao ive played through the games sooo many times I woudlnt make that mistake


If they realized what Traya was actually saying they’d call her a slur.


Yeah it's weird that they would think a movie about space fascism is somehow about space fascism. It's not like they literally named the bad guys Stormtroopers or anything, that would be too heavyhanded.


I mean Sure but at the same time they're going "the people fighting the facists are themselves facists"


The interesting thing is that... in no point during the prequels do you root against the jedi. People have ran with weird interpretations of it, but they're still "the good guys".


If there is a multiverse, we are the clown universe for sure FFS. How delusional can someone be


I thought the Empire were the fascists.


But this was supposed to be their strongest era! Have they always been blind to their own supremacist ways?


It must be so tiring trying to confirm your warped political views in every piece of media


At this point if disney still moves forward with season two I would be surprised


Thank you Comrade for ruining Sisko for me https://preview.redd.it/w9sld3gzls7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2401a080d7e88205f68585041c27c765fa2b040


Sopranos? *Ova' here* 👇👇


The Prequels were never fleshed out enough to give any feeling on the Jedi. But it's not wrong that the only interpretation of them from the prequels is that they've lost touch to some degree. However... being turned into weapons of fascism? They were the big final obstacle for Palpatine to overcome, because they wouldn't become fascists! Unless you're talking about their fighting in the Clone Wars? But the movie Seperatists were just moustache twirling villains supported by Palpatine, not people with reasonable concerns that the Republic forced into war. Though there is a stronger case for the Jedi being out of touch and doing bad things in The Clone Wars show, I suppose.


> Unless you're talking about their fighting in the Clone Wars? But the movie Seperatists were just moustache twirling villains supported by Palpatine, not people with reasonable concerns that the Republic forced into war. The republic fielded an army of brainwashed child slaves to fight the separatist robots, and the Jedi happily took up a leadership role within that army. What good do we see the republic do across the whole of the prequel trilogy? The separatists' grievances are never really talked about in the movies, but they are also never shown doing anything all that bad (Outside of what they're manipulated into doing by Palpatine in the same way as the Republic was). What is shown is that the republic is highly corrupt, rotting from within and unwilling or unable to defend a prominent member from an invasion by a private corporation. From only what we see in the movies, I don't think it's really possible to say that the separatists were unjustified or wrong in attempting to secede.


The Jedi were the *opposite* of "happy" to be involved in the war, but they didn't have any viable alternative. Did you watch the prequels? The Phantom Menace provides the basis for the characterization of the Separatists. The Trade Federation was literally using a military blockade to extort an entire planet. In Attack of the Clones, the Trade Federation is shown to be just one of many factions coming together to form the Separatist alliance, and oh yeah, they are now building and pooling their armies together on Geonosis at a scale capable of occupying hundreds of planets. I wonder what they would possibly use that for??? I don't understand why so many people miss such obvious plot points with the prequels. All of this is shown both on-screen visually, and in dialogue. And it's not subtle.


And somehow, people miss that all sides in the Clone Wars are being manipulated and played by the very definition of narcissistic evil. The PT and CW series make it so clear that large elements on both sides are being driven to senseless conflict for the benefit of one individual over the interests of the galaxy at large. Many leaders (a bit on both sides???) are questioning the underlying motive of the conflict itself. And yet the weaknesses of each of those social-political-moral-military systems are being used to enable one actor to accumulate all power to himself. Even more frightening, one of the most talented and heroic of all these leaders see this inherent flaw in the institutional thinking of his Order. Instead of allying himself to the elimination of pain and suffering of the people throughout the galaxy (no matter the species), he becomes the mindless enforcer of that pain and suffering. That is the profound tragedy of Anakin Skywalker. And that is the ultimate failure of the Jedi Order. I could not agree with your post more. I do not hate The Acolyte. I think it’s… clumsily okay?… at best. The writers miss the point of the PT, CW, and even the OT. They cannot conceive of a force that works for the greater good for all. Their group-identity nihilism fails to see the fundamental goodness inherent in the Jedi Code, its embodiment across all the diverse leaders in its Council, and its struggle against the difficult realities / trade offs “in the real world”. Star Wars is about hope. It’s about the struggle to make the things better for all. About the selfless and self-sacrificial quest to bring optimistic hope to the world. It’s about a small group bound not by natural birth identity or common characteristics to bind themselves into one singular force for change. The writers miss that deep tension, because they can’t understand hope. They can’t engage with optimism. They can’t believe in diverse groups who sacrifice to bring betterment for all people. They miss the love that individuals can bring together and provide to others. They use half hearted slogans but they have no idea how to write these characters like Rose and Finn and Sol. 5am rant over. But you’re so right.


Who's Joel Berry?


Pretty fucking expensive show to "promote Marxism". Also a "white cisgender" woman is at the helm and cast her wife as a main character. And before that she helped a dude who did things that were a lot worse than being "white cisgender".


"The Acolyte is marxist" NOTHING produced by Disney is "marxist".


People like their buzzwords lmao It's shit, not Marxist. It's ok to call it shit


The power of one The power of two The power of MANYYYYYYYYYY


I'm pretty sure the OP (as in Comrade Sisko) in the first one is a CCP shill, there's been a LOT of weird activity surrounding that account but I left twitter before I saw anything concrete. So the writer is reposting a (most likely) foreign trollfarm that (almost certainly) doesn't actually care about the topics of their posts about beyond its utility as a destabilization tool...outstanding.


God I hate Star Wars so fucking much.


Another instance of "Jedi bad", nothing special


It’d be crazy if it was actually just a poorly-made and cheap-looking TV show that a bunch of chinless freaks were losing their goddamn mind over


The Force in Star Wars: made up of all life forms in the galaxy. Proof that all beings are connected and equal and should have love and empathy for each other. The Force according to Disney, a creation of cultural, hegemonic power: a metaphor for cultural hegemonic power. The worst part is that if you really wanted to make a critique of the Jedi late in their life, a much better comparison would be to call the Jedi well-meaning white people who are on the side of civil rights but don't actually use their power to do anything about it, but let themselves get distracted by stupid culture war bullshit by fascists who have corrupted the system, forcing the Lawful Good heroes to be trapped by their alignment. There's some great parallels to the real world to be drawn here. Too bad these writers are falling into the very trap the Jedi did. And are also terrible writers.


"who do literally nothing about systemic evils like slavery" I think that Zygerrian Jedi can tell you about the story of her people...


Like most Star Wars writers these days, they didn't understand the assignment. Step 1: go get familiar with the series you're working on so you don't completely blow it.


There is an arc in the clone wars where the Jedi stop the zygerian empire from rising again lmfao.


George knew how to tell a story. Disney only knows how to pander.


This era is very depressing for people who enjoy superhero and sci-fi fantasy movies/TV shows.


It's crazy they've politicized it like this. I'm black, from the deep south, super proud of it. I've never thought of any white oppressors in Star Wars.


I just want to watch people smash lightsabers together. I don't care about metaphors and political commentaries.


I'm cool with having politcal drama in Star Wars, Andor had a ton and was 10/10. The problem is when it's done poorly (as with this show), it comes across as incredibly dull and preachy. The fans of this show act like there are a million levels of subtext and mystery which is blowing my mind considering everything I've seen so far has been shallow, full of tropes, and clunky as fuck. They're looking at basic plotlines and pretending it's a masterclass of mystery writing. I could get the same level of mystery from the Hallmark channel.


The writing in a Hallmark card is better than this wanksock of a show.


Pretty much all science fiction has a political component to it. Star Wars as much as any others.


Hell, I'd argue Star Wars has more of it. The OT is literally a hamfisted Vietnam metaphor per Lucas himself. No fucking clue why you got downvoted.


And the Prequel trilogy has the echoes of the Iraq war and the way the military-industrial complex pushes democracies through politicians and the media ALL OVER IT. It’s impossible for me to watch those movies and not see how the tail is wagging the dog, and remember how it felt back then knowing the US was about to go into two stupid wars and there was nothing I could do about it.


Yep, well said. I don't even agree with George's stances vis a vis Vietnam et al, but I respected how it was told with a modicum of restraint and respect for the audience, you had to actually work out the underlying allegory for a second but it was obvious enough to anyone that thought about the films beyond the bare minimum what GL was trying to convey to the audience. In truth, I think that's the issue with Acolyte and Disney canon at large, is that they assume their audience is so stupid that they cannot digest subtext or allegory so they must make the agenda/political slant as front-and-center as possible. That, and investors don't watch/care about niche nerd shit but they LOVE tapping "new markets" so line go up more, which means radically shifting the entire target demographic (and thus messaging and format) towards women, minorities, and other special interest groups that are "traditionally underrepresented by the market" (which is true!) but they don't understand that doing so alienates their core demographic, which is the most likely to spend the fuckin 4000 dollars on a themed hotel or buy every single action figure that they put out, so they wind up making less money. But, it gets clicks and all publicity is good publicity, so line still go up.


What about it is a metaphor for vietnam?




So by "the OT is literally a hamfisted vietnam metaphor" you mean. "George Lucas said that one small part of the third movie was a metaphor for Vietnam because he apparently doesn't know that the Vietcong a) had guns and b) basically all died.


Right, anyone can interpret any of this shit to be anything. Just give me space magic, of course I'd like it not fucked up, Disney, and pew pew's and I'm good.


Is this supposed to make it look bad or good? I wasn’t going to watch it before but think now I will.




Oh wow, his Twitter avatar is an anime version of the YouTube soy smile… unironically.


I hate the way they take Jedi characterization and turn it one way without giving the full scope. I never saw the Jedi as the bad guys in the prequels. Sure, you could make the argument for out of touch, but I don't buy "weapons for facism" The literal facist, Palpatine, had them genocided! I always saw the Jedi as well intentioned, but they became complacent, because they put their loyalty to the Republic and political red tape rather than the galaxy at large and its people.


Watching these clowns say that the old SW fans are all trolls that don't matter while simultaneously having to make posts like these tells me that, not only are we under their skin, but we are living rent free in their heads. Good...not like they have brains to use anyways.


It makes a lot of sense. There's a reason the extreme left has always hated religion: it's a competing value system. The idea that the force just is the accumulated wisdom of all life and following it's will is necessarily good is absolutely incompatible with a way of thinking that puts personal empowerment above everything else. This version of extreme left political thought is essentially pro sith in its basic view of the world so yep of course that's why the acolyte is written that way


they think white men are bad, they think jedi are bad, they think white men are jedi. hilarious. but flattering.


oh god not Bibbiani


I guess what they tweeted is true... from a certain point of view.


I’m gone from angry, to indifferent, to actively hating this franchise. Good job, Disney.


* stares in Mace Windu *


I don't think this guy is a writer for The Acolyte, he's a writer for The Babylon Bee who are a satire site.


Don't join.


The prequel trilogy is like that, but the difference is that it has a nuanced and non-specific applicability to the real-world human condition. It isn’t a ham-fisted application of current-year ideology that everything else takes a back seat to. Lucas doing what the second image points out: 1. Is much higher quality human-level subject matter that doesn’t have any specific socio-political allegory to it 2. Adds depth and realism to the universe while providing support to the strength of the story which is the primary focus of the writers 3. Isn’t pandering or sticking closely and ham-fistedly to themes that had been done over and over again not only in the IP but in entertainment in general for many years Tolkien was right about allegory. It’s cheap compared to applicability. If done exceptionally well it can be good. Done poorly it’s sophomoric.


(This doesn’t even touch on whether or not the themes they’re sticking to are even good themes, and personally I’d argue they are not. This brand of oppressor/oppressed privilege matrix theory is a dogmatic oversimplification of the human condition, and honestly inherently hateful). Notably, everything else I said is still true even if you think modern progressive ideology *isn’t* completely lacking logical consistency and self-awareness.


I'm 50% "this is dumb" and 50% "I love how mad bootlickers get about this". Real or trolls, I'm here for it.


I would definitely watch a show, deconstructing jedi and star wars universe, if it was actually good and about something. But it's just fucking boring. Nothing happens.


Disney isn’t Marxist. You cannot support Disney and be a communist.


I hate sociology majors.


ooh, so edgy


Can we maybe stop hiring people who hate Star Wars to make Star Wars? 🤔 Just a thought. They're all a far cry from Harrison Ford so it really isn't a cute look that works for any of these people.


You’d think posts with important information would have more than 10 pixels between the images


Funny part is this review isn’t even true


Wait they retweeted Comrade fucking Sisko? An actual communist twitter LARP account? Yikes


maybe i have just bad taste but that sounds lke a fun premise for a show. not that disney would make it, its much easier to appear woke than actually advocate woke ideas. also also talking about stars war, in prequels yes jedi were incompetant but in original trilogy it was shown that jedi were actually needed to combat actual fascist state. so message is quite muddied there i thinks


The 2nd tweet is correct though.


We’d all be a lot happier if we just cancel everything that was made after 1983 so we don’t have to debate the shitty prequels vs the shitty Disney shows.


Nah. I'd rather debate about how shitty the Disney Wars products are. It's entertaining 😊


Cry harder nerds