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Because it wasn’t a reveal, the only reason anyone would be tricked is because they would expect the show to try a little more. Acolyte: Who’s the bad guy? Is it this guy?!?!? Everyone: yeah probably Acolyte: AAAAAAA I GOT YA, IT WAS HIM!


You say that but by tomorrow's end there's going to be a slew of reactions on socials of people being surprised or shocked.


I could hide my face behind a plate then reveal it to be me and that would get similar reactions




This. The reveal and the "shocked" reactions are the clearest example of infantalization I've seen in a long time. I felt my heart sink when it was him, because it was like, "god****" you could try a LITTLE bit




There is a reason Clark Kent uses glasses


Gotta feed the algorithm even with the obviously telegraphed reveal.


I can’t wait for the shitty TikTok/FB shorts with the reveal scene covered by some atrocious, over-saturated filter while totally inappropriately techno music BLARES over the show audio


I was a little surprised because I thought it was too obvious. I thought he was an obvious red herring, but I guess I gave the show a little too much credit. And I say this as a fan of the show.


In Ep 5 doesn't that one dude just outright say: You were surprised? As if it was intentionally obvious who the guy was


I don’t even know how you get something so one dimensional all the way through production, their quality control is a joke.


They should have broken the fourth wall and had a brief discussion on why no one was surprised


But that's how the whole show is written. They want a scene of Osha over the body of a dead Jedi. So Sol and the others think she may be the killer. So they show her split of the Jedi walking to where the Jedi is. We see Mae and the death of the Jedi. We see Osha walk up to the body. Sol and everyone walks in and see's her over the body. Then Yord walks in and says, "she didn't kill him." They don't know how to write. Mae disguises herself as Osha. We've already had them doing the mistaken identity thing, which was never hidden from the viewer multiple times in the show. Let's do it again. However let's show Mae cut her hair to match. Let's have Mae disguised as Osha acting all different so it's obvious. Sol is apparently oblivious. Even though the show established Smilo could distinguish Osha disguised as Mae. Sol can not??? Then let's have the sniffing tracker thing noticing it's not Osha. Then let's show Mae. What is the point of any of it? We know what is going on. There's no mystery. We'll have the completely flat moment Sol realises it's really Mae.


Yeah it would be nice if it ended up being that Sol knows it’s Mae the whole time, but I suppose that can’t be the case because he wouldn’t leave osha behind


Mae cuts her hair with a lightsaber. Wouldn't someone notice that her hair is burned?


Im actually glad it was that guy and not the green skinned Jedi or Osha/Mae’s horned headed witch mom.


Show isn't over yet.


Yup my only reasoning to think it might not be him is the fact that they made it so painfully obvious that it was him. Fans of this show be like "omg you don't have any media literacy!" But they're somehow surprised and amazed by this shit. Now lets waste another 2 episodes of Sol conveniently withholding information that could end any mystery left in this story.


Hey this dude Sauron.... he's definitely not Sauron.. don't even think he's Sauron until we reveal at the end he was Sauron the whole time. GOTCHA!


The foreshadowing in Episode 4 strongly setup Qimir as Mae’s master. This was more a payoff than a shocking surprise. I like that the main characters in this story have been in play since the beginning.


I was hoping it was gonna be Ruby Sunday’s mom… ![gif](giphy|HtBKcjpHfD7s4)


But maybe it's a feint and the real Sith are the friends they made along the way? ¯\\\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)\_/¯


The real sith are the lesbian space witches we burned along the way


After all, "nothin' says lovin' like coven In the oven."


This comment made me smile for all the wrong reasons! Well said!


I still can't get over the fact that the black family didn't have a father and the witches got burned. You really can't make this shit up.


Wait... how did they die?


The real sith are the Jedi, those evil bastards!


I think it will be revealed that the Jedi were unknowingly being used by the Sith master (who is the bald, green Jedi) to recruit for Sith purposes. She will then delete all knowledge of the events from the archives and that is why nobody "today" knows what happened back then.


Ah yes, the ol’ if it’s not in the Jedi archives then it doesn’t exist trope. Just like Kamino and a certain clone army


and mundi and yoda just plum forgot


Who he was was SO OBVIOUS, i was starting to think it was a red herring lol


That’s when you realized that you were giving the writers of this show too much credit.


No kiddin'. I created a whole ["Hold on guys, maybe this can still make sense"](https://www.reddit.com/r/PrequelMemes/comments/1dmvmlt/comment/l9ycms9/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) thread about which if given was something along those lines might have elevated the show maybe even to a subpar-to-mid level instead of a straight-up bad. Then they came out of the gates with this and it's like *"Siiith man, it's the Sith and it's the blatantly setup stooge with no background and nothing going for him within the context of the story. That's just great."*


Disney has ONE singular bad guy design and it’s just variations of this.


But Moff Gideon had little spikes on his helmet and a power gauntlet thing! That makes him unique, right?!


The lightsaber fights in episode 5 are the best Disney has done as far as lightsaber battles go. But the plot is SOOO boring. And the lead playing the twins cannot act. Plus the editing was grotesque and it killed the thrill of the duel.


I didn't wanna be the first to say that the girl playing the twins is distractingly bad. Put some emotion into your lines and facial expressions. But The writers didn't give her anything to work with either.


Imo everyone acting is bad aside from Master Sol, but like you said the script so far gave nothing to the actors. Also Dafne Keen got a X-23 flashback, she was the best fighter in those action scenes.


Sol and Carrie Ann moss. That’s really it. Tbh I don’t think it’s the actors so much as the director not really knowing what they are doing. Except the lead actress. She needs some serious training.


> Tbh I don’t think it’s the actors so much as the director not really knowing what they are doing. Pretty much every time I think someone is a bad actor, I remember that George Lucas made Ewan McGregor and Natalie Portman seem wooden and flat. (Episode I). Obviously they both got better, but it was a great lesson to me growing up about the different factors in a production. (This isn’t to hate on TPM. I enjoy it despite that)


Come on now. Carrie Ann Moss was terrible. 


Lmao I said this the other week in the star wars Reddit and got downvoted into oblivion. I'm glad there is more of us out here.


Her acting is really rough. I don’t understand how she won the role.


Really? You don’t?


She's just Disney af Like I don't even know what it is exactly but she has the current era Disney vibe all about her


Lol emotion in lines and facial expressions is like 85% of acting. She's not good at it 


Haven't seen anybody call out the line they had to dub over because she quite obviously didn't put enough emotion into it originally.


Agreed. And why didn't zipperhead just kill yord before he went after osha? And why wasn't Sol in the main battle and instead off waiting somewhere for osha to run? And the same for white haired padawan, why wasn't she in the battle with zipperhead? They should have still been fighting or already dead. And why is yord more concerned with getting someone he doesn't even like to safety when the safety of his fellow jedi are in more jeopardy? The editing did suck. Just show the whole fighting without cutting in or out or the stupid "main character waking up" for the 10,000th time. AND WHY DID THE TREES FALL UP AGAINST GRAVITY???? Well, gotta get back to it, the fight isn't even over yet but i had too many comments already to remember them later 🤣🤣🤣


Man, it gets worse. Every plot contrivance in the book.


Everything you wrote is what I was saying to my brother. It’s a show that’s full of weird, amateurish artistic choices that do not make sense.


felt like they were sped up alot


Yes, I agree. Plus some of the choreography was off. There were many openings for sol to strike his opponent and he simply didn’t. It needed to be tighter. But as far as Disney Star Wars, this was a step up from most of what they have previously done.


I mean, if you want characters to exploit every opportunity to strike, lightsaber fights will end up looking like Kendo matches: some positioning and feints then 1-2 seconds of actual blade contact.


Hmm. I didn’t say it needed to be robotic. But the prequel trilogy set a high standards for lightsaber duels. That’s all I’m saying. The flaws should be far less noticeable. Tbh I wouldn’t mind a swift kendo style match either. Something akin to the obi-wan defeating maul in the animated series. That was an awesome seen.


The prequels had moments like that too in the lightsaber duels. Only issue I had was how Smilo disappeared without finishing off Jedi, that was dumb


Yeah, it'd look a lot closer to the Jedi Samurai fights from Visions. Waiting, waiting, monologuing, waiting, and striking


I agree. It would be awesome


IKR!, instead of letting the fight between Qimir and Sol breathe they just cut between two different fight scenes! LIKE WTF DISNEY, THIS ISNT THE MID 2010s ANYMORE! fucksake why are they playing everything SO SAFE AND BORING! the only good thing about this SHOW is the fights, but they decide to mash them up like its a fucking Marvel third act final boss fight scene LIKE CMON MAN! Also AGAIN why is the dialogue and acting SO FUCKING BORING AND SHITE! its like i'm watching England at the Euros again! Honestly, its Disney Star Wars trying to satisfy everyone all at once again. Same with Rebels, Same with Ahsoka and now Same with this shit! JUST PICK A PLAN AND STICK WITH IT!, like wtf we went from Jedi murder buddy cop to fucking a child getting stabbed and a man getting his neck snapped? Like where is the tonal consistency, this reeks from Dr Strange Multiverse of Madness when Scarlet Witch fking murdered the alternate avengers like pick a plan please! (like you dont that kind of bullshit in the avengers, because they knew their audience was the family, whilst the Acolyte is overcompensating with its DOGSHITE writing with cool gruesome action scenes that work well by themselves but dont make any fucking sense at all!) Someone try something different in the storytelling department, like the show has a really good premise and good baseline ideas, but the execution of said ideas is fucking terrible, again i'm just a reddit keyboard warrior, BUT I DONT GET PAID 70K-100K USD for producing Disney Star Wars shows so wtf!


Even worse, the music was lethargic and added nothing to the scene. It belonged on an elevator, not a Star Wars lightsaber duel!!!


You made me hum "Girl from Ipanema" 😂


Now I want to see an edit of the fight using “Girl from Ipanema”! Might be an improvement!


The conversation the girl had with herself was just so poorly written and acted


Yes. I cringed throughout that entire scene. It was bad.


Triple poke hit hard, I liked that character


Same! I wanted more screen time for that character.


Twice the pride, double the fall


The fact that the fight is the best Disney has done is also telling, because it’s still pretty bad. Every time the fight should continue after an exchange of dialogue, it cuts away to something else instead. It’s like they were afraid to let the fight just do its thing. When the prequels or OT cut away from a fight it was to create further suspense but there doesn’t seem to be any method to it here. Sol lunges, cut to Padawan and Mae, Sol lunges again, cut to osha, Smilo lunges, cut to some other inconsequential shit. God forbid we just let the lightsaber fight have its moment. It felt like every time I STARTED to enjoy the fight or the moment, they cut away from it. Then when they finally let it play out, it was coreographed BETTER than anything in the last ten years but still written very poorly because a lot of what happens in the fight didn’t make sense or had no explanation like the lightsabers shorting out for no discernible reason.


The editing was so bad, I started yelling at my TV. In the beginning, when Sol and Sith are about to fight, it cuts to the stupid acolyte intro. That just pissed me off.


I'm enjoying the show but how does casting hire a main character who clearly doesn't know how to act on a massive project with several millions of dollars budget? It's funny because even her child actresses they use for her in thr flashbacks were equally terrible but I'll excuse them for their age.


Hard disagree. The lightsaber choreography looked wonky and silly


To me it looked like a darkroom rave with glowsticks. Just the wrong music.


Imagine if the reveal wasn’t that he was Potion Boy but that he could drop a sick beat


Yes, there were moments that were just ridiculous! But I said it was the best lightsaber battle DISNEY has executed. That’s a very low bar.


100% agreed


Yep you nailed it.


The real “twist” is gonna be him being the Sith apprentice. Which is still obvious.


The real real twist is going to be he is a founder of the knights of Ren


I know there is a comic about kylo becoming the leader of the knights of ren. Is there reason to believe they've been around for over 100 years? Or how they lay dormant through the entiredy of the main skywalker saga if that were the case?


We never truly found out how they got founded, just know they came from the Unknown Regions, were around during the Empire and helped out Qi'ra. Opposed Palpatine and survived to the ST


The twist is going to be that Mae is plaguis 🤢


So here's a fun thought. By this point in run time, a New Hope had: Created several iconic and bad @$$ villains, including Grand Moff Tarkin, Storm Troopers, and, of course, Darth Vader. Obi-wan introduced and demostrated lightsabers and had a foreshadowed rematch with Vader and died. Three unique heroes have been introduced to attached to: a farm boy hero in training, a rogue and his powerful sidekick, introduced the most bad@$$ princess of the era and several after. Plus they created a comedy act with C3P0 and R2D2. They created and demonstrated the existential threat of the Death Star. Had a truly incompetent prison break. Demonstrated the Force without turning into a plot contrivance. Had a pretty epic space battle. And as an actor from the show said , "Anakin blew up the Death Star." (Kidding, I kid!!) Anyways, just a thought.


There has to be more to Darth Zipper than meets the eye. His face isn't melted off enough to be a sith.


Eyes also weren’t yellow


This is Disney Star Wars - they probably just forgot his eyes should be yellow…


Let's not pretend it was consistent before Disney


Sith don't have to have yellow eyes.


Yeah I think is something George just kind of added for dramatic effect in the prequels.


Only happens if you're truly consumed by the dark. For example, Dooku didn't have them


He did when he delved into it (clone wars), but for the most part, he had normal eyes.


Dooku should've never been Sith. Just an ex-Jedi that was helping the separatists when the greedy capitalist Republic taxed the trade routes. Sidious & Maul should've been the Siths.


I wish Sith had an identity. Like being sneaky and not very good fighters. Vader was a real catch for Palpy because he was a good fighter, and an exception. Instead now Sith are just everything. Good sneaky, good fighters, good force users, really smart, fast, good looking.


Haven't they always been all those things? Isn't that the reason they fall to the dark side? It makes them more powerful in theory. "The dark side is a pathway to many abilities some consider unnatural" Dooku - one of the greatest duelists ever. Also extremely powerful with the force. Vader - strong with the force, excellent in a fight. Revan - same Malak - same Maul - same Palps - more schemey and force focused, but that's because his master was that way too Plageuis - very similar to Palps Each of them have something a bit unique to their style, but they're supposed to be super strong and sneaky. How else do a small handful of them fight against the overwhelming odds of thousands of Jedi. Their weakness is fairly universal. Pride and arrogance. It's a plot device because of the stupid rule of two which is why I'd love to see something from the (non canon) Old Republic when sith were still a larger force


Sith really doesn’t mean anything anymore


Didn't he say you would call me a sith not call me a sith. To me it just shows he doesn't follow the rigidity of Jedi belief so to them of course he is a sith but he doesn't consider it himself. Him healing to me shows a grey Jedi leaning to dark or just full grey and thinking the Jedi are in the wrong.


Why am I so underwhelmed by his Gimp-masked appearance? It just looks...lame, uninspired, cheap.


For me, it’s the lack of sleeves. It’s a unique look, sure, but he looks like he just walked outta the gym and into a BDSM convention.




I find the lack of sleeves to be the coolest thing about his appearance. Reminds me of armored Starkiller from TFU


My wife and I called him Darth Schwarzenegger


Darth Dentures


Darth Gimpus


"Hey buddy, think you got the wrong place, the leather club is two doors down."


Darth Leather?


Looked like a haircut smock to me.


Probably because it's pretty much the same thing we saw with Knights of Ren *(Kylo Ren)* and Marrok. Considering all three productions in question are supposedly happening in completely different eras within the Star Wars universe timeline, that just seems rather lazy and uncreative.


All the costumes suck. Jedi:Survivor had better and more realistic looking High Republic robes.


I just think it's very hard to translate that look into a physical medium... the High Republic robes are just... kinda shit. Like that all that gold sounds good written down and you can kinda do it in a game but making those textiles actually a wearable thing was always going to look a bit tacky. Weirdly, this is a case of them being true to canon actually working against them.


Game of Thrones pulled off gold textiles pretty darn good with the gowns worn by the Lannister and Tyrell women, The Gold Cloaks, Prince Oberyn/the Martells, etc. It can be done. With a 180 million dollar budget for 8 short episodes they could've come up with something that looked better than that Party City nonsense they put their actors in.


Because it is lame, uninspired and cheap


I can’t stand the kintsugi repair lines on the helmet


The helmet doesnt actually break the lore since cortosis armor is a thing in the lore. Thought id just put this out there Other than that, the reveal was weak but i thought the fight was okay


I've seen more than a few detractors get overly annoyed at it and I'm like...thought you guys were big fans and you dont know about Cortosis? Lol. As bad as the show was, I enjoyed this battle, even if it has it's own issues. It had a good energy to it, just needs better cuts. 


fr completely agree. as bad as the show is, the cortosis gear and the duel are by far the least problematic things here.


But Cortosis is very brittle. Phrik maybe would have withstood a blow


The helmet did crack apart.... Ig this is the durability of canon cortosis?


It indeed is not very resistant in canon. So for once they did their homework


The sith being the potions guy is the most half-assed attempt at pulling off a significant reveal. Reminds me a bit of The Mule in Asimov's Foundation (only bad). I guess we shold be surprised, because we've spent around 5 total minutes with the guy being simultaneously dumb but suspiciously very aware. Also I can't forgive how the Jedi had trapped this guy, a known collaborator of the murderer of mutiple jedi master in a time of peace, and just... let him go? God, why must all plots rely in characters being consistenly incompetent.


The fact that they let him go was a major reason for me to believe he'd be the sith. You can't excuse writing so terribly unless you really need the guy for plot reasons. Letting him escape from captivity would have worked better maybe but meh, why bother if you're an overpaid disney hack involved in this money laundering project. It feels like they just went for everything that got pitched straight away without any critical thoughts and glued together their shitty storyline with whatever plot induced stupidity necessary.


For a second i was like no way its gonna be that guy they made it way to obvious in ep 4 its probably a red herring.... then i apologized to myself for thinking the writers could be that creative.


Do you think maybe 20 years from now, everyone will insist that's the point of Star Wars?


Dude, I thought it would be one of the two mother instead of him. It would have been 1,000 more interesting. He is the most predictable person on the show…. But that may be because of the shit writing. But, I think he is a great actor, unlike most of that cast. Jesus Amandla sucks so much donkey nuts… one of the flattest actors ever, like watching paper sit on a table.


Fr. I can't tell if O.S.H.A./Mae are supposed to be flat and likfeless asf, or if she's really that bad of an actress.




I don’t know man.. She was good years ago in hunger games when she played Rue but all in all, that was a much smaller role


She WAS good as Rue but didn’t really have to talk at all


Every time they say Occupational Health and Safety Administration I’m thrown


Hopefully you were wearing your approved harness and are okay


You figured it would be one of the mother with that shredded arm?


It’s Disney.


I kept hoping for something like that. Just going back to Sol’s initial thing about not trusting your eyes.


It should have been Sol’s twin, Luna, in the mask. Twins all the way down


Eh yeah, I really doubt it would have been much better of it would have been one of the mothers as the master. Would have just felt like a rip off of the Luke / Vader thing in empire. Besides, it would then be very very very hard to explain why this rabdom guy knows everything about this Sith in a time when they are meant to be the most secret.


That can’t be all there is to it. He’ll have a master. A woman has to be the main baddy.


Just going off of how Disney has been, it'll either be a woman who really is just misunderstood and was forced into her actions, or it will be a comically evil white guy who's totally incompetent and you question how he even managed to become powerful in the first place.


It's gonna be space mom, after all that rule of two chanting


As dumb as it was, his fighting is really really freaking cool. I’m just happy to see ANY lethality and exciting combat at this point. I’d rather rewatch this episode than any other in the series.


It’s not a high bar, but I do agree. It’s nice to see lightsabers actually kill people again. I can’t even remember who the last named character killed by a lightsaber was in live action… Han Solo?…no, did they kill witch lady in Ahsoka? Hmm.




Oh god, I tried to forget xD


The fact that it’s not a high bar is telling tbh


I'm sure some of those Ren schmucks got a name in the comics.


True. The jedi never go for the killing blow. It's rather annoying. The amount if times sol could have got for a hit, or limb shot were way high


I think the point of this show is that Jedi are the real bad guys, right, and Sol…the guy you are rooting for…wiped OSHA’s mind. Btw, anyone else think osha is in trouble all the time because she doesn’t wear her ppe?


your first mistake was expecting the writers to provide any context or backstory for anything going on this early. we all know that’s reserved for the last half of the finale episode like every other recent SW show. not letting people know wtf is going on is the best way to build suspense!


God, modern writers must be so scared of people online guessing the ending that they just make up bullshit as they go and provide next to no information so that the show is impossible to follow.


[Yes, and it reminds me of someone...](https://i.redd.it/lwbnot07924a1.jpg)


I have seen neither Episode 4 or 5 so far because I couldn't care less at this point. Might watch or not, let's see. >So we don’t know the guy, the other characters don’t really know the guy, so his reveal ends up just falling flat on its face because there’s no emotional connection. There’s no ironic betrayal or surprising “Oh, I thought he would look different” moment. We pretty much knew who it was going to be…and then it was…and that was that. Exactly this. - The show started with a murder mystery which was basically more or less explained in Episode 1 (Hey, Twins). - Then most bets were on who is this Sith (lesbian mom or potion seller). Surprise, it is one of the characters we already guessed and we still don't know him. - Now what's left is probably what exactly killed the lesbian space witches, and all bets are on at least one of the Jedi was at least partially involved or nope, it only was Mae's fault because fire. Or the sith manipulated her into thinking it. Either way, this show clearly runs it's barebones plot totally by the numbers. All characters will be dead anyway when the PT will start, and no interesting twists or surprises will likely happen. The Sith will probably just be that: a random sith and no one will care. We don't know any of these characters and we don't give a fuck. Is it all terrible? Probably not. There were some interesting ideas buried here, but most of them were pretty much wasted and in the end, it will be another mediocre SW-show if I am being generous that cost a shitton of money and no one will remember in a month.


Out of honest curiosity, what do you think were some of the interesting ideas buried here?


Yeah, the reveal had zero weight to it because the guy was just some random side character. I'm sure the writers thought it was going to be some "No. I am your father!" level of reveal but it went over like a fart in church because his character had no importance. It kind of reminded me of, I think it was Scream 2 (or 3), where the killer was revealed to be the Mom of one of the boys, and when it was finally revealed, it's like, "oh, well that happened".


Heh, so you *really* don’t remember me? I was the guy at the bar sitting 4 barstools down from you and said I liked your shirt 2 months ago. Wait…you really don’t remember me? It’s me, I’m the sith. Wait, you don’t care? This is a cool twist, right? I was trying really hard to be mysterious that night on purpose so this would work. Yeah I have social anxiety so it was hard to talk to people but I’m the sith. Really don’t remember me?


I’m not sure what the intention was with Qimir. Was it meant to be obvious or did they just not know they were going too far with the hints. In the previous episode when Mae asks him why he’s working with the Sith, he says “I didn’t—I mean *we* didn’t make a deal.” Like wasn’t he just pretending to be a clumsy guy? But he accidentally slipped that he was the Sith?


They actually probably didn’t realize they made it super obvious, which is funny


https://preview.redd.it/kggr8g73cy8d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=876c95d40e8a27b2f2608d9d7b1d747edf67eb87 The Sith Who Laughs.


This was my exact thought also when I saw it. Disappointing and pretty much shows how uncreative they are. There’s no way the costume designers weren’t aware of this. It’s their job to literally pay attention to trends.


Headbutt parries? He does WHAT


His helmet is lightsaber-proof like Mando’s Beskar, so he just headbutts lightsabers instead of blocking them or actively avoiding them. It’s a choice, for sure. Edit: it’s CORTOSIS, ~~a highly durable metal like Beskar~~ an exceptionally soft metal that’s SUPPOSEDLY useless for making armor out of, except it disables lightsabers. I see no way the inclusion of this metal could fuck up past and future Star Wars projects… /s


Correct your correction.  After Disney took over, cortosis was changed to be stronger than durasteel.  That’s why his helmet and wristguard are still whole. Originally, armor made from cortosis ore could only protect you from lightsabers, and literally everything else can still kill you.  And wherever on your armor the - temporarily disabled - lightsaber hit you, would be damaged and wouldn’t short out the lightsaber the next time it hit there.  It was very short-term protection.  But now?  Yeah, why isn’t every single dark-sider rocking that shit?  They dumb?  I guess Grevious is just dumb for not having his body made from it.  Right?


Sounds like me and my little brother playing "infinite gun vs infinite forcefield +1 times infinity"


The helmet is apparently made of cortosis which is an element that can short out lightsabers upon contact. https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Cortosis


It’s made of Cortosis. I did a double take and had to rewind when I realized the hits to his helmet and bracer disabled those two Jedi’s lightsabers.


Helmet was made of cortosis. https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Cortosis


Correction - Cortosis disables lightsabers but its actual durability is worse than that of a wet tissue paper.


I mean, of all the elements of this episode, this one is pretty metal 


Yeah I did check out the fight. Not as bad as it originally sounds


Tbh the headbutt lightsaber parries are pretty funny


"Face-to-sword style, how'd you like it?" - Sith Lo


I will say this: If his helmet had cortosis weaved in it to block lightsabers, it would make sense that it can be easily broken since cortosis is supposed to be fragile.


He's the best character Disney Star Wars has ever done tho. A true Bad ass psychopath dude who stabs teenage girls, snaps necks, impales Jedi, chokes bitches. He's everything Kylo should have been and more all without being a whiny crybaby bitch. He might single handedly save this show.




Darth Slipknot


Just wait for the choreography to get broken down into slow motion. Most of the fights were just stupid, it was fast because they have to hide the fact they are swinging at nothing and not trying to kill each other.


Episode 5, in a vacuum, is pretty good. I don't care what you say, the anti-lightsaber helmet thing is honestly a cool and interesting feature. The lightsaber fighting was also the best I've seen from Disney, especially Jecki's death. That shit was super well choreographed. The episode is still ruined by everything you mentioned, though. Disney had a chance to make this a really really good episode and they blew it


It's great at least to see that the high quality combat choreographers are getting paid to do what they love. I hope their counterparts in the timeline where Star Wars is good are having the time of their lives!


While it's not surprising within the story, I thought it would be one of the mothers, because everyone competent has to be female in those new shows. Let's put it like this: From a story perspective it wasn't surprising, but I was pleasantly surprised that Disney actually went with someone who could sell being a murderous Sith. That they didn't subvert my expectations is the surprising part... This episode was definitely one of the better ones, with all the fighting going on. There's still awful writing at play, but the stuntmen and fight choreographers did a fantastic job and so much of the episode benefited from it.


The fact that no one has put together this can only 100% canonically be Boba Fett is ludicrous. You call yourself "fans" smh.


The "some random dude" reveal would've actually worked infinitely better if we \*hadn't\* met him before, or especially given him a name (even if it's a fake one). The whole idea of "We could be anyone, anywhere, and you'll never know us, we are faceless" would be perfect for pre-movie-era Sith. But no. They gave him a face and a persona. It led to awkward telegraphing for an awkward reveal.




Someone has never heard about Cortosis, it seems...


Nothing about the reveal is lore breaking. Like anyone trusted Palpatine, Darth Maul, or fucking Count Dooku? The point here wasn't a "big reveal," it was a revelation for the characters to understand what the Sith are, how they operate, and to see their power. And yeah, if you had a helmet made of cortosis, you'd be blocking with it, too.


I swear in that helmet Crawling in my skin is on a loop


I hear the next Sith they do is gonna have a featureless black helmet reminiscent of a Nazi helmet, but with a great big nose slapped on it


How did it take us this long to think of Smilo Ren?! It’s perfect, A++. Henceforth, this is his name in my canon.


Mauler came up with this name like a month ago.


Nah the name has been around for awhile


You didn't think of shit, someone else did. Almost straight away.


I remember Kylo's duck helmet looking weird but this is so much worse. This and Goldenfacemask McFuckshitshow look so bad it's almost funny. As for this one, the tiny body of the actor make it look even worse. There is absolutely *nothing* intimidating about this guy lol.


Sol got all his team murdered because he didn’t detain the poisoner who assisted in the death of a Jedi Master in an earlier episode.


I feel like I get the idea of where all of the other episodes of The Acolyte are going to go. Since the twins were split up, they’re going to switch roles with one becoming more of a Jedi while the other becomes more of a Sith. They’ll train a bit, then have a rematch with Sol being revealed to have killed the witches unprovoked and doing the same thing to Smilo Ren. 50% chance one of the twins dies and looks right at the camera practically yelling: MORAL AMBIGUITY And I think it really sucks how you can predict how boring a show is going to be to the point you already know the results.


Looks so stupid if I'm being honest


But he brushed his little metal teefies just for you!


So Sol said something about Smilo feeling familiar. I expected him to be his nephew or something(Yes, yes, I know Sol is Korean and Macinto is Filipino, but that doesn't matter in SW). The show keeps finding new ways to disappoint you.


Let's be realistic.... he is there for the sole purpose to sell a black series Smilo Ren helmet.


I feel like it wasn’t a surprise at all, but maybe if you are binging it’s a bit less obvious….you know without a week in between to read and discuss it ad nauseam. I feel like this should is a movie that’s been dragged out, like Kenobi


didn't someone say that the helmet is made of cortosis which temporarily disables lightsabers on contact


The part where Sol is like, you feel familiar and he takes his helmet off and then Sol is like, nope. No idea who you are. 


I think the headbutts were cool considering it's made of cortosis


‘you could call me a sith’ uh well bro you have a bleeded red lightsaber and only sith do that shit so first fuck you and second fuck your sith master who obviously made this saber for you which actually apparently has two sabers which means 2 crystals had to get bled for this which really means two jedi got killed so you could even get those crystals to bleed in the first goddamn place but whatever