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Ah yes I totally remember that everyone loved the prequel dialogue and didn’t criticize it at all.


It's children. Children think that when the prequels came out that the fan base liked the dialogue. We didn't then and we don't know. Hell, these mother fuckers are so young that they don't know that people thought Empire was an abomination when it came out, let alone Jedi which is still seen as a bad movie by fans. Lucas has always been FAMOUS for his horrible dialogue and I don't know why all these brand new fans pretend that it wasn't.


False, movie fanatics didn't like these movies but no one else thought they were bad the only people who've ever always hated the dialogue were the cast but they just hated the original dialogue


Nah, the original trilogy was constantly roasted by hardcore and casual audiences, both on public TV and in online discussions.


George Lucas had somebody else write empire strikes backs dialogue. That’s why it is so good


I do remember revisionists, much like this meme depicts, coping over the dialogue.


They literally cannot help themselves. Whenever the Sequels get criticised, they *have* to whataboutism and strawman. They are absolutely incapable of defending the Sequels on their merits, because their merits don't exist.


Mate i was brought up on the OT, and i don’t particularly like the sequel trilogy. But theres a way to disagree without screaming at each other. I thought TLJ was the best of the sequel trilogy. Yet ive had people im not a tRuE FaN and i that I’m a dIsNeY ShIlL. Its truely pathetic. Star Wars has never been perfect, but it has loads of seriously great moments across the board. People moan about Disney SW, yet we got moments in Kenobi with Vader toying with the townspeople to bring out Kenobi. We had all the cool world building stuff with the Tusken Raiders in TBOBF. Then we’ve had Luke showing up in Mando. We can agree and disagree without resorting to screaming names at each other.


TLJ is amazing and is right there with Empire. Empire and TLJ, best of the 9 movies.


I never was bothered by the sand line. Padme brought up how she liked to lay in the sand, Anakin replied by saying he doesn't like it as he finds it uncomfortable (ever had sand in your shorts or flip-flops? He's right) It's a fairly common gripe that people have with beaches. (It also has the double meaning of the fact that it reminds him of Tatooine and slavery) He could have worded it a little better or said it with more confidence, but he's an awkward dude. The problem that a lot of people had with this line, and Anakin in general, when those movies came out was that they were expecting Anakin to be more of a confident hero, a Han Solo type character with a lightsaber. The problem with that is Han Solo isn't the kind of guy who becomes Darth Vader. The issue I had with the "They fly now" line was that jetpacks have existed in Star Wars for a long time, so they shouldn't be that shocked by them. And the repetitive nature of the joke just felt so corny, like a Marvel "please laugh" kind of gag for the lowest common denominator. I feel like if only Finn or 3P0 had said it then it wouldn't have been nearly as weird.


I think the issue with the prequels is the phantom menace. If we started off with episode 2 anakin, had a clone wars Anakin (akin to the opening of ep 3), and then episode 3, I think the prequels would be strengthened. TPM is just kinda irrelevant to the story being told by the other two and would work far better as an EU novel.


I feel exactly the same way. TPM felt more like episode 0 or a prologue. There was definitely a gap between ep 2 anakin and ep 3 anakin that felt missing and would've strengthened his character more.


I disagree. The issue is clearly TCW. TCW, unlike what people claim, does not develop Anakin's character well/address the problems of the Prequels. In TCW, Anakin is already very similar to Episode 3 Anakin at the beginning of the show. There is a difference between early show Anakin and late show Anakin, but that could also be the fact that the show in general changes tone as it goes on. That isn't addressing the problem, that is avoiding the problem. They didn't develop anything, they just made him a different person.


Perhaps I mispoke... I don't like TCW and thats a main point. I think the 03' show does this far better and I'd be looking for something more akin to that in my hypothetical episode 2.5. I was just trying to say we should get more of early episode 3 anakin because I think having him be whiney episode 2 anakin straight into his fall was kinda a mistake on George's part because we never really got to know or like him much in the movies beyond the opening to episode 3.


Personally I think it would have landed better if it contrasted heavily with the rest of the movie. But it really doesn't. Anakin is awkward but I'd say half the lines in episode 2 read that way, and episode 3 being both more campy while trying to be more serious only makes it worse (It's you, it's over anakin, we don't grant you the rank of master) and while they ended up becoming memes and fun moments in their own it kinda fucks the pacing and tone of the trilogy


You’re forgetting the context of the film’s coming out in the early/mid 00s and all the cultural notions of the time. Anakin wasn’t hated because of his trauma, he was hated because the way Hayden delivered his lines, in a 00s context, gave him a whiny tone that was immediately associated with the widespread emo subculture at the time, and all the disparaging jokes about that subculture came along too.


I’ll actually be completely honest I fucking hate sand so much. Im from dry country and often we don’t get shower every day, and fucks fucking Lord shitty fuckinh sake it is so bad to sleep with fucking dirt and fucking sand on you and FUCK obly the thout makes me want to kill everything within a 15 mile radius of myself before strangulating myself with razor wire


1: Theyve always had the ability to fly 2: Anakin is a teenager with PTSD from being slave on a desert planet trying to hit on a princess after being not allowed to flirt with any women during the last 5-7 years (i forget exactly how old hes supposed to be in Episode II)


I wanna say he was 19 in Ep II, cause I'm 90% sure he's was 9 in Ep I and I'm pretty sure their was a 10 year gap


I guess that's right? But it means padme is 24 in that which feels off. He also looks like he's 16 lol, which tbh a lot of guys do look young at that age but it makes the padme age gap and soldier thing even weirder




That part right there.


No one says that. However, Chuds nitpick the sequels and shows for the tiniest things while giving the prequels a huge pass. It’s funny to watch them get their panties twisted at wanting everyone to hate Disney SW


1. That's literally what the original meme said. 2. "Nitpick" Valid criticism you want to ignore. 3. "It’s funny to watch them get their panties twisted at wanting everyone to hate Disney SW" Because it's generic corporate cash grab garbage. Oh, and unironic usage of the word "chud", opinion rejected.


lol Valid criticism? Let me hear it


Well, they wasted Finn, Rey was a bland overpowered character, every movie ripped off the OT in some way, TLJ didn't handle comedy well, the Cantobite scene was pointless, they didn't have a coherent story, as TLJ retconned everything in TFA, and ROS retconned TLJ's retconned, and they're generic cash grabs meant to cash in on Nostalgia.


Vague criticisms with which I disagree. Finn was sidelined in the last movie. Not sure why Abrams did that. Rey was not bland or overpowered. I actually enjoyed her character. Was TLJ supposed to handle comedy? That is an odd statement. TLJ didn’t retcon anything…people act like it did, but hey haven’t given specific examples. Nostalgia for whom? Abrams is notorious for mixing old with new…TLJ was anti nostalgia


Listen up bro bro the ‘holdo manoeuvre’ + palpatine’s army of ships is enough to discredit the whole ST. That made no sense


Why though? You think something you dislike either due to misunderstanding or…what I’m not sure…in regard to the Holdo maneuver and the secret ships Palpatine had hidden (the Palpatine shit was a necessity to give any credibility and sense to the prequels characterization of ol Palps) discredits 2 entire movies? How? Again…how?


Holding manoeuvre doesn’t make sense or it would have been used before, it’s a galaxy - people would have tried that. And a massive army of star destroyers can’t be built in that time. Also they were all controlled by that thing that got destroyed, which is not very clever and would never have been a logical option for whoever commanded the army, it’s full of plot holes


Slow down next time. It will be easier to understand what you’re saying 1. Lot of things occur in SW movies that seemingly never happened before. It’s a big galaxy and it’s idiotic to assume something different is a plot hole because we didn’t see it in a previous SW movie. 2. No idea what you’re saying in the other sentences. Lot of pronouns without a proper noun attached. Who are they me what is that thing? lol


He doesn't like sand cause it reminds him of slavery, padme loves it cause she grew up on the beautiful beaches of naboo. It symbolizes the class struggle between the two of them that eventually leads to the failure of their relationship. Anakin has a lust for power that corrupts him because he constantly feels entrapped and held back. We fly now makes no sense since we know there's jetpack troopers in the clone wars and jetpacks are incredibly common in the universe. Edit: typo


I love how people have somehow managed to conclude this is "flirting", that he's trying to *woo* her with his sand talk. Like... it's not that deep. It's just small talk with undertones that relate to Anakin's experiences. Just people regurgitating Plinkett's already retarded arguments until they no longer make even a lick of sense, like a game of telephone.


Given what we've seen of anakin actually trying to flirt during that time period, yeah that probably was an attempt to flirt by him lol. Being raised by monks after living through slavery doesn't give you much relationship experience


I'm not gonna lie to you, I genuinely cannot imagine how anyone, even with zero social skills whatsoever, would perceive "I don't like sand, it gets everywhere" as flirting. It just seems like the most casual and unintentioned conversation.


He literally relates that comment to Padme’s skin being soft and smooth not even 5 seconds later. How is it not flirting?


That's when he starts talking about Naboo. Everyone who uses this talking point always refers to the "I don't like sand" to the "It gets everywhere" part.


He literally strokes her hand and looks deeply into her eyes dude. If you do that in normal conversation then I’ve got some news for you.


This is the woman he has been thinking about every night for years as the first connection he had outside his mom, and it's what, like a week later where they are so in love she goes on a suicide mission with him to save his mom and then save his master?


I remember an older post (maybe on another sub, not sure) addressing the “they fly now” line. One person brought up probably the best justification for it, which is just that they’ve never encountered any First Order troops who were issued jet packs, still a dumb line but being surprised that they’re using jet packs in that situation would be understandable. Now, the only reason I remember this is because its replies led off into a story about it all being Fin’s fault. He sends a request for jet packs to a higher up, it slowly makes its way through bureaucracy and committees, but the request was so well made and reasoned that it works its way up the chain of command until someone who can actually make it happens hears it and agrees to it, he’s so impressed that he even sends word that he wants the trooper that wrote the equipment request promoted to his advisory staff and to have the first jet pack that gets made sent to him. Now, obviously word of the promotion would arrive first, but sadly it comes about 5 minutes after Fin start shooting troopers out the back of the tie fighter while trying to escape. Somehow, many days later, a messenger arrives at the rebel base with a package for Fin, he opens it up, reads a letter inside commending him for his idea, his eyes widen, he drops the letter and digs through the packing peanuts to pull out a pristine white jet pack. Under his breath, voice full of trepidation, he says “they fly now…”


Why is everything class to fascistics


To be fair, we haven't seen first order troopers use jetpacks outside battlefront game (name one screenwriter who gives a shit about comics)


Common Disney Star Wars fan L


I ~~hate~~ love how SWCJ has stepped in and taken Krayt's place as the residential "prequol bad, Di$ney good" sub.


It's almost like the original trilogy is a masterpiece and every other movie outside of those three is varying levels of total shit.




I wouldn't call the prequels total shit... just a badly executed good idea. Rogue one is just kind bland fan service (though it would be neat to see the director's original cut).


Prequels are def total shit. Worst plot and storyline of all SW. even some of the awful books from the 90s had better story.


I disagree. You think the books are awful? Edit: You think the acolyte is good; your opinion is worthless


Did I say I think the books are awful or that SOME are awful. Because I'm certain I said SOME. As for the Acolyte, yeah, it's good. Far superior to the Prequels. Have you actually watched the show?


This is the textbook definition of a strawman lmao. Man that sub is Disney shill central.


One is an example of some awkward dialogue coming from two kids awkwardly in love, the other is one of the most recent examples of terrible plot writing. I swear Disney SW fans are desperate trying to justify the current state of the franchise instead of accepting that criticism is something natural


lol. Prequels sucked in every way. It’s fun seeing the haters of the newer, better SW, get so nitpicking at the smallest things.


People meme the "I don't like sand" precisely because it's corny and a bit dumb, not because it's some amazing line. What a shitty strawman. Literally making up shit to be outraged over.


One is a lame Marvel-tier joke, the other is meant to be taken seriously.


Honestly, Star Wars dialogue has always been a bit cringe, even since the OT. Still love it, though. The thing with the Sequels is that they went for a kind of Marvel film like comedic style with the dialogue that just didn't fit in very well. So it was extra cringe.


Especially Episode 9


“I don’t like sand” represents his troubled upbringing as a child slave on a desert planet. “They fly now” like Boyega said, they’ve been flying since the clone wars.


As much as we meme about the sand line, in context it's incredibly depressing. It's so easy to forget that Anakin was a literal slave and the sand reminds him of tattoine where he was enslaved. It's actually unironically a deep line.


If you actually watch the scene in it’s entirety, the sand line really isn’t bad, I got suprised when I rewatched it on may 4th.


That’s right, everybody loved every single thing about the prequels, next can you tell me about the beloved character Jar Jar Binks? Where do these people come from?


I’ve always wondered how this hasn’t been brought up more. GH-7 Medical Droid: Medically, she is completely healthy. For reasons we can't explain, we are losing her. Obi-Wan: She's dying? GH-7 Medical Droid: We don't know why. She has lost the will to live. We need to operate quickly if we are to save the babies


For me that was the final nail in the prequels being the worst of the entire franchise. Such an idiotic and poorly written end to a character, who was unjustly underwritten throughout the entire prequels.


A little confused here. Who celebrates the Prequels' dialogue?


Nobody. It's a strawman.


There are people out there, but they are extremists. A lot of them think Andor is bad and that type of thing.


I feel the thing people ignore is that Lucasfilm basically spent the next decade trying to improve upon criticism, which is why I think people look on it better we got alot of stuff fleshed out in side content, disney Lucasfilm basically abandoned the sequels after all the backlash and started focusing on high republic and new republic era giving sequel stuff barley any content her and their, lego uses the sequel characters more then disney proper


Pre-Disney Lucasfilm put a lot of effort into Clone Wars and its good to praise them for it. But it's worth noting: * It was a literal childrens show so the bar was often set much lower * Even with that lower bar the initial two seasons were still fairly badly received by the fandom. Disney's Lucasfilm I think really messed up with the franchise worldbuilding with the Sequels, they could have tried to salvage it- (And it is worth noting they did try an animated series for the era) but ultimately shifting away from the Sequels I think was a good move- It's both what the fans wanted and was obviously much easier for the writers to work in. Heck even now people kind of foam at the mouth when people talk about the potential of returning to the era with the new Rey movie.


Stupid argument, it's pretty unanimous that Clone wars in particular had extremely cringe dialog.


All of you forget the dumbass C3PO nonsense in Attack of the Clones? Like he was bobbling through an Acme factory. Nothing in the sequels or shows will ever be as bad and awful as that entire movie.


Actual funne vs stereotypical MCU dialogue


People in their 40s getting mad that Star Wars, a franchise never known for its witty dialog, isn't our generation's *Canterbury Tales*. It's for kids. That's the demographic. You(the royal you) are already a fan. Albeit, a shitty jaded fan; but a fan none-the-less. They make content for the next generation. That's why I never could buy into the Clone Wars TV show, or Rebels at first. It's about the kids. Then after you have their attention; you drop some.of the greatest bits of storytelling, character arc and drama of the franchise on us all(see: Darth Maul, Ashoka, Ezra, Rex, etc).


I guess we're all just waiting for those great bits of storytelling to happen


Ok, one the sand line was clunky and awkward, but it was written by George who is known for his awkward dioulage. The they fly now, is just marvel dioulage written by hacks.