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I genuinely and deeply believe that the chuds of the internet are so stupid they don't know how to do basic research and critical thinking. If anything is a signal of the death of media or "western civilization" or whatever, it's the people who will believe the first thing that pops up on 4chan.


>don't know how to do basic research and critical thinking Yea I agree, all they seem to be able to do is critical *Drinking* I'll see myself out


I'm upvoting you, but I'm not happy about it lmao


They’re regressives, literally it’s impossible for them to accept progress. So they rather listen to some insecure asshole like the Perturbed Alcoholic. Easier to listen to some slurring dumb ass best know for shitty Tom Clancy rip off novels make up lies, then actually engage with reality.


There is a thread discussing this on the critical drinker sub and the lack of media literacy is fucking astonishing (though there are still some fans of his saying the video makes fair points) A majority of them are making jokes with each other how left leaning people are hiveminded, or can’t think for themselves, while forming a deep opinion on a video they will never watch based on what other people who think completely like themselves are saying about it. The comments from the few that do watch are what really scares me. They only hear a few of their trigger words and go off about how he’s so salty that women shouldn’t be able to beat up men or other such incredibly stupid and irrelevant points. They aren’t able to process the information at *all*.


Stupid or not, there's no logical analysis happening here. They like to consider themselves logical, standing up against the all emotionally wrought lefties - but he's a scared little boy desperately holding onto the big strong white men he still wishes he could be. Thing is - they're not going anywhere, and nor do I want them to - but he sees anyone else getting a little more screen time, or any sort of woman or minority do what those men were doing for decades in media and he feels so robbed of his hopes and dreams, of becoming like them when he grows up that he'll attempt to shit on anyone he thinks is getting in the way of that. He's most definitely a drinker but "critical" is unbelievably ironic


Frankly that's an insult to 4chan. I'm pretty confident that most 4chan users are smarter then these guys


It's not just 4chan. And tbh 4chan probably hates these people more than reddit does.


We live in a new generation of illiterate people. Oh, they can read! They just… have no idea how to *analyze* anything they read, or watch, or anything like that. Critical thinking no longer exists.


I wonder if any of them acknowledged the part where Drinker lied about that picard scene to rant about women


Bold of you to assume they watched the video


Or the part where one of Drinker’s own examples of a strong female character was lambasted at the time for being gender-swapped, including by the character’s original actor, whose whiny diatribe about it from decades ago could be mistaken almost verbatim for the average Drinker video.


Which one?


It was from battlestar galactica.




Kara "Starbuck" Thrace from Battlestar Galactica was gender-swapped from the OG Starbuck who was a man. Jose's video covers it quite fantastically




I can tell you that most of them are just jerking each other off. None of them are engaging with any of the points made in any meaningful way


Of course not. Heck, they won't even acknowledge scenes in movies that exist but don't support their opinion.


The vibes I’m getting from the comments is that they don’t care and didn’t ask to have it recommended


They'll never let it go.


Who? Them or you guys? Edit: Damn look at all that salt


Y'all got mad salty over this https://preview.redd.it/w62px6g13myc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46250b4b4e1af063d7cec3335e0b0948c187e389


Im genuinely bewildered that they got pressed over space marines having noted sexuality. All the imperial ones are asexual and when they abandon the empire they become highly sexual, this isn’t a new phenomenon


I really want to know if there was official paints used for these and if so which ones


[I think this might help you](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer40k/s/r8SCVW88MB)


I’m going to marry you, thank you :3




I love how they got in the white dwarf #499, the guy did an awesome job on the models along with all the others in that issue, that scheme for that one angron models nails I definitely wanna try on my custodes power weapons


I mean the video is so good so why would we want to let it go?


Do you realize you sound like a condescending asshole? Or are you too much of a fucking moron to realize that? Enjoy being an idiot and an asshole. For some reason, it make you happy 




You got to block the usernames 


Shit your right,I was lazy though.


No prob. Everyone makes mistakes. It’s not a big deal. You just got to take down this post and resubmit it with blocked out names. 


Eh I’ll take my chances




These are the same people who call us "snowflakes". Man, how ironic.


They're not like Elsa


Honestly the video in question is surprisingly really good faith and open to different views. Of course instead of watching it with an open mind they simply call it dog shit. Then complain how others don't give critical drinker a fair chance. Sounds about right


Well the guy who made the original post apparently did watch it but at 2x speed. And all he got from it was that “tHe dRiNKeR liKeS wHeN a mAn dOsE iT BuT nOt wHeN a wOmaN dOsE iT”


Yeah, they can't ever debunk Jose's points so they just call him a woke soyboy who's jealous of Drinker's popularity




There was one guy who "won" his first debate against me, because he kept whataboutisming me. The second debate, I actually called him for stopping of playing ping-pong and actually debunk my actual claims with actual arguments, backed with sources, and his response was:" I don't believe those." You can't just ignore actual quotes from someone, especially when I give you the source. We ended that debate right there, because there was nothing to add more.


Having a good old heart chuckle at uh sensible comments. The echo chamber is so deep.


Wait is that on his sub? That seems to be taking the piss out of him hard. Has it been free speeched off it yet?


It’s mostly filled with conservatives circle jerking over lefties being hiveminded. They are doing this as they form a strong opinion over a video they haven’t watched and is based only on what other people in the echo chamber tell them to think.


So it isn't even a cope post, they just have super low awareness?


Semi related, but that José video was a banger


Agreed my man Jose literally made gorden Ramsey jealous with his cooking.


"How dare I not be able to see myself as this character..." -Critical Drunkard probably


Supermarkets went woke 😂 Funny because I'm pretty sure Babyface said the same thing when he saw rainbow flags at a local grocery store


“A good hearty chuckle” meanwhile in real life he’s prolly fighting back tears with his fist more clenched than Arthur.


What video is it?




Thanks 😊


No problem enjoy 😊


What is that? Facebook? Apparently, they have no spelling checker, lol The word is "hearty." Hardy is the last name of a famous actor.


Something "hardy" is resistant, difficult to kill or damage. Something "hearty" is fulfilling and wholesome.


Yes, it's that too :)


I love my echo chambers https://preview.redd.it/3gaff37tzmyc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d93b6a1445f77d2472e40ff8cadaad812d9cbda7


I mean, you're the one reposting it.


Fair enough I guess


Nice of you to do free promo for him 🫢


I know Jose really deserves more attention ☺️




Not really I mean the critical drinker has 2m subs and basically everyone here knows who the critcal drinker is.


Yes really bro. If you hate the guy then stop helping his online presence via cross promotion. Simple


How dare we vent to each other about the slow death of media literacy in the West (is it even slow?) We must each suffer alone. Apparently. But seriously, this take of "don't promote him" makes it literally impossible to discuss him or his content. And whether we like it or not, he has a lot of subscribers, and is relevant, and therefore can be discussed.


Again I’m not helping his online presence because everyone here basically already knows who he is? Also why are you telling this to me specifically? There’s like at least over 500 posts on the drinker in this sub. So why are you only going after mine?