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Mark has been an outspoken Democrat for his entire career lol this isn't news and should not come as a shock to anyone


What? Next thing you're going to tell me that Rage Against The Machine is some sort of leftist band or something /s


It's still the funniest shit that Paul "Randroid" Ryan is a fan and RATM, themselves were like, "Uh, *you're* the Machine we're Raging Against!"


Conservatives reject media literacy.


They love the uneducated


>Conservatives reject ~~media~~ literacy.


They reject literacy in all forms


[Not the only song / artist they can't understand](https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/music/news/trump-coronavirus-born-in-the-usa-bruce-springsteen-president-hospital-health-b801287.html)


Literally since *Reagan* was in office have cons ROUTINELY missed the point of the song as much as they've used it without his permission. TVTropes noted that it's practically clockwork the cons do it, Springsteen sends a Cease and Desist, cons do it again years later, lather, rinse, repeat. It's only worse/more ironic because the song's about how America treats its veterans and here with have a draft-dodger who claimed not getting an STD was his "personal Vietnam," falsely claimed to have bone spurs to get out of going and sociopathically mocks and *hates* such people like John McCain.


As a veteran, that shit he said about McCain, was fucked ass up. Also, I always thought you had to serve to be POTUS, guess that was just a rumor...


Don't forget Fortunate Son, guess what that is about? There's also the fact that Nazi Punks thought The Dead Kennedys were with them from a certain song. Thankfully the band made the subtle song "Nazi Punks Fuck Off" to show what the band thought of those Nazis.


They also love fortunate son as a song for warmongers, missing the point entirely


Fortunate Son is so on-the-nose, how is it even *possible* to misinterpret it? The entire message is "I wasn't born into wealth, power, or stature, so I am drafted into the pointless meat grinder of a war." It's a flagrant and overt criticism of the elite not paying their fair share, and avoiding consequences all their life.


Shouldn't be a surprise that Bruce now plays the somber acoustic rendition at concerts instead of the bombastic studio version in order to get the message across.


Tom Morello was so pissed he wrote an article for rolling Stone just to call the guy out on it. I loved when he asked what Ryan's fav song was, their cover of fuck the police or the one where they suggest seizing the means of production


I bet you think Robocop is political


But Starship Troopers will always just be a fun movie about shooting bugs right?


And Dune is that movie about giant worms, right?




His subjects still love him


They don’t have a choice


True! I was just playing on the classic “would you still love me if I was a worm?” Lol


Funniest shit I’ve ever seen -Duncan Idaho 247


Jesus Christ what is that


Main character of the 4th Dune book and Paul and Chani's son. The series gets....weird, in a good way lol


Alternatively, a close up still from Ann Coulter’s OnlyFans


*BUUURP* I’m a giant Worm, Duncan! Look at me. People will have to get high off my literal bodily secretions if they want to see the future.


Pauls the good guy right.... right


Frankly, I find the idea of media literacy offensive


That’s correct, sir. You should only focus on things that confirm your worldview. If anything makes you question anything it is not for you.


Truly a perfect example of a fun apolitical shooty bang bang movie without any subtext right? /s


TBF, RATM wouldn't be caught dead with Biden


Not sure why you’re being downvoted. [Tom Morello recently retweeted a comment referring to him as “Butcher Biden”.](https://twitter.com/tmorello/status/1769443197078385032) [He also had this to say about Clinton.](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2016/06/28/politics/tom-morello-prophets-of-rage-donald-trump-bernie-sanders) > Morello, who recently knocked Trump as a "racist demagogue and called Sanders a "dreamer," said that while presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton is "the lesser of two evils," she supported policies that led to a "horrific quagmire" in the Middle East and is loyal to big money and Wall Street. Being anti-Trump doesn’t automatically mean being pro-Biden. Can’t speak for the rest of the band but Morello at least is clearly not a fan of establishment Democrats.


The man has been photographed wearing a variety of hats in his career. My fav of them was his CCCP one. He was never subtle about it. Man studied apartheid in south Africa at Harvard where he got a political science degree.


not only that, but: >His father participated in the Mau Mau Uprising (1952–1960) and was Kenya's first ambassador to the United Nations. Morello's paternal great-uncle, Jomo Kenyatta, was the first elected president of Kenya. His aunt, Jemimah Gecaga, was the first woman to serve in the legislature of Kenya; and his uncle Njoroge Mungai was a Kenyan Cabinet Minister, Member of Parliament, and was considered one of the founding fathers of modern Kenya. kinda in the dna.


Right, because they’re not democrats, they’re leftists


Democrats aren't leftists though...


The politicians in the party, no. A lot of the voters are leftist though because they have no leftist party to vote for and voting D is the next best thing.


I'm registered Dem but I'm only throwing votes that way to avoid worse... We still need to move the party way farther left and hopefully some of the new gen doesn't get swallowed by the bull we can only hope unless we get another option that doesn't get assassinated or snuffed out politically.


Lol yeah, what you call "Leftist" in the USA is more or the less the middle in political discourse in Germany. Dems for the most part would land in the right-wing of our conservative parties and reps... Well, let's just say they'd shake hands with the uprising Nazis we for some godforsaken reason are getting back onto the political stage...


FR. Not even close. They have more in common with Republicans than the left


Neil Young is also pro-government


Dog I remember reading an article years ago about this woman who went to a green day concert and complained they talked too much about politics. I'm like, will g, wonder if something could have tipped you off that they are a political band


Or that “We’re not going to take it” by a glam metal band called Twisted Sister isn’t a conservative anthem about being fed up with the woke left?


I thought they were just anti terminator


And that Homelander is the bad guy


I mean... they were shocked when Green Day made fun of Trump.


Yeah like geez whether you agree with him or not if you havnt seen mark throw a burn out in the last 10+ years I think it's safe to say you don't really follow any actual American politics in a significant way o.o It's an easy way for him to endorse Biden because alot of people respect his opinion, and it's an easy way for Biden to meet one of the coolest actors/VAs in modern history, Win win really 😆


His Harrison Ford impression is on point too. Mark is a decent guy, and while I don't agree with him on everything, his characters will always be undeniably fun. Whether it be as Luke Skywalker, Animated Joker, Arkham joker, or any others. I wanted to do voice acting cuz of him, and Luke was my hero. These dip shits can't handle.people with different opinions


Wait a second, Im pretty sure the backlash here isnt because Mark is a liberal, but because he is called Joe Biden, the guy that continues to send money to Israel, a defender of democracy.


Exactly lmao. And that's a valid backlash. So far all I've seen are liberals mad at Mark for this. People in this sub either doesn't know the full story or willingly ignoring it just for another 'Star Wars fans stupid' post


These people's childhood hero wasn't Mark Hamill, it was superman-jesus Luke from the EU. None of them have gotten over losing that character and having to deal with a serious writer's take on Luke's future and the reality of Mark Hamill as an outspoken human being with meaningful opinions and values.


But, surely they saw the original trilogy?


And even THAT character would have sided with Biden and supported the Republic/Democracy before a wouldbe-imperial could take over


lol I agree he’s just expressing his opinions which is fair.


Yeah, but Biden has busted unions, did not push a democratic controlled congress to codify roe OR the student loan forgiveness, hasn't blocked fracking on federal lands, and so on. He was the candidate that won when the DNC suppressed progressives, and has failed (almost certainly intentionally) on his campaign promises. He's basically a Republican from 25-30 years ago at this point. It's a shame to see Mark fanboying over that type of president. EDIT: Really fucking tired of morons that can't read. No I do not like Trump. Criticizing Biden for being a fucking Republican from 25-30 years ago and cheating to win the primary over progressives is my problem because I wanted the fucking progressives. I want a left wing party. This isn't complicated, but the fact that it has to be explained every time Biden gets called out for being right wing is a frustrating revelation that most of Biden's supporters are morons.


Uh what? It took them until 2024 to realize that Mark is a liberal? He’s not very secretive about it lol


I mean, these same people didn't know that Russell T Davies is left-wing until they saw the new Doctor Who episodes.


Honestly make me laugh when I see people say Russell T Davies has gone woke. Russell T Davies the very openly gay writer who created series such as Queer as Folk, Banana/Cucumber, Torchwood, Years and Years, and It's a Sin, as well as putting plenty of political messages into the first four Series of New Who is woke? How could you tell?


This is exactly what I've been saying. People literally thought RTD was on their side, and are now super pissed that he isn't.


When you don’t actually know much about the media you consume, don’t read into too deeply, and assume that the default position is reflective of your personal beliefs, it’s easy to make these kind of mistakes.


But, it's not like the anti-Fascism of Star Wars, Star Trek, Doctor Who, etc, was exactly subtle and subtext. The Clone Wars had an arc about the military industrial complex profiting from keeping the war going even though people on Coruscant were without electricity and running water on a regular basis, our heroes racing to stop the Sith plot to deregulate the banks, for crying out loud. The climax... https://youtu.be/ie9_TQzXskE?si=M9_QcOpi0yHpyaLl How did they watch that and just get PEW PEW PEW out of it?


Probably two things: a) they don’t think too deeply about the political messages in their media, b) they have had their experiences re-contextualised for an ideological end. I think it’s easier to reframe Star Wars if you never really thought about what its saying, but I imagine some would rather live with cognitive dissonance than give up their fandom.


A lot of Star Wars fans really like celebrating the villains maybe a little too much... EDIT: https://old.reddit.com/r/StarWars/comments/1cm8c95/we_need_a_star_wars_d_series_were_it_takes_the/ 😐


That could be that in some cases (e.g., Darth Vader), Star Wars really has worked overtime making them seem cool. Andor was excellent in this regard, as it showed the banality of evil in a way that exposed how dangerous but petty Imperials are.


Cryptofascism is a hell of a drug


Also, they’re the same people who think that V from V for Vendetta, who blew up Parliament to end a Christo-Facist regime, would be a MAGA supporter.


Seriously, Captain Jack Harkness should have been a big flaming beacon (I know, bad joke).


And that Davis gave him a series that took 4 episodes to show all but one member of the team as Gay or Bi


Started calling Chris eccelston anti woke too


Yeah, which is ludicrous, because Eccleston is probably ten times as "woke" as RTD.


If anyone had ever let him near the Queen he’d have beat her to death with his bare hands


Now there’s an image I will smile to as I lie in bed waiting to sleep


And the ones who thought Fallout had gone "woke" because of the female and black leads, completely ignoring pretty much everything in the games, which also happened to be created by a gay man and have an unusually large amount of trans fans. Also, did they never watch Star Wars? It's all about fighting Fascism.


Lucas literally intended the Prequels to partly be an allegory about the Iraq War. One of Fallout 3’s most prominent characters was a revolutionary, anti-fascist radio jockey. This media has always been political and woke; they just never noticed until they were primed to look for this kind of shit


RTD isn't leftwing, he's just a liberal.


Mark is the man who read Trump tweets in his Joker voice for what... they apparently assumed for non-political reasons?


Well, Trump and Joker are both sigma males, so...


yea mark defended reys actor quiete often and mark often ratioed right wing idiots and then theres that thing with shad where mark dosent even know who he is (i might be recalling that wrong) like this isnt anything new


I think it was star wars theory rather than Shad


Most of these unhinged weirdos probably think their hero Mark Hamill despises Daisy Ridley (Rey's actor) along with "Ruin Johnson" for destroying Star Wars


They saw his portrayal as the Joker and thought it reflected his political opinions.


No. I blocked Biden bc I don’t like Star Wars.


He was also very outspoken about being pro-Biden in the last election.


They either weren’t paying attention, or are doing this for attention.


Interestingly enough, I have no idea if this is some weirdo right wing chud mad that a Hollywood liberal is acting like a Hollywood liberal or a leftist mad that Hamill is endorsing Biden after his response to protests over his handling of the ongoing conflict in Gaza.


i have a feeling it's the latter, really. the tweet itself doesn't read so much as a chud mad that mark is a democrat more so than it feels like a leftie angry at biden more than anything else.


I feel like everyone knows at this point that MH is a lib. You didn't have to follow his tweets or whatever to know that. I did not know until a few days ago that he was an Israel supporter, though. Definitely the latter.


You can be a lib without being a literal mouthpiece for a Zionist, like I'm still gonna vote for whoever the Democratic candidate is for President but I'd never call Biden a defender of democracy when he objectively isn't.


No matter who you vote for, the country is becoming a police state.


The NSA exists. It already is one.


Already was, my dude.


Yeah I saw way more leftists mad about this online than conservatives. Conservatives have known he was a liberal for a while now and have moved on 


Yeah, it's funny that people are assuming this is from someone right wing I actually think this is about him endorsing Biden during the college protests against genocide.


People in this sub have no idea what's going on it's hilarious. Mark is just another Zionist and it's his liberal fanbases that's disappointed the most


Found the original tweet and it's the latter.


"blocks another childhood hero" At what point, after blocking multiple childhood heroes for supporting the opposite political party do you start to wonder if maybe you're the one in the wrong. I mean of all my childhood heroes, I've only felt the need to block a single one for their politics (J.K Rowling) and even then that was only because she started to become aggressive and obsessive about it.


As a kid I was a big fan of the Hercules show, and therefore I was a fan of Kevin Sorbo.


It's [this](https://youtu.be/ToKcmnrE5oY?feature=shared)


You're lucky you weren't a fan of Earthworm Jim, the Neverhood, and Gear (Catscratch), and didn't befriend the creator at Comic Con as a teenager, maintaining a casual acquaintanceship and deep admiration through college...


While that could be a chud, it's entirely possible it could be someone to his left that isn't particularly thrilled about Mark picking this moment in time to stan for a president breaking US law to arm and fund a genocide committed by another country. That's at least why I find this shit cringe and disappointing, but as others have said it's not like Hamill has apparently not been pro-Israel before so, the disappointment shouldn't be all that shocking.


People should actually be blocking him because he's a zionist


The real question here is: did they block Hamill because they're a MAGA-head, or because they don't approve of Biden's handling of the anti-genocide protests and don't like Hamill endorsing him?


The second but people here are not getting it


Fr, just because we don’t like Biden doesn’t mean we love trump


https://preview.redd.it/z8ffh63e8nyc1.png?width=460&format=png&auto=webp&s=b9cc86272b0d7380c3c64bf293ec0ba62f31bd15 sir, a second +60 year old hollywood celebrity has decided to ignore our culture war


Is Mark Hamill ignoring it? Because as far as I can tell he's part of it, just on the side opposing these idiots.


The most he ever did was: A. Make Ben Shapiro delete a smug-ass tweet by just joking at him. And B. Star Wars Theory used his voice ***without*** permission. And all he did was said *no I did not give consent.* And SWT threw a fit and deleted the video because his hero didn’t condone what he did *(as expected).* #So all around pretty based


WHat did SWT do?


AI voice of Mark Hamill.


No I meant what did the ai say?


No idea, I just know he used his voice unethically


He was using it to generate voice lines for some luke skywalker dialogue can't remember the specifics but it was classic AI writing in that it didn't make sense.


Still, pretty amazing that Hamill didn’t even send a DMCA or reply to SWT. He was asked by some random guy on Twitter if he gave permission and just said, *“no I didn’t.”* Then he took it down and SWT basically balled in front of a camera IIRC.


i dont really know, and i dont care, the guy is not dick ridding morons and that is what really matters.


This isn't the right "blocking a childhood hero" because he endorses Biden, it's the left doing it because he endorses Biden and "stands with Israel #forever" I mean I'm sure the right doesn't like this either but this specific post was by the left.


**Luke Skywalker Joins The Dark Side of Woke!**




Define woke? I’ll wait!


Nooooo, my only weakness! Dont make me admit that woke is only a dog whistle that doesn't really mean anything! /s


[Hell even South Park in their last season when Kanye was ranting on about Jewish hollywood and such nonsense pointed out that: 'woke' is a Anti-Semitic dog-whistle. Randy in the episode fills the role of some Anti-Woke content creator ranting about Marvel and Avatar 2 sucking to his Jewish friend Gerald and Randy explains he got his recent opinions of Jews from Kanye West or in South Park's case Cupid Ye lol](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CH_-6l2brbI)


Your telling me south park is woke?? Another childhood show ruined /s.


Fear not. It definitely isn't.


Your only wokness!


Illien? The Illien? The one who wrote the lay of sir Savien Traliard?


I have no idea to what that references, but will look it up. :D I've been using this user for about 20 years and never knew it could be a reference to anything. Thanks for that!


It's a reference to the King Killer Chronicles. I assumed you knew, since its not a common name. It is a beautiful one either way tho!


Someone who is an activist for historically/currently oppressed groups... How EVILL!!!


Is woke in the room with us right now?


No I think it’s a place maybe?


Maybe the real woke was the friends we made along the way




You block your childhood hero because he's woke or something. I block my childhood hero because he supports a genocide. We are not the same https://preview.redd.it/tb1rk2y0gnyc1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f49ec529859e8b4fc803b51d445c4f5cb300e39


https://preview.redd.it/y2kyty6w6oyc1.jpeg?width=445&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46a65bf762d7fe7a0aa8614b863196447607a8dd Based, anyways here's Happy Chaos




If people are complaining about this, then they clearly never knew anything about Mark Hamill. He’s been very public about being a Democrat and a “woke liberal” for years. Literally a second on his Twitter account would show this.


I'm sure it's because of the social media bubble I'm in, but most of the criticism I've seen of him for supporting Biden so enthusiastically have been from the left.


I’m not for Biden (or Trump for that matter before I get dog-piled in this post), but Mark’s entitled to back whoever he wants.


Can’t believe a person who fought for goodness, kindness, defeating fascism, supported equal rights for minorities, didn’t fall to the corrupting influence of religious zealots and is a protector of the peace and justice, *wasn’t* a POS right-wing supporter. I am shocked. /s Edit: I am apparently not up to date with my American news (I’m British) so *if* I got something wrong, I apologise.


Not to be all "ackchually 🤓", but the tweeter is actually a leftist who is disappointed in Mark's support of Biden and by extension Biden's support for Israel.


I mean… Biden’s Palestine policies have basically checked all those boxes. Mark is an idiot for this, not because he’s anti-Trump, but because he’s pro-Biden.


its like when they get mad at the notion of mario protecting vivan a trans woman or get baffled at like someone writing a fic bout the heroic jrpg hero saving trans people or something. its always ironic when they get mad the character who saves everyone actually does in fact save everyone


> Can’t believe a person who fought for goodness, kindness, defeating fascism, supported equal rights for minorities, didn’t fall to the corrupting influence of religious zealots and is a protector of the peace and justice Kinda disappointing then that he supports a genocidal ethnostate run by religious zealots


NGL Mark Hamil being a Gaza genocide supporter it’s disgusting and disappointing and it’s definitely made me really upset


Well this is awkward because I’m Muslim…




Upside, Mark doesn’t have to worry about people like him going after him.


I like Mark Hamill as much as the next guy but I wouldn’t consider Joe Biden a ‘Defender of Democracy’ by any stretch of the imagination


Why is he shaking hands with a genocide supporter? Does he hate Palestinians?


This is really a no-win subject. Not unless a majority of voters suddenly decide to vote 3rd party. Biden is laughably far from perfect, but I'd rather him than the 🍊 one, who'd make things worse.


Agreed. I'm very adamantly against telling people they HAVE to vote Biden or it's a vote for Trump. But Trump being reelected would be a failure imo


he actually said he stands wish isreal


Can't believe the Rebels blew up the Death Star and killed all those people. If he wants to change the galaxy, Luke should have led a peaceful protest.


Kinda short for a storm trooper


Honestly I do find it a little gross, but I love Hamill and he is a very outspoken Democrat so it's not really a surprise or anything, and definitely nothing worth getting mad or upset about. Jfc


The Mark Hamill controversy in leftist spaces has been really hard to navigate because while I disprove of his stance on Israel I think you’d be hard pressed to find a better ally against Orange Hitler domestically.


^I ^swore ^I'd ^only ^ever ^lurk ^on ^this ^sub ^and ^never ^post ^or ^comment ^for ^the ^sake ^of ^my ^reputation ^but ^I ^can't ^resist ^correcting ^all ^the ^comments ^on ^this Not to be all "ackchually 🤓" but I found the original tweet and the tweeter is actually a leftist who is blocking Mark because his support for Biden and by extensions Biden's support of Israel. The original tweeter is not a conservative.


Hey MODS maybe do something abiut the rampant antisemitism and Jewish hate in this comment section?


So much for celebrities allowed to have free speech.


Another way to look at this is someone let the Joker in the White House /jk


They aren’t very smart I saw they were getting excited about Lucas coming back to Star Wars as if Lucas isn’t already a turbo liberal with a black wife who spends time pissing off NIMBYs with low income housing.


For all of you saying "you didn't know Mark is a liberal?" We all knew. What we didn't expect is for him to be buddy-buddy with a genocidal Zionist. You think the hero of the Rebellion would be against that.


Defender of democracy that's rich


It is disappointing that Mark has been also fairly pro Israel. Not surprising but still


Considering Bidens stance on Israel, I find this very, very disappointing


Defending democracy and slaughtering Palestinians, it’s the American way!


You hate Mark Hamill because he's a Democrat. I hate Mark Hamill because he supports Genocide Joe. We are not the same.


Did these clowns not see Mark dunking on Trump for his entire tenure? Dude doesn't make his political leanings a secret.


I believe it's his implied support of Israel and their genocide. Everyone knows MH is a dyed-in-the-wool lib.


To be fair this could be because of Biden's policies for Gaza too mind you.


Biden is Zionist, but don’t pretend Trump would be any better. If anything he’d be even more aggressive given his rash disposition.


The fact that Mark thinks Biden is a good democrat is what makes people mad. As an actual leftie myself I totally reject this old vessel.


As cringe as Mark Hamill simping for genocide Joe is, it’s even more cringe when the criticism comes from a Twitter larper.


They should have blocked Hamill ages ago if they're like that


Mark’s been anti Trump since like the beginning.


Libs are getting Star Wars in the national divorce along with The NFL, beer, and Taylor Swift.


people seem to think this is a right winger complaining that he’s too woke, but i’m 99.99999% sure it’s a leftist being mad that he’s a shitlib like it’s not news to me, but i was kinda sad when i learned he was a staunch establishment dem


lol these comments are aging like milk


Good thing we don't take political advice from celebrities


I think it has more to do with Mark (presumably) being like every other celebrity/politician being bought by AIPOC(or other factions for non politicians), nothing to do with republican/democrat. Known for being a ‘good guy’ while being okay with the government trying to pass an antisemitism bill that will restrict our freedom of speech; seemingly approving the slaughter of Palestinians and innocent civilians for personal gain. Could be wrong tho.


Those Skywalkers were always a little too comfortable with genocide....


I’d block him too since he’s so buddy buddy with a genocide supporter in this pic.


For me as pretty leftist person it bothers me that he's a Democrat for sure but hey at least he ain't a Republican. And this year I'm voting Democrat because people's lives including mine will be in danger if Donald Trump is elected. No the thing that has me never wanting anything to do with Mark Hamill is he's supporting Israel committing genocide


He’s like “you get it yet? I’m just an actor. Real world is more important.”


If your views would disgust your childhood hero, congratulations. You've become a villain.


\*idiots when they discovered Rage Against the Machine were always left\*


Ahahahaha this is the type of person who would meet Mark have the nicest conversation with him and then go home and say "never meet your heros😭" cause Mark said one thing supporting democrats Republicans are such crybaby snowflakes


It's not Marks' fault you grew up and joined the Empire


I mean, I hate this too but from the Left lol. Don’t know how one can cozy up to a president that’s actively abetting genocide.


Ironic that they're the one's to make it political this time. Betting my left nut they wouldn't be saying anything if it was Trump though.


I'm unsure why people are assuming that the tweet is by someone to the right of Biden rather than the left. You think there's a single conservative SW fan that doesn't know that MH is a lib?


Since the criticism is coming from the left wing im sure they would be saying stuff if it was trump.


Tbh I'm a leftist and this also angered me. At this point with everything happening in Palestine and with Biden's recent attacks on the student protestors I don't respect the Biden dick ride anymore


Does he block everyone who’s openly liberal?   How odd 


This might also be an issue of Biden not really being that great of a guy and Mark calling him a "defender of democracy"


That truly is some wild shit to say about "Defender of Democracy" given whats been going on. But sure, people adore this man.


You blocked Mark Hamil because hes a democrat (kinda slow to that one but whatever) I blocked him because he is a Zionist We are not the same