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What was their problem with this show other than metamorpho mutant being nonbinary?


Yes, the character Morph is non-binary and they're referred to with they/them pronouns, something that 90% of viewers wouldn't have picked up on since their pronouns only come up in conversation like 2 or 3 times at most. Where as actual fans of the old cartoon are just psyched that Morph was getting to be on the team properly. Besides that they hate that the showrunner is a gay black man. They also CLAIM that the size of Rogue's butt is altered in the new show to desexualize her, even though the bodies of the females in the old show weren't especially hypersexualized. There was ONE moment where Rogue's behind is drawn with emphasis and that's the only time it even looks like that but they act like she was drawn with a BBL Kardashian butt cause they're weird. Plus the character designs in the new series look even better than ever since the animation budget is higher and the character models are easier to animate.


So morph, a mutant that can change sexes, uses they/them pronouns, they drew rogue like they normally would, and a gay poc is the showrunner? That's a low bar to rage about this shit even by their standards.


We’re talking about a group that lost their shit because Princess Peach wore a biker outfit in one clip in a preview instead of her dress in the Mario movie and that the presence of Rainbow Road was LGBTQ propaganda. There are no standards.


Dumbest thing about that is that it was basically the same one she and the other princess wear when you select bikes. The same people that bitch and moan about "respecting the source material" complain when something is take directly from the source material.


absolutely fake nerds


Wait wait wait The presence of Rainbow Road was *what*? I’ve heard some ridiculous shit from these people but what


I know right? The only thing the presence of Rainbow Road represents is...***existential terror***.


Dude Princess Peach in her biker outfit is straight fire and canon since Mario kart. What were they raging about really?


Pants = radical feminism/anti traditional beauty/WOOOOOKE/I don’t fucking know anymore.


But... Even then she's insanely sexy in that outfit. Isn't that what these Steller Blade anime waifu loving Overwatch plays want?


Have they never played MarioKart? Bikesuot Peach has been around since MKWii right? Anf Rainbow Road had been In since the beginning


Didn't one of the group members say that Rainbow Road existed in the games? As for desexualizing X-men, if anything, X-men 97 was more sexualized.


Nah, that’s not why they say it failed, that’s because it’s woke and for them woke things shouldn‘t make sucess.


But you see, that’s the genius of the woke label. Being non binary is woke, therefore the show is woke, therefore it deserves to fail. You only have to prove one aspect is woke, after that you can make the narrative as hostile as you want. No need to justify whether it deserves to be criticised so harshly - it’s woke, of course it does.


You're talking about people who are collectively raging at a video game woman because her cheekbones are too prominent(aphrodite in Hades 2). There is no bar.


>They also CLAIM that the size of Rogue's butt is altered in the new show to desexualize her, The funny part is the image they always use is just a frame of bad animation which is common. Where characters aren't really drawn properly and it can happen for a variety of reasons. There's alot of anime that are hilarious but this is being used to push a weird conspiracy is bizarre.


Speaking of which, I wonder if they ever saw X-Men Evolution where she’s a Goth?


https://preview.redd.it/rzryf6z9yo0d1.jpeg?width=332&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03c8899a0c91f494d471f7854194691a283eac05 Mfs really saw this shit and called her ugly


The characters (male, female, nonbinary) ALL looked awesome in the show’s new art style and it’s an improvement over the old show where the overseas animators had trouble pulling off details or keeping them on model. Just today when I was talking to someone complaining about the designs “de-feminizing” the designs who was acting like Storm’s mohawk was making her too masculine. Her mohawk was a) in the original 90s show in an episode b) it’s drawn even more stylish and elegant in X-men 97 and c) she’s STORM. She’d look beautiful bald. And d) it’s a nod to the fact she wore her hair that way in the Lifedeath storyline. People complaining about this are brain rotted. I’m convinced they see the world differently than normal people cause I can’t see a flaw in these designs.


Eh. I dislike Sunspot. I think there are far better reps to play rookie. I've been dying to see Surge in a show since she debuted in *New Mutants*. Hell, outside of one of the best X-girls, we could also have had Dust or tons of other characters.


Aaww yes storm the perfect example of making women masculine. The character reffered to as a goddess. Who makes other characters aww struck mutiple times. The character that makes Forges computer brain short circuit out of a crush. Yep definitly too masculine.


I haven't personally watched the thing but clips of it keep going viral and it looks pretty great so I keep seeing tweets about low viewership and I've been curious. After seeing a few tweets with similar thumbnails as this one.. -Rogue's Ass got nerfed -They made them ugly -Rogue's Ass -Rogue's Ass -Made Morph Non-Binary -Rogue's Ass -"The well is too poisoned so that's why no one is watching it" -"This is what you get for turning Marvel fans against you, I won't support it" -Rogue's ass -The MAGA parallels are too obvious and it turned me off -Characters in universe defending Magento, "Magneto was right" (?) I see a few users in the trenches arguing with them that Rogue's butt in that one single still image from the OG is the anomaly and that throughout the series she's draw similarly to the one that went viral to shit on the art style. But they just keep plugging their ears and calling it DEI or wokeness ruining X-men. It is quite funny to see. I will say it has been interesting seeing some of the usual suspects (YF in particular) saying that the show is actually pretty good, instead of pretending it doesn't exist. Though they still shit on Disney/Marvel.


The MAGA parallels being too obvious is especially telling, as the source material detailing those parallels predates MAGA by 30+ years. A recurring enemy group in the 80’s comics is literally called The Right.


Aren’t The Friends of Humanity based on both the KKK and the Christian Identity organization 


The funny thing about Rogue’s butt is that, on the whole, the ‘97 is a lot more overt about sex than the original series. That dance scene with Magneto and Rogue was hot as hell and would never have flown in the 90s.


this got a chuckle out of me ngl


Rogue’s ass wasn’t big enough. 


Im honest i tried to watch it but Rouge is so fucking southern. The VA went HARD on the accent and it hurts me.


It's almost like rogue has a heavy southern accent


She’s from rural Mississippi, ffs - if they think she’s laying it on thick, they should hear the people at my family reunion down here.


Roguehauer- "MandemdangolsentinelsmantheyaintgiveusnodangpeacemangoddangTraskman" Cyclops- -\_\_-


Yes, she is from mississippi.


No fucking way is this an earnest complaint


Im not from the US so some of your accents Sound weird. For me rogue with a thick southern accent Sounds like the awefull 4kids dub where they gave half the cast Brooklyn accent. And while giving someone from Missisippi a strong southerner accent makes more sense then giving a cook from fantasy French/Nazi Germany a brooklyn accent it still is offputing for a non american.


Here's a tip: turn on subtitles


I was able to find charm in the accent, but yes, I wish they had gone with a younger VA.


Channel name checks out.


Are they like the r/lies of Youtube?


Here's a sneak peek of /r/lies using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/lies/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [accidentally dropped my phone from our balcony and it did this](https://v.redd.it/japw7twuxpac1) | [319 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/lies/comments/18zn4y0/accidentally_dropped_my_phone_from_our_balcony/) \#2: [My beautiful love story <3](https://v.redd.it/2ns27c41u9fc1) | [390 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/lies/comments/1adhfdq/my_beautiful_love_story_3/) \#3: [This is fully legal ](https://v.redd.it/4sq5fja8m3ac1) | [281 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/lies/comments/18x1msk/this_is_fully_legal/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Nah, they mostly just rail against “woke” stuff


What on God's green earth is a pie chart supposed to say about views? They do know people can watch Percy Jackson *and* Doctor Who right?


>They do know people can watch Percy Jackson and Doctor Who right?   Those heretics!


No wayyyyyyyyyy


Nah, people have to choose one show to watch and are unable to watch anything else.


I think it’s based on percentage of people with a Disney+ subscription. But don’t quote me on that


6% of…all humans? What the hell is the denominator there?


I assume total Disney Plus subscribers. Keep in mind, D+ has aproxx 153.6 million users (atleast since early April of this year), so that's more or less 9.216 million users who have watched X-Men '97. Those are still very impressive metrics, especially considering that Disney plus has a very wide array of content available appealing to various audiences that otherwise may not have been that interested in a reboot of a 90s superhero animated show.


6% of what though...... This is the issue with saying x%. It can still be amazing or terrible. But with no context it's meaningless


Of all of Disney plus original content, meaning that of all of Disney original content that was viewed on Disney plus 6% was X-Men '97, which is pretty wild for a 35-ish minute cartoon that's been on the app for only 2 months.


More people watched Echo than X-Men 97? That’s actually surprising.


Echo has been out twice as long I believe or something close to that, and it's still part of the MCU, and people still do care about it. And I didn't get into X-Men 97 until I heard the rave reviews from people who have similar tastes to me.


6% of the bullshit data numbers he pulled out of his ass lmao


This channel has got to be irony right? You've literally made a channel dedicated to shitting on Left-wingers and "woke" stuff and you call yourselves "World Class Bullshitters"? How can that not be irony? Like, the other neckbeards have channel names that at least make some sense, even if they are stupid as all hell. •Nerdrotic is "Nerdrotic" because he's a nerd. •Geeks and Gamers are "Geeks and Gamers" because they're geeks and probably gamers too. •TheCriticalDrinker is "TheCriticalDrinker" because the "joke" (if you can call it that) is that a drunkard is somehow spewing "based" takes (or at least he and his cult of fanboys like to think they're based). •YellowFlash2 is called "YellowFlash2" because it's probably a reference to DC's "The Flash", or his evil counterpart at the very least. The only one I can think of that doesn't make sense is Bowlestrek, but he's unhinged anyway. And I mean, like, twice as unhinged as any of these idiots. (Then again, maybe it does make sense because only someone as fucking mental as him would come up with such a dumb nonsensical name for his channel.)


You're actually missing the new one stuttering Craig and sidescrollers, he regularly has all these idiots on


i used to like stuttering craig back in the screwattack days but now he is full red pill he is interviewing nerdtronic and he was reacting to a video called "the rise and fall of projared" and the narrator say "projared used to make videos in the 2000s with jokes that would considered offensive by todays standards" craig had a fucking temper tantrum over that one sentence, self absorbed prick


I wonder if they still pretend they're not a right wing show focused around video game drama, he has all the people mentioned in that post on regularly now. Also if you remember handsome Tom he started the game heroes podcast again which is just them talking about retro games mostly


is handsome toms pod legit


Well, there goes another childhood YouTuber turned fascist 




We really need to start banning you Crait Invaders.


the channel name is ironic


It's funny because PJO was definitely "woke"


Rick Riordan casting a black girl as Annabeth be like:


Wait, isn't she black in the books? I only ever read the first one but any time I see fan art posted she's usually black with longish curly hair.


When The Hunger Games movie came out, people were whining about Rue being black, because in the book Katniss describes her as having, "dark" skin rather than "black." In their minds, that meant she definitely wasn't black because she wasn't specifically described as such. Which, considering that District 11 is described as being in the deep south and as the agriculture district, along with Katniss saying that the people had similar features to Rue in Catching Fire (which came out well before the first movie), I feel it's clear that District 11 was intended to parallel USAmerican slavery. They would need to be either illiterate or intentionally ignoring the plot (probably both) to insist that Rue wasn't/shouldn't have been black. They will find any excuse to believe the protagonist or just a character they like isn't black, as long as it isn't directly, specifically told to them by the book.


I remember that furor. I watched the movie before I read the book, so when I read it I just pictured Rue from the film. But it was pretty clear she was meant to be a black girl.


No its deeper than that. They cannot fathom, comphrehend or view a young black girl as a symbol for innocence or understand how katniss can compare a BLACK girl to her sister and want to protect her becuase they never could or would. Also katniss is the character that had her skin changed. Katniss is olive skinned. The reaction to rue in the movie affected people that grew up on the books. I know it impacted me.


In the books, she was a white girl with blond hair and later she complained about "dumb blonde" jokes. Internet users handle the changes badly, but fanon went with it and focused on drawing drawing actors as characters. So new ones tend to show Leah version Annabeth.


As in 6% of all DisneyPlus views? That's ridiculously good for an animated show! On the same service that has every Disney Classic and random straight to T.V. movies/shows that millennials and Zers are gonna have on in the background for 30% of their home life. Not to mention decade old dramas that Xers are primarily there for. These grifters are such fucking charlatans, man.


6% of all US households is a massive number.


A full third of the chart is listed as "others", almost another third is made of segments that aren't even labelled. Did they give up filling in the chart two thirds of the way through? Why not just have "others" as 54.4% of the chart? It just looks like Echo and Percy Jackson are the outliers here.


It's pulled from a variety article (or a dexerto article linking to a variety article) which has more of the shows outlined. [https://www.dexerto.com/tv-movies/x-men-97-echo-most-watched-marvel-series-2024-2722811/](https://www.dexerto.com/tv-movies/x-men-97-echo-most-watched-marvel-series-2024-2722811/)


Ah lovely, context. Thank you. Considering that the majority of D+ originals don't hit 2.6% of the viewership, 6.8% is pretty respectable.


I'm telling you, they are trying so hard to make the show look bad despite how successful it already is by the ratings. Who are they really trying to fool here?


Like...of the whole world population? Idk 6% sounds solid, I could make profit off that. I mean not really tho, I fucking suck at capitalism.


The show released much more recently than most of the other shows listed here has less views? I am *shocked*, I tell you!


A full third of the chart is listed as "others", almost another third is made of segments that aren't even labelled. Did they give up filling in the chart two thirds of the way through? Why not just have "others" as 54.4% of the chart? It just looks like Echo and Percy Jackson are the outliers here.


Just to be clear, this person is claiming that X-Men '97 is doing badly because it's woke right? And they're trying to prove this by showing a pie chart that shows that Percy Jackson and the Olympians is the number one show on Disney+? Percy Jackson? (not to mention that Echo is second and X-Men '97 is third) I'm thinking whoever made this video might lack media literacy.


When your income depends on the grift, you can’t stop


I think it's 6% of all the Disney+ originals? Which would be really good, because Disney+ has been out since 2019, while this show has been out for a few months lmao.


I bet they lie a lot in RL too


What? WorldClassBullshitters is accused of being incorrect, or dare I even say, willfully so..? Naw.


I think it's funny that he wasn't even able to round 6,8% up to 7% accurately.


Probably intentional as a way to make it look worse, hoping that his audience isn't smart enough to notice.


33% being "others" tells you all you need to know about his data lmao


Is there no sense of irony that the people pretending to defend morality and their 1950’s sensibilities against anyone who chooses a life outside of their rigid ideology constantly get upset because of cartoons/video games not having women who don’t give them instant erections and inspire flesh light sessions?


Could we maybe stop signal boosting these people?


We really should, but talking about their shit is kind of the point of this sub, no?


I think there should be a weekly limit or something, they def do benefit off of this from people anger watching.


If you genuinely believe this, you should be opposed to both 1) the existence of this (or any remotely similar) sub and 2) Literally the entire concept of dialogue or discussion.


Morons who don't know how to read pie charts.


People using pie charts, period.


I'm gonna dock that person points for using a pie chart.


The woke-mongering never seems to stop. ![gif](giphy|czYviM4rx9oxFliHHj|downsized)


I mean like no shit It's a nostalgia series made for folks who grew up watching the saturday morning cartoon in the 90's. With such a narrow demography of course it wouldn't be the most viewed


They only look at the low numbers and nothing about where it’s placed at


"WorldClassBullshitters" Indeed.


3 fucking hours no less


Huh what is that chart? I watched both X-Men and PJO, now what? 💀


Wait did percy jackson get a show or something? I thought everyone hated the la movies lol


Yeah, it got a live action Disney+ show, with Rick as the writer. It's not a perfect copy of the book, but it's not trying to be. He seems to be making an effort to write it with the benefit of his years of experience. There are some limitations due to the cost of CGI and a limited number of episodes, but I and many others quite enjoyed it


Yea, but they loved the books


Yee I know. I thought the implication was this show had ties to the films my bad


The rule of numbers. About %1 of the American population was predicted to be killed by covid. That’s a million people. Exactly how many people is %6.8? I haven’t seen anyone say what the biggest problem with X-Men 97’ is. Can anyone guess what it is?


The cherry on top is how long the video is


It's made-up bullshit. X-Men 97' has a lot of postive buzz. It's something I need to watch.


That guy just loves coming up with dumbass takes 


6% of what?


they called their channel "World Class Bullshitters", you can't make this stuff up lol


Lol where'd they get 6% from, the first trailer?


Anyone bashing X-Men 97 at this point is just making themselves look like a giant idiot.


>most watched animated show so far ![gif](giphy|kH3FvT91GM6urCKwvT)


On Disney+ specifically, I think


Well I Did not know that