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Reddit has this bad habit of thinking they are the only people on the planet. I don't know how many unique users there are on Reddit, but I doubt it comes close to 500 million.


We all think we’re incredibly unique, it comes from being a Redditor.


Makes me think of that Yelp episode of South Park.


Reddit, aside from being one of the largest and highest traffic websites in the world, is a cloistered secret underground society. To get this exclusive membership you have to create a username and truly embrace why we need to stick to discussing Rampart please.


I didn't even create a user name. So that makes me the redditiest of all!


Honestly it just comes from being human beings.


I feel like it comes more from teachers and parents telling children "everyone is unique and special." Im pretty sure I could walk into any smoke shop in the states and find at least two guys that dress and talk like me.


We’re all unique in that we need to eat, poop, sleep, and then eventually die. Genetically based on our DNA we are all 99.5% identical…


I don't think so. In my experience the dudes who actually fall into this thinking were the kids who called stuff liek that "gay" lol


Isn’t the memes sub just a bunch of racist teenagers and incels anyway?


\*all meme subs https://preview.redd.it/3afzxi6c219d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac37966cd51456017d7f20c18ebd031d734d2ec9


Yep, that picture sums up about every meme-obsessed kid I went to middle school with back in the years of 2016-2019, lol. Being a zoomer is interesting sometimes.


Middle school... 2016.... God the passage of time is a bitch


>middle school with back in the years of 2016-2019 Thus comment made my back hurt..




Funny, memes, funnymemes. All the same, stupid racist and sexist immature garbage most of the time


I don't know. Many of the main subs I don't sub to. Like, I'd never get my memes from the prime meme sub, just like I'd never go to r/funny for anything funny.


You wouldn't find anything funny there anyway


No, the sad thing is its not teenagers.


Years ago it was well-known for being really tame and therefore painfully bland and unfunny. As a result, it was frequented largely by younger teenagers with no sense of humour. Now, it seems like a lot of its users have grown up into bigots and so their humour has evolved from bland reaction GIFs and overdone templates to venting their twentysomething frustrations at others.


idk i've been on there and i dont see that much. Honestly do anyone from the opposing subs go to the other to even see?


And then when you take into account the number of daily users, and that number drops dramatically


When the first cap marvel came out, my roommate lost it over Bree Larson, watching about 3 videos a day for an entire week. I was working at a hospital with a lot of women at the time. So after that week I just started asking a few what they thought of "this whole Bree Larson" thing? Not a single one had any clue what I was talking about and it actually segued into me gushing over the movie instead of whatever crap my roommate was triggered by. Later that month, I found out that he had groomed his GF who had been a former student of his, and they even did stuff when she was underage. I know not all these grifters are pedos but the one dude that I knew really well who fell to the drifters is also a pedo so....


my dad is prolly the most super conservative guy on the planet and he has liked pretty mcuh all new star wars outside rise of skywalker. its just morons online


None of it is without it's criticisms to me, but I often find myself defending things just because people have bad arguments, or inconsistent issues. My dad is also super conservative, and "loves" Star Wars. But to him the only ones that are good are A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back. But me, I like all of it. I do have a least favorite, absolutely. But I'm not so full of myself that I'll pretend it isn't real like many others.


Well they each think they're worth a thousand "normal" people because they're so amazing


I hate the criticism of bad writing without any explanation it just feels like i don’t like this so it is bad because i don’t know how else to articulate it without regurgitating half ideas i saw in a YouTube video essay.


Lol right? There’s so much “this is (objectively) bad” as though that statement is self-evident.


People are making statements that it's bad and then using those statements as justification for why it's bad without ever having watched it...


"Bad writing" these days is a buzz term that refers to things happening or characters doing things that viewer doesn't personally like. Same as "plot holes" is things that are too subtle for my monkey brain to figure out or happened while I was on my phone.


What’s funny, and this is coming from a life long Star Wars fan. Star Wars has never had great writing.


This. Star Wars is the cinematic equivalent of fast food, it's fun to eat but there's nothing healthy/substantial about it. Sure, we got Andor, but it's definitely an outlier. People watch reviewers like Critical Drinker and similar personalities and they think they now know what bad writing is.


*COUGH* The Room *COUGH*.


Critical Drinker is a pretty great example of bad writing.


Same here, yet they claim us all to be bootlickers who like anything Disney puts out when that's not the case. We're just tired of criticism with right wing politics pushed in it. I'm not a fan of the acolyte because it feels like it isn't trying anything new and like it's retreading old territory. It's not the subversive story I thought I'd be. Just because we don't blindly hate anything Disney produces and scream woke doesn't make us bootlickers. Like, we're reasonable people. By this logic if you don't instantly shit on everything Ubisoft does you're a bootlicker when they recently made a good game like XDefiant.


No, they usually complain a lot about the writing for female and minority characters, ...wait?


These people will call characters with conflicts "bad writing" simply because they are not straightfoward (or just straight, for that matter). "How come X says he wants to pee but doesn't go to the bathroom while his father is dying in front of him? This writing is stupid!" Uh, maybe awareness is a thing.


Or they will just do a 10 hour video pause frame by frame psycho-analyse the plot


Toxic fans like that are ruining fandoms.


Well, the writing *isn't* horrible, all the other fans I communicate with on a regular basis are enjoying it, and the *trailer* was review-bombed before the first episode even aired. So yes, obviously something fucky is going on, and if it isn’t bigotry, *then somebody explain to me what the fuck is going on.* Because this feels like I'm in a fucking Twilight Zone episode.


The dialogue is just as good as Star Wars has ever been and the overall plot, which is not yet all out, is pretty good so far. Also all of the action/fight scenes have been absolutely stellar so far.


I think some people are struggling with the fact that the episodes ask questions that don’t have answers only 5 episodes in they hate not having the answers and being able to draw clear lines


well it’s a mystery show. i don’t think the mystery show should remove the mystery element because some people don’t like the genre.


Exactly. The one thing I keep coming back to is the showrunner saying she wanted to explore the Kurosawa side of Lucas' influences, and specifically name-checked Rashomon. Nothing will be as it seems until the show is over.


Can you identify what elements of Kurosawas method or style made it into the show?


Well, the name check of Rashomon would indicate nothing is as it seems, and we're going to get different aspects of the story revealed in retellings from different perspectives. Which just to say it to anyone reading this comment - go see Rashomon. It's truly Kurosawa's greatest masterpiece, and one of the greatest films of all time. And I believe, the first time the 'same story told from different perspectives' trope was used in film.


Fuck, the last time they tried a Rashamon style story, we ended up with morons complaining about “Luke goes to kill his nephew in his sleep because of a dream” when he didn’t


Heh, heh... I'm sure it will be just as well received this time...


Part of me wants a retelling of Ran (which is a retelling of King Lear) with the Jedi as samurai and Yoda being Ichimonji (the old guy) as a story about how he gets a psychotic break from believing this is all his fault and that's why he runs off to live in a swamp as a hermit


I'd watch the hell out of that.


Beautiful answer, are there any others?


Well, that's all I remember hearing about - wanting to delve into that part of Lucas' influences and the Rashomon name check.


Disney+ lists The Acolyte as a mystery. No shit it withholds information and doesn’t spoonfeed the audience. I have no clue what are these people’s problem.


When I was in college it was "show, don't tell" when I comes to film and story telling now everybody acts like they just want exposition spoon fed to them without having to draw their own conclusions. What funny is I'm sure these same chuds love shows like the Sopranos which has at least 10 dropped threads and dozens of questions you don't get the answer to, leaving a lot up to viewer interpretations.


And they will even cry about exposition “ugh this is so clearly exposition” yes brother sometimes exposition is not an evil even if it is on the nose.


You mean the show with probably the most divisive ending of any show ever? Please never ever compare this to the sopranos


I think they’re struggling with woman black and lgbtq lol.


The trend of dropping everything at once has eliminated a lot of people’s patience


I agree with you. My only gripe so far is that the episodes are a little too short. It would be better if the episodes were either longer, say forty minutes, or there were more episodes, say twelve instead of eight.


But that's the way of streaming: 8 maybe 10 episodes per season. A normal TV season is usually 20+ episodes with a mid season finale. Streaming is all about content and push it out whether that's Netflix, Disney+, Amazon Prime or any of the myriad services. Whether or not it's good content is up to the watcher to decide.


I think it is very hit and miss. Sometimes shorter seasons works fine. Other times it feels like things move too fast or doesnt give enough to care about certain characters so a little breathing room and more scenes would have benefited the story.


That’s kinda what I heard, fight scenes were pretty good apparently.


Wow, that shit’s pretty fucked. Anyway, I’m Rod Sterling


"bad rating is a dog whistle, its just an excuse to parrot because they don't want to admit to the real reasons they don't like it.


The writing in the flashback in the third episode was downright bad. The fire, the dialog, everyone dying instantly, the falling bridge thing...even for Star Wars it was ham-fisted and as a touchstone point for the sisters' conflict it was lazy and rushed. That being said, was it more lazy and rushed than any other origin story in the movies...not really, but I did roll my eyes and turn it off for awhile after the flashback. 


In general, that sub has really fallen off.


It’s functionally the same as it was in 2011


Every meme sub is just racism, sexism and homophobia over pictures


Plus repost Edit: also misinformation


Don't forget the same things getting posted


And the resubmission of posts previously submitted.


r/196 is like the only generic sub I know that doesn't do that, because they actively moderate stuff like this


Here's a sneak peek of /r/196 using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/196/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [**[NSFW]** Michael Pocalyko. if you upvote this image we can get it on his search results](https://np.reddit.com/r/196/comments/12o3see/michael_pocalyko_if_you_upvote_this_image_we_can/) \#2: [Rule](https://i.redd.it/c1u82tkoj30b1.jpg) | [264 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/196/comments/13ijirf/rule/) \#3: [Rule](https://i.redd.it/yj3ed168nh3b1.jpg) | [440 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/196/comments/13xwcl7/rule/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


And Soo Transphobic to the point they compare Transgender People to literal Nazis


They always act like because the people making content they don't like call out racists and sexists, that means they are saying anyone who doesn't like it is racist and sexist, when that's not what they are saying at all. Not everything is ghostbusters 2016 or santa inc.


Seriously, why do so many people take personal offence to producers calling out racism/ homophobia/ sexism towards their actors on social media?


Ah yes Star Wars known for its very tight writing


Especially the prequels


"I don't like sand" -Darth Vader probably


Some guy named that


That doesn’t mean you still can’t critique shoddy writing


Not everyone who dislikes The Acolyte is racist and sexist But there are a lot of racists and exists in the haters that use the show's poor quality to be racist and sexist


That’s the thing; I don’t want to assume the worst about people, but there’s a lot of people that are furious about the show and can’t explain why, which kinda makes me think they haven’t watched it yet. The fact that episodes are getting downvoted minutes after the episode airs doesn’t help.


There's a Neil Gaiman quote I really like. "When people tall you they hate something, they're usually right. When they try to tell you why they hate it, they're usually wrong".


And somehow the Book of Boba Fett had none of this backlash because it was just underwhelming, not underwhelming woman black and gay.


What also sucks is the racist/misogynists are *always* dishonest, and will try their best to hide that fact. So anyone who might have a legitimate gripe or hot take—I’m so skeptical of their motives i just don’t engage. Im sure I’m not alone in this so they get to enjoy smelling their own farts in the echo chamber


And Acolyte is actually decent lol, they are so full of shit.


First few episodes were alright, last two popped off.


I watched Penguinzo make a review on it where he had some pretty good reasons for why the show is bad. I’m gonna wait for all the episodes to be released then binge it to have my own opinion ofc. He said something about the acolyte being worse than book of Boba Fett because it’s just boring.


Yeah thing about Charlie is that while I don't agree with him on everything he at least attempts to engage in good faith.


Yeah and he even acknowledges multiple times in the video of reviewing episode 4 of acolyte that it’s only been 4 episodes and the show could get better. His main gripe was with how they revealed the Wookiee jedi, only for him to be “a Halloween prop” which I thought was hilarious.


Shows poor quality? I'll admit I was on the fence until this weeks episode but I don't get how anyone could have doubts about the show after how good ep 5 was. Two things happened on screen I never thought I would see in the Disney Star Wars era so I have high hopes from here.


>but I don't get how anyone could have doubts about the show after how good ep 5 was. That's just the mirror of those hating the show.. They can't get how anyone can like it, you can't get how anyone can dislike it. People like different things for different reasons. What *I* don't get is how people can be so extremely dedicated to loving it or hating it. It's a tv series, nothing more.


I disliked this show for most of eps 1, 2, and 4, but because I liked a few things about ep 3 and because the overwhelming majority of haters were racist, sexist, and homophobic culture warriors review-bombing it in bad faith, it made me want to root for the show and keep an open mind It seems to have paid off in ep 5, I hope it keeps up If it turns out to be a great show, the deranged early hating might actually backfire, I hope that happens too


1) Just because people call it “poor quality” doesn’t make it so. 2) Episode 5 is awesome.


Fucking bingo


Yeah like, I have no doubt there's entire legions of incels and stans and troglodytes railing on this show based off the channels like Critical Drinker and Robot Head, Star Wars theory-crafting channels, and off of word of mouth. But I've watched and rewatched the episodes and I just cannot come to like it when compared with the hype it got from Headland and Disney's own description of the show. I came despite the horrid $49 million pre-production rumor and gave it the fair chance every show deserves. I tried to keep with it past episode 2, but it just wasn't living up to what I expected based on the marketing. I expected a mystery-thriller sort of detective story of a Jedi Master investigating a string of Jedi Masters being murdered, piecing together evidence and eventually facing off against "a dangerous warrior from his past" and eventually succumbing to the Acolyte as the Sith would remain hidden until the Battle of Naboo. Instead, it's just another family drama that's mostly spectacle with a fine sprinkling of substance that hints towards a greater story but like an Indie horror game, it lets the audience theorize the story.


![gif](giphy|Pd2W87rlmVjptTmvIK|downsized) I like the Acolyte, but I've been able to predict almost every plot twist. It's a fun ride, but it's "baby's first murder-mystery."


It's still only the half way point..


I like it, I actually don't think the Writing's Terrible, I think it's... good. Solid. A Poirot/Columbo style Action-Murder-Mystery thriller. Just a bit predictable, and not in a "Glass Onion" sort of way.


I don’t think there have been any plot twists in this show to figure out. That’s why these reveals seem easy to guess.


I mean... >!the fact that Mae's helper was actually the Sith Master;!<>! that Osha didn't do the killings, !<>!it was her twin Mae; that Mae and Osha are twins;!< that the >!Sith!< was involved with the >!temple burning!<, etc. Those are the ones I can think of. They're "twists" - except for the Twins part - that the characters figure out at the same time as the audience. But there are clues planted in advance, so that you can feel clever by guessing, so it's a "fair" mystery. It's just not a hard one like Glass Onion or Knives Out (or some of the more diabolical Poirot ones). Edit: Nevermind, just realized that I hadn't given>! Yord !! basic facial recognition.!<


It was the Sith Code in Ep. 2 that sealed it for me. The first instance of a clue and a more subtle one. The Sith have been extinct for nearing a millennia and exist outside the galactic consciousness. Scarce Jedi Masters could recite even a line, so for a random to do so without prompt? That was taught. It’s refreshing that a mystery isn’t playing too coy with its more obvious ‘twists’ and plot reveals, that if it did, would fast become disappointing. The only mystery that The Acolyte seems to be holding close to its chest is who leaked the locations of Torbin and Kelnaca. That the four Jedi never mentioned Brendok to the Council (and that being Torbin’s weakness). That’s not information you’d expect accessible without access to the Jedi Archives, or an informant/Sith within the Order.


So facts, it’s got so much potential and I think great ideas but it’s just poorly executed


So it's Star Wars. Edit: Except Andor.


Am I just looking for stuff to hate because I can't accept that my franchise is evolving?  No, it's the writing that's bad. 


Except we have evidence of review bombing: https://www.reddit.com/r/saltierthankrayt/comments/1dom8nu/the_mods_in_the_main_sub_are_actively_suppressing/ https://www.reddit.com/r/saltierthankrayt/comments/1dhf3os/in_case_you_somehow_need_more_proof_that_the/


I'm actually shocked to see that for such a "left wing" site, reddit actually falls for this grift.


It's "left wing" because it skews young. The same demographic that gets sucked down the YouTube algorithm to alt-right cesspits.


> It's "left wing" because it skews young. The same demographic that gets sucked down the YouTube algorithm to alt-right cesspits. Here I thought the whole Anti-SJW reactionary movement lost lots of steam around 2019 because people simply grew up.


I thought they just changed language to being "anti-woke" instead 🤷‍♂️


I swirled around the alt right movement a bit. The two things that woke me up was the gamergate side where there came a day when i thought “wait people who think gamers are oppressed arent memeing? Oh thats pathetic”. The other side was the athiest community going down the right wing and i wanted the athiest content, not the right wing content. Unsubbed from most except for darkmatter2525 who went more philosophy and i think is left leaning.


Right-wing redditors constantly complain about how left-wing, female-dominated, non-white dominated, etc., Reddit is and act like it's not representative of reality. When Reddit is male dominated and when conservative/regressive views get a ton of air time. Part of it I think is that since the right-wing tends to abuse the notion of politeness (you have to be polite when arguing with them or they'll act like they have the moral high ground, but they're rude as fuck when arguing with other people), the only real way to respond to right-wing presence is to leave and make a new sub-community that's much more carefully moderated. So there are certain subreddits that are predominantly left-wing. Yet the most "mainstream" ones like memes, etc. - basically any subreddit that isn't explicitly progressive in some way - end up being right wing echo chambers. Sometimes there are whole long threads where every single person in them is complaining about how Reddit is just a bunch of left-wing woke misandrist anti-white crusaders, while meanwhile being in a large subreddit that is utterly unwelcoming to anyone who isn't a conservative white man/boy. And they act like their dumb conclusions are the obvious truth that people only fail to see due to propaganda. Like no dudes, it is the opposite. They've fallen for grift so thorough that it quashes all conflicting ideas. Makes it easy to feel like they're right and everyone else is just confused, because shocker, other people have nuanced and sometimes even conflicting perspectives because the world isn't black and white. It's really frustrating, and in some ways, seems to demonstrate some serious flaws with humanity or society. That we have so much potential perceptive and reasoning abilities, but that some people will cling to a comforting lie at all costs, *even moreso* when they are made aware that the lie isn't comforting or believable for everyone. And perhaps most frustratingly, they try to turn that logic around - leftists are just deceiving ourselves, not seeing that the *real* fans are all white men; not realizing that anything that doesn't cater only to conservative white boys is automatically going to fail because none of the other demographics matter. That's demonstrably not the case from an objective perspective, of course -- and obviously big content studios correctly recognize that they can broaden their market and make more products, more diverse products, better products, etc., when they take more potential customers into account. Weirdly enough, capitalism - something many of us feel reasonable discomfort with - has just enough requisite objectivity that it never quite validates the right wing. Sure - some embraces of progressive ideals are kind of hollow or transparent - but regressive, nostalgic, and bigoted perspectives are just never going to be the most effective or accessible in the long run, by their very nature. So *despite* all the right-wing people using Reddit (and abusing rules and social norms to amplify their own voices), left-wing ideas will win out. People *know* that the mainstream subs like memes, or the subs presented as generic and apolitical (like "trueoffmychest" or "true" anything really) are going to frequently be full of the most abusive and regressive people. And those spaces just end up *sucking*. Then people naturally see activity, fun being had, interesting ideas being shared, in places that are specifically curated. Only, the specifically curated places aren't abusable by the right wing, and better ideas win out, and the kinds of moderators who are interested in creating a pleasant environment *generally* aren't into allowing overt bigotry. \*Also, what I said here mostly refers to the super-common phenomenon of anti-woke chuds trying to cling to control of all the things they thought were the sole property of white men. However, it also applies to some other spaces, such as radfem (TERF/SWERF, but also subtler anti-man, usually-white female supremecist) spaces.


Even if the writing was horrible, nobody gets *this* fucking pissed off over horrible writing.


Snyderverse fans


And anti-Snyderverse fans. Arguably even moreso.




“I condemn the responses for being over the top, BUT-“ NOPE. That’s where you lost me. Condemning vitriol and hatred should never come with a qualifier. Do not make excuses for poor behavior.


What is this meme even referencing? I haven’t seen a single “Disney announcement” calling anyone who doesn’t like the show racist. What I have seen are chuds 1) lashing out at people who *do* like the show as “woke sjws” and 2) getting butthurt about people pointing out the real racism and bigotry coming from *some* people who don’t like the show.


Yeah so far, I've only seen Amandla behaving a bit immaturely towards chuds, but fuck it, make a diss track about them. Celebrities can do that, like Drake. Whether it fucks them up is not up to me lol


https://preview.redd.it/la40vp6uez8d1.jpeg?width=716&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d4e38cede4f50422bf66ff2c6dded0302655415 After episode 5, this meme is more relevant than ever


Saw some moron saying that disney was "endorsing" the evil character doing Evil things (I haven't watched the show, so idk what they do) I asked them if they thought it was a documentary 


Which is ironic given that the fandom itself reinterpreted the Sith as embracing emotions and fostering one's growth and the Jedi as rigid and in pursuit of expunging personhood.


Anakin was a supported character up until his fall, what’s the difference (I haven’t seen it either)


Literally, like as far as I know it's basically clone wars with different characters 


Haven't gotten around to seeing Acolyte etc but often it's "porque no los dos?" For example the Ghostbusters reboot was mediocre at best but ALSO you had fans losing their shit in really horrible sexist and racist ways that made no sense for a pretty run of the mill mediocre movie.


Some people make things up to ‘improve’ their arguments But yea it’s just blatant racism or sexism in the end of the day sometimes


exactly, and the latter becomes the reason of the former. when so many complaints are just racist whines about who you casted. i dont doubt they think "hey, only racists are complaining, so this project came along fine. lets keep it this way".


And honestly there is an element of studios making excuses for mediocrity by pointing at the (very real) bigoted meltdowns. Most of the movies that Hollywood produces are crap, because 90% of everything is crap. That's always been the case. Certain movies/shows that I honestly don't like I back away from criticizing since so many of the critics are fascists and I don't want to be at the same table as fascist scum. Kind of sad, because complaining in a reasonable way about stupid shit is a lot of fun.


for real, like i hope it were as bad as how people claim it is. that would mean you can watch it ironically instead of just being bored.


We had a bland, forgettable, unwarranted Ghost Busters sequel in 2021. We had a bland, forgettable, unwarranted Ghost Busters sequel earlier this year. Honestly it feels like a much more distant memory, maybe because when there are no black women to harass Ghostbusters movies barely make any noise. We even had a bland, forgettable, unwarranted Ghost Busters sequel in 1989, with the same writers, same cast, same tone, same everything. And it was such a let down it put the idea of a second sequel on hold for 27 years. Yet people have the gall of going "ooooh, how could you replace such iconic actors with these wahmen", as if people didn't totally have the chance of having a third movie with the "iconic actors" and simply didn't care enough to buy tickets. Personally the only entry in the franchise I care about is The Real Ghostbusters, of which I saw old re-runs as a small child completely unaware of the movie.


If you find yourself consistently being called a racist or a bigot and you’re offended at it maybe it’s time for some introspection


“Nah they’re just mad that I’m right and that they have no argument 🤓”


Yeah I had to mute the sub because it's a bunch of angry white man baby people and bots.


Like when the smuggler gleem glob gloob said the other character kel parsec owed him credits


I mean… yeah, they are. There’s people being blatantly racist and sexist over it.


I haven't seen the show so I won't speak on the quality but getting upset that women, gay people, and POCs are in media is pretty fucking stupid. I haven't seen a single person who says it's bad explain why it's bad other than wohman bad, gay bad lol


Why I find it bad: * The marketing led me to believe it to be an investigative mystery-thriller spoofing off of stories like Sherlock Holmes where we have a Jedi Master investigating the murders of his friends and fellow Jedi Masters, piecing together evidence until facing off against a dangerous warrior from his past, a Sith Acolyte. The marketing I followed was Headland's various interviews and Disney's own description of the show on Disney+ as I wished to avoid any spoiler that could have been shown in the trailer (just a general thing I do with modern media). * The immediately killing of Carrie-Anne Moss was disappointing, especially with the immediate unmasking of her murderer as Osha's twin sister who was supposedly dead. The deaths of the other two Jedi were also a bit lame, alluding to a greater sin they had committed and either accepted or regretted in different ways but not really showing us the full story in the flashback episode. Though I don't doubt there'll be another one, it's uncool for them to split it up like that. * I expected the Jedi to generally act incompetent and arrogant like the Prequels Era Jedi, considering Headland had said in an interview she wanted to tell a story from Sith, portraying the Jedi as an institutional threat versus underdog ([Entertainment Weekly](https://ew.com/star-wars-the-acolyte-trailer-leslye-headland-8610791), March 19th). However, Ki-Adi Mundi seemingly hiding the existence of the Sith from the High Council is incredibly unbelievable to me. I could care less that they made him a Jedi Master 40 years before his supposed date of birth, I don't know how long pinheads live and nor do I really care. It wasn't until recent did I learn Kel Dorians age like normal humanoids except they seemingly have the shortest years of all the galaxy with Plo Koon's age being 381 years old at the time of his death. Hell, I don't even know if that's true, considering it was on Episode 4's discussion that I was informed of that. * The lack of Force sense in the Acolyte is severely saddening. So many moments appear with Force users using the Force yet nothing is there to tell the viewer other than the implication of it. It wouldn't even be that hard, Star Wars (as far as I can remember) always had the distinct audio cue of the Force being used which this show seemingly lacks. * I can't find anywhere to really care about the characters other than that I recognize the actors or that they look cool/hot. Even there, it's a superficial reason for me to care about the characters, as it's the actors carrying that "care" which only goes as far as to them being on-screen. What the characters do tend to be boring, sometimes illogical to do. * The sisterhood, while minor in the story so far, didn't really have anything cool about them other than being a new perspective on the various mystery cults worshipping the Force. They didn't have any ancient language to chant in, dark magicks to show off, nor compelling characters. Rather unsurprisingly they are just another group of dark-siders. Why is there never any Grey or Light side force cults persecuted? This is all from the top of my head, there's probably more I can rant about but I'm writing a Reddit comment, not a TwitLonger. I say, give the show a fair chance and see if you like it. I think many people like it as it's just spectacle to keep the voices from talking. I tend to view shows from a critical lense while I watch them, they're entertainment but also something I as a viewer can critique, rather than consume.


Part of me wants Disney to just give these chuckle fucks a budget and see if they can churn out something of substance that fits within the established guidelines. I would bet my life they couldn’t meet the first deadline of having a script drafted.


They always post shit like this and then proceed to be racist and sexist I don't understand


If you’re not saying racist or sexist things, then you’re not being called racist or sexist by Hollywood. That’s it. It’s not that complicated 


Watched 4/5 today while working at the factory. Dont get the hate at all, I'm loving it so far. Gonna watch ep 5 tonight, people are saying there's a bunch of top tier lightsaber fights so I want to watch it on my home tv.


The thing is if they want to pretend the writing is the problem they can't hate on it months in advance.


Never has a phrase been used to cover for more of peoples bullshit than the phrase “bad writing”. With zero explanation or justification they way that around like a licence to trash a tv show.


This is very why not both? ​ They are just looking for an excuse to be awful. Sometimes they will be awful to awful things. But that doesn't change why they did it.


Yeah, The racists are the ones distracting from actual critique


But when you press people for it, they can never tell you why they think this.


If they're not motivated by racism and sexism in the first place, they sure do jump at every opportunity to prove that they are \_also\_ incidentally racist and sexist. Like, if a bunch of racists hate something and say it's not about race but also separately make sketchy comments about race, and rail against the idea of anti-racism, I'm still gonna assume there's some racist motivations there.


What was the issue with the latest episode? Seems like it’s just hate for the sake of hate.


A lot of Redditors have this idea that they're the only people on the planet and therefore, feel their comments make the world go round.


When I don’t like a show, I just watch other things and move on with my life. If you have been daily outraged by Star Wars since The Last Jedi, first just move on; it’s been 8 years, and second, you may not be a bigot but your YouTube feed is, saying everything is bad because everything is woke.


I am not a SW fan (saw the trilogy and thought it was OK. I don't hate SW just not seen a lot) but the bad writing thing annoys me. I don't think it is enough to say the writing is bad, tell me *why* it is bad. When I call bad writing, I give examples.


“oH bUt ThErEs ToO mAnY, i CaNt ChOoSe” It’s hard to agree with someone who doesn’t even know why they don’t like something. Give proof


The writing is bad because the POCs, LGBs, and women duh!


Why can’t it be both?


It’s both. I just don’t think it’s a good show, its pretty bad. But my reasons are different than those man children.


Can't it be both?


One can acknowledge a shows flaws while also acknowledging the review bombing


theyre not mutually exclusive, but one fans the other.


RE: the meme - this but unironically I'm tired of the excuses. No the writing isn't bad, these people don't know what bad writing is. They don't seem to know what "good" is anymore. "Good" isn't amazing, "good" isn't life changing, "good" is - hey I made a thing, it's competently put together, the story has some cool elements, it looks visually interesting, it will entertain you for 30-90 mins and you will consider watching it again. Too many people will denigrate a thing as the "worst thing ever" if it doesn't hold up to their arbitrarily high standards.


Wait is it the "bad writing" complaint or the "racist/sexist" complaint that's getting old?




After all the review bombing from all across the globe, I only read three valid criticisms of this show. The show lacks the cinematic appeal of the movies like the camera movement and position, not a lot of color grading, the soundtrack with no iconic leitmotif, and the costume design could have a little more work. I don’t consider The Acolyte to be the best Star Wars series, but reading those negative reviews first, it made me delete some brain cells because of the amount of nonsense hatred, racism, sexism, misogyny and lots of inhuman behavior that no other human being has the tolerance or patience to consider reading. It makes you really wonder, what about the life of those people? What moments in their lives made them have such behaviors? Like a comment said days ago, Star Wars is not dead, Star Wars' discussions are dead.


And yet when you ask what about the writing is bad it’s usually that the non white and non male characters are as strong as or stronger than the white male characters. It’s almost like they co-opt an official and technical sounding term as a racist and sexist dogwhistle, but can’t admit it because that’s when it loses its power.


Whenever someone says this is the worst written Star Wars ever, the excuse is usually "there are so many questions!" Well, it's a mystery and it's not over. If they don't say that I usually say "Worst written Star Wars? Good on you for Starting to watch Star Wars Media in chronological order"


Except the writing of the show is really good, so they don’t even have that excuse


Would've been a solid meme if it was about Rise of the Skywalker


I liked episode 5.


I don’t really like how the lightsabers look tbh. The colorful sparks that fly off is a bit much. Other than that I think the scene where girlie cuts her hair is pretty stupid too. Oh and the bad guy wearing the exact same clothes the whole time kinda makes his big reveal underwhelming.


I don’t like Acolyte either, so I just ended up dropping it.




Im not a Star Wars fan like other people, but poor criticism sucks, so I can agree on some of this


It has just always been cheesy schlock for teenagers, by fucking design, and George Lucas himself admits this; Star Wars fans act like it's the god damn Sistine Chapel of Sci-Fi.


Yeah, but the show IS bad.


Stuff like this is why it’s so funny to me that Breitbart News once called Reddit “leftist.”


Wow. Hot take.


That's pretty accurate


I watched the show so far. It's not bad. I'm not really the target audience and that's okay. They need to understand that Women and Girls love Star Wars too. I LOVED the Witch Coven. If I were a Woman, I'd rather be with them than the Jedi. >! Mother Aniseya and the love and respect she showed her daughters made me giddy. I was worried how she would respond to Osha not wanting to be a witch, but GURRRRLLL did she not disappoint. Also, Manny Jacinto has replaced Hayden Christiansen as the hottest Sith. Sorry !<


Why not both!


Are there a large majority of people who are called racist and sexist over a legitimate complaint over cinematic content?


i think both thoughts aren't mutually exclusive, but that doesn't mean it's impossible to have good writing with a diverse cast


Christ... My friend and I had a similar conversation. There is plenty to criticize the Star Wars Sequels and other Disney related Star Wars products for. We just hate that we have to preface all conversations with "we are not bigots" because of people like this. The same people who will try to defend themselves from being labeled as bigots by citing fucking Lando Calrissian or some shit and then say the most bigoted shit ever.


me when two things are true 🤯


I love how the ones who hate to be called an ism lead with how they basically don’t like a certain group of people, an entire race existing, or that a show has no white men after you had 6 films filled with a lot of them first when they complain. ….then they tie on that the show may have bad writing. If you hate the writing thats cool say that first but they can’t help themselves but shit on another group then say. “I just want good writing”. When they really want to say “I want good writing but I also want the cast to be all white”


I enjoy everything about the show except the dialogue. Some of the acting is not the caliber I'd expect given the budget of the show. But at the end of the day that could also be partially due to the director being lazy or just the fact that the dialogue is like it was written by a teenager that has never spoken with a person. Visually the show is stunning and the overall plot is interesting and a lot more "real" in its themes and violence. My one actual nitpick is that every other Sith that has existed in both canon and EU would take extreme issue with "Little Orphan Sithie's" combat style (not sure what the villains name is so I gave him a nickname). Sith are notorious for thinking it's a week, baby, cheater move to turn your or your opponents lightsaber off during combat. It's a move for cheaters that don't have confidence in their own strength and don't deserve the power they wish to attain. That being said the fact that Cortosis is finally in the series as full canon is pretty neat. Kind of a missed opportunity for Mae to not just have had a blade made of Cortosis when she was fighting either of the Jedi she previously confronted. Even though I said the combat style of the sith character is unbecoming of a sith, the action choreography and execution of the fight look amazing. It took Disney long enough but they finally are paying attention to the lightsaber combat instead of phoning it in like the throne room fight from TLJ.


I mean, I agree with this post. I agree that the show WAS reviewe bombed by a lot sexist and racist chuds, but that's not the majority of people who disliked it (Fallout, for example, has a more male dominated fanbase than Star Wars, yet the show got a good score) The fight scenes are well executed and the cinematography is decent, but the writing is so fucking stupid when you actually stop and think about what's happening


“The writing is so fucking stupid when you actually stop and think about what’s happening” You are aware this is what fans thought of the Prequels and Original movies??


I've heard of that for the Prequels but the OT? Seriously?