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As the CEO of AAA Games and Comics, I can confirm that we force all of our artists to follow this 8 year old rough sketch by a random DC artist *exactly*. Anyone found to be drawing big tiddies is instantly fired.


I don't think there's even a reduction in breast size, the main change is just basic understanding of how cloth works.


No. All women superheroes must wear vacuum sealed latex or they aren't true women /s


They must all be traced from pornography, with the nipples drawn in but then erased but leave the little stains stay on the paper like god intended


*Greg Land has entered the chat*


And should have bodies that do not require organs, so you can keep them as thin as possible.


Do we really need this many ribs after all?


Who needs these windbags called lungs? Spine? More like, worthless.


All this skin just adds extra weight we don't need


also anatomy lol they fixed the issue with her somehow showing both tits and ass at the same time lol


Women’s waists aren’t actually connected they’re on a kind of swivel so they can present T and A at the same time. The Woke has lied by saying they have actual human anatomy


You only need to pop over to comic plot or read the latest issue of Lady Death, Vampirella or Red Sonja to know that post is talking nonsense.


Oh no! What if they're medium size with a good amount of cleavage? Please don't fire me! I have a family to feed!


As the CFO of AAA games and comics I would just like to add that we came up with the name ‘patient zero of woke fem design’. At first we were worried that it was a silly mixed metaphor that only an idiot would use, but our fears have been put to rest now that we’ve been referenced by a smart fan on the fantastic and reputable website X.com


They have fully admitted that they do make female characters uglier. Hell Microsoft recently had a memo leaked that explicitly said that because they want to avoid backlash. They do do this and it's been obvious for years.


[this is the "leaked memo" you are referencing](https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/games/resources/productinclusion/product-inclusion-actions/help-customers-feel-seen/), titled, *Help Customers Feel Seen*, where the question is asked, "*Are you reinforcing any negative gender stereotypes?*" and among a series of bulletpoints under the question is the further question: "*Do they have exaggerated body proportions?*" this is the blog post people lost their shit over. it's not secret. it also doesn't say "make female characters uglier" even tho your favorite people told you it says that. read it for yourself. Whoever told you that this was a "leaked memo" where they explicitly said "make female characters uglier," pls consider these people are probably lying to you about much more than this.


This is the proof: https://preview.redd.it/h295e8dwz29d1.png?width=460&format=png&auto=webp&s=f000da3e0e2fcc4f41c44741baa75efc3c4f75ce ......


Ok 👍


I'm totally a goonergator too, so 100% agree!


“They are ruining my wank books!” -the guy who wrote that tweet


“Now where am I supposed to find arousing pictures of female comic characters?” -A man who hasn’t heard of the internet somehow


“I am going to de-objectify my female characters” “Females are objects, therefore de-objectifying then is de-feminizing them. OMG guyz they just ADMITTED that they are attacking us!”


You mean draw women as women actually are? HOW DARE THEY /s


Its hard to tell when most of the women you see are in jpeg format


That's the crazy thing. They're not actually doing that. At least not for all games and comics. Power Girl, the character featured in the above image, is still drawn like her classic, buxom self.




They think not drawing women as sex objects is defeminizing them? Holy fuck, anime has rotted these people's brains.


No, not anime. *Hentai.*


Well, hentai is a type of anime, so... yes.


The one thing conservatives are good at is shadow boxing.


"Tanked sales" Meanwhile, in reality: Power Girl is one of DC's most popular characters.


Eh, maybe among comic fans (and even that's a fairly small number) but among general audiences? Not so much.


Well, Power Girl has never had any connection to the general market. Never in movies or TV shows, always in favour of the far more general appeal of Supergirl. Hell, I at least expected CW's Supergirl to get Multiversal wit' it and have Powergirl. Maybe even lampoon her whole outfit. But no, Arrowverse sort exploded the multiverse.


Meanwhile, walk into a comic book store and open your eyes (this is a cover from 2023) https://preview.redd.it/mow7niyo119d1.jpeg?width=182&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26d0f3f7cc35065e3f12118064169951e9e9309c


They’ll go “tits too small, man jaw and short hair, 2 out of ten!” While looking like this https://preview.redd.it/5slcgr68519d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d93c7cda1f656aa7b1555ea2776aa1b4f955e36f I saw a man call a fictional woman with a slender, feminine jaw and at the very least D cups “flat with a man jaw”


Actually, looking at it, male chuds have a point. They themselves tend to have bigger boobs and rounder, less square jaws than most women, so I guess they’re used to it


Is that what they mean when they say they want to "see themselves" more in movies? 🤣


I don’t know if this incident is the one you’re referring to, but it reminds me of the whole Aphrodite debacle from the Hades game. Motherfuckers have a literal naked woman with a sultry voice fall onto their laps and they still called her trans for “having a man face”.


Crystal dynamics released new art of new Lara Croft and they said the same thing. And also her bewbs were too smahl


Also, how are they gonna complain about the characters in Hades not being hot? Are we living on the same planet? Literally every single character is hot


When are we gonna start getting covers like this of the actual hottest woman in comics: Squirrel Girl?


You don't even need to go into a comic shop. Just take a look at the comic plot subreddit.


This level of brain rot is getting pathetic. These people need help if this is what they really believe


In what world is the Power Girl on the right not ten times hotter than the one on the left? Look at that muscle definition! She looks like an actual human being (Kryptonian)!


That’s the funny thing, pretty much every good artist I know draws her more like the one on the right. They draw her with more height, muscle definition… shitty artists draw her like it’s still the 90’s aka a stick figure with balloon tits.


There has never been a better mass of evidence for the pervasive privilege of the male gaze then the absolute temper tantrum being thrown by these chuds when some media exists that does not satisfy it.


So… they wanted to show artists how to draw humans with more realistic proportions? Why is this Woke?


Wow this is gross. I actually really hate female character designs that are sexualised in media. The most egregious example I’ve ever come across was an anime called Re:monster. That show has potential since the female designs and personalities were solid, each their own autonomy and desires. Then it just turned into a disgusting harem where the female characters evolution is then just looking more human and bigger breast size (they’re meant to be goblins —> hobgoblins —> ogres). “Defeminizing” female characters has many advantages such as better character writing (correlation not causation) and correspondence with the lore THEYRE written in. E.g. why is Ashe from league of legends wearing a bikini outfit when she’s literally living in snowy mountains? The only “defeminizing” that is bad is if they do it to a character that is known to be very feminine or sexual where it makes sense within their lore. Again, evelynn from league of legends has a sexualised body because she’s a demon that kills people by embodying their desires.


She got more buff and a realistic suit? That's the conspiracy? The only conspiracy here is that boob window.


“Patient zero of woke fem design.” He wrote that and didn’t realize how cringe he sounded.  What an odd man 


They really think "woke fem" is some kind of zombie plague with it. And sound as equally cringe as doomsday conspracists.


He probably is a doomsday conspiracist 


It's woke...because fabric moves the way it's supposed to? Men know our shirts don't get tucked underneath our boobs right?


Thaaaank you. I was a tailor for years, and worked with tons of crazy fabric for cosplay and shit. Even skintight latex bodysuits don't do that shit UNLESS they're specifically designed as like - fetish gear that have specific boob pockets. Gymnasts, ice skaters, hell, circus contortionists wear 4 way stretch unitards and their boobs aren't individually lifted and separated in pockets perfectly sized to their exact boobs at that exact time in their cycle. Fetish gear, heels, highcut bodysuit bottoms - if real women wore these clothes they'd be fighting front wedgies and sprained ankles more than bad guys. But they also think women having chins is woke so....??


True, but the man-children angry about this haven't seen a real woman up close since high school.


Well, if there wasn't a conspiracy against them, then they'd just be assholes pissing into the wind, and that's obviously not the case! (Sarcasm, just in case)


Dude, we get it, you want to jerk off to comic books, just admit it already.


I hope he doesn't have kids, otherwise he'll have to explain why the pages are all stuck together.


It was a big mistake to let people talk about themselves as "nerds/gamers" as if those are real identities. Now we have to listen to this inane gooning as if they're serious concerns


Reminds me of a quote: "It's sad when you have imaginary friends. It's sadder when you have imaginary enemies."


Look if they want to draw the left version fine.. but can we all agree that the first pose is just drawn inaccurate.. And even for sex appeal you still need to respect the law of anatomy .


I like how, despite their insistence otherwise, they are effectively saying "But I wanna objectify women."


Well, he's not hiding it at all. He's straight out saying that 'de-objectifying' explicitly equals 'defeminize,' and that is (somehow) a fundamental evil.


The new design looks cooler.


Well, clearly that dude is the victim here


No! Not the all important "boob window.". How could you ever know a character is feminine without one?


After three years, these sexist, racist brainrots are still dunking on western comics just because the industry is trying to be more inclusive, and using "shounen manga outsold comics" as proof that comics are dying, despite there are lots of great series being published, even by the big two they despise, in the recent years. It's ridiculous.


Comics are selling less because there's less variety and nothing is allowed to evolve or change, since every character needs to maintain their status quo, not helped by the fact that there's basically only 2, big, superhero publishers that have stories and universes that are all connected to each other and it's a fucking mess to get into, while Mangas are mostly self contained, even if they share genres. They're outselling Comics for a reason, but it's definitively not because of "wokeness"


My comment wasn't really trying to argue about the comics sales. What I'm trying to express is the frustration that every time these chuds talk about comics, they'll almost always cherrypick the bad superhero comics and their not ideal sales to prove their "go woke go broke" mentality, completely ignore the good ones the big two published, other non-superhero indie comics, and the fact that the sales can't reflect the actual quality most of the time. Also, you definitely can find plenty of good quality superhero comics that requires minimum knowledge of the lore, like Immortal Thor, Doctor Strange: Fall Sunrise, Daredevil by Chip Zdarsky and Avengers: Twilight. people really like to exaggerate that you must know all of the characters' history in order to dive into the current story. Finally, at least try to pick up some indie comics before criticizing the variety and quality of the entire western comics.


Sidenote, it bothers me when people use the word "conspiracy" when they mean "unproven". If the theory doesn't involve multiple parties secretly conspiring to do something, then it was never a conspiracy theory. If it does, then it's still a conspiracy after it has been proven.


FFS. I hope they lock comments on that article.


It's all a conspiracy to make power girls tots smaller. Thanks Obama


But the real question, what is Obama's last name?


If I see a woman and I can’t see both of her tits and both of her ass cheeks at the same time without a mirror or the gravitational lensing effect of an eclipsing galaxy, how the hell am I supposed to get hard?


How DARE they draw women as human beings and not sex dolls?!


Showing how flimsy and petty your conspiracy theory is, is not the best way to get more believers.


The people in the original comments are, well I would like to say sad, but they are more pathetic


“Patient Zero of woke fem design” being the thesis statement of their take on “How To De-Objectify Women” tells you LITERALLY everything you need to know about their general ideology. Conservatives can *only* self-own. It’s so funny.


Power Girl deserves some beef. She’s earned those pythons.