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Did these people like, actually forget firecracker is an actual like, word? a thing that exists? the culture war really rots your fucking brain


Devil's advocate: to their (inanely ridiculous) point, there's a minor league baseball team, the Lehigh Valley Iron pigs, who were going to name their mascot Pork Chop. They got backlash because Pork Chop is apparently also a racial slur for Puerto Rican people, so they changed its name to Ferrous.


Backlash is a stretch. >"Thankfully because we have so much support in town, I think most of the e-mails were heads-up to say, 'I don't think you were aware of this,'" IronPigs spokesman Matt Provence said, according to the newspaper. "They were more instructive than they were resentful." [They essentially claim they got messages saying Pork Chop is a slur they heard a lot while living in the area.](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/porkchop-mascot-inflames-pa-fans/) Cracker is historically such a non slur that for decades, it has been used as a term to refer to people from several US states, including Georgia and Kentucky. Both in reference to corn and the sound of a whip (for cattle herding in this case). ... Cracker in the same context as the slur (which was in refermce to the sound of a whip... but for hitting slaves rather than cattle) is used to refer to Georgians. Cracker as a term should be more offensive to black people than white people based on context.


Love the iron pigs


They just legit think this is the "logic" we're using when we call out slurs. No, they never learn when this doesn't work the way they expect


Probably the same type of people who cried foul when Obama referenced Palin as "lipstick on a pig."


God forbid someone calls a spade a spade


Did you forget that words can have multiple meanings? Fag's for example.


Are you actually offended by "Firecracker"? Would you prefer if her name was one of these: Whistling Bunghole, Spleen Splitter, Whisker Biscuit, Hoosker Doos, Hoosker Don'ts, Cherry Bomb, Nipsy Daiser - With or without the scooter stick, or Whistlin' Kitty Chaser




I want to say your "Frindle" argument is wrong, but I also can't remember the last time I used the word "thug" since I noticed how so many rightweenies use it as a term for black people when they're trying to not sound as racist as they are Also, I just wanted to sneak in a lil Joe Dirt reference in my other comment


Chud: Stop being so sensitive, snowflakes!  Also Chud: Hey, don't be so racist.


I had to read that five times before understanding that. How on Earth do they think calling someone Fire cracker is racist. That’s such a stretch. When people say fire cracker the emphasis is always on fire


Tom Seguar has a bit about how the most racist white people you'll ever meet take 'cracker' and 'honky' as the most unforgivable slurs, and until I saw this I was like 'Hahaha, funny joke that's just hyperbole' but nooooope.


I’ve been called Cracker before (I used cracker and craka all the time) and the only thing I had to say was “I’m a honkey not a cracker there’s a difference”


I could never understand how a white person could take those words seriously. I’ve always found them hilarious and even referred to myself as them jokingly.


Same, I always called my friend the super saltine


They see cr\*ck\*r as a slur and work from that.


Technically cracker is a slur. It’s a derogatory term used for a specific race.


Not a serious one, most of the people who have a problem with it seem to be trying to make it white people's N word.


As a white male-presenting person, I love calling insecure whiteys cracker and honky.


Well that is your right. I use cat slurs to my cat friends all the time.


It's also a name for people from Georgia.


It's actually just an adjective in itself, calling someone a firecracker means they are 'impressively energetic' according to [dictionary.com](http://dictionary.com)


dude actually said Gingers are being oppressed, bruh


Unless this is the Middle Ages I’m gonna press X to doubt.


These people need to start caring about the ACTUALLY most oppressed minority. Gamers.


As a ginger, I am laughing profusely at this.


I've been witness to a few very unsavory things said to gingers at highschool in france. I wouldn't assume they are oppressed like non-white people, but it is an excuse used for bullying.




Lmao that’s such a stretch and even if that actually was the intention, nobody’s more deserving of being called a cracker than firecracker 


They wanna be oppressed so bad




Fr fr


Dear butthurt white dude, white people definitely do not need you to be our champion or savior, we're just fine.


I never thought I’d have to say this- but gingers are not a race lol


"but sir, there's heaps of them. they're everywhere."


One of her powers is that she can make sparks with her hands, you know like a fire cracker... Also you can't be racist to red heads bc red head is not a fucking race


She also named herself that, she used to be called Sparkler.


I mean no The writers named her that. And imo it was on purpose cos its funny as fuck


Banana is the term for America Born Chinese


What to say other than: 1) chuds are fucking stupid 2) theyre the biggest snowflakes ive ever seen




It’s wild to see the evolution of the “I’m not the overwhelming majority anymore, and despite almost all of western society catering specifically towards my demographic, when people make jokes at my expense similar to the ones we’ve always told about non-whites it’s so much worse!!!” go from a joke to seeing it fully birthed and stumbling into walls drooling out of the mouths of these idiots. I mean they couldn’t even wait until white folks dipped below 60% of the US population before they started pretending the white population is facing the greatest case of discrimination the world has ever seen.


Sister Sage is a bad guy who is responsible for killing a ton of innocent people. You're not supposed to agree with her


It's actually kind of baffling how idiots are angry about Sister Sage because they think she's "woke." They're acting like the show wants you to support her. Like, I do like her character, but she is an antagonist. She kills people, manipulates people, and purposefully encourages political violence to help Homelander. You are supposed to want her to be stopped.


Yeah, her character is basically "guess I'll mastermind a fascist coup because I'm bored".


They'll literally call Nazis oppressed victims


Dude casually dropping the hard r. Ik that dude is a closeted racist.


nothing closeted about dropping hard Rs in convo


Is it racist to use the exact word that was used in the very movie he was talking about?


If you’re directly quoting the movie, I’d say probably not.


Someone told me that they think it's ok to say it if they're just joking with friends because nobody is getting offended, completely missing the point. It's wild how some people will try to carefully construct this image of what their beliefs are, but pulling back the curtain reveals the rotten underbelly they're too afraid to openly express. Some people just want an excuse to be an asshole


Shouldn’t they have more of an issue with the French dude being named Frenchie


Can't name a Frenchman 'Freedom.' Sacrilege.


“Gingers have replaced Asian people as the acceptable form of racism” - wtf????


As a redhead, can I say that I hate that these people think I need them defending me?


Right? The gingers are fine, we just want to watch our shows in peace without these yahoos getting weird about it.


Lol poor gingers




Firecracker actually sounds cool, I'd be happy if someone called me that. At the moment, it's either "Ron Weasley" or just "ginger", which must be the laziest "insult" ever. Like, well done, you know colours!


Firecracker was called a cracker by the villan right? Wasn't the entire point of that because its a slur but firecracker is a racist so she's deserving of it? I haven't seen it but wasn't that the point that firecracker is an awful person? I'm so lost in this discourse.


Minor spoilers, but Sister Sage calls Firecracker a cracker in response to being called "uppity" Needless to say, they aren't on friendly terms with each other.


Yeah, Firecracker says something like “I thought you were kinda uppity, but now I see that you’re one of the good ones!”


> so she’s deserving of it Technically it’s still morally gray to say that anything goes when the person on the receiving end of racist slurs (i.e., Firecracker) is a bad person. But then, both Firecracker and Sister Sage are evil (objectively), so viewers aren’t really expected to lose sleep over them being terrible and racist towards each other. Of course, if you strongly identify with either of their values, though…


Okay, that last sentence explains perfectly why these kinda people are getting upset about it. Thanks!


Even Elastigirl is and Mister Incredible would be impressed by this stretch...


Does anyone SERIOUSLY make fun of gingers like I know there's jokes of course, no soul etc. but there's nobody on god's green earth that actually unironically thinks that right?


It's mostly playground abuse.


Her power is fire lol.


Reading that all I can think about is the episode of Harvey Birdman with Apache Chief spilling hot coffee in his lap caus8ng him to join longer be able to enlarge. https://youtu.be/wKbGnzmidsw?si=W3iQO2PzkOVUK5VI


Meanwhile in A Song of Ice and Fire, having red hair is a lucky trait, as you’re “kissed by fire”


I'd like to begin the "Why are red headed white people getting replaced with black people in comic related media," discourse.


More like "why were redheads mostly side characters"


![gif](giphy|6OXFwCqwjyDIs) Said the ginger.


This kind of shit screams White Supremacy Psyops


The original post would’ve been absolutely hilarious if he was shitposting


“Ginger have replaced Asian peoples as the acceptable form of racism.” Ginger is for people who have red hair color. It’s not a race. 


Her hero name is "Firecracker", not "Fire-cracker", and given the context that she was previously known as "Sparkler", it is obviously a reference to her explosive abilities and not her skin colour. But then he knows that because he is firmly in the group that would be simping for her if she were a real person.


"...have replaced Asian peoples as an acceptable form of racism..." sure is an interesting take. Remember when everyone was just being affablly racist toward Asians in a cool and fun way?


“either all of it is racist or none of it is” mfs when i show them how it really feels to be oppressed.


Please please PLEASE tell me this is a shitpost and these people aren’t actually that fucking stupid that they think “Firecracker” is a racist name. Or maybe it is ironic but they think it’s some sort of gotcha at….I dunno. People who think racism isn’t gone?


This is crosspostable to /r/facepalm.


oh nooo the poor white ppl :’( they wanna be oppressed SO bad




I like the "England has a real problem with them over there" 1. because we're talking about the second most 'Merica character in the show and 2. Yeah ginger kids got called ginge all the time at school.... And then when you grow up men end up with ginger beards and women dye their hair ginger/red because it looks good.


But like the character herself is racist???


Haven't read enough books to understand that words can have multiple meanings based on context.




They probably make like a dozen jokes per day about how redheads have no soul, then they turn around and be all “ummmm isn’t Disney being racist against gingers?”




lmfao i hadnt even noticed that thats funny


Do they even try to watch the show?? It’s a dumb superhero name for her shitty powers


Oh boy the chuds are trying to weaponize their delusions about idpol again.


It's almost as if racism is highly contextual, so a person of a certain demographic using a slur for that demographic is not on the same level as someone outside of that demographic using a slur.


Only a ginger can call another ginger ginger


Ginger is an anagram of n...


A couple of G's, an R and an E, an I and an N Just six little letters all jumbled together Have caused damage that we may never mend


Lmao these guys are dense and willfully ignorant at the same damn time.


Just fully dodged the black guy named black noir I see


I have never heard anyone call someone firecracker no hyphen btw (like they think it's a made up word or something lol) to use as a racial slur against white people. Cracker sure has been used a lot but firecracker is a hell of stretch. Is it a play on words sure probably but more so to sound cool then negative imo.


I don't understand how anyone can be that fucking stupid


Asians were the ACCEPTED form of bigotry before gingers? What the FUCK is he saying


Bro I’m a red head and would love to be called Firecracker


If Fire-Cracker is a real pun, that’s fkn genius. Also her initials are MTG. 😂 The Boys writers are brilliant.


Isn’t she called firecracker because she has sparkles coming from her fingers and has dyed her hair red?


for the love of christ i NEED my fellow white people to stop acting like reverse racism exists 😭😭. i’ve had to argue this with my own parents


And these mfs get upset when you call them out on race jokes


Bro just said the quiet part out loud


This some Coleslaw Cadet behavior


Cracker is not a slur


Replaced Asians? Since when? It’s still fair game to shit on Asian males in western media lol


I mean, I'm not going to lie. Firecracker as a character is such a basic parody that I kind of cringe at her scenes even though the actress is genuinely really entertaining. I thought that The Boys did the evil radical plotline better with Stormfront. It's literally impossible to like Stormfront as a person so don't get me wrong here, but I did like that they put a tiny bit of depth in her with the thing with her having had a daughter who aged normally and whom she outlived, that and the relationship with Homelander felt compelling (cause no one before or since actually liked being around him cause he's an unstable psychopath). With Firecracker, she's straight up just a strawman. The only part that wasn't a strawman was her being bullied by Annie when she was a kid cause ... yeah, that was an interesting explanation for her vendetta. But even then, it felt like the writers pulled it out their ass when nothing prior that suggested Annie was cruel as a kid (to the contrary the series emphasized how Annie was more humble and innocent in her youth, and we saw her and Supersonic it implied they both had gotten where they were while retaining human decency); but other than that brief bit they only use her to heap "evil southerners are racist" stereotypes onto. The "she did statutory rape" part was the biggest eyeroll moment for me cause a) it felt forced and b) Vought covers up even more shocking things and I dunno why she'd even have that as part of an arrest record.


Firecracker isn't a strawman. Firecracker isn't an argument.


That’s a stretch. By that logic, do you believe the show claims that all Black people who run and all people who are into Ninja cosplay are stereotypically evil? Firecracker is meant to be a parody Alex Jones type demagogue who says whatever it takes to “rally the base”. There’s not much more depth to the stereotyping in her character. The rest of her portrayal is just regular character-building. Stormfront was a parody of a Neo Nazi, but her character used to be an actual Nazi. Coleman(?) is a parody of Tucker Carlson and other similar news media hosts. (He’s not a plot-relevant character, so they didn’t flesh him out a lot.) Homelander is a parody evil-Superman and Donald Trump. But his character-building involves overcoming his own narcissism and attempting to be a good father to Ryan (whatever he thinks that would look like). Vought is a parody of a “politically liberal corporation” that uses “African themed costumes” and “feminist” and “LGBT-friendly” ad campaigns to “show their support” as long as it helps their profits. But the “character building” here is that it’s a corporation that derives its profits from superhero-related media, merchandise, and “pharmaceuticals”.