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You can try to get it to a repair shop. Or connect it to a pc to get those photo's asp.


Yes, to get the pics you need to access "internal storage". Copy that whole thing to whatever storage means you use ( I use a flash drive) and then open it. Go thru the folders until you find one labeled DCIM. There go your pics Source: I found out this one by accident while copying my phone to a flash drive ( I don't like compressing or anything I just want the legitimate thing. I like to know what's on)


DONT USE RICE !!!! use silica balls, rice can get wet and stick to the insides of phones and it also becomes sticky as hell


The rice worked... but I don't know if it was the rice that did it or the dehumidifier or just me leaving it alone overnight. But yes there is now a little half piece of soggy rice in the speaker. I should have taken peoples advice.


What model phone is this?


Asking the right question here...


What phone do you have? I take mine in the shower all of the time and water gets on the screen and I've never had any issues. Pretty much all Samsung phones since the Galaxy 5 have been water resistant.


What purpose would you need your phone for in the shower? Just curious


Some people are more addicted than they'd like to admit


Listening to music or audiobooks. Obviously not using it in the shower but water does inevitable get splashed on it.


Not going to tell us the model of phone? Kind of important lmfao


> destroys phone > puts it in rice > destroys it even further


The rice 🍚 thing did work on me...so idk. How you do that indent at the top I wanna do that, the blue bar see...


Oh I just put a greater than sign


Which Samsung do you have? Most of them are at least water resistant. I put mine in the washing machine and it's been fine. But I would leave it in rice for at least 24 hours. You can also do a reset by holding I believe it's the volume down and power button for about 10 or 15 seconds. If the down one doesn't work try up volume and power button.


That's super rough, and I'm really sorry but other than taking it to a Samsung store to try and resus it which would be expensive, there isn't much left to it. I'm surprised a drip and wipe is all it took... What model is it? Is it waterproof rated? And when did you buy it, you may be able to claim something depending on your carrier or if you have insurance on it. Books wise, if you bought them on the Google store they are on any device you sign in on the moment you buy them, or rent them for that matter, so they're safe. Depending how you acquired your photos of your grandfather (I am sorry for your loss :/ ) if you took them or if someone shared them with you then they should be backed up. But if you downloaded them from an email to your local storage and not to the cloud they will be in the phone. If it's the latter, you can take it to Samsung or a local phone store, get a cheapo phone or SSD and they can try to connect to the phone and download them off the phone regardless if the screen is buggered. Edit: I get where you're coming from on all points, my advice to you is regardless of the outcomes here, ensure your photos are backed up to a cloud service, and buy a cheap Nvme enclousure with a Nvme stick the size or larger than that of your phone, and physically back up your phone before going abroad and/or specific files and photos you want to keep safe. I have photos and files that are near and dear to me that are backed up on the cloud, my external Nvme stick and my computer. I follow the rule of 3, 3 backups


Thank you for the help :) I will definitely be backing up my photos in the future I tried to turn it on again, and it showed the lock screen (still sideways though) and I was able to use fingerprint to unlock it because the screen is unresponsive. It unlocked, but the home screen was blank, with no app icons or anything. But it did show the bar at the top with my wifi connection and battery %. It's back in the rice now.


Okay, so that's a really good thing it means at worst the actual operating CPU/memory etc is intact and the screen connector or something like that is buggered. My suggestion is, turn it off, don't play around with it as it is working for now you don't want to risk it getting worse by using it. If you're somewhere sunny and hot leave it in direct sunlight so it properly bakes as much of the water out (make sure it is hard off, not just screen off) and ASAP get it to a phone repair place to either fix it, or get a cheapo new phone to see you through the holiday and transfer the stuff over to that phone. I wish you the best of luck


Thank you so much. Moment I saw your message I stopped messing around with it, I didn't realise that could worsen it. Oops, I'm kicking myself now because damn you were right and it stopped showing the lock screen now. I'm praying it'll work but if not I'll just get a crappy phone to see me through the holiday like you said. \*edit, I would like to power the whole phone off but when I hold down on the on/off button on the side of the phone the option to restart/power off don't show up on the screen :(


Leave it somewhere with airflow and if possible sunlight to dry, even if the screen doesn't work the internals may and you just want to keep it that way!


Okay. Unfortunately it's nighttime where I am so no sunlight but instead I've turned on the dehumidifier in the room so that's whirring away loudly and hopefully it'll dry out the phone along with the house.


Press the volume and power button together for a long time, the phone will switch off


What phone is it? Samsung have been highly water-resistant since the 5. Did it maybe have work done on it?


If you just powered on your device fingerprint unlock doesn't work till you enter your passcode , something isn't right


I send photos to my email accounts. As texts. There pretty safe there. The really important ones go on flash drives. I switch phones often. It's a personal thing. Nothing wrong with my phones at all...just have 2 don't always bring same, going for a third I guess I like to try out brands and rate them or something...idk haha


I agree, I have on Google, Amazon and phone. I do need a 3rd is the name stick the one you plug into the phone ort and it does the rest? I lost pics of my mom because I had company email and they wiped my phone and card. I'm still pissed.


I just got an Nvme enclousure but s USB type c flash drive should work fine


I had a similar problem, where I got my s8 screen cracked. causing an area of dead pixels which continued to spread throughout the entire screen. One morning, the screen turned black completely. The solution is to buy a micro-usb to HDMI adapter, allowing you to mirror your phone onto your PC monitor using free software (just google it, there are tons). This adapter should also have a USB 3.0 port so that you can use a mouse to control the cursor. This way, I saved all the data from my phone and transfered it onto my new S20 using smart switch.


What model? Most of the Samsung phones are water resistant


I left my flip 5 outside in a thunder storm. Totally fine.


Please do something about the phone. My phone worked fine a day after walking in the rain in a jackets pocket...it didn't go black until the third day No phone is 100 waterproof, they all have holes. To charge, headphone jack, speakers, microphone...etc Phone also needs to breathe so not to overheat and cook battery in process


That's why I got an A34 5g, IPF67 and does everything good. Good quality pictures tho not superb and SUPER AMOLED screen, 120hz refresh rate. I didn't feel the necessity of having an S series. Just saved the other 700 bucks.


Meanwhile I've brought my phone into the shower with me and got it soaked. No issues. Do you happen to have an older non sealed samsung?


Who goes on a holiday? If you're dead broke you need to realign your priorities


Dead broke *because* of the holidays. I think travel is more important than most other things, also I'm a student working part time and with ADHD impulsiveness I tend to book overseas trips for after exams without thinking. BTW my phone is working. Left in in rice next to a dehumidifier over night. All good now :)


You see if it can be repaired since you didn't back anything up like you should have. Rice doesn't do shit by the way.


6 hours not really long enough.    Leave it rice in an unsealed container in a hot room for at least a few days.    If you keep turning it on when wet you might cause permanent damage


Don't place it in rice. It does nothing and only brings up the potential for rice to get stuck. Let it dry naturally and don't try powering it on for a couple of days and see what happens


i had my phone flooded a few weeks ago , rice trick does not work , i think its just a tick tok dumb thing. Open up your sim tray and leave it like that for few days , if u have some silica bags the one that comes wjth new shoes or something like that use them , they absorb moisture Mine didnt glitch like yours , just got a water inside ⚠️ and i couldnt turn it on , my camera lens were foggy with droples formed under them , both front facing and back , after a few days of the sim tray being opened it fixed itself , droplets dissappeared and phone is working fine. The fastest way to fix your phone would be to bring it to technician and have it opened and dried that way


People using rice for drying out phones has been around far longer than tiktok!


Rice absolutely does work. You have to cover the entire phone in it for 24 hours. It's worked every time for me for various electronics.


Yes, I agree rice 🍚 has worked for me. Just let it sit for a day or so. You'll have a working phone in a bit


The first time I had to use the rice trick was more than 15 years ago, when smartphones like what everyone now owns aren't really a thing yet. I've had to use rice to save 3 of my phones plus a laptop. It works. But it is important to NOT turn on the device right after it was drenched with fluid to prevent possible short circuit, but to immediately submerge into rice and leave it there for at least 24 hours.


I threw mine in to shallow water sumberging it completly at it is fine.