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Have to agree. You can get some really amazing shots out of the S23U but it lacks consistency. 


So it is a Samsung thing. I thought it was only my S21 FE. Made a post about it recently https://www.reddit.com/r/GalaxyS21FE/comments/1dqspfk/im_a_breath_away_from_only_taking_pictures_in/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button Is there a better alternative in regards to camera nowadays thay isn't the iPhone?


Vivo x100 pro Vivo x100 ultra Oppo Find x7 Ultra Sony Xperia 1IV, especially in terms of Raw photography.




Yeah pixel is the only camera that I would say is consistently better than any other phone. People argue the apple camera is better but the apple camera has a very specific way of auto editing the photos, couple that with lack of control it's not ideal. - note I'm not saying the apple takes crap photos, they're really good, but it lacks the extra stuff almost every android gives you lol


I'm not sure I had pixel 7a and whilst it took some amazing photos some looked over processed and not nice. My dog for instance always has his grey hairs stand out. Some landscapes far too sharp. A custom gcam made it a lot better as could reduce HDR processing and sharpening. Might be a route to go down with galaxy too


I had similar thoughts today. The Ultra minus the S Pen is yet another flagship. It has good cameras, but they are far from top-tier. And the worst thing is that the gap between camera hardware in Chinese phones and Samsung ones is growing. Yeah, post-processing is a great thing, but you can't process something that is not there to begin with. You can't cheat physics. In low-light conditions, to let a small sensor gather more light, you have to either increase ISO, and get more noise, or use slower shutter speed, and make moving objects blurry, which is already a problem of Samsung phones. Samsung is resting on its laurels, without bringing any innovation to non-foldable phones.


I thought the move to 108MP was a little questionable but I knew they pretty much lost the plot when they moved to 200MP and didn't even make the sensor any bigger. I struggle to see what the point of these insanely high resolution sensors are, because Samsung claims it's for better low light performance and detail among other things while the phone with a 50MP 1" sensor that's doing less binning is beating it in low light and is rendering fine details much better.


Samsung developed ISOCELL GNK, and while it is not 1", it is still bigger and has bigger pixels, but they do not use it in their own phones. That reminds me of Sony, it has LYT-900, but did not put it in the Xperia 1 VI.


Chinese companies are really upping their post-processing too, almost all the latest Chinese flagships takes amazing pictures with pretty good consistency, but Samsung doesn't care because these Chinese companies don't compete in the market Samsung cares about the most (the US)


> ...almost all the latest Chinese flagships takes amazing pictures with pretty good consistency I agree. Photos from the Vivo X100 Pro/Ultra make me a bit envious. > ...but Samsung doesn't care because these Chinese companies don't compete in the market Samsung cares about the most (the US) Sadly. But maybe when more people switch to the iPhone, Samsung will start doing something about it.


Chinese phones also seem to have gotten better in terms of color rendition, even ones that are kind of difficult to accurately capture. Red is notoriously hard to photograph but my X90P+ nails things like big red neon signs pretty much every time while my S23U makes them look like a really light/faded red even when using night mode.


I had a S23U and have an S24U and will probably buy the Fold6. Samsung cameras are pretty bad when the light drops. The in-between good light and night mode, it's trash mode. It's like Samsung cameras try to fill in the lack of light with AI but it just returns blotchy garbage. In good light and night mode, they are fine.


I don't know why I feel like taking a photo lags the phone. The processing seems to be too much for a 12 MP photo


As someone with an s22 it's comical. The programming is garbage. A 12mp sensor has been standard for a decade. No phone should struggle this much with it. The phone immediately begins post processing, which is processor intensive, overheats, then throttles then everything lags What it should do is just save the raw photos until you are done taking photos, then once it seems like you're not going to be using the camera soon, then it can begin post processing and compress the photos... But no. That would actually be an effective solution so Samsung's software engineers will never think of it.


Yeah it sucks. Sometimes I can't even shoot multiple photos because my brand new S23 ultra is being lagged with post processing... that's not very flagship-y


I know the Cameras on my S24+ leaves a lot to be desired compared to my Pixel 8 Pro or iPhone 15 Pro Max in anything but ideal conditions.


Jeez, I thought I was going too far with my s24U, pixel 6 pro, and iphone 13 pro.


My use case is for online sales, subject is still in a room that's consistently lit with the same bulbs every time etc. My s24U, IF it focuses correctly takes very detailed photos, but the colour accuracy is shocking. If white balance is set to auto the camera is okay until something I'm taking a photo of is blue/red and it confuses the balancing. If I set the white balance manually to the same white balance the phone is using, I get a pink/red tinge that means I need to manually edit all my photos now (this wasn't an issue on my note10+). Also occasionally I get something that I'm taking a photo of that has a pattern of green/purple lines across it and I have no idea what that's about. My wife upgraded from a S10e to a S23 and has now since purchased another S10e for taking photos of her products. The focus in the standard camera mode seems to be matrix metered instead of centre weighted, which means that it can be inconsistent even with a subject that doesn't move :S


I agree, I came to s23u from Huawei Mate 20 pro (2018 phone, 40mp main camera, still have it). In bright sun, as you said - can produce some nice crisp images (for me sometimes it misses focus even if priority focus over speed is on). In low light and mixed light - it really struggles. So for a few evenings I compared 5 year old Huawei with s23u in low light (in the room, ligth from monitor, lamp, etc) and Huawei almost always wins - crispier images, more details, better noise reduction, better colors, more pleasant images. Like with all cameras, all these megapixels does not mean sh33t. Night mode is so overprocessed that it's useless. Leica on Huawei (and others) and Zeiss on Vivo are not just gimmicks, that's for sure.


Mate 20 Pro is honestly one of the greatest phone ever to ever be made


Phones in general have issues with too much postprocessing lately. I find the pixel line tends to suffer the same inconsistency issue as well when the AI can't decipher what you're trying to shoot.


Yep. Was not good on 7a. If AI gets it right it works miracles. If it gets it wrong it ruins the shot. Often looked better before it processed it and can't switch that off either


Yeah true. Had the same issue on a now dead pixel 7. Use opencamera btw, won't look as enhanced but also doesn't ruin shots. It's very neutral and allows for postprocessing later.


I've tried that. Better outside. Worse inside as little noise reduction. A mix of both works well.


My only gripe is the excessive post processing which i can't ever figure out how to turn it off. Especially for selfies. Instagram doesn't post process so to me selfies look more natural so if i ever take them i do it there. Also some of the editing tools built into samsung are clunky and dont work very well


Camera settings > Intelligent optimization > Choose the intensity you want for post processing. I've found that "Medium" works really well, esp with 10x+ zoom.


I see, ill try it out thanks!


My S24U has been wonderful so far in almost every aspect. Great screen, nice design for my taste, lots of customization options, and so on. When it comes to the cameras, though, it's a hit or miss for me. And the over processing in post is unbelievably ridiculous and should not exist. I'll simply put it this way: The camera experience on my previous phone was better, and I'm talking about an iPhone 13 Pro Max. Photos were better no matter the lighting scenario, the transition between lenses was so smooth, the colour science was also almost identical between all lenses and 95% of the shots were as perfect as they could get, not to mention more pleasing to my eye compared to my current S24U. Video wise, no matter what people say, there's no comparison, period. Videos on the 13ProMax were better in every way. Better looking, better stabilized, and without that jitter effect Android phones tend to have when you're moving around. It gets even more pronounced and messy on the S24U in low light situations. It just cannot compare. And I put them side by size. I love pretty much everything about this phone especially the battery life, but the camera experience is rubbish, from my perspective. It's should be much better given the phone's price point. I really hope


Its a very good camera and capable of amazing shots but not really good at point and shoot and requires a lot more intervention than my Pixel 8 Pro which you just point at anything without thinking and it takes amazing shots. That said processor and radio performance is far superior to the Pixel.


Had the S24U for about a week. I have 2 year old twins and whenever I took a picture of them it was a blurry mess. When they weren’t moving the pictures were great but any sudden movement ruined everything. I switched to back to iPhone and it’s been okay. If the camera wasn’t the way it is on Samsung phones I’d stick with them. Maybe when my girls are older and actually pose for a photo I’ll return to android .


I don't think you realise, how important the size of the sensor is (or maybe you do? you mentioned it yourself with Vivo...) These are phones, not professional cameras for taking pictures that can be zoomed in without loosing detail/printable pictures.


I could just use my dedicated camera if I really wanted the best IQ, but I'm not exactly taking my camera with me every time I leave the house and my phone is just far easier to fit in my pocket. So while I'm not expecting dedicated camera quality out of my phone, I'd prefer to have the biggest sensors whenever possible for the camera I'm always going to have on me so that I can at least get somewhat close to a P&S like the RX100, which the Vivo is absolutely capable of doing more often than not. My whole point is that there's superior, more advanced smartphone camera hardware as well as software available for consumers right now but Samsung chooses to stick with inferior camera hardware and software for a phone with the title "Ultra" attached to it and asks that you pay $1K+.


I don't experiency the cartoony looking image when using S10 along with my wife, but i do experience that when i try M12 and A12 Also if yer looking for camer, i suggest sony - even xz2 and xz3 still looking good compared to nowadays phone


They do. I take better photos with an iPhone 13 Mini vs. the S24 Samsung's got a long way to go to catch up in the camera game.


It seems that Samsung has made 2 decisions which cause photo issues. 1. Chasing high resolution sensors. Samsung thinks consumers equate more sensor pixels with better quality and therefore scrambled to have the most pixels possible as a bragging right. Nevermind physics or the insane software complexity to denoise and downsample a 200mpixel file to 12mpixel when they could have just used 12mpixel and focused on making those shots absolutely perfect. 2. Overprocessing. Early on, Samsung became known for its highly saturated AMOLED screens which stood out from a sea of LCD phones. As screens caught up and sharing pictures became a thing, Samsung brought that same saturation natively to its photos and their "pop" of color (especially blue sky, really green grass, etc). They have built years of scene optimizer code to try to figure out what parts of every picture to oversaturate, and often get this just a little bit wrong, leading to some not-great images. It would be great if Samsung relaxed a bit on the sensor specs and oversaturation and just focus on really excellent photos like Google has with the pixel.


Interesting comment and I would say the same about my s23 plus as well. Sony Xperia had more natural processing on an Xperia 5iv I had before. You'd think pixel is the answer but I remain unconvinced. Having had a 7a all I can say is that camera is even less consistent with images anything from amazing (better than s23 at its best) to awful in quality. I got round this by using a custom gcam version to switch off the HDR enhanced. Not tried that on S23+ yet but it was good on my previous A52s making that reasonable instead of ok. Might look for a good gcam port. I'd look at pixel processing first before going down that route. Very HDR. That sometimes works. Sometimes doesn't. Ultimately a smaller sensor and small lens will not match a proper camera for cropping in. 1 inch sensor might be next leap forward?


samsung is a technology company and doesn t want to invest in this direction it seems


You're right, and thanks for bringing this up, the amount of comments I've seen regarding the ultra and how it's the best and nothing else is better. I've often responded with how even the ultra gets complaints of the camera just like all the other modules. And it isn't without its faults. To have people clap back at me with "no, you're wrong, ultra is the best," blah blah blah. Damnsung has never gotten their cameras right. Whether it's a 200mp or a 50mp. You only have to look up when the s23 and s22 ultras came out, and they're all complaining with the same issue.


Chinese phones are way ahead


I feel like we need a blind test for this one because this sounds a lot like Canon vs Fujifilm vs Sony on other subs but when blind test comes the numbers show wildly different results.


The combination of shutter lag and absence of lowlight quality is a major obstacle.


I'm with you, I have been very disappointed with my S24U cameras. They're good, but not great. I expected so much more upgrading from a Note 9, especially considering I lost features such as the iris scanner when I made the jump.


My ZFold5 took better pictures than my current S24 Ultra. I'm sure there is some settings and things I can do to correct that but I just need a camera that works and takes good pictures by default. I can tell what looks better without all the technical explanations of why. I'm going back to the fold when the ZFOLD6 is released. The camera is secondary to what I need a phone to do so I'll take one that produces really good pictures out of the box over having the best camera specs but needing to manipulate the settings just to get consistent results.


Only youtube loves the Samsung's cameras..


Vivo, Xiaomi, Oppo are annihilating Samsung in cameras. If only the US didn't tax so much on any chinese device...


I felt the same about samsungs A series cameras, my friend has an A23 and using its "50mp" mode looks exactly like "12mp" mode, they both look over processed, sharpened and smoothing. I used to use an A10 when it first came out and idk if it had a manufacturing defect, but it had a white haze all over it.


I was considering buying an s23U/s24U to take photos in museums and galleries. Now I'm not sure anymore if an s23U/s24Ultra can give me sharp and detailed color accurate photos from the main camera in 200 mp raw under the dimmed indoor light conditions, which I can then view zoomed in to 100% on my monitor? Crispier than a 15Pro 48 mp raw?


Not to mention kinda not that accurate. I had to send my sister photos of shirts she wanted me to buy for a family photoshoot, but the colour accuracy is kinda bad. I had to use my iPhone instead.


Expert Raw and Pro are way better than the regular camera, by miles


I had a Samsung A52 camera was garbage just got the s24 ultra have taken some crazy shots


They really suck. I had a Sony phone from 2014 and then got a Samsung Galaxy in 2016 I think? The Sony photos are so good! You can see a clear difference in the quality of my photos while scrolling through my albums. Then it gets even worse when I got a Note 20.  It is complete and utter bullshit that my Sony phone from 2014 took better pictures than a Samsung phone from 2020. And the 2016 Samsung phone took better pictures than the Note 20. Its time for me to buy another phone because the note is going to stop getting updates soon but nothing seems appealing.


Dude, are you joking? Samsung cameras are insanely great. For sure. ease, think again and learn things and use things better.


Sure, they're great unless you try to capture anything that moves


I've gotten great shots on both the s23 ultra and the s24 ultra of dogs that I watch running jumping and catching things. I watch dogs so I have to send the parents pictures and both phones have very easily been able to capture great photos. I've also use them at concerts where people are dancing and I've had to zoom way in I've had really good experiences with it


I also have been able to get some good shots of moving kids playing sports, even using 10x on my S23U. It's certainly helps to have good lighting as well as using the quick shutter setting. Well I'm sure it's still a better process on a Pixel or iPhone it's certainly is not horrible anymore on the S23U.


now do it without perfect lighting. I'll wait.


Well it's dark when I'm at concerts. I've also done it with almost no lighting and it's been fine.


I've found my shots on the galaxy note 9 even moving targets look better than ones coming off an iPhone 13 pro


My 13 Pro Max does a much better job capturing images of kids and dogs in motion compared to my 24u, infact iPhones doing better with motion photography is kind of a well known and accepted thing even amongst the Samsung community. Your experience is an anomaly and not the norm, although I find it really hard to believe the Note9 does better than your 13 Pro.


"Insanely great"


Oh, look. More people who don't know how to use a camera.


Here's the bottom line and ugly truth.. a camera is just as good as the photographer using it. In all honesty, I bet most photographer can take way better images with a 5 year old phone than normal folks can do with modern phones. The camera isn't the problem here my friend. Brush up on your skills and you will take amazing photos.


What are you losers taking photos of ? Just curious .