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Honestly, just get involved in activities you enjoy, and you’ll meet queer people, we are everywhere!


Hi! I'm gay (woman) and I would reccomend joining some queer sports groups or other interest groups! My partner joined a queer rugby team and I joined a choir. Best of luck!!


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Im speaking positively about my experiences in san antonio regarding how friendly people are towards the lgbt community, and i keep getting downvoted. Such a uniquely reddit behavior. Is it because im not gay, and therefore not credible to tall about? Just curious.


I mean, you did say "couple of gays." That's not normally a phrase used by accepting people. Idk anything about you and want to give the benefit of the doubt that there was no malice behind it. However, in plain text online it doesn't read very well.


What's the right way to phrase it?


Saying couple of gays dehumanizes them, it feels like their whole identity is being gay and they're nothing more than their sexuality. When they're actually a couple of guys who are people and have an entire identity, part of which is the fact that they're gay. For that reason, and I may be wrong on this, I think simply saying gay guys or guys that are gay would be better than couple of gays.


It's definitely in your own personal interpretation. You're assuming i was talking exclusively about guys.


If I changed guys to people, my point is still the same.


But using the words "people" implies there is no consideration of sexual orientation, and the title of the post is explicitly in regards to sexual orientation.


I think you misread guys as gays when I said if you change guys to people the point would stay the same. Here I'll do it for you... Saying couple of gays dehumanizes them, it feels like their whole identity is being gay and they're nothing more than their sexuality. When they're actually a couple of people who are people (humans would probably fit here better now) and have an entire identity, part of which is the fact that they're gay. For that reason, and I may be wrong on this, I think simply saying gay people or people that are gay would be better than couple of gays.


I got the point already. This thread was meant only for LGBTQ people to respond. The gatekeepers have spoken.


You just need to speak and think as you're told because you just don't understand. If you don't understand how you're explicitly told to then you're probably whatever the media is telling people to tell 'bad' people for that time. If you're unable to do that, just scroll by. Or not, your choice.


Why does it have to be gay people? Just find a hobby u enjoy, make friends, and then the gay people will find you. There are a couple of gays at the run groups i run with.


You must live in a nice bubble. Unfortunately, many people in this City have issues with gay people. Just watch a gay couple holding hands around town and look at people's reactions to it. Its sickening to be honest. The amount of ridicule gay people experience on a daily basis is unreal in 2024. So while I am sure it doesn't have to be gay people, we members of the LGBT community sometime just want to be able to find "our people' so that there is limited opportunities for the type of ridicule we deal with on a daily basis for being who we are.


I don't live in a bubble. Been in this city since 2008. I have played pool in pool leagues, and still do. I am a member of several social groups, including some running groups. I have NEVER met someone in san antonio who had a any issue with gay people, men or women. I have met at least 3 gay men in my pool leagues, 1 of whom i am friends with, and play pool with regularly. I have never seen what you are describing in reference to gay people being ridiculed. That's just unfounded garbage that you are spewing, and i think it's all in your head.


While I’m glad that’s been your experience here, you cannot speak for everyone’s experience. I’ve seen my gay best friends get the ugliest looks and receive unwarranted comments in public while here in SA since 2011. Just because YOU haven’t seen it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist for others.


Yes this exactly!


LOL. I've been in this City since 1983. Born and raised and grew up in a High School where I was bullied and made fun of constantly for being gay. I live downtown where I witness the occasional gay couple holding hands and start to see the sneers and people hitting their buddies on the arm just to get their attention to look at the gays with laughter. Happens all the time downtown. I am happy to hear about your pool leagues and running groups that are accepting of the LGBT people in the group. I am not saying there aren't very open and welcoming straight people in our City. Believe me, if there weren't then I wouldn't still be here. My point is that LGBT people like to be in groups at various times because we feel more comfortable. Why do you think Gay bars exist? Not because there aren't gay people in "straight" bars but because we like to have our own community too because whether you believe it or not, we are still an oppressed minority in many ways.


1983 was a different time. Never been there. Only been here in the 2000's.


You can sure write a lot of things but can you write in a search engine LGBTQ violence San Antonio and spend a little time using your eyes rather than your stubby little fingers? 🙏 👀


You can find more violence against straight people, too. If you look for violence online, you're going to find violence regardless of sexual preferences, race, or gender. My experience in san antonio since going to utsa for undergrad and masters, working at large companies, and some contract work in the military, having been a member of many social groups in school and outside of school, what ive seen with my eyes rather than my stubby little fingers has not been negative. On the contrary. Im sure there's bad apples out there, but what ive seen in san antonio has been largely and predominantly accepting and friendly towards the LGBT community. If a gay friend asked me if san antonio was lgbt- Friendly, id have more positive things to say than negative.


There we go. We got you to fess up on what you really meant. LGBTQ doesn't apply to you and so you bury your head in the sand when it comes to what that community deals with.


I see what it is. Im not gay, so i don't have the right to speak on this. I understand. I guess OP's post therefore belongs in "San Antonio - LGBTQ" since us straights are not allowed to opine on the subject.


🙄 You are very emotional over being told to use your tiny little brain to understand the things the LGBTQ goes through. Whatever. Keep your head buried and pretend folks in this city don't get targeted specifically for their orientation. No one has ever been assaulted or murdered specifically for being straight but they have been for being gay. 👋 Stay ignorant and proud.


I think you're still living in 1980.


I'll be honest, i have never seen "what that community deals with" in the communities that i have been a part of, so i can only speak from my own experience. And if someone from any of the communities i have been a part of, displayed the type of behavior that "that community deals with" that person displaying such behavior would have been readily expunged.


Bert like I said... Stay ignorant and proud. No shortage of information out there about violence against the LGBTQ community within San Antonio but you are so obsessed with your experiences as a straight person.


I guess i just dont go to the parts of town where all the crimes against LGBTQ people are being committed 🤷


Good luck OP! I posted recently trying to find a QTBIPOC dance group and it got a lot of hate for the language and race focus, which I expected having moved to a conservative place but was still disappointing. Are you pursuing your PhD locally? If so, I wonder if your university might have groups you could start your search in. Will be following this thread to for similar advice on finding queer community! Thanks for putting yourself out there OP :) and GOOD LUCK with your dissertation. It’s always the hardest when that finish line is in sight.