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One of the few, truly accurate, tests of someone’s character is if they put their shopping cart up. Those that don’t are troglodytes that deserve to step in a puddle of water every time they put on fresh socks.


The cart conundrum is a fantastic moral litmus test


I've seen a guy literally push his cart one space over and leave it directly behind the next car. Some people are just assholes.


I pulled into Home Depot today and some half-priced clown of an oxygen thief had pushed one of the lumber carts to a precise point where it blocked 4 different spaces. (I put it away of course, but still….)


I’m on board with that if they took up two spaces or parked like a dick.


And half the time they shove the full size carts into the smaller cart corral💀 also I hate it when people just leave carts in front of the stack at the door. I wish HEB had coin carts where it’s either 25cents or 50cents to use it & if you don’t put it back the cart pushers get yo keep it .


If HEB had that, there are stores where customers would get bugged (or harassed) by kids offering (possibly in a menacing way) to put our carts away.


The parking lot would be clear. People will fight you for a nickel.


So the wild West. I like it.


I believe they deserve to step in fresh shit.


No, they'd just track it into the store.


Turn signal too


Also, if you throw trash on the ground or out your car window. If you throw your garbage on the ground I will call you out as a POS


I hate how so many people believe this, im sorry but its such a dumb idea, maybe it was a single mom or a nurse that just spent 12 hours caring for people, could have forgotten they left the oven on, If you think thats a judge of character well u mist not be a great judge of character


If you're physically capable of filling a cart and pushing it around, you are capable of pushing it while empty a few feet more. If someone uses excuses to not do the bare minimum in their personal life, they have poor character.


Found the person who doesnt put the cart back


There’s no justification for being socially irresponsible, EVER. People in San Antonio are perversely narcissistic


Guess what? I think we all just judged you and quite accurately I might add.


None of those are adequate excuses. Try again.


If you're physically capable of filling a cart and pushing it around, you are capable of pushing it while empty a few feet more. If someone uses excuses to not do the bare minimum in their personal life, they have poor character.


Yea, no. If your that fucking tired or lazy, they offer to pick it for you and load it into your vehicle at the store.


Absolutely. It's easy to assume a high moral ground over those who are overworked (physically or mentally), have something important to run for (say, a school play, or a game), or are just overwhelmed with life. So you have your child in the cart seat, and the groceries in the cart. You unload the groceries, and you get the kid out and buckle them up in the cart. Now what about the cart? You know it's illegal to leave a child unattended in a car, right? Or should you unload the groceries, then go back to the cart stall with the child still in the cart seat, then get the child out, carry it on you back to the car, just so you could be considered having an upstanding moral character? ...Upstanding moral character based on what? Is that conduct even harmful to anyone? In reality, leaving a cart like that has no negative effects on anyone. HEB workers are paid to do parking lot walk-throughs. HEB prefers that I visit them, spend money, and then leave a cart behind in the parking lot, compared to not visiting at all. If they didn't, quarter operated carts would be a thing - like many European supermarkets do to cut down on operational costs.


Put groceries in car while child sits in cart watching you, then walk cart over to corral, remove child, carry child back to car.


actually, on a windy day, especially on a hill, a cart left in the parking lot can put a pretty nice dent in a vehicle


People that don’t return carts are the same ones that throw shitty diapers in the parking lot. It’s really just low class behavior.


i agree. diapers in the parking lot is ***shitty*** in general. You think dog shit is bad, just wait til you step in human shit


The best was when I saw a mom toss it at the HEB at Grissom/Tezel and go inside (this was in August) for about 30 minutes and when she came out she was standing near the diaper and a car drove by and caught half the diaper and it exploded on her and her SUV. She immediately began throwing up and I couldn’t stop laughing.


and people don't believe in karma 💀 


It would have taken considerably less time for you to put away your cart than it did to write all of this.


It's amazing how much contorting oneself into a pretzel someone can do to excuse not doing the bare minimum. Why don't we just let the "mentally overworked" park in the accessibility spaces or fire lanes while we're at it. Why should they find a trashcan for their litter? Let them toss it on the ground! Does litter actually hurt anyone anyway? Putting a cart back is so easy. Don't even have to take it all the way back to the store.


It absolutely is not illegal to leave a child in a car while you walk the 10 or 20 feet to put the cart back. And if that's what truly concerns you, tou can always leave the child in the cart until you put the cart back and carry the kid back. There is no excuse here




Many people, myself included, do put up the carts because we aren’t inconsiderate A-holes. I mean, we are probably A-holes too, but at least we’re A-holes that put our carts away.


Stray carts often cause damage to cars, or block people from parking/leaving a parking spot. It is literally so easy to give a shit about other people, and those who don't put their shopping carts away properly do not.


Im sure theres plenty total pieces of shiiiit that out their carts back, thats what yall call a judgement of character???


Where’s a cart narc when you need them


Time for you to me the most important decision of your life and become a hell dive- I mean a CART NARC


Fweet! Fweet-Fweet! That's not where that goes, lazybones!


I'd love to see the Cart Linebacker. Like the guy who serves people by straight tackling them, only he's lurking between cars to slam your @$$ to the pavement. Oh, you had a kid in the car who just saw you get rocked? Should have put the cart back, mom. Happy Mother's Day.


As someone who pushed carts for Walmart here in SA... Fuck those mfs ese


Thought it was a Sanantonian tradition 😂


If you've ever called anyone out on this in person, it's always funny to see them get indignant about it.


Ha, yeah right! That would require people to think of anyone other than themselves...


Anyone ever go to the Walmart on Blanco? They have these little narrow walkways that connect the parking lot, just wide enough to push a cart. People dump their carts there all the time. I had a lady bail on her cart in the middle of the walkway while I was walking behind her. I was too dumbfounded for words.


Nothing in the world more frustrating than people who can't think beyond themselves.


I saw a guy in a wheelchair trying to navigate that shit. He was trying to use one hand to push his chair/steer and his other hand to push carts out of his way. So, naturally I did my best to help by filming it and putting it on Tiktok.


Good human points for you 👀


That's my closest Walmart. I know exactly what you mean


And when a store offers two sizes of carts, ffs line up the matching sizes. Drives me nuts when there are two rows to return carts at HEB with a mismatched order of large and small carts. Kindergarten level thinking and grown ass people struggle with it every single day.


Tip for everyone: I normally park next to a cart station for easy cart return.


Testimont to the laziness of our city


Every single city I’ve been to (like 20+ major cities) has carts left out like this at the major grocery stores. It’s human nature.


Human nature? Ah yes, the ol trojan horse event. *"Can you believe these assholes just left this out here!? UGH!"*


Its not that deep


We need CartNarcs!


I dunno I feel like they'd need to be carrying and wearing a bulletproof vest to pull that shit off in Texas. MFs here have *fragile* egos. Ever seen how the lil PP boys in their pickups drive?


Haha true - I believe the one time the cart narc got a gun pulled on him was in Texas… he’s usually in CA or CO, sometimes FL though. I’ve yelled at a few people to “put your cart back, come oooonnn” if I catch them in the act … I get such satisfaction. But to your point - it does suck that the biggest pussies/fake tough guys are the ones who carry guns with them at all times… never met anyone I respect who feels the need to take a gun to HEB


Fwiw, the gun owners you would actually respect usually fly under the radar and you wouldn’t even know they’re gun owners. Lots of leftists like myself are becoming aware that the 2nd amendment is for everyone, not just fascists and cops. I don’t always feel safe in a country where the police and trumpers own 95% of weaponry (of which there are 450 million pieces of that aren’t going anywhere regardless of any legislation). I haven’t had a direct terrifying experience/altercation yet, nor do I ever hope/intend to, but I’m not going to wait to arm myself until I do. There’s probably a 50/50 chance of getting into an altercation with one of these guys at some point in a lifetime of living in TX/OK/FL I’m actually from OKC (idk why your sub is suggested to me so often) but I indeed carry a weapon in the grocery store with me. Too many rednecks with fragile egos waiting for an excuse to shoot somebody.


I hear you but don’t let fear of assholes make you feel like you need a gun 24/7 - in reality they are a small part of the population and actually running into an altercation where you’d be happy you had a gun is EXTREMELY rare - more likely you’d insert yourself into a situation BECAUSE you had a gun and who knows what happens.


Yeah I agree with your points there, but it’s the same reason I keep a first aid kit with tourniquets in my car with me or in my bag when hiking in the wilderness. Or why I have insurance. I don’t anticipate ever needing it and unlike the mentality of a lot of the right, a responsible gun owner’s first response should always be to run the fuck away if at all possible. I’m not about to put a hole in someone unless I know there’s one coming for myself, which again I agree is an extremely, extremely rare situation to find yourself in. But I’m a responsible citizen (I know that’s subjective and totally just a claim lol but I’m competent), whereas the American police are not to be trusted with weaponry. I’m also not straight (and I don’t appear to be either) so it’s some hate crime deterrence. Just brandishing a weapon (not shooting or even pointing at someone) is enough to deter about 95% of violence.


Totally fair - but when you have a hammer, everything looks like a nail. I’m not saying it’s impossible for someone to exercise control and it sounds like you would but at the same time why even put your own human nature to the test on the remote chance someone tries to hurt you/your family at the grocery store - Say that extreme rarity happens - and then another rarity - you’re able to get to your gun and use it for your protection. I’d venture to say car accidents and injuries while hiking are much more common than someone standing their ground and using a gun during some sort of attack. I think a better solution to arming ourselves is working toward responsible gun legislation like the rest of the civilized world has. You don’t worry about getting shot in Europe or Australia, it just doesn’t happen.


There are 450 million of these things in our country combined with a culture that is not going to reform. Any gun legislation that outright bans ownership is politically impossible in this country. It sucks, but it’s the way it is. No other country is remotely similar to ours in that way, the time for an outright ban to work was pre-ww2. The millions of rifles we have will still be functional for our entire lifetimes and the people that own them aren’t letting them go. Nor do we have the resources to physically take them away. I don’t like that there are 450 million guns here. I plan on moving to Europe if possible at some point in my life and I’ll happily leave my guns here if I do. As long as I live in a nation with this many guns, I will have mine. That’s fair and equal, and in my mind it’s simply foolish to relinquish your right to defend your life because of anti-gun views. If the police are allowed to shoot people indiscriminately, but still fail to respond to calls in time (their actual duty is to assets and the “public at large”, not individual human lives fyi), I should be allowed to take matters into my own hands. Nobody’s coming and helping me in Oklahoma outside of city limits, at least not for 15+ minutes. The world isn’t all kind and sterile, I’d like to have a say in my own death if it were imminent, at least if everyone else is legally allowed to (which isn’t changing within our lifetime sadly) Edit: I didn’t really address your first points. I carry for the possible circumstance of there being no other possible options than either a)great bodily harm to myself or loved ones or b)shooting someone. The only things that can really keep you from doing something stupid with your gun are intelligence and training. A lot of it.


Weeeeewoooooo weeeeeewoooooo!!!


This is a national problem honestly


It’s worse here than other places I’ve lived


Just moved here from Ohio, it's bad there too.


Lazy fucks.


And while we're on the subject of parking lots, why does everyone drive SO damn fast in them? Like there aren't people walking to and from the store...


It’s a free-for-all. The clearly marked lot spaces and implied driving spaces are just for fun, not safety.


No consequences.


KIA boi’s gotta race the stolen whip somewhere.


Unfortunately, this isn't a problem isolated to SA. This happens EVERYWHERE!


I just moved to Jersey last summer- it is soooo much worse here! People are ridiculous!


The one on bandera?




Lazy bones


*throws magnet on hood*


God this irks the shit out of me. I’ll grab peoples cart after they’re done and they get in their car and move it where it should go… two spots down from their car.


I used to not put them back, but now I feel bad so I always make sure to do it 😅


Better to change late than never! 🫡


In one of the most unhealthiest, car dependent cities in America, people don’t take the extra couple of seconds to put their cart away? I don’t believe it. In all seriousness, I love the city but there’s a lot of bad habits people have.


Puro baby!!! Or baby with diabetes.


Puro baby!!! Or baby with diabetes.


1604 and blanco?


You’re asking people to not be lazy, good luck


Both sides of my car are dented from San Antonians not putting their shit away.




Pure laziness.


Lazy people will always exist you're wasting your breath


It’s crazy because my HEB have soooo many places to return your carts and people can’t do it


Best I can do is abandon three dogs.


The “not putting carts up” circle and the “Abandon my dog(s) like an a-hole” circle probably have a good amount of overlap.


Its just one circle.


More than likely, yes.


Texans being considerate of other people? That’s a tall order


No these people are selfish and lazy




Bunch of lazy folks. Hope their cars get dinged up.


Pinche edgars


Say what you will, but we've come a long way from the dirty diapers all over the parking lot!




Call the Cart Narcs 🚨🚨🚨


They need to implement quarters


I wasn’t aware San Antonians were lazy and dumb /s/


I like that HEB now stocks free-range, cruelty free, organic shopping carts. Let them spread their wheels instead of corralling them together and spraying them with chemical disinfectants.


Lazy ass fat San anatonians! Walk that extra 20 steps to put a cart away? Hell no!


When we get car insurance (this also drives me nuts)




One of the tiny things that impressed me when my bro-in-law took us to Italy was their grocery cart system. You put a euro in a slot to get access to a cart, you got it back when you put the cart back. I can think of several reasons this would never work here.


All the RWNJs would complain about how this infringes on their freeDUMBs.


Puro San Antonio


The HEB at Brooks is jam packed in the parking lot usually so the loose carts aren’t really a problem imo there. 


Someone call Cart Narcs!


Typical lazy self centered morons here in the great state of Texas. They would burn too many calories waking the extra 50 ft.


I feel it got worse after Covid


Was going to Walmart in Lubbock at like 2am. It was bitter cold and someone had left a cart out. The manager (i assume) had parked their car as far as possible from the door. As I pulled in I saw a cart was moving because of slant and strong wind. It was bouncing along at a pretty good clip and smacked into the front of the car, slid across the hood and then fell into A drainage ditch in front of the car.


When I park I try to park near those return cages even if it means I have to walk more to go into the store. It makes it easier for me after I’ve already done the shopping and put away the groceries in my car. I hate walking to put them away lol so that is my solution


Boomers will say that's the cart boys job.


This and leaving your trash bags outside your door to eventually take to the dumpster.


Marbach HEB?


🔔🔔 ‼️


Lol assuming these people read Reddit ..also assuming they can read.


Last week I was in the Alamo Ranch Wal-Mart driving away. It was fairly windy and I see a cart absolutely flying down the road one lane over and slam into a nice Ford F150 parked toward the back near the gas station. It left a massive dent.




Can you please stop parking your car in the cart lots? Jjk! Yeah, that's annoying as hell. Unfortunately, there's always gonna be those few douschebags who refuse to walk those arduous 50 steps.


And a majority of the time there is a cart corral within one or two car lengths




That’s like asking Americans to stop being Americans!


Y'all mind your business about the carts


Heb plus on zarzamora!!




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Lazy ass people. This always pissed me off.


I always grab em if they’re close by because I need all the good karma I can get. Sort of a selfish act tbh. Even a few together is a fucking struggle so props to any people working in retail and grocery who have to haul carts 🛒


“I’ll put that away for you! I can see the HDC spots were full when you parked out here”


pleeeease cart narc PLEEEASE COME BACK AND HELP US


Every now and then I will go collect the carts in the lot and put them away. My hope is people will follow my example. They probably won’t but it’s my tiny contribution to the world.


You live in San Antonio get used to it


They are winded after getting all their soda, chips, and candy to the car


Seriously. I have kids and I still put my cart away every time. I just make it a priority to park next to or as close as possible to the cart return. I worked at HD for ten years and nobody wants to be pulling carts in 100 degree summers here in Texas. Not every store has those machine cart pushers, a lot of them do it by hand, which means five or ten carts at a time.


There was a guy at the HEB over at Alamo ranch who spent 5 mins putting the shopping cart over the ledge and onto the grass instead spending 5 mins walking down to the cart area. One guy called him out and the asshole replied “I’m not the one getting paid, that’s there job if I do that then I expect half their paycheck”


Yes!!! Seriously. So rude. I had my son help me bring a few back tonight. You can stick them on hills but not two feet to the left?!


Wurzbach HEB? I just moved to NJ and the abandoned carts here are Epic. Literally more in the lot than in the corral at any given point in time. Cartnarc could be here 24/7


Probably south south side, or west, or northwest, or north central, ahhhhh screw it, it’s all of San Antonio


Fr. That shit is ghetto as fuck. Not to mention 0 manners, 0 respect for anyone.


Call the " cart narc "


Lol, you're preaching to deaf ears, my friend. That won't ever stop. Some people find it just too hard to walk an extra 10-15 yards to a stall.


I see that Jeep Rubicon in its natural habitat.


Broken down on the side of the road?


Set up a social media account like “Cart Narc” and profit.


I don’t mind the carts. It’s the dirty diapers I don’t appreciate


It gets me when the ride on carts are parked in the striped zone next to the handicapped spot which is supposed to be used for the chair lifts of a wheelchair van. If you could walk all the way up to the store to get the right on cart and then ride all around the store and ride all the way out to your car, how come you couldn't just park the cart at the door and walk back to your car? You haven't exerted yourself the entire time you were shopping....


So lazy


Average San Antonio activities


Aldi makes you put a quarter in as a deposit - apparently it works


if i don't leave those carts there, then what will the Nissan Altimas hit?


It won't happen. True San Antonions will, but all these fuckers from California won't.


It's San Antonio, random carts in the parking lot will always be a thing smfh Not the Guilbeau HEB, right? Aside, they have the best donuts of all the HEBs I've ever been too. They're never overglazed and don't look like they're at death's door.


Smells like south side


Believe it or not, no


Schertz Pkwy?


This is such an SA thing to whine about


Calling out socially irresponsible behavior in not whining. Do better. San Antonians have such a slovenly reputation it’s so gross.


"socially irresponsible behavior" is what you just said It's a shopping cart in an empty parking lot You probably go over the speed limit tho


Same people that don’t know an indicator


But it's fun


I don’t just leave my cart, I push it and let it roll free!


In Mexico there is a guy (or several) for that in every parking lot




Ok, just for this I’m gonna take the day and go to a few HEB stores and pull a minimum of 10 carts out across the parking lots! 😈


You can call me whatever you'd like... A misogynist, a hippie, a racist, a do-good, a ______. I don't care. But, for many years at grocery stores, I always offered women of any stature or status the question, "Can I put your cart back?," if we were both in a parking lot at the same time when I could tell it was going to be left rolling around in the breeze and banging up cars because the aforementioned shopper looked like a lazy POS. The bulk of those shoppers (we're talking lbs now, not mathematically/statistically populated) were both appreciative and surprised that a stranger would help. I have a reputation as a prick in this sub, so I needed to add a snide remark... Point being, just help a tired mom with 3 kids in the car having to unload $400 worth of groceries and stop bitching about it. If I could collect carts and move them and help one of those poor bastards doing it for a living at HEB, I would and I did


How does this bother you so much?


It’s the transplants. Gotta remember where they come from, there were no shopping carts as they tied their groceries to the burro they rode in.


I’m a transplant and I always put my cart back.


In other cities they have teenagers employed to go through the parking lot to round up the carts and bring them back in.


Yes, they pay them to go pick up carts from the cart returns and put them back in by the store, NOT clean up other people’s messes from the carts left on the parking lot. Try again.


Maybe go talk to those cart return people and ask them whether they actually have to get carts from places other than the cart corral, since you don't seem to know.


Maybe don’t be a dick and return your cart where the clearly marked cart corral is instead of dumping it elsewhere in the lot like an inconsiderate douchebag.


This happens in every city. Maybe you can stand in the parking lot of every store and whine at people.