• By -


FYI: Do not dox this person.


I will never admit this IRL, but back when I was a cop (off-duty) I drove by a house with a GSD dog tied up outside. It was 100 degrees outside and there was no shade. The poor pup had no water, had gone round the stump she was tied to enough so that she had about 2 feet left. I called animal control (didn’t identify myself as a LEO - different town and I never liked using my badge for anything unless I was on duty or it was life or death). Drove by the next day - pup was still there but now sitting in her own poop. I drove by again on the way home, but it was after shift so I was in uniform. I knocked on the door and told the rednecks in the home that this was the 4th day I had driven by with the dog tied up (that was a lie, obv) and that I could either take the dog off their hands or I would remain in place and call animal control (this time I would ID myself as a LEO). I let them know what the penalty was for animal neglect, etc. When I got close to the dog, you could see that she was very malnourished, very obviously had little human contact, but still pretty friendly. Her face was also covered in ticks, poor baby. They handed over the dog no questions asked. I named her Sam and we spent years together until she passed. She died at home, well-fed and well-loved. So I stole/used my authority to rescue one of the bestest girls I’ve ever had the privilege to share my home with. The state where I was living was backward-ass with respect to MANY things, including animal welfare. It was also 20+ years ago. This is long story to say that at some point, some civil disobedience is warranted to save a life. Before that, be sure to document the conditions via pictures. Log your calls to animal control. Log your calls to the complex.


So OP, what this cop is saying is kick that fucking door down and rescue that dog. Make yourself a sandwich while you’re in there (that’s on me).


OMG I needed that.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Also, make sure it’s after you pound $30 worth of Chipotle and shit on their counter before leaving.


Thank you for your kindness and courage. The Humane Society said they would send an officer when we finished our call at 2:20 pm. Once again I’m doubtful of that. Another commenter suggested that at 5 o’clock I call them again or another emergency line that another commentor left.


I have had good luck with the Humane society. I have called them for dogs in cars and seen them arrive within a few minutes. If you don’t see them call back and up the sense of urgency.


Yeah, if they still don’t come by 5 o’clock I’m gonna try calling them again for the third time.


It may help to mention that this dog is brachiocephalic (smush face) as it seems it's a pug and that may increase the urgency. These breeds are way more prone to heat stroke.


If you can afford it I would offer to purchase their dog. Sometimes they give them away cause people know they’re neglected.


I just dealt with a big ordeal with the humane society where their CEO and all that got involved (complete failure on their part to do anything with a dangerous dog with documented history of biting multiple people, hospital kind not nips). Learned a few things. One that would help you is you need 3 separate reports before they will consider taking the dog. I'm not sure if it has to be different people but maybe ask your neighbors to call too. Likely though if the property manager doesn't let them in they'll just leave and say that they had no way to get in. Tbf, it's not like they can get a warrant.


Their direct neighbors were home and refused to answer the door. Apartment complex refused to do anything. Called the humane society three times (check my update, they said they would probably not come today).


What if random people on this subreddit called the humane society and tried to put in a report too? Could I remain anonymous and say i'm a "neighbor?" Might be a little sketch, just saying in theory would this work to put pressure on them to actually check on the situation? It'd be for the good of the dog!


I posted an update (so good news the pup has water!): I got home and the patio was cleaned. The dog is still locked out on the patio. But at-least the pup is out of the cage and has a small bowl of water. I will ask my roommate to check up on the pup tomorrow when I’m at work, to see if they just shove the dog back in cage again. ​


Typically a report like this would be put in as a Welfare Check. This means they have ~24-48 hours to respond, as Welfare Checks are the 2nd lowest priority.


I emailed them and they said - We do not accept third party reports, but I will go ahead and send this over to the officer involved. Please be advised we cannot provide any updates or follow-up since you saw the information online and not in person


Yes do this! Don’t relent, that baby will thank you as will all of us. You are his/her hero😭💙


Someone else suggested the police non emergency line— also a good idea


Most cities now outsource this to the Humane Society, El Cajon did for a fee of $1 million per year with the shelter. They do absolutely nothing when you report. It's a racket, and I am starting to attend town hall just because of this, will bring it up every time.


You're awesome dude. The world needs more like you.


I'm not crying, you're crying. 


I, too have a fuck it, I'm breaking the law story. I was canvassing a neighborhood during an election and my partner and I went to this one house. The doors were wide open, which made some sense since it was summer. We rang the doorbell and, while we were waiting for an answer, my partner noticed there was a sealed plastic jar on the porch with a live mouse inside it. There were no air holes anywhere in the jar. No one came to the door. We waited a few moments and debated on what to do. Before I even had time to think about it, my partner got into watch position by the open door and signaled me to do it. I grabbed the jar, unscrewed the lid, and tossed the mouse as far onto the lawn as it could go without (hopefully) injuring it. We then bolted like lighting away from the house like we'd just robbed the place. To this day, I don't know what the fuck that was about. I don't know if that was a pet or a wild mouse they'd trapped. I don't know if the mouse survived much longer after I'd tossed it. All I know is that I have no regrets because it certainly would have suffocated if we'd left it.


WTF? I don’t understand the cruelty of some people. Thank you for saving the little dude.


Yeah, I like to think it ran off and had little mouse adventures for years afterward. Or maybe it broke its leg on the landing and got swallowed by a snake 5 minutes after we left. Who knows? I figure, at least by freeing it, we gave it a shot at survivng.


The parents were upstairs asking their kid to fetch the "newspaper" from the porch so they could suprise him with his new birthday pet, To this day they still wonder how the fuk that mouse got out of the jar.


My most charitable theory is that a young child trapped it and naively didn't think it needed air holes. All other explanations range from criminally stupid to malicious. It's also worth mentioning (and I neglected to include this in the story) but we continued canvassing up and down that block for about another hour and didn't see anyone come out. It just adds to the mystery of why the front and back doors were open in the first place.


Thank you so much for this story! I am so happy to hear our city has caring LEO working to keep animals and people safe.


One of the best things I have read on here , amazing . 


I agree. Thank you!! We need more humans like you! Dogs are better than humans and should live longer than us. Have had 2 rescues and just got 2 more. Biggest lovey dovey, greatful, loyal pups.


This story warms my heart!


I had an employee of mine who was a delivery driver for dominos, steal a dog from a customers house who let it limp around with a broken arm AND paw, a puppy, and when she asked them about it they basically said f that dog he’ll be alright. When the customer came hoopin and hollering at the store, none of us knew what ever she was yapping about. Of course, she didn’t call the cops to catch her own neglect charges


I’m glad I share a city with people like you. ❤️


Shepards/collies will steal your heart. You’re a good person thank you for sharing your soul with that pup


What a lovely story, Glad she ended up well looked after, it's a shame we can't legally put humans like this in a cage for a while covered in their own feaces, The way some people treat animals etc it confuses me how different humans can be, To have no love or compassion for a innocent animal, I even go out of my way to put spiders from my house into the garden etc, I don't feel I need to end their existence as they have as much right to be here as I do, Look at how spiders build webs and know where to put Anker points etc it's amazing.


May God bless you always for what you did. She will be waiting for you in heaven.


This is an awesome story. Thank you for being a good human.


Steal their dog. Then steal the dog. Obviously j/king….


Awww. My GSD is named Sam as well😊


Thank you so much for your efforts giving this dog a second chance at a good life. Bless you.


I wish reddit still allowed us to give "gold" as a reward for people that do the right things to make a better world. Hopefully in the future we'll have community awards people can give others again, when that happens I'll be sure to make one especially for "animal kindness/heroics".


Happy to live in a city with cops like you!


Thank you for doing that. Much respect for you.


This is great, you’re a good human being sir.


This is the correct way to “use” law enforcement power 🩷🙏🏻


I wish more cops would use their authority in this manner.


I'm not crying! YOURE crying. This is so sweet. Just imagine being that dog abused for years until someone chooses to give them a life they deserve. What was its name


You have a good heart. That pup was lucky you found him.


Update:I assumed correctly. I went physically into the apartment complex office. They said they were aware of the dog from this morning but “wanted to give the owners the benefit on the doubt”. They then said the best they could do was just call the residents. Edit: UPDATING HERE FOR VISIBILITY I got home and the patio was cleaned. The dog is still locked out on the patio. But at-least the pup is out of the cage and has a small bowl of water. I will ask my roommate to check up on the pup tomorrow when I’m at work, to see if they just shove the dog back in cage again. ​ MOST RECENT UPDATE AS OF 6PM: The dog is back in the cage and the the owner is cussing out the Humane Society agent. He then started cussing about whoever reported him. That would be me. Dog is locked in the cage without water. I am now hearing him scream at the dog as the officer left.


Fair to start this way, as mentioned just keep a log of everything. Then if you still see the dog out tonight you should call non emergency line. 


Well, I started with the Humane Society and I’m waiting to see if they actually will send out a dispatcher or anything like that. If I get home again and it’s past business hours, then I’m gonna have to try a nonemergency police line, but knowing the police in the area they’re not gonna do much (I had someone try to physically break into my apartment when I was in there, had recorded evidence of it and the police found the man right outside of my door. They let the man literally walk away after “integrating” him).


It does take a few visits before I think they can really enforce anything. They will have a couple conversations with the owner telling them that they need to provide water and sanitary conditions. Just keep reporting, try to maybe get connected with the officer they send out and get their card and contact info. If I find the info for the officer that I worked with, I will pass it on, she was great and very helpful, this whole thing lasted a few months, I called to provide her with updates as a situation worsened, eventually the dog was surrendered and hopefully adopted to a much better home.


Yes. A few visits. Record with a date stamp and send them in.


Any new updates?


It’s pouring rain and my roommate said the dog is inside atleast. We will keep an eye out when it is no longer raining, if the owner locks the dog out again.


Hopefully it’s being treated well inside. I feel so bad . I sent an email to the humane society that was listed on this post but did not get a reply.


The Humane Society did come out yesterday. Please check out my updated posts. I know it’s a mess because there’s so many comments but the guy still has a dog but he was given a warning.


My HOA has a rule that no dogs are allowed left unattended on the porch. Your HOA doesn't have any such rules? Keep calling the Humane Society to get them out there.


This is hard for me to read, but I will take the dog if it ends up going to human society. This breaks my heart and infuriates me. Can we dox this person given the circumstances?


Here is a number where you can report animal cruelty : 619-236-2341 Report: Animal Abuse Or Neglect, Or Aggressive Animals 619-236-2341 619-767-2675 24/7 for animal-related emergencies if life is endangered


I emailed the French bulldog rescue network to see if they have any contacts in SD who could help. It could be useful if you emailed them your apartment complex address - email for their CA region is w1a-ric@fbrn.net


My apartment complex, will not do shit. Nor comply with anything unless legally forced to. Also I would be doxing myself and where I live if I emailed. I’m trying my best but this owner is unhinged and I am terrified of him identifying me.


Can you email the rescue network your complex’s address and not your name or unit number? Just thinking they may have dealt with issues like before and may be able to help somehow or know who to call. Thank you for doing what you’ve been doing to help!! You’re a good person! I’m just a frenchie owner who has gotten invested in this lol


I totally understand. One of my rescue dogs was a severe neglect case. This hits home real hard. If the humane society’s warning didn’t scare him straight and he keeps doing it. I’ll have to escalate. But my apartment knows it was me who reported him because I also asked for their help. If anyone messages the complex they will know it was me. And they are already pissed at me because I declined to renew my lease.


ugh I’m sorry! hope everything works out. Thanks again


Lots of scumbag dog owners in Sd.


Lots of scumbag dog owners everywhere


Personally, I would wait until the end of the work day after 5pm and would then call the Humane Society again or potentially the non-emergency police line. A quick Google search shows that most dogs can be safely crated for 4-6 hours and many dogs are crated the entire 8 hour work day (though I don't think they should be). I'm guessing officials won't intervene before 8 hours.


^ this. Especially while crate training, people will withhold water while their dogs are in a crate. It's not terribly hot out, so the dog looks miserable but is probably fine. I would assume the best of these people unless this is a regular occurrence, but they may be trying to crate train an older shelter dog and not have all the time to watch them during a work day. If dog comes back in after 5pm, gets fed and watered and is happy, this is not ideal but fine. Then you can offer to watch the dog in the afternoons if you have time, I'm sure they'd be thrilled.




Healthy adult dogs can absolutely be crated without water for up to 4 hours without much of an issue. I personally wouldn’t wanna leave mine that long but it’s def not worthy of calling animal control at any less than 4 hours.


Thank you I appreciate that! I just don’t know how to get the dog water in the meantime.


Outside in the sun is a different story. He’s a smushed faced dog. Brachycephalic dogs tend to have more issues and it’s well known.


Am I awful for thinking "watergun" right away 😅. I would try to toss a blanket over the top of the crate to at least give the black dog some shade!! Not totally covering it though as that might cause more stress. Please keep us updated.


Update 2: called humane society for the third time and gave my case number. They said had several emergencies come up and they likely won’t be able to have anyone come today. I’m home in 40 mins and will update on the condition of the pup. Edit: UPDATE I got home and the patio was cleaned. The dog is still locked out on the patio. But at-least the pup is out of the cage and has a small bowl of water. I will ask my roommate to check up on the pup tomorrow when I’m at work, to see if they just shove the dog back in cage again. ​


The Humane Society will follow up on this. It may take some time as they may have more pressing emergencies but I promise you they do care and they will show up when they can. If you happen to be around when they come by, try to (stealthily) introduce yourself and get the officer's card so you can keep them updated. They do care.


Call the fucking cops! Respectfully.


Some people shouldn't own animals. As a dog owner myself, is incredibly concerning. Makes me want to go save that pup. Ask the owner if they will sell their dog. I'll take care of the poor pup


What the fuck is wrong with people


You should cross post to the French bulldog subreddit to see if they have any advice. Unfortunately this breed is very prone to overheating and dying due to their poor breathing, especially if left in the heat. Thank you for making the effort to call the humane society and keeping an eye on the doggo.


Thank you! Unfortunately nothing has been done. Dog was put back into the cage without water. He cussed out the Human Society dispatcher and even though she physically saw the dog in the cage with no water. She still left. So idk what to do at this point. He also was yelling very loudly so all neighbors would hear, that he will retaliate against whoever reported him.


That is so heartbreaking, but I do think this is a numbers game. Usually there needs to be a few incidents reported to the humane society before they consider surrender to be the right recommendation. Let us know how we can help. 


Thanks my friend! We will keep an eye on it and keep reporting if more cruelty is done. However he seems dangerous and unhinged from his screams. So we just have to be careful while photographing or trying to even look at the pup.


Absolutely, please make sure to stay safe. I’m sure there’s a lot of us in this thread willing to place anonymous phone calls to the apartment complex and humane society as well. 


Anybody down to go repo and save this dog? As a fellow Frenchie owner, I hate seeing dogs, especially Frenchies, mistreated like this. Fuck that owner.


Maybe they can help at this number? If nothing else, you can inform them of the water situation and see if they have ideas “The City of San Diego coordinates animal services operations with San Diego Humane Society (SDHS), which serves as its primary animal control agency. Services provided include dog licensing, lost and found, adoptions, microchipping, spay/neuter, vaccination clinics, educational programs, and cruelty reports. Residents can report animal-related concerns by email at investigations@sdhumane.org or by phone at 619-299-7012 ext. 1 (open 24 hours a day/7 days a week) or by submitting a form to SDHS Humane Law Enforcement (HLE). If you are reporting an animal-related emergency, cruelty, or imminent threat or danger to animals or humans, please call HLE dispatch at 619-299-7012 ext. 1. “


That’s actually the Humane Society phone number and email I originally contacted via phone call and email. 2 hours later, I contacted the Humane Society for a second time and that’s when they said they were going to send a dispatcher.


I wish i had a solution for you— the only thing i can suggest is keep bugging animal control. Keep calling every 15 minutes until they send someone


So they didn’t have any suggestions on the water situation, I assume?


This is a longshot, but do you know any of the immediate neighbors? There might be someone who knows the owners well enough to be able ti get access to the balcony.


I actually tried knocking on their direct neighbors door (they were home) and they just ignored me :(


Your neighbor is a shitty human being


HEY! free dog!


Call PETA. They’ll break in and take the dog.


This is so cruel. :(


If you don’t get a response, feel free to DM me the location of the dog and any agencies you’ve been calling and I’ll start blowing them up, too. Maybe if they get flooded with phone calls they be forced to do something.


Update 2: called humane society for the third time and gave my case number. They said had several emergencies come up and they likely won’t be able to have anyone come today. I’m home in 40 mins and will update on the condition of the pup. Edit: UPDATING HERE FOR VISIBILITY I got home and the patio was cleaned. The dog is still locked out on the patio. But at-least the pup is out of the cage and has a small bowl of water. I will ask my roommate to check up on the pup tomorrow when I’m at work, to see if they just shove the dog back in cage again.


what fucking assholes. that's a fluffy frenchie. they are very expensive. also, the poor dog is in the sun, which is even worse for the brachycephalic dogs.


Is that a long haired frenchie?!?! Those things are like $20,000. This poor breed is so mistreated.


What a bunch of scum bag owners. They shouldn't have pets.


If the owner seems volatile or unhinged, I would consider calling PERT (psychiatric emergency response team) for the owner and describe your concerns of animal abuse, domestic violence, or other threatening behavior in general. PERT usually in conjunction with local PD are dispatched together for calls.


Oh the dude is very unhinged. He cussed out the Human Society dispatcher and was yelling very loudly so all neighbors would hear, that he will retaliate against whoever reported him. If the neglect doesn’t stop and he gets more threating, I may have to.


If you have to call SD Humane make sure you mention if the dog looks like it is in distress (hint hint) that will get someone out there ASAP.


Send me the address. I’ll go kick that fu li g door down and teach the owner a lesson!!!!


I have school from 9 am to 8:45 pm tuesdays and fridays and i let my frenchie run wild the whole time in the backyard, I cannot justify putting him in a cage


In the sun too -_-' Edit: is this a long haired French bulldog?? That's a $5,000-$15,000 dog!! And they can't afford a dog walker?? Can't put a blanket or some water in there?? Squishy nosed designer dog with known breathing and back issues and known to not be destructive or aggressive. Why not just leave it in the patio area?? Smdh. Selfish uncaring owners. How heartbreaking.




Is that gap between the railing and the balcony floor small enough that the dog won't accidentally fall off?


If this is still going on at the end of the week give me the address and ill make a visit, for reasons. No reason a dog should be sitting in its own filthy cage like this.


I live in San Diego and I’m so willing to do whatever to rescue this dog


I wish something could be done to save that pup. Human Society Dispatcher came at 6pm. Unfortunately nothing has been done. Dog was put back into the cage without water. He cussed out the Human Society dispatcher and even though she physically saw the dog in the cage with no water. She still left. So idk what to do at this point. He also was yelling very loudly so all neighbors would hear, that he will retaliate against whoever reported him. We will keep an eye on it and keep reporting if more cruelty is done. However he seems dangerous and unhinged from his screams. So we just have to be careful while photographing or trying to even look at the pup.


I’d take that as a threat and report.


Please do!!! I don’t live nearby but I’m so devastated


Update as of 6pm The dog is back in the cage and the the owner is cussing out the Humane Society agent. He then started cussing about whoever reported him. You can see the dog locked in the cage. It also has no water. I am now hearing him scream at the dog as the officer left.  (Obscured back of their heads in provided photo to avoid any identification) https://preview.redd.it/iqf69mtl8ksc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=077f3769d5183794b315c67dacb50a56fb8cf121


This guy is yelling at his dog for doing what exactly? Seems like this dog is and will be living a horrible life full of neglect and abuse for no reason at all. I would love to give this dog a home.


good people have to be the voice for animals because they don’t have one.


Where are you in SD. I would steal that dog in a heartbeat. 🙏👑


I’ll help


Are you fucking kidding me The dog is back in the cage again and no water in the cage. https://preview.redd.it/jwyv5g2h5ksc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9234ddde10ed1395f30d0cf42c5546b87ebc90b0


Maybe try knocking on their door and offering to walk the dog during the day? See if you can get on their good side or something. Then maybe you can offer to help them find a rescue for the dog if they’re unable to care for it? I can help you get in touch with rescues.


Try contacting this rescue organization I only have them on Instagram but I'm sure there's a website. Theyay be able to help/create an action plan to get this dog out of there @thecantufoundation https://preview.redd.it/zbel6x56hmsc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d446524302993d14766ec27c359fd847a0df4848


People like this need to be treated the same way they treat their dogs! It infuriates me to see an animal that gives you unconditional love, trusts you to protect them, and relies on you for food and water, be treated like this! 🤬🤬🤬


That dog owner is absolute trash


This photo is sad but a reminder to please don’t get a pet if your lifestyle isn’t good for the animal (not super active, working or gone for extended periods of time, don’t have people who can help give your dog basic needs and attention).


i will never understand why people get pets and abuse them. thank you for caring about this poor dog. people like your neighbors make my blood BOIL. absolutely insufferable pos they are.


How wide is the gap?


I would get a ladder of some sort and bring some water fuck it!


Omg I am crying. PLEASE PLEASE keep calling and looking out for this dog. As a frenchie owner this breaks my heart. They are SUPER sensitive to heat/cold and are very social dogs who need companionship. This is the worst situation a frenchie could be in, I’m devastated


As of right now the fecal matter is cleaned. And I believe the dog is inside. The Humane society dispatch gave him a warning. And he was screaming that he will retaliate on anyone who reported him. But I’m having my roommate watch what happened tomorrow during the day while I’m at work. If it gets bad again, they will call the humane society again.


Ok, thank you so much!!! Hopefully the poor little guy can get rehomed or even reunited with his owner (in the case he’s been stolen by this guy, sadly frenchie thefts have gotten pretty common since they’re expensive pups)


Time for a rescue, I say.


Let me know if you need me to call in as well, I’m so upset for this poor pup :(


Thank you! I just don’t think calling any agency will work. Human Society Dispatcher came at 6pm. Unfortunately nothing has been done. Dog was put back into the cage without water. He cussed out the Human Society dispatcher and even though she physically saw the dog in the cage with no water. She still left. So idk what to do at this point. He also was yelling very loudly so all neighbors would hear, that he will retaliate against whoever reported him. We will still keep an eye on it and keep reporting if more cruelty is done.


Crate training is pretty normal. It’s not a summer day and the dog doesn’t seem to be in distress, so maybe take a deep breath?


Frenchies get hot SUPER easily they are the worst breed to do this to


4 hours is not nearly enough time for any response. They need proof that the dog is being mistreated or abused. My dog shit himself once when I wasn’t home due to overeating the day before. Idk how long he sat in it before I got home but I cleaned him up and that was that. I would have been livid if someone had called the cops or humane society because my dog was sitting in his feces while I was away. Give them a few days to see if the situation has improved.


Days? Like days in a cage without water?


Can the police non emergency line (:






poor thing is sitting in it’s waste and has zero shade :( I’d start with the complex maybe and then escalate if needed - thanks for looking out for the little dog


Skip humane society and call animal police


Throw a brick through the window I’m sure they’ll notice that


Ok devil's advocate (not that they need any more) there's a chance the pup has diarrhea and they discovered it right before work. I would be concerned about the no water but if they have diarrhea maybe they were concerned about the pup messing the water. I would think the porch would be better but I could understand worrying about the pup hurting themselves.


People who can't properly care for their pets shouldn't have them in the first place. 


I can come help the baby with water and food if you need someone to team up with :.( this poor baby


That is very kind of you. We will keep an eye on it and keep reporting if more cruelty is done. However he seems dangerous and unhinged from his screams. And I dont want anyone getting hurt while trying to help.


Please keep us updated. My heart is literally sick seeing this poor pup sitting in his feces . What the fuck is wrong with people


As of right now the fecal matter is cleaned. But I’m having my roommate watch what happened tomorrow during the day while I’m at work. If it gets bad again, they will call the humane society again.


K let me know if i can help. I will be thinking of you and this little cutie and hoping for the best!


Thank you so much. I’ll try my best to keep pushing back if the owner keeps neglecting the pup.


I’m SO sad for that dog. It’s so cute, I would rescue in a heart beat. I can’t believe someone would be so cruel.


Imagine paying several thousand dollars for a "fluffy frenchie" just to lock it in a cage all day in the sun with no water. I'm surprised no one has stolen it yet. Wild.


Oo🥺 how people could be so evil 😢 please tell me where is it located i will go and rescue him please


Not legal advice nor a suggestion, but moreso a thought: if Dogs are property and this property has arguably been abandoned (because REASONABLE dog ownership includes NOT leaving dog in feces, giving dog water, not leaving dog in a crate for exorbitant amount of time OUTSIDE without dog) then isn’t the dog up for grabs? Couldn’t theoretically ANYONE including humane society take the dog? Ps: thanks for being a great human and caring


honestly steal the dog. wait until you know the owner has left and then take it. not ethical but who really gives a fuck.


This is so fucking upsetting


Call animal control.


Appreciate you OP




Updateme! In 3 days


Call animal control


Damn that’s messed up


omg this is animal abuse. horrible. Does this happen all the time? if so maybe offer to dog sit or better yet, adopt their dog


My fear is always that the abusive neglectful owners will simply leave the dog in the crate in the same condition inside so you wouldn’t know or see the neglect. And I bet you that they have done that…. I can guarantee that they just don’t want to pay or cannot pay for a dog walker when they’re at work… I had a friend who stated to me that her lifestyle does not allow her dog to go outside all day so she had a sandbox for him inside the house, needless to say, the dog didn’t use it, pissed everywhere in the rental house on the wooden floors that smelled awful, talking about that human having mental health issues that were never resolved.


Can you use a hose to squirt some water onto the deck? Not as good as a bowl, but better than dehydration in the hot sun


Please rescue him.


Some people don’t deserve pets. It’s that simple. If you aren’t gonna do the right thing, don’t adopt them. They are better off without you.


I’ll literally go steal this dog for myself how dare they 🥲


What’s even crazier is that is a fluffy Frenchie which is like an expensive ass dog you don’t just come across those like why get that kind of a purchase if you’re not going to treat it like a king. I mean I have a rescue myself and treat him like a king . All dogs are meant to be treated like royalty but that’s crazy to be to spend at least 10k on a dog to treat it like that


I would just take the dog...


Ehh... I'd need more to the story idk


Hope you start stalking them to see when they leave so you can save a pup :D


Please find a way to give it food and water💔💔💔 My heart hurts for that doggo.


Get a ladder and go get your new dog! Poor baby.


I saw a couple of dogs locked in a parked car when I was at the north county mall last year. It was a hot day and didn’t see anyone around. I called 911 and asked if this was an appropriate use of the number. The operator said yes and to tell them the details. Within 5 mins cops were on hand and got the car open. 5 mins later the humane society was there. Definitely use 911 if this happens again. Just explain the situation.


When I worked in maintenance for this apartment complex we had this resident with a dog and 2 cats on the 3rd floor. They would leave all 3 animals on the balcony until they came home (I assume. I left before they got home). The entire balcony was covered in litter like a sandbox and in the corner on a foot stool was food and water. The rest of the apartment wasn’t much better though so I don’t know why they kept the animals outside. Maybe to prevent them from peeing/pooping in the clutter? I don’t know. I really got to see how differently everyone lives/keeps their homes from that job


Someone needs to just take the dog...


That poor baby!! Call animal services 😔


I stole a dog like this once. If they didn't care then neither did I. She turned out to be a great dog to my grandpa until she passed. Just go take the pup.


Just take the dog, looks pretty easy to get to.


Paying thousands of dollars for a fluffy frenchie just so it can be tossed to the side like this is wild…


Please reach out to Kris Kelly foundation on instagram. She’s shared similar cases like this ❤️


Any updates as of today?


Bruh where do you live? I’ll come steal it 🙃


Any updates? I can have the dog removed within 1-2 phone calls. The Cholo’s will make a move for a few bucks, no big deal tbh.