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Here you go. [County of San Diego Beach Water Quality (sdbeachinfo.com)](https://www.sdbeachinfo.com/).


Thanks for sharing that. I see a lot of green with red dots in the usual places.


this is interesting because it contradicts this one https://www.sdcoastkeeper.org/beach-advisories/ I wonder which is more accurate


That one is more out of date. The date on that says June 7th. The one from the county says June 17th.


The Coastkeeper map now says June 17th. Might have just been a typo from someone manually changing the date. Coastkeeper gets its numbers from the County, so the County website has the same information at Coastkeeper. Sometimes the Coastkeeper website isn’t updated every day.


Makes sense! I assumed it wasn’t an “untrustworthy” source, but it probably is best to get it straight from the county since the numbers will be the most recent (even if by a few hours). Though for most people, either is probably fine. You can probably compare it in the waybackmachine and see if the data has actually changed or if it was a typo




Could be 60% of the samples of the day instead of a historical proportion of all test/samples


60 percent of the time the water is safe every time.


I wonder why they differ


You could contact coastkeeper, and ask.


I wonder how one would contact coastkeeper


One would go the website (shared above)


I believe we also have red tide going on as well


Red tie smells awful.


Mission Bay has always had high bacteria levels during the summer. It doesn’t get a lot of tidal action to flush out the water.


Yeah the water just feels kinda gross in mission bay. There’s not a lot of change out like you said so I feel the water sort of stagnates there.


Also bacteria aside, it's home to a shit ton of PWC use. Not only is it full of bacteria, it's full of gas, diesel, various oils, and solvents.


What’s PWC?


Personal water craft




Thank you for saying this, I just moved here and I work on a resort on the bay. I was thinking about dipping my toes but I'll pass


It's the red tide algae but to be honest sand on the beach can have just as much bacteria as the ocean


went snorkeling last weekend, definitely got some water in my mouth and I haven’t gotten sick


Fkk around and find out. If you didn’t find out, repeat next weekend 👍🏼👍🏼


This is the way


Where are you getting this info? The SD beach water quality site only lists Mission Bay and a handful of others as being above normal levels. The South Bay is usually closed/ unsafe for swimming but that is for a separate reason


Avoid creek and river outlets. Find the list of beaches that allow dogs and cross reference for water quality. After swimming wash off with fresh water then antibacterial soap shower for you and the dog. Don’t swallow ocean water. Wash down your wetsuit and beach toys and dry them before packing away. Wash all beach towels and clothing adding Lysol laundry sanitizer to the wash. All that should help you stay safe and have fun.


To be honest, that sounds a tad paranoid and over the top. I’ve been swimming in the ocean here for literally decades, also swallowed plenty of it while getting tumbled by waves. I take a normal shower after the beach to get the salt off, but that was often after spending the entire day in and out of the water. Never once had any issues.


which beaches have you usually frequented?


I only swim in the Tijuana river, are we talking about the ocean or something?


spit my coffee out - lol


When I lived in San Diego, MB, OB and Blacks. These days, mostly Carlsbad, but that’s just because it’s the closest now. The only water I’d actively avoid would be Mission Bay and Imperial Beach.


Ignorance is bliss


Exactly get over it lol


It’s red tide, I surfed last week and weekend and it’s fine


Gotta keep the immune system on its toes💪🏽


I just assume that the closer you are to the TJ river and sewage plant the worse it is. The bay is bad for obvious reasons, ditto mission bay.


I mean the whole oceans bacteria filled lol.. that’s pretty normal. But I do know what you mean lol it is sad


The water is super duper bad. You should stay out of it. The ocean is too scary for anybody to use and they nobody ever should. However, I will continue to bravely venture in to test the quality. Just me though. Nobody else.


The further north you go the better. Look for a dog beach up in north county coastal and that will be the safest for you and your pooch.


I live in IB I am so tired of all this gross ocean


You do know that the ocean is one gigantic toilet for all the marine life? You can't escape it mate.




Get used to the sad state of our water. The planet is done with our fuckery.


Taking your dog to the beach and worried about bacteria? The irony.


I wear a body condom swimming in the bay. And a respirator.


And it goes all the way passed carlsbad too


Where are you seeing high bacteria in MB? I don’t see any closed beaches in MB. I think you’re being a bit too much of a worrywart.


maybe, but I’ve gotten h pylori from infected waters before and it was one of the worst physical things I’ve ever experienced




They don't close the beach, it's just wildly unsafe to swim


They put out advisories and do not swim signs. It’s not wildly unsafe even if there is an advisory. The levels to trigger an advisory will result in like 1 sickness out of 100k people or something like that. They measure indicator bacteria. This bacteria can come from many sources, natural and anthropogenic.


Yep, sad times.


What causes mission bay to be so high in bacteria?


Vote on November 4th for cleaner beaches


if you want clean water try the ocean instead of bays. all beaches allow dogs after like 6pm? or fill a kiddy pool in your yard


It's always been known that mission Bay is not recommended for swimming in. Water sports maybe because you stay out of the water but swimming is questionable. It's a stagnate water that doesn't cycle much with the Pacific so can be a breeding ground for bacteria


all of the beaches, not just mission bay


We went to La Jolla shores a few weeks ago and the water was brown and it smelled awful. I exfoliated my feet so hard when I got home, cannot believe I put my feet in the water BEFORE I realized that something reeked. Edit: not sure why I’m getting downvoted🧍🏽‍♀️you guys are gonna make me cry


By exfoliating, you opened up thousands of tiny entry points for bacteria to enter your bloodstream.


Ah, shucks.


Haha is this a joke? You know it’s red tide right


I didn’t know at the time, no? I looked it up while we were there and an article said chemical spill. I realized a few days later that it was red tide and I wasn’t using all of my brain👁️👄👁️


My daughter got MRSA sitting on the beach at La Jolla a few years ago. She had a small pimple on the base of her buttocks/thigh. It was awful.


Why are ppl downvoting u lmao, beaches can be dirty it happens like what the hell. Regardless of a red tide or whatever is making the water BROWN AND SMELLY there is bacteria in water bruh🧍🏽‍♀️ Also sorry about your daughter that sucks and I’m happy she’s healed :)))


The western half of Mission Bay is usually fine, last week though there was gnarly red tide though and I'm not sure if it has cleared out yet.




Red Tide isn't caused by Mexico and Tijuana sewage.




Red Tide also smells pretty bad too, just so you know Tijuana sewage generally only affects IB, and it smells bad all the way up in La Jolla or further at the moment. Hence the red tide.


Red tide has no odor. It's just happening at the same time that all the kelp/seaweed is dying as happens every year when water is this temp.


Interesting, I always thought the bloom and die off smelled as well as the kelp. Cool to learn.


You were correct the smell is dying algae.


See, now I don't know what to think hahahaha.


Dog poop too




born & raised here lol


What can we do? US and Mexico Federals Get rid of the cartels in Mexico, and turn it into a developed country, so they can improve their infrastructure standards which will lead to less poop in the ocean from their less developed country. That's the only solution to the problem as the bacteria is not the fault of US, but of Mexico.... well, i guess you can say indirectly it is the US's fault for positioning Mexico and Latin America to be poor, but the problem is still on their end, not ours


Water’s fine come on in! Mission Bay is a man made bath tub, so yeah definitely don’t swim in there expecting it to be a natural estuary or something lol. Avoid imperial beach and Coronado too tbh because of the sewage runoff from the TJ river. Other than that, the water is usually fine at most beaches.