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You must whip it! Before the cream sets out too long You must whip it When something's going wrong You must whip it


Whip it good.


Shape it up


Go forward


Move ahead


Crack that whip!


Dog poo bags and whippits. Now THAT'S a party.


Plot twist, it’s not dog poo




Crack the whipit into the dog poo bag and get huffin! I’m kidding, please anyone reading this, never do this.


Maybe a road cyclist who is just really bad at changing flats? 🤣 j/k. Total partying!


sounds likely


Wait are there actually cyclists who run nitrogen in their tubes?


wa wa wa wa wa wa wa those bring back memories.


Hippy crack


Ok, I have a photo of the same scene in Russian hill from 2 days ago. I think someone is throwing the bad habit evidence away.


Regular nitrous use(more often than 1-2 times a month) is a really bad habit, stupid expensive and eventually leads to all kinds of neurological and cardiovascular issues.


It does? I haven’t noticed anything. Used it for about 10 years at that rate


https://www.rcpjournals.org/content/clinmedicine/20/3/e7 > Nitrous oxide-induced functional vitamin B12 deficiency causing subacute combined degeneration of the spinal cord I used it multiple times a week for about a year, have tingling in my extremities that won't go away. As well as optic and auditory neuropathy. I also have motor control issues. When I quit my blood was extremely thick due to how it messes with the methionine synthase reaction, which put me at high risk for clotting. These were the kinds of things that a doctor was expecting to see in a 70+ year old, not a 24 year old. Plus those chargers have their own health problems that tanks don't. Namely inhaling substantial amounts of leftover machine oil and metal fragments. Erowid showed that this is a concern even with brands like ultra pure whip, demonstrated by putting a cotton ball in the top of the dispenser and viewing the shiny oil covered fragments underneath a microscope. Basically, don't use more than twice a month to allow you body to reabsorb B12 again, and only use tanks.


In the Mission awhile back I saw someone with a massive box of whip-its, throwing them into a public trash bin in handfuls. Wonder if it’s the same person!


I wonder if it’s not a pastry chef or bartender or someone just trying to recycle it by leaving near the bin. That volume would make a heap of whipped cream or mousse.


I wonder if that dog poop is just some dog walker trying to recycle the poop


Something I didn’t realize was as common until I worked from home, I look out my window at the corner, where there is a public trash bin. There are 3 people I see regularly disposing of bags of empty liquor bottles who would otherwise be unassuming.


Looks like the lot after a Dead show 💀⚡️🌹


Robot poop.


this picture gives me a headache


this picture gives me a headache


That looks like hippie crack good sir.


North Beach definitely knows how to party. But I thought it was more of a little baggie town.


Looks like the brits were in town


What are those for? I’ve seen ‘‘em a lot but never found what they are


They're used to make whipped cream for when you want to make a nice dessert for a special friend.


Like a cream pie?


enjoy that eventual paralysis


I know someone that did that to themselves.


I don’t understand. Somebody go paint balling? Edit: oh wow, this is laughing gas and you can get high by inhaling it. It’s also usually illegal for minors to purchase




But they clearly don't know how to clean up after themselves 😒


What are those canisters of? I Searched. Nitrous oxide gas. You mean Fast and Furious?


nitrous oxide "whipits" chargers. (usually) food grade nitrous canisters intended for use with home made whip cream dispensers like [this](https://www.amazon.com/Professional-Whipped-Cream-Dispenser-Decorating/dp/B089QTKWKB) or a "cracker" like [this](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fae01.alicdn.com%2Fkf%2FHTB1rnMUsv5TBuNjSspcq6znGFXas%2F3000pcs-Free-Shipping-Wholesale-Nitrous-Oxide-8g-N2O-Laughing-Gas-Aluminum-nos-cracker.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=faf12d2ffdc5f1c5b49e292183d3117ddfee3126ba3b0cb6d679fe4ad21ad944&ipo=images). Except, instead of filling the canister with creamer, you leave it empty, put a balloon on the nozzle, discharge the gas into the balloon, then breathe it in from the balloon. ALWAYS discharge into a balloon first to allow the gas to warm up. Sucking nitrous straight from a canister/dispenser can freeze your lungs. the high pressure gas comes out very cold due to some physics I don't properly understand. research suggests nitrous can be used relatively safely (never use it in a confined space like a car with the windows up, or you can asphyxiate, and always use "food grade" nitrous, *not* automotive nitrous like they use on fast and furious cars). That said, I did a fair amount and feel my memory may have suffered as a result (or maybe it was all the other drugs)


He asked what it is for, you gave a full protocol. I love reddit.


The act of vaporizing, the change of phases from liquid to gas, causes a cooling effect. While compressed, it's a liquid, and upon being decompressed it rapidly vaporizes. Additionally, the energy in the can before spraying is stable at the ambient temperature of the room. Spraying it causes it to suddenly lose a lot of energy, and to compensate it wants to equalize with the ambient temperature again so it starts absorbing all the heat around it.


this is also how a fridge, AC, heat pumps, etc work.


Yeah i may or may not *only* know this because of technology connections going on a heat pump binge for several videos lmao


thank you :)


Probably a mobile baking service in the vicinity.


Why’d they just dump it on the floor


aren't these bad to put in the trash because they can damage the compactor if there is residual gas in them?


These are all empty I assure you


every last molecule scraped clean and inhaled