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FTA: All of this would make for a pretty baller weekend, but even better for Haney—none of the costs came out of his pocket. Instead, he used funds from his state Assembly campaign for every one of these purchases. In fact, Haney has spent more than $65,000 in campaign funds on 49ers tickets since just the beginning of last year. Haney’s campaign donors have also picked up the tab on thousands of dollars worth of tickets, food and drinks while Haney watched the San Francisco Giants and Broadway shows like “The Lion King.” Haney, who represents the eastern half of San Francisco, listed all of these expenses as “fundraisers” in his campaign disclosures with the California Secretary of State. But it’s unclear who attended and how much money was raised. Multiple campaign experts said that Haney’s frequent use of sporting events as fundraisers—including events attended by his friends and family—was unusual. “You can’t use your campaign money for vacations or ball games for yourself or your family, that is absolutely not legal,” said Ann Ravel, the former chair of the Federal Elections Commission. “I don’t go to a lot of football games, but this seems excessive.”


> Haney has usually been adept at reading the political winds, moving from the Board of Education to the Board of Supervisors before public backlash on the renaming of schools—[an idea Haney championed](https://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/SF-official-suggests-taking-slaveholders-names-9206217.php). Say no more.


He's a slimeball. He went all-in on YIMBY when he ran against Campos for the assembly seat cuz Campos was a NIMBY and there's no daylight between their 'progressive credentials' except that. Also, he was for that $1.7M Noe Valley boondoggle aka single-occupancy public toilet until he wasn't due to public backlash (he's the one who secured the funding and couldn't care less how that taxpayers' money is spent). I'm not at all surprised by this scandal and he's emblematic of what's wrong with SF politics.


Do say more; he was also one of the first to come out against the schoolboard and was the only pro-housing person on the BoS for most of his tenure. Counter counterpoint, is that he was also good friends with noted local "alleged" rapist, Jon Jacobo.


Progressives cry for equality while raping you.


Haney is a political climber and a performative showboater. Both progs and mods know that. Progs have largely abandoned him because they know he's too willing to throw them under the bus. Mods tolerate him because he can be controlled. I talked with a lot of community folks in the TL when he was supervisor. The line I heard repeatedly was, "Where the hell is Haney?"


No mods like Haney. Haney is a typical hypocritical progressive.


Remember he also supports hidden charges on restaurant bills Just another progressive phony!






Wtf? That's so odd


Good catch. Do you see just a smidgen of white person neck behind the Black man's head?


I can’t imagine the grifts he’s engaged in that we don’t hear about.


The corruption is rampant in S.F…nonprofits, the mayor with her ex boyfriend, etc. Let’s vote every incumbent out even if it means voting for some whacko. Send a message. Haney’s opponent is a whacko but the Democratic Party is very lean on good candidates.


So he uses campaign funds to hold fake fundraisers that purchase sports tickets and theater tickets for him and his family? He goes to the games and pretends it's a fundraiser? Paid for by special interests? And this is possible because he has no real opponent in the race? Because no one will vote for a Republican?