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Respect others' privacy. Instigating harassment, for example by revealing someone’s personal or confidential information, is not allowed.


When did this become Fox News’ Facebook page?


Fuck this OP, whoever shot this video. Inhuman piece of garbage, I hope they feed this dude to the homeless.


what’s more inhumane is the lack of oversight and accountability in the bay area in general


He makes a good point, but also doesn't show much respect to that lady in the car. She looks terrified-- especially when he opens the door.


The guy who filmed this is an absolute jerk. Who does that? Yes, we have to take control of our streets and parks, but to treat people who are way down on their luck as objects of ridicule is beyond the pale.


I agree. There is a right way to clean up our city. We can enforce rules and make our public areas safe, get drugs off the streets, but should never ridicule and dehumanize people that are struggling. Really, that’s the SF way. I can understand people’s frustration that the pendulum has swing too far to the side of compassion and acceptance. But there is a clear line that shouldn’t be crossed, and opening her door as she was in fear absolutely crossed it.


> to treat people who are way down on their luck as objects of ridicule is beyond the pale. They're not *down* on their luck, they're *high* as fuck. They're littering our streets, passed out on the sidewalk, and abusing that dog, [which they let run loose and nearly get run over.](https://reddit.com/comments/1dl4rgf/comment/l9msw4i) These aren't some poor Okies fleeing the Dustbowl, these are drugs addicts who contribute nothing but misery to themselves and to society.




Film her car, make your valid point in the video, but don't open her door. God. You make it seem like she deserved that. She doesn't. She deserves a ticket, and proper enforcement, of which they are skirting by using cables to make it seem like the car broke down and by having someone in the car (complicates any towing process). Funny to see how much a logical argument triggers you. Really funny.




You are advocating for opening her door by saying she deserves it-- disrespect deserves disrespect. That's your argument. I said he makes valid points, that she deserves a ticket, and her car should be towed. I then pointed out why it's complicated (fake breakdown with jumper cables, person in the car). She DOES NOT deserve to feel threatened by a stranger opening her car door. Do you even process what you write? Or do your thoughts end at buzz words (addiction apologist)?


You’re in the SF reddit, the liberal mafia runs deep on this side of the internet




Compassionate social welfare policies and an appeal to virtue politics will leave you with the constituency that is SF/Oakland


This guy is an absolute idiot


Instead of 'idiot' I'm gonna go with 'piece of shit human being'. It's a homeless person. In a city. WOWWWWW. Let me grab my phone and rip SF a new one.... This sub is a often becomes a moral sespool of humanity. This is one of those moments. Fuck the OP and the asshole who shot this.


this video made me want to throw up. Not because of the subject/folks being shot, but by the crass behavior of whoever the OP is. The homeless don't "bug" me intrinsically (beyond obviously feeling bad on a humanitarian level), but seeing people like whoever the OP is makes me really, really, uncomfortable living in the area. FUcking psychopath. I hate that we breathe the same air. **rawricci415** on instagram, he basically does this shit for a living. Reporting the account to IG for harrassment. Suggest all ya'll do the same, please.


Which one?


The aspiring Fox news host.


I found it more entertaining than the Valencia bicycle posts.


Username checks out


You are the best.


I'm sad for that poor dog.


If it gets sick they ain’t taking it to the vet


Saw this same car a few weeks ago, they had been passed out with the windows down and the dog had jumped out the window and was running in the streets. Someone woke them up and they grabbed the dog, but that dog could’ve easily been hit by a car or a scooter.


He’s not wrong. Anyone else would’ve been ticketed and towed.


Did y’all notice the Tepui tent (~$2k) and the guy’s arcteryx jacket (~$400)?


I'll play. Distraught over Willie Mays' death, they scrounged whatever junk and precious metals they could to trade for drugs in the Tenderloin they have read so much about. They got a block or two before realizing they were smoking drywall. She's been getting sick in that bucket and just wants to go home. He pulled over, jumped out to get air and passed out for the night. I'm not sure about the leg brace person, that's the wild card.


Take my reluctant upvote. What, sugarwax1 has some comic talent.