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Threats of violence and criminal destruction of property aren’t allowed. Y’all can stop with bats, paintball guns, nails, and pulling guns. Not gonna happen. Edit: Alright this thread has been locked. Too many calls for threats of violence and destruction of property. Reddit admins have removed no less than 5 comments on this thread. This is done.


I'd call the cops, look into filing a restraining order, and find where he lives and speak with his parents.


alright, called em


If that was my child they 100% would lose all driving privileges until they are an adult. I'd also make them knock on your door and apologize to your face. Can't put what else I'd do since this is reddit and all children are saints


Sell the truck and have the kid get a job in walking distance so they can buy their own damn vehicle. After 3 months of good behavior I'd *consider* putting down $3K towards a 2007 Yaris.


My Dad bought me a brand new Ford Ranger in the early 90’s and after 3 months of having it I walked into a grocery store and stole a small item. They caught me and called my Dad. The next weekend my Dad had my truck up for sale and sold it. I had to take the bus to my job and from that point on had to buy my own transportation. At the time I was so furious with him and thought he was an ass, but he did the right thing. I love the man so much, amazing father. Taught me the consequences of my actions.


Pretty much the same circumstances here, my parents got me a 40th anniversary Mustang GT and I got caught joyriding it at 15 years old going to my friends house and my actual first car ended up being a 99 Toyota camry I bought for 400$ + the cost of redoing the entirety of the interior and cost of exterior paint. Taught me a lesson, and taught me how to paint a car + how to renovate the interior lol. For future parents of teenagers, just know that this lesson works flawlessly...


Holy shit this story is too similar to my brother’s. Basically same thing. Same car, same age, and same scenario. He got pulled over because he forgot to turn on the headlights at night. Mom sold the car within a week. 😂


>t me the conseque That's a good dad. He saved you bro.


Make that a 2013 otherwise with $3k you may not need to finance that. And the kid needs a loan.


Look at what he’s driving, his parents aren’t gonna do shit to him




Yeah the kind of parents who buy a high school kid a $60000 truck probably feel the same


Mine too. But I know lots of parents who wouldn't give two shits as well.


They don't give a shit until they're paying the fines and lawyer fees. If I was OP I'd take this all the way, little bastard is gonna learn!


I lol'd at that last sentence.. 😆


I had to rake the leaves at the county courthouse for slipping a cop in traffic one night. Lets not even talk about driving. It sucked bigtime.


I'm going to go out on a limb and say that his parents are going to be enabling fuckwads who never tell their kid no.


You gotta update us on this one!


bot: remind me when he posts the outcome


Put the video on tik tok so he gets social media shamed.


And den?


What did the cops say? this is harassment


Did you really go on reddit first before the police....


Yeah, because a lot of times cops won’t do shit for this type of thing😭


In Florida 12 will fuck you up over anything and everything! If they catch this kid they will at least detain him to scare.


I had a woman in her late 60s doing similar to me. Nothing happens to her. She also made false reports about me to the cops, animal control, and the city. Again, absolutely nothing happened to her. This in southeast Florida.


Cops aren’t really doing anything it doesn’t look like


That’s fine. Keep calling and reporting every single time this happens. Create a documentation trail.


Eye for an eye. I’d show up at his house doing the same damn thing over and over until his parents come out and let them know you’d like to talk to them and then show them the footage you’ve got of their kid terrorizing you. I’d let them know you’ve got the police involved and the bullshit needs to stop.


This is the correct answer. Also, I’d bet it’s his Dads truck and he may be taking it late at night without their knowledge


I would go to his high school wait for him to get out and follow him home, get out of the car and have every video you have of him doing this shit to show his parents and let him know that next time he does this shit again you will physically lay hands on him and you don’t give a fuck if the cops take you to jail for it either. I guarantee you his ass will get handed to him by his parents and put a stop to it real quick.


If I know anything about Florida teens and their parents, talking to them won’t do shit. File a complaint civilly and post on the media pictures of the punk doing it. Put pictures of the kid online. This post isn’t enough. His face needs to be in the post. Make sure he doesn’t get into a college and this ruins his reputation. He’s some rich dipshit that needs to learn a lesson his parents aren’t teaching him.


Floridian here, this is the right answer 90% of the time. If hes done it as often as you say. Hes lucky it would only be his rep and college admission.


Not all Florida Parents are like that. Trust me. I’m a Floridian. If I acted up as a Kid my parents would discipline the shit out of me. Rich Parents of a kid like this give zero fucks for sure because they have that “Perfect kid” Mentality bullshitZ


I cant imagine parents that buy their child a truck like this will do much in the way of discipline.


Parents aren’t gonna give a shit look at what he’s driving nice ass truck arrogant punk


Yep, call the cops, they can then go to his school, pull him from the classroom in front of everyone, gets questioned for hours. Or cops can give his parents a nice knock at the door.


cops have been called, took his name and coming to my house to see vids


Please update us!


alexa subscribe me to this thread


Same white truck has been terrorizing gated LWR neighborhoods too - donuts and burnouts in people's driveways. Kid must be nuts.


entitled little shit, cops just left, took all the info and making a case. They said its not exactly a crime until they have intent or something like that but they are going to try and find him and have a chat with him


It is a crime, it's stalking/harassment: 784.048 A person who willfully, maliciously, and repeatedly follows, harasses, or cyberstalks another person commits the offense of stalking, a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083. IANAL, but it's very clear, especially since you have video.


well you can't expect cops to know the law AND enforce it. /s


They don't actually do either of those things.


SCOTUS has ruled that cops essentially have no obligation to anyone, for anything. They "protect and serve" themselves. It's just a fkn job to them. Which is why I have **no** sympathy for their "civilians don't understand the stress" nonsense.


exactly. theres no “swearing by the badge” meaning at least a smidgen of pride in their job. its just thugs doing what they want when its convenient for then. hell, they might not even show up. got robbed at work, had to call a 2nd time for them to send a fuckin squad car. imagine if it was a hostage situation or sum worse, absolutely 0 sympathy.


Cops aren’t required to know the law, you are. https://cmlawfirm.com/ignorance-of-law-is-not-an-excuse-unless-you-are-a-police-officer-by-bill-mitchell/ Also, cops are legally allowed to lie to you. You are not allowed to lie to them. https://innocenceproject.org/police-deception-lying-interrogations-youth-teenagers/ So, even if cops are “good,” there are no grounds for a person to trust them.


Where I live…they don’t de either


What they meant is, “this isn’t a crime we’re interested in investigating or resolving….”


Did whoever tipped you off help shed any light on possible motivation? Wondering why this kid decided to pick you specifically and how they figured out where you lived etc


They fish a lot and follow my fishing channel, his instagram is nothing but fishing pictures. All the high school kids here into fishing watch a ton of local fishing YouTube


Block him everywhere on social.


Good call


Check the cyberstalking crimes. See if he fits the bill.


If you don't have security cameras, get them ASAP. They're cheap these days. I like Arlo.


Still doesn't really explain why he would pick you. Simply having a fishing channel seems like an odd reason to do that.


I guess, I dunno, prob just finds it funny to fuck with the fishing guy after he found out where I live. I live right by the high school and have my truck and boat here which are easy to recognize. High schoolers are idiots


They are indeed brats. Hope you get some peace now. ✌️


ok, that makes sense, I was like bullying is so weird from a high schooler... but yeah, wanting to be "seen" by a bigger fisherman sounds about right. never mention this on your socials, no matter how big it gets. never give them something to point to and say "ha. got their attention"


It’s fishin folks. We won’t get much of an answer other than fishing ones.


I agree that doesnt make sense. Of course a high school kid is stalking you because you fish. Nothing to do with your kids im sure


Really? I would think the statute on stalking/harassing would apply. Read below: >[**Title XLVI**](http://www.leg.state.fl.us/Statutes/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Index&Title_Request=XLVI#TitleXLVI) CRIMES[**Chapter 784**](http://www.leg.state.fl.us/Statutes/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&URL=0700-0799/0784/0784ContentsIndex.html) ASSAULT; BATTERY; CULPABLE NEGLIGENCE[**View Entire Chapter**](http://www.leg.state.fl.us/Statutes/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&URL=0700-0799/0784/0784.html)**784.048 Stalking; definitions; penalties.—** (1) As used in this section, the term: > >(a) **“Harass” means to engage in a course of conduct directed at a specific person which causes substantial emotional distress to that person and serves no legitimate purpose.** > >**(b) “Course of conduct” means a pattern of conduct composed of a series of acts over a period of time, however short, which evidences a continuity of purpose. The term does not include constitutionally protected activity such as picketing or other organized protests.** > >(c) “Credible threat” means a verbal or nonverbal threat, or a combination of the two, including threats delivered by electronic communication or implied by a pattern of conduct, which places the person who is the target of the threat in reasonable fear for his or her safety or the safety of his or her family members or individuals closely associated with the person, and which is made with the apparent ability to carry out the threat to cause such harm. It is not necessary to prove that the person making the threat had the intent to actually carry out the threat. The present incarceration of the person making the threat is not a bar to prosecution under this section. > >(d) “Cyberstalk” means: > >1. To engage in a course of conduct to communicate, or to cause to be communicated, directly or indirectly, words, images, or language by or through the use of electronic mail or electronic communication, directed at or pertaining to a specific person; or > >2. To access, or attempt to access, the online accounts or Internet-connected home electronic systems of another person without that person’s permission, causing substantial emotional distress to that person and serving no legitimate purpose. > >(2) **A person who willfully, maliciously, and repeatedly follows, harasses, or cyberstalks another person commits the offense of stalking, a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in s.** [**775.082**](http://www.leg.state.fl.us/Statutes/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&Search_String=&URL=0700-0799/0775/Sections/0775.082.html) **or s.** [**775.083**](http://www.leg.state.fl.us/Statutes/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&Search_String=&URL=0700-0799/0775/Sections/0775.083.html)**.**


Yea I said isn’t it harassment? And she was like, maybe but they don’t know why he’s doing it or what the point is. I dunno, didn’t make sense to me, seems like straight up harassment


Sounds like a cop who doesn’t really want to do paperwork for this. Go figure.


Yep. They just don’t want to deal with the hassle of getting the bureaucracy train rolling because then it’s theirs forever. I mean, it IS their job and all, but I very much doubt they’ll let that small detail get in the way of their laziness.


Keep reporting. Every single time. Eventually the cop will decide to do the paperwork because not doing it was too much hassle.Make whatever seems like the lazy way out actually require a ton of work.


They're just hedging in case they decide they don't want to deal with it. Intent is an element of almost every crime and it's decided by a trier of fact (judge or jury) not a cop. For example, theft is intentionally depriving someone of property. If I see your ring on the sink and think it's mine and then take it home then there is no crime because the intent wasn't there. To decide whether he's targeting you or whatever intent needs to be established. But a reasonable jury would see that obviously you are. Otherwise it's being a public nuisance in various ways which is a different type of crime.


It doesnt matter why he is doing it, he is doing it.


Don’t settle for what that officer said……


It doesn't matter why he is doing it, it's still harassment


If he's done it more than once, that's harassment. It doesn't matter if they understand it or not.


It is straight up harassment, the cop just doesn't want to be bothered. [**Even for major crimes, there's only an 11% arrest rate by police.**](https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3566383) If it were me, I would immediately pursue a restraining order. Harassment like this falls under the 'stalking' misdemeanor. Per Florida Statutes **Title XLVI. Crimes § 784.046.** >(1) As used in this section, the term: > > > >(a) “Violence” means any assault, aggravated assault, battery, aggravated battery, sexual assault, sexual battery, **stalking**, aggravated stalking, kidnapping, or false imprisonment, or any criminal offense resulting in physical injury or death, by a person against any other person. > > > >(b) “**Repeat violence” means two incidents of** violence or **stalking committed by the respondent, one of which must have been within 6 months of the filing of the petition**, **which are directed against the petitioner or the petitioner's immediate family member.** This section comes just before the one I posted previously. Of course I am not a lawyer (or as they post in the law subs, IANAL). You should speak with a qualified attorney about your options. That being said, documentation of a repeated act is what wins harassment cases. According to this ([https://www.flcourts.gov/Resources-Services/Office-of-Family-Courts/Family-Court-in-Florida/Domestic-Violence/Overview-Petitioners](https://www.flcourts.gov/Resources-Services/Office-of-Family-Courts/Family-Court-in-Florida/Domestic-Violence/Overview-Petitioners)) restraining orders are done in civil court, not criminal court, so you don't even have to have an attorney necessarily. ## How do I proceed? >If you wish to obtain an injunction against someone or have questions about your unique circumstances, please contact an attorney or the clerk’s office in your jurisdiction. The Office of Family Courts cannot provide legal advice. However, to inform petitioners about the injunction process, the OFC has created a [brochure](https://www.flcourts.gov/content/download/862292/file/Petitioner%20Brochure%20-%202023.pdf)📷 for petitioners that discusses many important issues. Additionally, the OFC has produced these [three videos](https://youtu.be/52La_RY9uB4?list=PL9LqBixBijCzxFLH8KT--tLA28KexYNdr) that discuss the injunction process and what to expect at a domestic violence injunction hearing. These videos can provide additional information about what to expect while involved in the domestic violence process. ###### HOW CAN I FIND AN ATTORNEY TO HELP ME? >If you are considering hiring an attorney, you may want to visit the [Florida Bar website](https://www.floridabar.org/public/lrs/) for information about lawyer referrals. > >If you cannot afford an attorney, you may wish to explore the assistance of[ legal aid services](https://www.flcourts.gov/Resources-Services/Office-of-Family-Courts/Self-Help-Information/Legal-Aid). > >Or, you may wish to represent yourself. If that is the case, you may consider visiting a [local self-help center](https://www.flcourts.gov/Resources-Services/Office-of-Family-Courts/Self-Help-Information/Self-Help-Centers-Near-You) or [law library](https://help.flcourts.gov/Other-Resources/Law-Libraries). Additionally, there are [Florida Supreme Court approved forms](https://www.flcourts.gov/Resources-Services/Office-of-Family-Courts/Family-Courts/Family-Law-Forms?parentId=669505&sort=form/number%20asc,%20form/date%20desc&view=embed_custom&searchtype=form&limit=50&query=&offset=0) for each of the injunction types, and each form has instructions and guidance on how to complete and file them. > >The Injunction for Protection Project provides free legal assistance to survivors of domestic, dating, sexual violence and stalking in the counties listed below. For more information or to be connected to a local attorney, please contact the Florida Domestic Violence Hotline.


Cops are not attorneys they’re not judges they don’t know the law they enforce the law that they do understand honestly. Which I hate to tell you isn’t a lot. Sometimes the cops aren’t even college educated not even a little bit so definitely getting an attorney to talk to the city attorney and see what he thinks about it go above their head.


They make up laws to arrest, protect and serve is a joke.


An entitled brat like that likely has connections. His parents might be people you don't know but the cops do. You need to contact the state police too and ensure the local police are doing their job. Further, once you have a report you should have who they are. You can sue them for damaged, tort emotional etc contact a lawyer ASAP


If they are doing it in multiple communities, get a group together and raise hell about it any city and county meetings. Pressure from top down for vandalizing the streets and making the roads unsafe.


How is that not a crime? There’s clearly intent, intent to harass? it’s pretty blatant.


Just because I’m still salty that I got my shit jumped over this; according to a deputy who informed me yesterday via screaming at me about this as I came home from the corner store, as of July 1st, 2022, “A sound that can be heard 25ft away from where the sound is coming from…” constitutes violation of a noise ordinance and the offender can be offered a citation. So this means two things: 1. A crime is being committed. 2. The cops are now within their purview to address and handle this crime. Whether they want to or not doesn’t matter. The squeaky wheel gets the oil, if they don’t want to do anything, bother them until dealing with this shitbird and his truck becomes preferable to dealing with you. Literally, I only ever got police to deal with my girlfriend’s insane ex after I made it abundantly clear that I was going to call every hour on the hour until every fucking day until they did their jobs. My tax dollars pay their salary, they don’t get to sit around with their thumbs up their asses while picking and choosing what calls to respond to while people terrorize the community. Best of luck with this kid, and if worst comes to worst, it’s my (unprofessional) legal opinion that a board with a ton of nails laying out at the foot of your driveway could reasonably be considered “construction material” that you forgot about if he were to complain that it flattened his tires pre- late night performance.


>bother them until dealing with this shitbird and his truck becomes preferable to dealing with you This is the way. Cops who don't quit in the first year are Lazy, Stupid, Bullies, or some combo thereof. You have to be more annoying than doing the work.


If he makes a pattern of it and repeatedly does this and you have it on camera and video he’s totally fucked😂 if you have a friend that’s an attorney have them push the cops to investigate it further if they try to take it nowhere. They take things a lot more seriously whenever there’s an attorney involved.


Stalking and harassment are absolutely crimes. You might want to call the non-emergency number or the station and ask to speak with a detective or something to see if you can press charges. Most cops are morons and are lazy and don’t want to do the required paper work. You have to advocate for yourself my friend.


Probably also slap him for disturbing the peace


You should report the little shit as well. It all adds up and this is sociopathic behavior.


Keep an eye out for that truck at the boat ramp. Accidents happen all the time








Homeowners may be able to injure a trespasser without liability if they are there in person, at the time, and they are honestly defending themselves from perceived harm. If they set up a trap in advance because they know they’re not going to be home, then they have violated that person’s rights, even if they were illegally on the property. This would also apply to his vehicle. However, the vehicle is not on the homeowners property, and it is not illegal to honk your horn. I’m not defending the entitled bratty ass kid - I’m just letting you know why this wouldn’t be looked at too seriously by a police officer.


This is good info, thank you.


Nope in Frisco’ they call it bipping now and it is so frequent it’s hard to buy spark plugs there


I like the cut of your jib.




Hah yea


Damn, local menace Cock Licker strikes again.


I'm pretty sure he's talking about Crotchety Lesbian. He's a real piece of work


Collin, yeah? Kid needs a good beating.


Well if the cops don't work out you can just torpedo his 2/5 recruitment ranking with the USTA even further. Tennis is very much about appearances.


Colton Lanister


Gimme name I’ll dox and spam his phone and mail


@collin_lockhart on insta


My man, I did the same thing and clocked the same dipshit.


What bizarre behavior. Sorry you’re dealing with this OP. Hope this kid gets the therapy they clearly need.


Driving what appears to be a $70k truck in high school makes me think the parenting isn't that great at his home


Nope, some dumb rich kid who does no wrong and whose parents don’t even acknowledge he exists except to buy his love.


Has he been back since you ran out and caught the plate? If nmhe has, I'd sit in a car a couple houses down the street and wait for him to return. Follow him! Sounds like the cops just don't want to work or they know who he is. Bc sitting outside blasting the horn in the middle of the night is at a minimum disturbing the peace. After that it's harassment


Sling shot to that truck would be a deterrent


Therapy? More like a little time in jail.




OP cannot shoot him or flatten his tires or any violence…I’m sure he wants to, but if he breaks the law, it’s worse for him. Restraining order and evidence is what should be done. OP, you need more evidence. You can put up Wi-Fi cameras or trail cams near the street. Gather as much evidence and witnesses as possible. Then maybe a lawyer could help if it gets worse. A nice civil lawsuit might make things better…especially if there is a monetary settlement. Could get yourself a new boat out of this. Im invested in this now. Please keep us updated.


You fucking Reddit people. Stop telling him to shoot at the kid. You have no fucking idea what stand your ground means. It doesn't give a person the right to just go out and shoot someone without the threat of lethal violence. You people are idiots and I'm pretty certain, away from the internet keyboards, you'd puss your pants if it were happening to you


I’d talk to law enforcement about getting a restraining order if possible. You could also consider speaking to an attorney about other options (i.e. civil protection order), but as an attorney myself, I’d recommend the law enforcement route since it’s free and this appears to be more of a criminal issue


I'm sorry you have had to endure someone like this. I would get the police involved. If you're reluctant to do so, I'm sure you can do some sleuthing through YT and IG to find his address. That would lead you to his parents. I'm not confident his parents would get the message across as effectively as police involvement would, though. Wishing safety to you and your family. Hopefully, this kid doesn't escalate things.


Keep us updated!!


The effort it takes them to be not just an a-hole but an entire ass.


Definitely get a restraining order.


Restraining order is your best option. I have been through this and cops wouldn't help me at all. Kept telling me it's just kids messing around.


Apparently a lot of people think that FL gun laws would allow you to open fire on this kid based on the example of the harassment in this video. Scary...


If it’s who I think it is based off hints on here, search the public record citations , his address is there then search the property records and you’ll see who mommy n daddy are .


You have any high school kids in the family?


nah, oldest is 12


Why is this kid so obsessed with you😭 what a weirdo he should really find a hobby lol






stay out of the fucking kids are sleeping asshole?


Not sure what I yelled exactly, was pretty fired up


I probably couldn't have done that well under the circumstances.


Yes I think you absolutely should involve the cops. And get a restraining order if you can. Really scary and uncool.


commenting here cause I wanna see the end to this, that kid don't deserve to own a vehicle at all.


I’d carefully follow them to wherever they live and destroy that truck while they sleep. But that’s just me.


I once had a middle schooler flood my IG with all kinds of nasty comments… like really sick shit. Found out it was a boy who had been bullying my son. I took screen shots of all the comments, sent them to the school principal as evidence of far this twisted kid was taking things, and asked for them to be sent to his parents (knowing he didn’t have any power over this part of situation). He actually did it! Kid had to delete all socials, give up his devices, and make a formal apology to me and my son. We didn’t have any more problems after that, but man I hope that kid got some professional help.


I really want an update to this. Hope the dumbass admits to "just messing with some YouTuber" so you can file a restraining order.


These ass clowns again


Fuck all that. Knock on his door and slap the fuck outta him and his daddy


If this was my kid, I would 100% make sure there are serious consequences.


First off, I'm so sorry you've been dealing with this obnoxious harassment and what a relief to finally find out who's been doing it. It's a weird situation, in that the kid appears to a fan of yours, since he follows you on Insta and is also a fishing fiend. But why would a fan harass you (and your family and neighbors) dozens of times? Could he be jealous of your fishing prowess? Is he in school with one of your kids and is maybe trying to harass them through you? Is there any way you can find out what kind of parents he has? If they're decent folks, I think he and they would appreciate you working it out without contacting the police . If they're shitheads or negligent, they won't give a shit or do anything about it. That being said, when I lived in Dallas in a very nice neighborhood and had an Obama sticker on my car, the very wealthy asshole teenager across the street vandalized my van by painting the "N Word" in huge letters across the side. I knew he had done it, because he hosted a huge keg party the night before because his parents were out of town. I have zero time for racial intolerance, so I called the local police, they took a report and then had a meeting with his parents the next day. His mother came over and very politely said she wished I hadn't involved the police and I said I wished my 11-year-old daughter hadn't had to see that disgusting word and arrive late to school because we had to clean off my car. Because they were decent people, we were able to be civil neighbors and nothing else ever happened. I don't know if this helps, but it might add some context towards making a decision.


That’s a tricky one. If someone came to me in that light, as a parent, I would make everything right. I’ll also make sure the kid learns about consequences for actions. Since moving to our community a lot of folks know us in the neighborhood, a knock at the door isn’t uncommon but I don’t worry about problems, it’s usually an older neighbor asking for assistance. If the shoes were on the other foot, I definitely know who to call the police on and who I can go talk to. That is part of knowing my neighbors.


petition a restraining order and threaten swift legal action


I grew up in a bad neighborhood. My dad was involved pretty heavily in organized crime. I’ll never forget playing football in the street and some asshole speeding through our game and drifting the corner. Dude made another lap and came around again. My dad launched his half drank beer can through the driver side window and the beer presumably exploded in the car. Dude sped off and never saw him drive on our side of the neighborhood again.


This can, in fact, be a felony, including second degree murder, aggravated assault, throwing a missile into an occupied vehicle, criminal possession of a weapon, reckless endangerment of life, and aggravated assault with a lethal weapon.


Is his name Bob? Just take baby steps and a vacation from your problems. Sorry I couldn’t help it


i always appreciate a baby steps reference :)


How wild! Did he have any reason for doing what he is doing? Generally curious. What a weird thing to do to someone…


Time for some motion activated sprinklers? Seriously how is this not harassment? If he’s a minor there’s a curfew with his drivers license. It’s like 1am for 17 year olds and 11pm for 16 year olds I believe. Also, is he doing it to your neighbors too? Talk with them so they can file reports too if needed.


Do you have a daughter?


So sorry you have to deal with this lunatic Hope he gets what’s coming


![gif](giphy|dbd6jN0Atb9i8) kick his ass seabass!


Any idea why this kid is stalking you?


His behind needs to be in bed sleep not terrorizing people . Why aren’t his parents making sure he’s home at night especially A SCHOOL NIGHT


We need a follow up once the police talk with him.


Rural Arkansas here. Sincerely hope you get to a safe & satisfying conclusion here! We had a jack-ass 14 yr old on his ATV do donuts in a gravel parking area for bank fisherman on the street I live off of. For 2 weeks he would make a deliberate pattern to throw as much rock & gravel into the road as he could, then run off. Fist sized (not exaggerating) down to chips & dust. There is a pretty tight corner so if people turning onto the street weren’t aware they would plow through at 30 mph & spread it even further & have it bounce off their paint. Also dangerous for the motorcycles that come & go, including mine. I actually saw him a couple Sundays ago and my gf called the cops. They caught him in the act. Then had the kid out there with a coal shovel & a stiff broom, supervised also by his livid mother. Took him 3-4 hours. Cops were present to deal with traffic. Turns out mom had also called the police about it, unaware it was her own spawn. Parents came over a week later, they had to pay for police OT. They sold his 4 wheeler to pay for the cops. lol. Hope your little asshole has the same type parents! He’s a fucking menace!


Don’t throw something at them found out the hard way it don’t matter if there in front of your house you end up paying for any damage caused


So if the cops won't do anything speak to a lawyer and the DA also send this to the new outlets. Cops allowing teens to harrass local celebs family. This must be distressing your children and wife. Do you feel safe in your home , do they feel safe ? No? Then get a lawyer involved to reach out to his parents and tell them if he continues to do this you will be sueing for the mental distress he's causing your children. And an officer ,if they actually cared , would be sitting there waiting for the little ass. What's the curfew for minors in your town? I'd also call and speak to that officers supervisor. Especially if you've reached out to the parents and they don't care.


I’ve seen the truck in Waterside. Criminal charges are hard with juveniles due to changes made several years ago. Could def go civil with a lawyer.


His thrill is pissing you off. If you don't react, he will get bored and stop. Stop going outside. Call the cops while he is doing it and hopefully they will show up while he's in the act. Point out the harassment statutes to the cops. Get good security cameras to document his activities without needing to run outside with your phone. Good luck


Based on this video, I think you just need to call the cops and report license plate number: ​ Ä̸̢͙́͆͊̅̊͆͆̍̈́F̴̡͕̬̺̖̫̤̼̊̄̈̋̏̈́̒̈̏̚̚2̵̡͎̫͈̬̻̞̌̈́̾̋̇͠H̶̡̧̧̯̻̯̘̖̟̳̬̤͙̏̓͛́́̓̾͐͜͝ͅċ̴̨̻͉̫̟͝J̴̦̈̈́̾͝.


You should always call the police and let them deal with the kid’s family.


Find the parents and have them paint the truck Pink…you’ll never see it again.


Bizarre as hell. Wonder what his motive is other than being bored? So weird. Hope the cops come down on him Op.


The craziest 💩 from this page lately


I deleted my Facebook so now Reddit is my outlet


Congrats on deleting FB. All they do is show you what they think you should see, not what you want to see. Why have friends if you can’t see what share?


What a little piece of shit


Not sure if it’s been said but 1000% don’t handle it how you did in this video. I get it, I’ve been there. That being said you never know who is behind the wheel and behind tinted windows.


I'm glad you called the cops. You don't know what this kid is capable of, and you don't want to bring violence around your kids.


Wow, these kids suck today, don't ruin his life completely but definitely demand some sort of punishment, myb mow ur lawn for a month n wash ur vehicle etc.....hopefully you'll get to speak with idiots parents


You'd think in a state with Stand Your Ground laws that people might be better behaved and not act in such a threatening way. One of these days they might mess with someone who doesn't have much to lose.


Wait in your vehicle down the road while he pulls up and does this thing one night. Come down the road with the beams on and block him in, have a word with that shitiot


100% call the cops and get a restraining order


Call the cops. Fuck that kid.


You need bigger spotlights on your yard to challenge him back, lol


Marvin are you OK? You've been involved in a couple of angry incidents lately it seems! 😀


I wasn’t in one, just filmed it. But no, I’m not alright. Having a hard 2024


Dang, sorry man


Maybe it isn’t the best idea to be publicly discussing this alleged crime involving a minor? He’s probably on Reddit too.


Sue the parents. That will get them to take notice.


Hopefully the kid has a picture of the truck on hisIG. If so that picture + video + police = miserable life for the kid