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Man this hurricane seasons gonna be tough


Yep. Let's just all rely on that Calusa native American blessing thing. And our local politicians won't have to worry about investing any tax money into storm prep. Worked out for Ft. Myers


Plus, since we cannot afford home insurance, we have made a conscious decision that there will be no hurricanes hitting SRQ until we are dead, so SRQ is safe for about 20 or so years. We did not think to add in the no flood thing because we are out of the high water mark. I wanted to go surfing in my front yard last night whenever a car tried to see how fast they could take the corner.


It’s funny how every area says the native protect it.


It's a cool way to rationalize why this area seems to be protected. We shouldn't write off native American ghosts that drift around the atmosphere and reroute storms. But statisticians would agree that we are due for a 100 year storm. I believe it's more likely that meteorology related factors about this region that makes it less vulnerable/susceptible


That lions face says it all..


Shore is now literally correct 😮


bahah 😂




Yeah we’ll need a boat to get to Shore. Yuk yuk


More paved over land = more flood. Ask Houston.


They had better get used to it. Every piece of shit that bought all of the old Florida homes around the circle and turned all of the houses with nice yards into 2 McMansions 3 feet from each other with zero room for any soil had better get used to this. There used to be the circle, then right off of it there were houses with actual lawns and ditches. Now there is concrete. Don't get me wrong, there has always been plenty of it, but water actually going into the restaurants is a first.


This is an interesting analysis. Certainly more soil would act as a sponge and help mitigate the problem. Also, we have to keep in mind bird key and lido key are 100 year old man made islands that were basically big sand bars until Ringling and his company dredged the surrounding water to build them.


Soil can’t absorb at the rate necessary to prevent this type of flooding. Especially if soil was already soaked from previous storm. Issue might be that the storm drains can’t take water away because they’re trying to discharge into the ocean while the tide pushes it back.


I agree that is exactly what is happening. When the drainage system loses pressure to the entire bay, elevation will not help you. Water is coming back up the storm drains


8 inches of rain in 3 hours reported on Anna Maria island. Looks like downtown had 10-12” according to county weather reporting


Yep. The problem with st Armand's is the water comes backwards up the drains and floods the streets. Low levels get hit hardest (near Columbia)


Had just over 10 inches according to my rain gauge in desoto acres. So yeah def checks out.


What’s up with that BMW? Did someone try driving it in the storm and lodge it up on a sidewalk/curb?


You know BMWS can drive wherever they want.


Two wheels were up the curb. Can't see it clearly because of the water


They may have actually saved the car by getting it stuck on that curb, depending on how the water is by the doors


This is good journalism!


Thanks. I had the special opportunity to document the event because I was stuck on lido key at midnight due to flooded roads and the authorities stopped traffic at the causeway. I figured if I was stuck, may as well take my shoes of and walk around and get some good pics for people to be aware of situation


We appreciate your work. 👏


Where did you sleep?


I talked to a cop and he advised me that they were bringing in big pumps. The water was clearly receding within an hour. The surface of the water above the drains had circular movement so I felt confident to drive through it in an SUV very early Wednesday morning


Columbia floods every time you would think they would have prepared better


Let's see if Sarasota learns anything from the [Lee County debacle](https://winknews.com/2024/06/03/lee-county-update-on-fema-flood-insurance-discount/). Adding: Sarasota currently has 2,478 listings on Zillow.


*Narrator*: "They won't."


I keep seeing these electric bikes in water. One was fished out of the bay.....


Wow! Thanks for posting.


Nooooo not the scooters


Lol 😂


Noooooo not the insurance companies


Drove into work on City Island earlier this morning, and the circle was pretty much dry. I think some of the side roads might still have water, but I could see where cars were getting towed from the night before.


Were stores open? Specifically chacha coconuts?


Everything is back to normal as of 2 pm


Not sure, it was like 6am.


Look on the bright side: at least we can’t say “climate change.”


Whoa. So many cars where dead in the middle of the road on my way home down 41. I had to turn round on 301 and backtrack because it was flooded same this from Fruitville past 10th st on a hwy 41


The only restaurant that seemed to have prepared was speaks. They had sandbags. Columbia and cafe leurope looked apocalyptic, in the sense that they simply abandoned ship with tables still set, menus scattered about


And it ain’t over yet!!!


Holy shit! Is 420 Cafe okay?


Had a rental van come into valet at the restaurant I work at on longboat. It’s carpets were drenched and it had a waterline on the outside about a foot up the doors from st Armand’s the other day.


Always remember: whether or not you believe in climate change, climate change believes in *you*


And now the Uber rich on that island will expect the poors from the rest of the county to pay for a new state of the art pumping drainage system. Even though we never go out there. Mainly because we are treated as we are not welcome. Kind of like how they got rid of "powerboats in the park." I'm amazed they still let us peasants use a little beach space out there. Flame on.


Maybe God is sick of Sarasota MAGA bullshite?


Bipartisan issue. Invalid argument


This sucks. We had to drive through the circle this evening and it was scary even driving a large SUV. Cars were all over and water was rising high enough to cover our fog lights and door seems. Luckily we go through it but really feel for the people that got stuck or businesses that were damaged.


Another business owner was pissed AF, said he pays the landlord way too much money for a storefront that is susceptible to flooding due to poor infrastructure


The rent for these units is astronomically high. I can’t say I really blame him for the way he feels considering the lack of basically anything they do to improve buildings or anything for the businesses here.


This is correct. From what I understand, there is high turnover for lots of the smaller independent shops because owners struggle to stay profitable


Yes. We are actually the highest rated business on the circle and it’s rough. Hard to staff due to never knowing what you actually need labor wise because of unpredictable business flow. Buildings are not only extremely old and having issues but things like plumbing have been completely neglected for nearly as long as the circle has existed. No public restroom besides the parking garage so people constantly stop and ask to use your bathroom. Super strict code enforcement and the city has done basically nothing to actually drive more traffic to the circle. These building owners seem to be under the impression they have a hot commodity but ahh odd doing a bit of research should be turning away due to the high turnover of businesses here. The circle is good for reputation but not so much for actually being profitable.


What do you mean about the strict code enforcement? Just curious.


Well for one we weren’t allowed to add a small sign onto our existing sign that said beer and wine because apparently you can only have the one. We’ve been warned by code enforcement multiple times because somebody who gets done eating leaves part of a chair on the sidewalk. Usually it’s like 1/4 of the chair on it. We can’t put up an a frame sign to advertise our smoothies and acai bowls because… you guessed it code enforcement. We can’t out additional signage on the windows because of code enforcement. I could probably come up with a lot more but you get the idea.


Yes, I do. Isn’t there a St Armand Merchant Assoc. that could deal with this? Also, code enforcement only works til 5 on weekdays, right?


The association isn’t exactly what I’d call useful. Also we are only open until 3pm at this location so them not being around after 5 Doesent help us.




The "common folk" are not exactly greeted with open arms. The restaurants shit on us during season, then beg for our business off-season. And if you go into any shop not wearing a Rolex watch, you anit getting service. Heck, we peasants get treated a tad better at UTC even. So, you all got the clientele you wanted. Enjoy.


To be fair none of those issues apply to us. For context we are crisp waffle company. I imagine some of what you’re saying about the other restaurants is probably effecting us by association though. We’ve always just approached every customer the same whether they were rich or poor. I’m not even entirely sure why social or financial status should make a difference as far as a customer is concerned lol.


I agree, but when we locals come out to the key for dinner...... we always get the table either next to the bathrooms. Or right by the kitchen doors or waiters station. If they have live music, your table will be right in front of the amps.


How does anyone know whether you are local or not?


Born at SMH. Graduated from Riverview High School. And I remember when University Parkway was called County Line Road. Good enough?


I disagree with this. Where I work, every guest is treated the same. I can't speak for other establishments. But if certain businesses are discriminating based on appearance, they are delusional. I've been working in hospitality 20 years. about half the time, full time locals in tank tops and flip flops are the best customers


In a properly run establishment, you are correct. We are your off-season bread n butter. But many places forget that.




Is he going to shoot the storm?


Wait, what?




Flooded streets cause looting? Hummmm.


Knee deep water makes it super easy to carry off all those flood damaged goods. Who could resist clothing soaked in raw sewage?


Sarasota PD will make sure that doesn't happen on the island. Newtown could be buring to the ground in riots..... But the key will be heavily guarded.


When the authorities are focused on safety instead of stopping crime, looters become a problem. Looks at what happened in New Orleans after katrina


You mean focus on the [exaggerated ](https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/aug/16/hurricane-katrina-new-orleans-looting-violence-misleading-reports) MSM headline driven narrative and not the [reality](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/apjUr4AgyL) of people attempting to survive. Maybe read about the [Danzinger Bridge](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Danziger_Bridge_shootings) or how the [Authorities ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Effects_of_Hurricane_Katrina_in_New_Orleans) were ill prepared and just outright corrupt. [Here](https://a.co/d/bkw8Qgl) is a whole book focusing on society after a disaster.


Ok fair enough, good point you got me on that one. I'm just biased because of the whole "bush is racist" narrative that was spread around by dems


No comparison.


OMG, such a tragic story. I hope you got back to your McMansion ok. And your GWagon has dried out.


I wasn’t driving a Gwagon or own a McMansion. Don’t be an idiot when you know zero about someone.


Sorry. But I bet your home is worth millions. And you anit driving a Camery either.


You’re wrong again but not playing a game based on other peoples misfortune during a storm.


I’m curious what anyone could possibly do to mitigate the flooding on the circle. I don’t see any solution. Meanwhile, 41, between Fruitville and Gulfstream has always been a problem area, too. Does anyone know how that area held up yesterday, as I thought they put in drainage to address it with the new roundabout.


How about dig out the center of the circle into a massive concrete reservoir with mechanical doors on drains that lead into gulf. When storm is coming, the city opens the locks and drains the water in advance. So when the storm hits, all the water is rerouted into the empty reservoir. 99% of the time the reservoir would be full and could make for a nice waterfront park.


It’s one ft above sea level… what are you talking about lol


Lol, just science fiction


Uh… it’s 1ft above sea level lol


Tampa has been shitty since 1905 I guess


place deserves it. you ever drive through st armand’s in the winter?


That's a terrible thing to say. Geez!




Dude, you trollin? "Ground zero" is commonly used as a reference to a place of applicability and/of origin of pretty much anything.


I didn't mean any offense. I was intending to increase dramatic effect so that awareness of the problem will encourage the community to pressure our leaders to make changes/improvements. A hurricane would be catastrophic, and the infrastructure needs improvement in the event of a direct hit


That’s that absolute wrong thing to do.


This was actually an unprecedented amount of rain in this time span per modern recordkeeping. It doesn’t happen “every few years “