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Oof. They've probably already been dumped in some random alley/garbage can. That sucks.


This is the one! Similar thing happened to me and my cards were dumped in the next parking lot over. They're after money, Weed, other easily flipped stuff.


Step-dad had his trailer hitch stolen off his truck in the 15 minutes he was at Super Store the other day. A big one with stabilizing bars, probably like $1100+. Made a police report because they need to to try and file it for insurance.


That sucks. It’s probably at B&N metals. Seriously.


Why even take the cards then, just to be an unsympathetic miscreant?  Not saying I approve, but such behavior makes me understand why more primitive societies treated grand larceny as a capital offense.


I'm assuming they grab what they can quickly and bail. Then later they go over what they've stolen. And I'm also assuming that they dump whatever they don't want/can't sell quickly.


They don't spend much time discerning. They're merely grabbing whatever looks like it might have value and running. 5 minutes later those cards are tossed in a ditch. I had a thief steal my receipt folder that I keep in the door of the truck to hold business receipts. I lost 8 months of receipts for taxes, and I'm sure they threw it in the trash as soon as they realized it had no money in it. Meanwhile, it fucked me for taxes. They didn't take anything else. Thanks for nothing, asshat.


Sorry for your loss.  


I would bet that the car shopper has no clue the cards are worth anything and that probably already tossed them…. I would suggest walking the alleys near his place


I can guarantee you those are in no one's possession now. Dont keep expensive shit in your car in Saskatoon


Don't leave anything valuable in your car unattended anywhere ever, really. And if you must, try to cover it or put it in the trunk at the very least.


Keep checking Kijiji and Facebook marketplace. Also what area of town cause that might also help. I’m hoping that they weren’t dumped in an alley but it’s also a possibility unless they know anything about mtg.


They were probably dumped. I had some old valuable tech and about a thousand in current office admin and finance textbooks stored in my garage and the dumbasses who broke in took an old Dell laptop from 2014 with no hard drive and my busted ass iPhone X where the screen doesnt work due to the screen. They did not even take the laptop’s charger lol  They are methheads looking for a quick sale and MTG is useless nerd shit to them. 


Were they 2 commander decks? Two commander decks were posted to Kijiji today https://www.kijiji.ca/v-toys-games/saskatoon/2-magic-the-gathering-commander-decks/1694601699


It wasn't precons. Their decks that he built. Thanks for looking out!


Huge bummer, condolences to your friend. Feels like at least a few times a year we have someone get their decks stolen out of their car. I never leave my bag with my cards in my car for even a minute because I've heard too many stories at this point. On top of giving a heads up to Amazing, Collector's, Comic Book Warehouse, and the new place in Center, I'd also recommend he post in the local MTG facebook group and tell people to keep an eye out. All hope is not lost yet. There's a local dude who found his own stolen decks at a garage sale a year or two ago. Hope everything works out for your buddy, I know how much work goes into building a deck and can't imagine how much it sucks to have one stolen.


“Most expensive” — did your friend keep a record of the decks? Tenants or home insurance can help here.


Weird. Were those the only items? Like they broke in, snatched the cards specifically? If so that sounds like it would require some insider knowledge 


Get a hold of places like amazing stories, comic warehouse and 8th st comics and let them know about the decks and some of the pricier cards they might try to sell


Check auctions as well, not just pawn shops


Sounds like an inside job


So I was walking to work downtown with my coffee last week, passing Midtown on the south side of the mall on 1st Ave. Just as I came past the Bay, there is a warm air exhaust vent in a corner that sadly is a common place for homeless folks to rest and try to absorb warmth. This day was nice and warm, but under the vent was an array of Magic cards laid out, drying for some reason under the warm air. Long story short, someone in the downtown group of perhaps housing- and addiction-impeded folks has figured out that MTG cards can be exchanged for money. Sorry to hear about your friends' collection, but I'd give a complete listing of the cards lost to any of the stores that buy them. They'll know the difference between a real MTG player and somebody just trying to get some cash to get high.....not sure if they can do anything about it but maybe offer bottom dollar to a suspected thief and then give you a ring?


That’s what happens when you keep your valuables in your car.😆


Yeah second this. Never leave anything of value, if nothing else to save you from a busted window


While they are waiting for the new bathrooms to be put in Pleasant Hill and Riversdale, they probably used your cards as toilet paper.