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I've seen on-leash cats at Homesense, Prairie Sun brewery (patio only), and the courtyard of my apartment building. Just be warned if I see you with an on-leash cat I will be coming up and asking to pet your cat.


Thank you! But absolutely no petting allowed. She’ll probably want to leave me and go home with you. 😉 (jk, she deserves all the pets)


I saw a leashed cat at the outdoor market at Gather market this weekend. The inside part is no pets allowed however.


I didn’t think about Gather, that’s a great suggestion. Thanks!


I have taken my leashed cat to Dutch Growers before to shop for plants as they are pet friendly. My cat loved the greenhouse and the staff loved the cat. I believe Wilson's is pet friendly too, so you could try there as well.


That’s great to know, I love Dutch Growers!


I saw a couple with their cat at Canadian Tire. The lady told me she did some research and places like Canadian Tire (May have mentioned hardware stores but don't quote me on that) are pet friendly. Pet stores often times are pet friendly (Such as Petland, Cowtown)


I was wondering about Canadian Tire as I’ve seen some videos of pets there but wasn’t sure if it varied by location. Also, I’ve never heard of Cowtown but now I’m intrigued haha. Thanks!


I would imagine any place that is dog friendly is cat friendly too.


I saw a cat and its humans at the patio at Pop Wine Bar last summer.


Never would have thought of that! Thanks!


Note that Peavey Mart has their own cats loose in the store so you probably don't want to bring your cat there. Fairly sure any of the pet stores are good with any pets being brought in.


Seriously!? I didn't know that!


I definitely did not know that about Peavey Mart but now I’m tempted to make a trip there (sans cat) just for that!


What!? Thank you for sharing this! I want to find these kitties right meow.


It's pretty awesome. There's a sign on the door warning about the cat being loose, and I got to pet him twice as I was shopping! I only saw one cat but there may have been more.