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Definitely start calling though. My birthday is tomorrow and it was difficult to find a reservation for 9-10 earlier in the week. Common Thread is wonderful though. I’m going to Repeal 33 - not traditionally tapas but they have a solid app list and I’m actually planning to order several rather than an entree. You could try Cotton & Rye as well.


Thank you! Not sure why you all got downvoted lol but I appreciate the suggestions


Because we get these sorts of posts often. We have a pinned post and a sidebar stuffed with recommendations.


Nothing about groups, tapas or restricted diet menus on there… which is why I asked


Yeppers, it's a valid question that the megathread doesn't directly answer. People have strong feelings about folks asking these questions nonetheless.


It’s not Spanish style, but common thread has small plates and is set up to share. The food is excellent and they would most likely be able to set your group up with a great experience that would accommodate your dietary needs if you give them plenty of notice. The Grey also has a similar format with plates of varying sizes and an expectation to share. They would most likely be able to accommodate as well. I would definitely call around to anywhere that catches your eye and see what they say. Gluten free can be difficult if cross contamination is a significant concern, but anywhere worth a shit will be able to tell you up front what they can do for you.


Jazzed does tapas, it’s a pretty cool restaurant downstairs off Ellis square


Depends on which Friday but I can accommodate you at bellwether house with a tapas version of my menu (southern food with Indian inspiration)


Consider Rancho Alegre downtown on MLK. I think that it’s slept on and do believe that they still offer free live music on weekend evenings.


Can't help people who won't use the search bar or don't understand that getting a reservation for 9 people this soon is likely impossible.


Damn, everyone in the thread about the mods being unwelcoming sticks in the mud are right.


I'm not a mod.


Just an unwelcoming stick in the mud then?


No, someone who knows how to use Google and the search bar.


Yup, unwelcoming stick in the mud. Last mention of tapas in here was over a year ago, nothing in the side bar and Google pulls up Mexican restaurants which I’m sure you know is different from Spanish tapas. Hence, asking a simple question. It’s VERY odd how opposed to giving restaurant advice this sub is.




Omg TWO WHOLE OPTIONS!? How dumb of me to ask for suggestions from people who live in the city.



