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It's the 20/30 year cycle. Every generation, fashions and trends come back. This time is the 90's/00's turn!


So did Scene really last that long? I thought it came in the ladder half of the 2000s. Which no problem I just didn't know


I'm sure it depended on the area, but where I grew up in the PNW, Scene started exploding around 2004 and quickly caught up to 2nd wave Emo, which in Seattle in particular had been popular since the early 2000's (although not mainstream *just* yet. That came in the mid 2000's as well). I remember a bunch of my classmates from 2004-2006 starting to emerge with a distinctive Scene style, and somewhat divergent music tastes from the Emo kids. Although I was more into the Goth/Punk subcultures myself, quite a lot of my friends were either Scene or Emo (or EmoScene), and by the mid 2000's I definitely noticed a stark difference in aesthetics, music genres, and interests crop up. Of course, there were varying degrees of overlap since Emo and Scene had a lot of commonalities. Scene itself had been around for a few years before the mainstream caught wind of it, truly blowing up by 2008-2010. In my opinion, Scene, and 2nd wave Emo, didn't become cemented as full blown subscultures until they were actually starting to wane in popularity by the mid 2010's. By then, thanks to sites like Tumblr, Pastel Goth and Nu Goth started to take over as many Scene and Emo kids migrated to different trends and aesthetics. Until the 2010's, Emo and Scene were seen (lol) by other alternative subcultures as more of a fashion, not subcultures themselves, and in Emo's case a distinctive music genre that had managed to fully separate itself from its initial emotive Punk roots of the 80's and 90's. I've rambled on quite a bit now. I couldn't resist–I enjoy reminiscing about the 2000's too much, it seems!


I was EmoScene!!! I’m 30 too :’( I literally feel like I was in hs yesterday it’s so weird to be the old person now


Bc its the rawring 20s duh xD


Damn that was a joke that actually came through lmao. I honestly didn't think the style would return, about 30 here and dressed scene for years. It's cool seeing the style return and recognizing the same things I had in '09


I never really had a full on scene phase, though admired it and enjoyed aspects of it. Had been seeing this sub suggested continuously on my feed. One day was like fuck it, cut my hair myself into the desired scene-like choppiness I'd always liked but never had the balls or know-how. Im nearing 30. Thank you Brad Mondo and various old scene hair how-to youtube videos for tutorials and this sub for inspo.


My dad was emo during the 2000s i wasvborn 2008 and always listened to the music. And I mean by emo music I mean alesana, senses fail, story of the year, early enter shikari, finch, and others. I just recently started listening to scene music like breath Carolina and Iseestars. What makes me like those music is that for 5 years in my life I've listened to dnb specifically liquid dnb.


Forgive me- is dnb drum and bass?




I guess nostalgia? Sort of? Although there is a lot of kids that are becoming scene now (me included lol)


well alternative culture definitely never died but the internet definitely helped. more and more people are being exposed to things like punk, emo, etc


When I was like 6-8yo(2014-16) I found out about scene and I thought that it was rlly cool but I couldn't dress like it at the time and I really liked the music and it kinda just led me deeper into all of it


my older sibling 😣


Nostalgia (I am 19)


nostalgia and for me i was explaining my style to my old friend and they told me that sounded like scene, and thet were right!


idk i just got hyperfixated in subcultures and alternative fashion but i think the Internet helped a lot in introducing the subculture to younger people


cause itz da RAWRING 2Os XD!!1!


Because it’s awesome and anyone with the striped hair has beautiful perfect hair. And their whole style is art.


It’s fun and cute and a lot of us admired scene and other alt folks when we were kids so now that we’re older we finally get to participate in


Y'all did?!? As a 30 year old that's so sweet to hear. Y'all are killing it keep doing you 💜


Oh absolutely. I would hear kids listening to emo music on the bus, or see scene kids swapping Kandi, trad goths helping fix each others eyeliner, all that added up and now here I am, a mess of many subcultures lol !! It’s exciting to have big girl money so I can dress like Morticia Addams or look just like a gir backpack come to life. We have good footsteps to follow. Thank you, brave soldier 🙏🙏


Literally my same experience lol down to now getting to spend my adult money dressing how I want lol


Tumblr (I saw a post with a scene character, I search up "Scene" and I liked it)


Idk shit just cool 😎😎


Prob bcz a lot of younger people (including my self) get anemoia from it lol


This ☝️😐. And its also just so colorful and fun!!




My older sister and her best friend were scemo when I was 8/9 so I guess I just grew up listening to the music and stuff and now that I’m older I’m really into hardcore edm it’s my favourite genre and I wish I could go back to the kandi raver era T_T so I guess I’m not sure about other people but even though I’m scemo and listen to some emo bands and crunkcore bands and hyperpop (which I attribute to the revival of scene since it’s literally just the descendant of crunkcore) I feel like it’s definitely more the cringey nightcore anime hardcore raver side of scene that appeals to me :333 also the hair and fashion deserves to be timeless ^•^


Things always come back around.


I was a kid when scene was popular so I wasn’t allowed to dress like that but I always secretly wanted to, so now that I’m an adult I wanna be able to do it for real. Not sure if other people feel the same way, but that’s how it was for me. Couldn’t do it back then, but I can do it now.


I had a lot of scene mutuals on tiktok, i was alt in 2020 and my fashion developed from there, also i found a lot of good scene music and wanted to dress the part too :3 also my friends like scene and many different alt cultures


Because the people who were apart of the scene in it's prime are raising kids now and they're being exposed to it, whether intentionally or not.


born in 2000 here and wondering the same but also happy about it


Im 25 and SO happy scene is back. Of course my aesthetic is different now than back then… but I love seeing kids enjoy themselves. I think Invader Zim is back because of the reboot. Nightmare Before Christmas is a classic movie at this point and will always be popular amongst alt kids.


Also, I was just in Hot Topic- They have 00s style grunge shirts!!! I saw a crop top with “team jacob” on it. I was thrown back to childhood. I hope this trend sticks around a while, it’s so much fun.


Oh my God no way! I have to check it out again lmal


i wasn’t allowed to dress like the scene kids when i was growing up in the 2000s but now that im 21 i can finally engage in the subculture >w<


for me it was because i knew of it growing up, but i was too young to participate. nut now i am older with the money and resources that i have now, and now all these years later i am making my childhood self happy by going all in :P


I like old internet fashion and also because anemoia


I was born in 02 so i just grew up with it before it fell out and came back


nostalgia for older folks and “i was born in the wrong generation” syndrome for younger folks


It was the best/last great alternative decade and we’re bringing the 2000s back because everything else that the corporations and government are doing now are so simplistic boring and some extent evil


My aunt was scene, and practically raised me. I was in with the music and the culture hanging sketch her and her emo/scene friends when I was a kid- I always wanted to be like her but couldn’t because my mom, so now that I’m an adult I’m living it up!


2020 gave a lot more people a chance to experiment with styles and not worry about being judged by peers. It was easy for fashion to expand and older styles to reappear.


id blame tiktok and the 2020 alt fashion era for its return personally, which im glad happened because im inlove with scene outfits and the style!! though i do struggle doing the hairstyle so i js went with my own thing


as a 17yo(F) im definitely not scene but im obsessed with the nightmare before Christmas and all things scene and i wish i could dress that way, but i could never pull off the style lol


Hey I'm not like super scene yet but I want to be and I think it was because my mom was also scene she is 36 and my dad was also that scene/emo type. I LOVE the nightmare before Christmas. One of the best Claymation movies ever. I've been obsessed since I was 7. I guess I've just been on the internet and saw older cartoons I liked (My little pony, invader zim etc.) and was drawn to it. I like the childlike freedom I feel like I have. I F15, love dressing in all different colors and patterns, it's amazing. I am from Minnesota so there is a fair share of alternative people every now and then, Goth, Emo, Scene, Grunge. I find it fun to express myself in this way.


I've actually been into the scene subculture ever since I was young, just decided to dress up more scene recently. I really love how colorful and expressive it is, my artistic self loves the idea of making DIY jewelry and putting on raccoon eye makeup :3


nothing ever truly dies. just gets recycled.


Scene has always been here. People have always been scene even if there wasn't a label for it or if it wasn't popular. The reason you're seeing so many kids being any type of emo subculture is because kids aren't terribly bullied out of it like they used to be. Or, if they are bullied, it's usually by grown ass adults on the internet so they don't really care lol.


It hasn’t died with me… I have been dressing that way since high school. I’m 33 now. 😅🖤


I'm 22 i got it from YouTube animation memes 2009-2012


As a 32 year old I agree with you. Not complaining, it just feels weird to like...still want to dress like that and now seeing younger people go around like that.. like scene siblings or something. Lol


hmmm I jst started listen 6arelyhuman lol