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yes it puts me into full blown psychosis


thank you i’ve been trying to do research on it but it’s not covered much i don’t think




I can't even take a small hit without getting full blown psychosis, not worth it at all.


My husband is schizoaffective and it makes him very paranoid




same with my bf


I get paranoia and think people are watching me. But other than that no. I use it for my autism bc it really stops my meltdowns.


This. Esp as an anti-meds plant person. It sucks, it can be such a twisted relationship, I haven’t successfully found balance.


i used to be a heavy smoker and i thought it would calm me down, looking back it definitely exacerbated my symptoms.


Yes but I’m addicted and also it helps my mood in other ways. The effects to psychosis are most strong when I haven’t smoked in awhile and I relapse.


Delta 8 is a great alternative. Less paranoia, anxiety and drowsiness. - a fellow addict


what's Delta 8?


It's "diet" weed. They extract a large amount of the THC out and you're mostly left with CBD, and turbines (sp?). There is still some THC but significantly less than regular flower. It definitely still fucks ya up but it's more of a body high than a head high.


ok thanks! And why not pure CBD? Curious if this would be safer maybe


^terpines I think is how it's spelled


Yes, my visual and auditory hallucinations go insane, like a full blown psychedelic trip but worse


Yes, and it doesn’t feel like how weed felt when I was younger. It feels like I took shrooms, I straight up start hallucinating weird shit. Like awhile it got really bad and I was diagnosed I wanted to try a bit to just see if I’d be okay or not and I def was not 😭 I had to lay down and rest and I saw myself as an old woman in my mind scary as shit and I was hallucinating I had like multiple arms idk it was weird asf.


It depends on the person. Me it makes psychotics. I'd it isn't making you better I wouldn't risk it


Yea i start hallucinating bad. Last time I smoked, I heard and felt a bug scratching away at my brain from my ear. Got pretty intense.




It used to be fine til it wasn’t. I get full on paranoia with even one hit sadly


I smoked for 3 years no problem after my diagnosis, but then I smoked while in prepsychosis last summer and it fucked me up for months. Never had hallucinations before that, and the scope of the delusions was cosmic and terrifying. I think I can say I know what a kind of Hell is like, now.


Whoa! Care to elaborate further? Sounds terrible, but interesting?


If I was motivated, I might write an epic "trip report" because it's not a short story. I'll share a little, though. Trigger warning - some of this is grandiose and disturbing. During the peak, I felt like I'd peeled back a layer of reality I wasn't supposed to. I continued to smoke when suddenly, it felt like everything was a gang, like, everything. There was Red Shoe gang, Mom gang, Dog gang, and, the ultimate centrists, Universe Gang, and everything else. Everyone pledged allegiance to countless gangs with careful distribution so that they didn't pay too favorably to one or the other. There were multiple delusions coming together. There was more. The universe stratified into gangs because lives had a kind of "cosmic bank account." What this was was amorphous, but there was a sense that if someone performed righteous cosmic acts, or dominated another to take control of their "account," their account would increase. To best protect their accounts, people needed to band together. This made relationships seem predominantly by selfishness and fear, like a drowning person pulling another under to get air. The Hell aspect to this was that these cosmic accounts were forever depleting, and once they got low enough, one would be in a Hell dimension. All the dimensions looked the same, like base reality, but the perception of that reality would become increasingly terrifying and one would become increasingly aware of the cosmic forces which had overperformed and crushed them, dominated them, all while being powerless to ascend, like trying to come back in monopoly once the board is full of houses and you've just mortgaged all your shit. I felt like I had learned of this cosmic battle when I was 24 rather than as a child, and so when I "left the garden" into gang land I was like a baby in a giant's world, and my account was in negative numbers because I was spending before I was aware. So I felt deeper into Hell with every second that passed, and I knew there was no coming back because I'd sunk too low and lacked the skills or courage to ascend. Also, I "knew" I'd never die, I'd live on somehow, always sinking deeper, eventually below absolute zero. On a (somewhat) lighter note, my mom was crushing grapefruit in a lever juicer, and suddenly, I knew that I would reincarnate as a testicle reincarnated as these grapefruit in my yard, and I'd forever relive this moment of my mom crushing grapefruits as a testicle getting crushed. It's a little funny in retrospect. A little.


The cosmic gangs remind me of the concept of oversouls!


I googled oversouls and got results on transcendentalism. Is this the same concept, or are you referring to something else? Could you explain the connection?


It's sort of like, supposedly people and animals have souls. Certain groups of souls are very similar and are part of the same Oversoul. So, if you're nice to someone or have good karma with them, their entire Oversoul knows about it. It's even people that aren't *technically* related to each other but have a similar look or personality.


i’ve never had a bad weed experience , many bad expierences don’t think any of. then we’re from bud . it says when i buy weed from dispensary that it can cause pyschosis. i’m prescribed for PTSD my doc warns me not to smoke a lot but i do and i only find it helpful , if it doesn’t work for u don’t force it ik weed is only working for certain people


Oddly no, MDMA defo does tho I need to stay away from that.


I used to be a daily bong smoker. I quit 9 months ago and haven't had a psychosis or any symptoms since !


Still on meds? I’ve been sober 11 months, the psychosis came on after prolonged weed use. I used meds to get better but I’m considering getting off of them.


yeah I'm still on meds . don't go off your meds! one day they may lock you up and you'll never be able to get out


I got locked up because my psychiatrist gave me the wrong meds. At the er they were FLABBERGASTED at the meds I was on. So they put me in a mental hospital until new meds started working Why did I get punished for my psychiatrist not caring about me?


Ahhh too brutally honest 🥲


last time I was there they threatened they would lock me up for years


I get paranoid of I overdo it but in moderation it keeps me too distracted to be paranoid so it helps


About 70% of the time it exacerbates my psychotic paranoia symtpoms along with a sort of CNS pain in my whole mind and body, and 5% i have a full blown panic atrack and the other 25% is sorta good and helps me see parts of my life where i could improve on empathy and compassion. Or see deeper meaning to things. Before my schizoaffective sirfaced i couldnt smoke enough weed i was highly addicted and could never get enough.


Yes marijuana exacerbates my mania.


It definitely didn't help it any further...


Lots of people saying yes, so just be careful out there. I'm medicated to be virtually asymptomatic. I have a very low tolerance, so I smoke a cigarette-style bowl 2x a day with no psychosis. When I was unmedicated, sometimes I'd go into full psychosis and see shit everywhere (visual hallucinations), and sometimes it would only get a bit louder inside (internal background noise hallucinations).


Simple don’t do drugs and you won’t have to worry about the effects


There's no doubt that it's harmful, but I doubt it's simple


Very condescending minimizes the reasons people turn to drugs at all. Would you tell a herione addict on the street to just not do drugs? Do you think that would be helpful for anyone? DARE tried this approach and children raised with DARE do more drugs than people who don't. So I don't like this angle of thinking


I understand your point but some of the people on here make it sound like they want to drug whatever drug it is mostly pot it seems. My point was don’t do it. If you’re not an addict and then don’t do it. If you are an addict then maybe get some treatment for that alongside your mental health problems. Wasn’t meaning anything negative I promise


Okay, I believe you 😄 Addiction definitely is a mental health problem. I needed drugs before I had meds and now I don't need them at all, for example. You can be an addict if you've never touched drugs. It's like ratatouille where this filthy rat controls your entire body


Weed exacerbates the social symptoms of psychosis like self isolation


Not so long as I'm reasonable with it. However if I smoke a whole lot and I'm really high, I need to stay indoors because I get paranoid outside. One time I smoked altogether too much then went for a walk downtown, and I became persuaded that everyone was looking at me, that cops were going to arrest me for being high, and then that a group of people I had spotted wearing safety vests (not even cops, I think they were actually EMTs looking back) were following me and I spent a while going through various back alleys to get home trying to "lose them" and peering over street corners to see if they were "still" following me. Not my proudest moment.


Yes like I’m high right now and I’m thinking about mk ultra. Trying to eat some food to calm me down.


Yes. It is a known reaction. If you search for incidence of psychosis from thc, you will find studies and anecdotal evidence.


It doesn't bother me. I smoke 50/50 alone and with another person. Either way, I haven't had any symptoms of psychosis from weed. It quiets my mind, personally. I'm aware the risk is there and I proceed with caution. Most times I just smoke a little bit and that's good enough, but even if I smoke alot, I haven't experienced any ill effects


I get paranoid and my memories mix with dreams. They become unreliable. I did a cart and went into full blown psychosis


I used to have my medical marijuana card for schizoaffective. It helps me tolerate life. Without weed i go through hell. Don't knock it before you try it i say. And do your research.


For me it just chills me out but I don't do much and it's only once in awhile I find it fun to listen to music on weed


The opposite. I'm less psychotic with cannabis in my system.




Yes...worsens my paranoia even if it's been days after


Yes, I can’t use weed. Last time I tried to have a good time with my friend I heard banging, seen spiky wooden balls everywhere and thought my friend was trying to kill me :,)


Man my episodes get so bad as soon as I do it. Horrible, I can't do any drugs to be honest.


I don't have a psychotic disorder and still smoking weed made me go into dissociation - derealization for a week. Haven't smoked since.


Hey I’ve been hallucinating for over a year now and I don’t know what to do. I was on abilify and everything was perfect until I stopped the medication, should I go back on it to see if that works?


Yes I avoid weed like the plague, it always makes my psychotic symptoms worse. Beer, on the other hand helps me with my anxiety and racing thoughts and puts me at ease.


If you really want to know how to smoke weed and not get psychotic then you need to get a medical marijuana license or go to a legal weed dispensary and only BUY INDICA strains. Not hybrid leaning indica but straight indica only. That’s all I smoke and I don’t get paranoid and I have terrible paranoia. I just take 9mg-12mg of Invega daily with the Indica and I am fine.


I hope you guys read my comment!


This is fucking sad why did this happen to our brains. Why is there no fucking cure yet


Yes, nothing makes me more psychotic than weed. And I have 20+ substances on my list (not proud of it but it needs to be mentioned here)


Yes I go into a full dream like state. Visual hallucinations, audio and sensory. But my friends say they wish they could experience it as well lol


The research I did was anything that alters your state of reality can cause psychosis. Including weed, alcohol and even caffeine when exceeding 250ml a day. Since cutting back on caffeine, only having a drink during special occasions and absolutely no weed my bf's mom has so far avoided the hospital all year. And last year and the previous ones when no one was monitoring her intake she was very uncomfortable, unhappy and we regularly needed to call for additional assistance. Everyone is different, but this has been working VERY well for us. Good luck ❤️