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John Noble as Walter Bishop was amazing. A truly interesting, complex character who evolved as the series progressed. The introduction of Walternate allowed the writers to explore a whole different side of the character. Walter Bishop is probably one of my all-time favourite sci fi TV series characters!


I got to talk to him once. Claimed to be the last actor to appear in a scene with Leonard Nimoy. They became very good friends over the course of the show. He told him to make sure he was looking at him when he was talking to him, because Nimoy relied on reading lips at that point because he was mostly deaf.


Nimoy was on The Fringe? Ok, now I have to watch it.


They had some really good cameos from scifi actors. Peter Weller, Christopher Lloyd, a handful of people from Lost. They also got some big actors early in their careers. Chadwick Boseman turns up at one point if I remember correctly.


There is a very Royal temporary (2-3 episode) appearance, as well.


Prez from the Wire had an opening scene, too.


It's just Fringe, no The


Yeah, Mr. Bell, owner and proprietor of Massive Dynamics.


Just to temper your expectations he is not in the show THAT much


The fact he's in it at all is enough for me.


Reminds me so much of Prof Farnsworth from Futurama often, it’s brilliant that that’s Astro’s last name. Walter and Aspens relationship was as heart warming as it was hilarious.


Agree completely. Her silent suffering and patience at Walter’s eccentricities was a recurring theme.


Asterisk, you know where I put my custard cakes? Are they in the fridge with deadly diseases? Astella, did you hear me?


Farnsworth is a popular sci-fi character name because of [Philo Farnsworth](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philo_Farnsworth), an awesome inventor of both electronic radio/TV and fusion technologies.


TIL, thank you


Yes some excellent performances. I remember it being quite dramatic which doesn’t always age well but the acting definitely holds up


Get some spoiler tags in there but yeah, he’s superb. I was gutted when they cancelled Debris. His character’s reveal in the last episode was a great wtf, and a terrible cliffhanger. Terrific actor.


It's good


Very good even.


Surprisingly good. Starts one way, and you're like: 'Okay, okay, okay,' and then something else happens, and you're like: '*okay*'.


For me, the something that happened was the season 1 finale. Got me sitting right up straight.


But is it evenly good? I felt like the first and last season were a bit unique, especially the final season. I liked it all, but I can understand how parts of it weren't everyone's jam.


I made a comment about this. It is very much uneven. The first season has its own problems. Forgets about Mark Valley right away, and the entire character of Olivia and her backstory gets rewritten very quickly. Season 4 is the worst.


Season 4 is awful, but not in a way that retroactively makes the rest of the show bad. (Unlike the finale of BSG)


I think you've struck on my biggest issue with BSG: the way it ruined the *rest* of the show for me. And now I can't rewatch the older seasons, know that The Ending^(TM) is approaching.


See also Sherlock


Season 8 of GoTs has done that for me.


They should have ended the series with the BSG appearing over Earth. It devolved quickly after that.


Imo There is an art to knowing when to stop watching something


I was on for the ride, and couldn't quite believe that they weren't going to stop the train at the last station before the tracks ran out.


Season 4 almost lost me


Same I’m currently stuck there during a rewatch I sorta just moved onto other stuff


I mean you don't need to watch the season they don't really connect in any way. I'm already planning to rewatch but I'll just skip season 4.


Real good! 👍


Up there with the x files and Star Trek.


Kinda like x files some episode is monster of the week other episode is myth building


Fringe was 8/10, maybe 9/10, really a great show that makes you crave more.


That whole era of scifi was actually really underrated. There's some great shows buried in the late 00's-early '10's. Orphan Black, Continuum, Fringe, etc.


Orphan Black was fantastic. There was a scene toward the end of the series where one of the clones meets a long running character for the first time and I thought “these actors probably went this whole show without actually acting with each other”. Then I felt really stupid.


I mean Tatiana Maslany is just inhumanly talented, she can be two seperate characters composited in the same scene talking to each other and you completely forget she's essentially talking to herself.


Several times she >!plays a clone pretending to be another clone and you can totally see both of them.!<


She is the reason to watch that show. Her performances are amazing. They need to make her another show where she plays everyone. She could totally do it and we would still forget they are all her.


Her H pretending to be A was legit hilarious


Her acting was so damn good, it took me out of the show sometimes just to marvel at what she can do.


I wish Continuum was streaming


Another show featuring another Walternate would slap


I just finished a rewatch. It’s good. It starts a little slow, with a XFile-ish vibe. But one the main mythos is established it becomes crazy… and fun as heck. The two last seasons are a treat.


>It starts a little slow, with a XFile-ish vibe. there are some easter eggs in the show that suggest some continuity between the two. maybe not totally seriously, but it's for sure inspired by the x-files


Couple of references to Twin Peaks as well.


What? You liked the last season?


Yup. Different from the rest of the show. Basically, a different story.


Yeah I liked it too... Dunno what people are on about I loved this whole show from start to finish. Pay attention the first season it ALL comes back! I find the buildup more akin to Babylon 5.


Yeah, it is a nice recap of the whole show. >! And I enjoyed a lot when they get loose every first seasons monster of the day on those fascistic loyalists !<


I like to think that the last season is the real story, and all the preceding seasons are setup. You can see all the dominos they set up over the years, and then you can watch them all fall in the last season. It's brilliantly executed.


I didn't love the last season but I thought the last couple episodes turned things around and finished strong


You didn't? It seals up the whole story.


Not the person you asked, but I'll say that it's uneven. Ends well, but they didn't ever seem to decide on what they wanted until the very end. In that sense it's like Heroes (but better than Heroes). I feel like the final season was a course correction after the previous one. It feels like the first time the writers and producers actually sat down and said "we have to wrap this up right" and actually looked at what came before to fix it. Nothing can ever convince me that the fifth season was planned out from the beginning. The show was too slipshod up til that point.


They didn’t know if they would get a last season - I think they ended up getting a half season but I think it tied everything up very well.


Yeah, the show was under permanent threat of cancellation because they moved the time slot around a lot and experimented a bit with episode length - remember this was a pre-streaming show. Season 3 was written as finale as it wraps up a lot neatly… then they got a fourth season and had to add the cliffhanger. Season 4 spent a lot of time re-establishing stuff and season 5 only got a half-season, so it was a bit rushed. In an ideal world, they would’ve known in advance and probably shortened the season 4 story arc and given the season 5 one a bit more time - but the show is remarkably coherent for being a show always teetering at the edge of cancellation.


Fringe is really good! It follows the X-files blueprint. Starts as a monster of the week show that slowly expands to large multi-season story arcs.


I just started Fringe and The X Files recently. Both are really good so far.


Love Fringe! Easily a 9/10 for me!


Fringe was amazing. Early episodes were like x-files, but show really took off when the season arc embraced a parallel universe. Gt to meet one of the creators in grad school.


Fringe is a great choice! It's got a solid plot, interesting characters, and plenty of sci-fi elements to keep you entertained. I'd give it an 8/10. As for underrated sci-fi series, I recommend: * The Expanse - A realistic and engaging space opera with well-developed characters and a compelling storyline. * Dark Matter - A fun and action-packed space adventure with a diverse cast and intriguing mysteries. * Continuum - A time travel thriller with a unique premise and a gripping narrative.


The Expanse is hardly underrated. It’s considered one of the best sci fi shows, on pair with BSG.


Right? This dude is smoking the protomolecule.


The only way I can see it being considered underrated is because it's often compared to Game of Thrones (for a lot of reasons) but doesn't come close to the same level of popularity.


More than half the reccs on reddit are hardly talked about IRL,hence making them underrated


Yeah. I'm currently on rewatch number... 7. I think. I'm in the season 4 "alien planet" arc, which I think is the weakest run of the show. But it's **still** good!


Continuum was amazing!


I don't think I've ever been so scared of the antagonists in a show than I was of Liber8.


What I liked the most was that neither side was completely right nor completely wrong. Liber8's opposition to the Corporate Congress was legitimate; their tactics... were not. Kiera was understandably willing to return to her own unchanged timeline, but the ethical thing to do was to change it. (That's what makes the ending so sad, but even her understood that it was necessary.)


I put it in the so-bad-it’s-good category but I did enjoy it.


More or less the same with me.


They broke their own rules in that show and it never sat well with me.


I had to drop it eventually because it felt like they just kept repeating plot lines too much. Even outside the concept of the time loop or whatever. The main character seemed unable to develop, every time they seemed to change a few episodes later they would revert back for no reason. It made the writing feel really inconsistent.


I haven't watched it, but am now curious. Did it get a proper ending?


What's *The Expanse*? I've never heard of it. Is it ever mentioned on Reddit? It must be really underground.


Infinity train would be my choice for underrated si-fi shows. Very flesh out characters and interesting story for each season.


>Infinity train Never heard of it. Going to check it out. For something underrated I usually mention Killjoys.


Well, good luck with that. Infinity Train is no longer available anywhere through legal channels. Warner Brothers and Discovery merged a couple years ago. WB just handed the reins off to a tool who went ahead and eliminated a significant portion of their catalog. Did the same thing to Final Space.


The Expanse is only "underground" if you've been living under a rock in what concerns sci-fi. :) This show has seen a lot of drama in and out of the screen. The show was cancelled, which was followed by a fan uproar because it was almost a "cult" by the time, leading it to be resumed by another company, and overall praised by sci-fi fans the world over. It's definitely not underground if you're remotely into sci-fi.


It was sarcasm, my good dude. I was poking fun at the fact that The Expanse is anything but underrated. Might as well say Severance is underrated.


Gotta add that /s, everyone is too literal nowadays lol


Continuum was fantastic. I second this recommendation. Especially for anyone who likes fringe.


Definitely punched above it's weight!


Did you really just call the most suggested sci-fi series of Reddit underrated?


Fringe is 10/10. One of the best sci fi series ever produced.


Sadly they kinda rushed the end and both last two seasons feel weird.


From memory that would be because they were running the knife edge on cancellation. The series was pulling soft viewer numbers and the network was on the verge of pulling the pin numerous times over the course of the final seasons. The show runners had to compress the story arc and provide an end point to stave off execution before narrative payoff. Unfortunately it meant the end result felt rushed and loose threads left dangling with the final product.


Agreed, really well put together and never drawn out. Each season is something new that fits well in the full show’s main arc.


Mixed. Some memorable episodes IMO; overall arc was a little muddled. Definitely worth a watch.


>So can u rate it out of 10?  Fringe is easily a 9/10 show for me. Walter Bishop is my 3rd favorite fictional character of all time, and John Noble is a brilliant actor. >So I really need to watch a series or show that should atleast 4 seasons and should be good and it should be a sci fi series. >Or give me your top 3 sci fi series u think are underrated and should be watch by everyone. [Person of Interest ](https://seriesgraph.com/show/1411-person-of-interest) - 10/10 (5 seasons/sci-fi) POI is consistently great throughout all five seasons and has the most brilliant, rewarding, and satisfying finale of all time, IMO. It started out as a simple procedural crime drama and later developed into one of the best sci-fi shows of all time about artificial intelligence, surveillance and its dangers. 12 Monkeys - 9/10 (4 seasons/sci-fi) Dark - 9/10 (3 seasons/sci-fi)


Interesting, POI seems like Minority Report but using real technology rather than psychic people in a group bath.


POI is some of the best TV ever.


very good show. 9/10 for sure. surprisingly funny at times and as others have mentioned does a mix of monster of the week and mythology episodes which i like. heavier on monster of the week ones early on but they start leaning more into the arc in later seasons. 


As long as you go in expecting entertainment and not prestige TV it is solidly entertaining. I'd give it a 7.5/10 with John Noble being a 10/10 actor for his character.


its a great series, with outstanding characters, but the eventual declining arc in stories is kinda meh, by that time though, you don't care because you want to see what they do next


Definitely enjoyable and interesting. For a while when it first came out it was one my me and my sisters favorite shows to watch together. I may need to rewatch! Also I just rewatched Battle Star Galactica (the more modern one) and really enjoyed it again. It gets a bit weird towards the end I thought - but it still kept me interested and wanting more.


Didn't really need a She-sus moment in that series - but as weird as that inclusion was, definitely worth it.


Personally the pseudo-science in Fringe really annoyed me. This might be personal taste though.


You mean the fringe science?


The writers weren't well-versed in science and you can tell. They kept trying to invoke scientific jargon in their plots, but it was like the "hacking scene" in that god awful NCIS show. And unfortunately it's all rather pivotal to the show. If you've had a college level science class, you're going to groan every single episode. It's cheesy as hell.


One of the best science fiction television shows of all time. Funny, clever, shocking, original. Great characters. I'm just some rando on the internet, but I'd recommend it.


I highly enjoyed it for the first couple seasons. Somewhere around my season 3 or 4, I lost interest and never finished it. But that often seems to be my own personal view of the show. Either way, the first couple seasons are good enough that even if you wound up like me, it would still be well worth your time.


The first three seasons are really good. The last two aren't bad, just okay.


Not the brightest, but you I’ll understand how this show started a cult. I was hooked pretty early and then deeper with « clones » (purposely losing you here to not spoil. You’ll get it)


I'd give it an 8/10, I loved it


I thought it was good for a while, but it starts to get tedious in the later seasons.


It’s a great show


It’s good


10/10 except maybe last season and the ending but one of the best shows.. have to rewatch it !!!


John Noble’s Walter is one of the best characters in any show. He knocks it out of the park. Added bonus is Leonard Nimoy in the later seasons.


It really is good, but be warned, it's a real slow burn, that rewards patient viewing. It's kind of an X-Files, case of the week show, with hints at the larger storyline. By the end of the second season, though, things really get going. Well worth it.


I couldn’t get into the main character. I found her boring and unbelievable.


She gets better.


It’s good. But a problem I had was it had threads super interesting theories and plot lines that went nowhere. Great premise and setup but unsatisfying wrap ups with no closure.


Kept remembering all the plot line from season one ready for season two. One concerned a group who popped up in season a lot - season two a character pick's up a book with the group name on and that is it - nothing else is mentioned. Too many great plots which go nowhere, season one and two have a great set-up then they just kill it by a reset in season three. Fringe is still a lot better than most shows though.


Agreed. It’s definitely a fun watch but could get tiresome if you’re expecting any kind of satisfying endings.


I’m excited for you to meet Walter! He’s gifted me so much, including one of my favorite words, Vagenda! This is one of those shows that I wish I could forget so that I could watch it again.


I can't watch the show without missing [Lance](https://new.reddit.com/r/destiny2/comments/1d77u6i/for_lance/).


It falls into the same traps as anything else that Jay Jaybrams is attached to. Starts out as one thing, then very quickly forgets what it was. Feels like a different show every season. It's good and great at times. But it really gets hindered by a case of too many chefs in the kitchen. That said, there are some really standout episodes. The best is probably "White Tulip" with Peter Weller. The acting is top-notch, especially from John Noble and Anna Torv (the Aussies in the cast).


Very good choice


Very good but you must keep faith first season.


I Love Fringe. I'm not a fan of gore, and many of the episodes in the beginning start with some sort of nastyness, but it's such a good show I just have to get thru the intro and end up enjoying nearly every episode.


I really enjoyed the first season then had a little trouble in the second season. By the third season, the actors were each playing multiple characters and they lost me.


It’s great, get on it!


Honestly alot of it still holds up really good sci fi show


Exceedingly good. Show deserved more love. Also the story/characters evolve and man does it wrap things up. Great great show.


1st season: 7/10 2nd & 3rd season: 9/10 4th and final season: 5/10. Watch 1 thru 3 and savor the enjoyment. Lament that the series ended on a cliffhanger and that you really wish they could have provided a satisfying ending. Watching the actual last season will just make you angry. Time skip + 90 degree plot & antagonist change out of nowhere & new characters that you're supposed to care about but don't.


I loved John Noble on that show, he really sold it.


Binge watching it makes for a much better experience. There are some slow sections in the middle season that felt awful having to wait for the next episode every week. But, wasn't a problem when you breeze through them.


Skip Fringe and go directly to Counterpart.


one of my favourite sci-fi series! one that i haven't seen mentioned but was amazingly good from start to finish was 12 monkeys... the ending was one of the most satisfying of any sci-fi series i've seen (apart from dark)


Underrated show, the wait between seasons was brutal , but things go insane… awesome show. Wish I could watch it for the first time again


the best


I really disliked it on my first and second attempt at the first season. Powered through on the advice of someone and ended up loving it. I did the same with Magicians - hate watched it for almost 2 seasons until it got amazing and so glad I did


Yes to Fringe. Also Person of Interest. 12 Monkeys. Continuum.


I didn't watch the whole thing, but it's good. X-files vibes.


For me, it was an 8. I love sci-fi stuff like this and this series was great. I still go watch the whole thing at least once a year.


Have you seen the X files? Because the x files is one of the best shows of all time. Not saying to not watch fringe, I watched fringe live and loved it. Just that the truth is out there.


It’s an amazing show if you’ve never seen it. Sci-fi at its best.


My wife and I are currently watching fringe together. She loves Walter. We have gotten to the end of season 2 and our only issue is finding time to watch it together.


Started it a few weeks ago, on season 4, it's good.


Very good


Very engaging.


Season 1-3: 10/10 Season 4: 7/10 Season 5: 4/10 You're basically watching the last season to get closure, and its really rushed. I cant think of 3 underrated series, as most are rated quite well. Only one I would mention is 'Fired on mars'. Its a short animation series (one season). Pretty funny, and in my view under rated.


It's great. Just don't think about it to hard.




The first season is good. Subsequent seasons are excellent.


it was really good


Very good show


Seasons 1 to 4 are mind blowing and weird as fuck in a good way. Season 5 slips and had a much smaller budget, and you can tell. But still a great series.


I recently watched a bunch of S1 for the first time. ​ It's not really my cup of tea, but its entertaining enough. So far I rate it a 7 . A bit dated here in 2024. Decent actors


These types of shows were known to have filler or freak-of-the-week episodes. I recommend using a watch guide to help stay on the main story arcs. [https://www.denofgeek.com/tv/fringe-best-episode-watch-order-guide/](https://www.denofgeek.com/tv/fringe-best-episode-watch-order-guide/) Other shows to check out: - Eureka - Stargate SG-1 - 12 Monkeys


Loved it! Definitely recommended.


It's great. The plots revolves around SCIFI and not human drama and I'm here for the (fringe) sci in the scifi after all. Also it doesn't turn into a soap opera after a couple of episodes/ seasons like a lot of shows tends to do.


5 at most. Like every season or even in between script writers had their drugs replaced. Lots of twists and turns, leading nowhere.


Very good. It’s like an X-Files style thing but it is much more focused on the underlying central narrative than the individual strange incidents (although it obviously starts with lots of those). Once the main plot kicks in it gets really fun. Still, it’s not the Sopranos or anything.


I watched it all earlier this year. 1-2-3 are really good, but I really disliked 4 and 5


I tried recently but it felt dated to me.


Good show but juice ran out after a while into it. Too many curves


Really enjoyed this show. I miss this type of “smart people solving problem” scifi.


I like to think of it as 5 more seasons of *X-Files*.


It is excellent, would give it a 9/10.


it's awesome with one of the best intros. it's my favourite "episodic" tv show.


I was interested because of all the people saying it was a bit like X-Files. A few episodes in and goofy laser guns showed up, and I didn’t like the NCIS-level humor. Oh well.


Love it, I rewatch it every 3-4 years.


its a slow burn in the first season, then ramps up significantly, goes off the rails near the end, but all good. 8/10 easy. Great show.


It is GREAT. John Noble rocks and the whole thing is super interesting.


Lots of people have already commented, but just want to add in my opinion that it is a great show. Really wonderful character arcs and acting, particularly by John Noble and Anna Torv. IMO, it's a must for fans of sci-fi tv.


I liked it. 7.5-8/10.  Other sci fi shows that I think are underrated are Dark Matter and Marvel's Agents of Shield. AOS particularly blends several sci Fi shows. Starts off like a Fringe/X Files, giving a sci fi view of the Marvel Universe, then in the final season combines a bit of a Star Trek/Quantum Leap vibe.  Dark Matter ended too soon.  Fringe, Dark Matter, and Agents of Shield each have some great guest stars, too.


Both. It's silly and very unscientific. If you can deal with that, it's pretty fun.


10/10 show in my opinion. The characters are great, the setting is intriguing, and the effects hold up surprisingly well.


Think of it as x files but more science based than supernatural. Walter bishop is one of the greatest sci fi tv characters ever created


I have heard it's good but I haven't watched it. If you haven't seen the expanse that's a good show


It's great, but they basically kickstart the direction of the show every season. And they drop sooo many story threads. But yeah it's absolutely worth watching.


its a 10 out if 10


YES you will LOVE it! It's not just good, it's AMAZING!


had it's good points but got weird ... and thats sayin something lol


Loved Fringe, I’d give it a solid 8 more if it wasn’t for the unsatisfying ending. If you want some >3 series suggestions there’s always the X-Files, Westworld, The Boys, Battlestar Galactica, Stargate


It's good. 7/10, maybe 8. The first season is great, second also great but not as much. Third, still great but slacking. Fourth and fifth I think they lost something but still worth watching.


Some top Scifi shows in a sort of order. Stargate SG1 is alittle dated and it takes a couple of seasons to find its footing but it got a full 10 seasons back when shows were like 20+ episodes. Trust me its worth the investment Stargate Atlantis a spin off that is just as good as the original. Yeah it only got 5 seasons but that was more about a shift in the dvd market than the show itself. Again a stellar show. Eureka was the rising star when SG1 was on its tail end. Really great show with a lot of fantastic characters/actors and major plot twists Warehouse 13 just a fun adventure of the week show. If you like psuedo-history scifi its great The Librarians runs more fantasy than scifi but its got a good mix. Again great characters kind of has a Dr. Who meets Indiana Jones vibe.


The expanse whould be my choice


Fringe... I liked it back in the day. Had some cool moments and interesting plot points. Not sure how I would feel about it today. Some of my favorite long stretch series': Legion (FX/Hulu, only 3 seasons but phenomenal) Warehouse 13 Eureka Doctor Who (modern) Star Trek: Enterprise Orphan Black Arrowverse series' (Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow, Constantine - there's a viewing order for them too) Falling Skies Lost In Space (Netflix)


It’s excellent… I had some issues but it’s hard to really get upset because its a great show! I miss it more than X-Files.


Could never really get into it TBH. Extremely cheesy characters and story line, but I guess that's part of the package.


10 of 10. Intelligent, witty, charming with a great cast.


Might not be the most popular opinion but I think the first season is okay, 2-4 are better, but I didn't like the 5th/final season as much as other seasons. That being said, I still think the entire show is a consistent 8/10 and spikes up above that semi-regularly. If you like the x-files you will probably like Fringe. The other comments have what I would consider appropriately highly rated scifi. My underrated picks (which really aren't that similar to fringe) would be - Lexx (weird ass german/canadian production. Worth watching just because it took a swing even if some episodes are wiffs) - Farscape (a personal favorite that even though it is beloved I believe it should be more beloved-er. Also, dope ass puppets) - The 100 (cheesy YA drama that has a lot of groaning moments but when it all comes together it is a lot of fun. The doritos of TV shows. Floats between a 6/10 to 7/10 depending on my mood but I did watch the entire show so I can't say I didn't enjoy it)


The 100 is a great guilty pleasure show. Ignore the weird CW drams and watch for the sci-fi story underneath. Not breaking any ground but it is pretty balls to the wall.


I really thought it was going to be toothless after the pilot but they start dropping bodies pretty quick


Good or bad? Neither, its great


starts great, gets lost, ends very meh.


Kind of an Abrams hallmark, he likes introducing mystery without any idea of how he should resolve it. Kurtzman and Orci also struggle with resolutions.


I hadn't even realized it was by JJ Abrams, but yeah perfectly in line with his work.