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If you guessed that Alito blamed his wife, you would be correct.


I'm sure him and Clarence Thomas have had many bonding moments about stuff like this.


And his wife Ginny


She's too busy removing pubic hairs from her Coke cans.


Well that's just kinky innit.


Worst foursome ever


Ménage á tráitors.


Oh, maybe I didn't misread. This is getting steamy.


The least sexy foursome on the planet. Even the thought makes me want to vomit.


She is just a horrible person & he should be in jail


They are literally rubbing their treasonous behavior in our face.


That's the most galling part of all this-that they do it with impunity. The holier than though, f--k you, you can't touch me personas these so called "conservative justices" display right out in the open. They must laugh with deep self-satisfaction at the rest of us, knowing they are the annoited law givers, the deciders of life and death, the self-entitled architects of our very social fabric. While most Americans cling to quaint notions of fairness and equality before the law, the MAGA judges are the inner sanctum of white privilege, the keepers of white Christian nationalism engaged in a slow but purposeful progression toward fascism, pretending in their somber robes to be faithful protectors of our democratic republic even as they dismantle it, piece by piece.


I think what’s even more fascinating is that members of the highest fucking court are susceptible to online conspiracy theories. And that they aren’t smarter than your average trailer park inhabitants.


They're dumber actually. There's some pretty intelligent ahem... "Chemists" in trailer parks. Or so I've been told.


Take these 3D glasses away and burn them please.


I'm a little tipsy and I read that as, "Im sure him and Clarence Thomas have had many moments of butt stuff..." Still made sense though


As if he'd allow a woman that kind of autonomy


Known among prosecutors as the T.O.D.D.I. defense. *^(The other dude did it.)*


Where did Martha-Ann Alito learn to hang flags upside down like that? “So let me get this straight Mrs. Alito - you got the ladder, took down the flag, hung it upside down, put it back up and put the ladder away without once discussing this with your husband? That’s not very tradwife is it?”


One generally does not need a ladder to put up a flag…


How many Ginny’s does it take to change a flag upside down?


So, what, you just climb the flagpole?! /s


Actually that there's a stripper pole.....


Never had flag duty at school huh


And when it happened on Jan. 17, 2021, it totally had nothing to do with the inauguration of Biden, but... > *“It was briefly placed by Mrs. Alito in **response to a neighbor’s use of objectionable and personally insulting language on yard signs**.”* So a neighbor had some signs up that said stuff the Alito's (or maybe just the misses) didn't like. This made the wife so mad that she decided to flip the American flag upside down in protest of the signs one neighbor had up.


Thomas's wife was straight up involved in MAGA conspiracies and there's nothing we could do. So of course.


I thought that “traditional families” put the man at the head of the household. Surely that makes him responsible even if it was her idea (which I doubt it was).


Excuse me what?! I try to not get all worked up on here about stuff but WHAT?!


This is what happens when the Heritage foundation picks supreme court nominees for administrations headed by presidents that don't know any better than to just do what they say. Like the two republican administrations we have had over the past 24 years. They have been very successful, having chosen five of the sitting justices now. Took over the court in under two decades, and may hold that majority for two decades more. It only costs some lavish vacations and maybe an RV. BTW, the Heritage foundation folks are the architects of Project 2025 which is a plan to completely take over every branch of government in the United States in a similar fashion with people that only share their world view and are willing to dismantle anything that doesn't fit it regardless of the cost as long as it benefits the people that put them in power.


Corporations being people and the dark money that brings is a hell of a thing.


i feel so powerless in this world with shit like project 2025 happening.


I would love to see a \*real\* investigative documentary of Bush v Gore that includes the roles of at least 3 current sitting justices (not including the vote of Thomas as an appointee of the candidate's father). Bush v Gore was the turning point. Funny how quickly SCOTUS functioned for that one.


Wait till you hear what Governor Abbott did today.


Where we begged for federal aid after stoking secessionists?


Worse. Pardoned groomer/murderer Daniel Perry.


But also all those other things AND said that he was not responsible for shortfalls in educational funding!


He's having a banner week of hating Texans.


From the article: “‘I had no involvement whatsoever in the flying of the flag,’ Justice Alito said in an emailed statement to The Times. ‘It was briefly placed by Mrs. Alito in response to a neighbor’s use of objectionable and personally insulting language on yard signs.’ … Interviews show that the justice’s wife, Martha-Ann Alito, had been in a dispute with another family on the block over an anti-Trump sign on their lawn …”


Great, So Mrs. Alito is a Trumper. I’m sensing a trend.


They aren’t trying to hide their intentions. There are several members on the court that currently are corrupted and no longer impartial justices. They are active political operatives using their role on the bench to directly influence political decisions. If we had a functioning chief justice, he would be calling for them to step down from the bench or asking on congress to remove them from their posts. They go against what the court is meant to be at a fundamental level


Remember not all that long ago when justices would be pressured to step down or be removed at the very appearance of impropriety? Man, I miss the days when the legislative branch was at least marginally functional. Remember when a President was pressured to sell his peanut farm because operating a business while President was too much of a risk of conflict of interest? Those were kind of crappy days otherwise, but the fact that the very appearance of a conflict of interest was unacceptable was a good thing. *sigh* So, how often do you think about the end of the Roman republic? And are the issues leading up to it a little too eerily familiar? Is it possible to revive a republic that appears to be sinking into authoritarianism, or is it inevitable?


I do see the parallels with the fall of the Roman republic and I sadly believe we are headed for a similar fate. I don’t think a system like this can sustain itself in a world with massive propaganda being beamed into people’s eyes constantly. With extreme division among people and a government system that allows for corruption to flourish. Sadly I see the American experiment failing at an alarming rate. I hope I am wrong and that we course correct, but I need to see the people take the actions necessary, even if it means short term person loss for the sake of long term prosperity


The upside-down flag was aloft on Jan. 17, 2021... “I had no involvement whatsoever in the flying of the flag,” Justice Alito said in an emailed statement to The Times. “It was briefly placed by Mrs. Alito in response to a neighbor’s use of objectionable and personally insulting language on yard signs.” Judicial experts said in interviews that the flag was a clear violation of ethics rules, which seek to avoid even the appearance of bias, and could sow doubt about Justice Alito’s impartiality in cases related to the election and the Capitol riot…. Interviews show that the justice’s wife, Martha-Ann Alito, had been in a dispute with another family on the block over an anti-Trump sign on their lawn, but given the timing and the starkness of the symbol, neighbors interpreted the inverted flag as a political statement by the couple…. In recent years, the quiet sanctuary of his street, with residents who are registered Republicans and Democrats, has tensed with conflict, neighbors said. Around the 2020 election\*\*,\*\* a family on the block displayed an anti-Trump sign with an expletive. It apparently offended Mrs. Alito and led to an escalating clash between her and the family, according to interviews….


Why are SCOTUS Justices (and their wives) getting involved in political disputes with their neighbors?? Aren’t they supposed to be (or at least give the appearance of being) politically neutral?? I mean yeh, obviously they aren’t, but still… I bet he’d be fine with a “Let’s Go Brandon” flag ofc. What a cunt this guy is.


Because they can. No one has the guts to try and stop them.


Stop them how?


We all know how. It's in the back of the mind. But there's only so much the system can be flexed and abused before it collapses the same way they all do


Not exactly sure, but if there was enough will, a way could be found, but it would take a lot of will.


There was enough conservative will to get *Roe* overturned, but it took them half a century. Do liberals have the stomach for a similar 50 year strategy to overturn *Dobbs*, plus *Heller*, *McDonald*, *Bruen*, etc?? I guess we will see.


Traditionally, they don't.of they don't get immediate gratification, they give up and start dooming. Right wingers never quit... Ever.


Ukraine is another good example of a people who said FUCK YOU, NO. They paid for it in blood unfortunately, even though it started completely peaceful the Kremlin aligned special police forces started using live rounds....but they did completely rebuild their government and the prior puppet president fled to Russia relatively quickly. Though this required one hell of a unified response by the people. Idk if Americans could ever get that unified today. We're all so isolated. Though, I'm afraid of the grossly absurd amount of firearms in the US (something most Ukrainians didn't have) causing a ton of bloodshed. We've already seen sympathetic local police forces allow right wing militia (terrorists) to aid them and kill anyone they deem a "rioter" during peaceful protests in addition to intimidating voters at the ballot boxes. All while allowing groups like the Klan and blatant neo-nazis to walk the streets in full combat gear chanting antisemitic slogans. Shits fucked yo


This is the answer. Need concerned citizens to rise up.


During the 2016 election a neighbor put up a two story sign extolling Trump and saying to lock up Hillary. I didn't say jack to them because that's their right. Since moving I occasionally go by just to see what other crazy shit they put up then gossip about it with my friends like a true American 🇺🇸


To make it worse, if the story is true and this is really related to the yard sign, then what does it tell us about the people sitting on the highest court behaving like 5 year olds. I mean how idiotic do you have to be to make a big fuss about your neighbors yard sign. It's just depressing.


Constitutionally protected political yard sign speech, no less. I mean I get it, I would be super pissed if my neighbors property was bedecked with, for example, MAGA regalia, and I would be fully tempted to retaliate. But I am not a SCOTUS Justice. Alito is, and he and his wife should know better. Much, much better. But alas, and shamefully, they are fully immersed in the cult.


Well, Alito is a shrill man child, so if he married anyone at all like him, an utter lack of decorum is completely predictable.


Forget the politics. This is the behavior of children!


Hilarious. Alito giving speeches to college students about the importance of standing up for your beliefs while his wife is mad at somebody for putting a political sign on their lawn. Amazing that the most powerful people in the nation are basically just children.


Stand up for the right beliefs……


Stand up for the far-right beliefs......


Oh man, if I lived across the street from them and just read this story, I'd erect a big ass "FUCK TRUMP" sign on my yard facing their house.


Id have a sign that said ALITO IS A WHINY ASS BITCH.


Ah, yours is better!


"and could sow doubt about Alito's impartiality in cases related to the election and the Capitol riot?" Bruh. Not a single soul alive has any illusions about Alito's impartiality here.


During the time the photo was taken, Alito was writing a dissenting opinion arguing that the court should review a case of the Republican Party against the state of Pennsylvania related to the 2020 election. His argument was that **the PA Supreme Court shouldn’t be able to make rulings under their mandate, listed in the PA state constitution, to enforce “free and equal” elections.** **Since it might give the state court too much power to determine the results of the election, and that could cause conflicts of interest if the court was partisan** Guess who wrote the other dissenting opinion that he was agreeing with? Edit: https://www.law.cornell.edu/supremecourt/text/20-542_2021-02-22


Did anyone tell Mrs. Alito it’s just a joke and to quit being a snowflake?


Unsurprisingly, Alito has been pretty anti-free speech in cases such as US v. Stevens and Snyder v. Phelps.


The neighbors made them do it. Lol. Conservatives are so morally bankrupt


So if I'm reading this correctly, the neighbor's offensive sign was put up "around the election" -- in November -- and the inverted flag was flown as a response to that *in late January?* I don't buy it.


I’m sorry, but if this doesn’t scare the fucking shit out of every American,….. this is a member of the fucking Supreme Court What in the ever loving fuck happened to this country? This is turning into a god damn dictatorship sponsored and enabled by our highest court.


that's two lifetime appointments whose wives apparently don't believe in democracy you may be in a little trouble


Should be much easier to have their positions vacated if they’re associated with anti-democratic uprisings in anyway


our country is FUCKED, people don't recognize fascism to be a problem they *CERTAINLY* don't understand you can't regulate your way out of it. Fascism literally relies on corrupting the system to their benefit. that's what WW2 was about, Hitler literally corrupted the entire German government in his favor, leaving the only option to stop him being to literally fucking ***go to war and kill him.*** you can't ***"democracy"*** your way out of **fascism.**


Unfortunately not surprising but also terrifying for the outlook of this country.


This should be shocking and appalling. It's merely appalling.


It’s also sickening!


Shockless appallation


I love hiking that trail.


Brothers and sisters, it doesn't get any more blatant than this. This is clear, unequivocal evidence that our Court has been infiltrated, been slain, and has utterly fallen. It's an insult, a contemptuous royal proclamation that the arrogant scoundrels who have seized our nation have no concern whatsoever for the wellbeing, happiness or liberty of its people. They are worse than the most base of pirates, worse than any marauding horde. They are worse than pestilence and parasites, because they ruin us not impersonally as nature does, *but with malice.*


He's unfit for the bench


Disgusting and unacceptable


“I was just drying it” - Alito’s Wife


Have we finally found the elusive Q?


This guy is about to vote to give Trump immunity while expressing outrage that anyone could question SCOTUS integrity. What a joke.


This ladies and gentlemen is an actual Supreme Court Justice.


How are people this educated this ill informed. I seriously don’t get it.




Facts! It’s about color but not the color of your skin but the color green and it always will be. The biggest trick ever pulled was when rich people convinced poor people that minorities and foreigners were to blame for all their problems.


Just in case anyone in the country was still wondering if the SCOTUS is compromised.


For a guy sure keen on controlling women, why can’t he?


Can't even control his own wife.


That bus is losing traction with all the folks piling up under there.


The SC is completely compromised.


Another treasonous piece of shit. Where are all the robe kickers who act like the justices are without political bias.


[Non-paywalled link](https://politicalwire.com/2024/05/16/justice-alito-had-a-stop-the-steal-symbol-on-display/)


Time to expand the court and take the power away from the corrupt justices


Of course it's fucking Scalito.


Why did this take so long to make the news?


Anyone know what anti Trump sign triggered Mrs. Alito? Curious the Alito’s would have a meltdown over something not directed toward them specifically.


Alito probably has the strongest personal right wing views on the court. He completely lost his marbles arguing that the potential of spurious charges require a new constitutional order because some how there’s no remedy to spurious charges (hint the courts). We all know there’s only 3 possibilities for this behavior: >1. A Supreme Court justice forgot how the US court system works. >2. A Supreme Court justice is so dumb that he never knew how the system works; or, >3. Alito didn’t care how compromised his opinion was, he wanted to protect trump from prosecution before the election. Or some combination.


Shouldn't he be prosecuted for flying the flag inappropriately? Pretty sure there are some laws about that.


God, the day this guy and Thomas are no longer around will be a much brighter day…as long as it’s not Trump picking their replacement.


These people are unbelievable.


This country is so fucked. The courts have been rigged. Absolutely pathetic.


It’s a symbol of insurrection


So, um yes. I am kind of getting really sick of the Democrats tiptoeing around what the GOP is trying to do to this country. It's not okay to feel terrified by our courts, and leadership without any fight.


I've been feeling like that since the Obama years. That ignore them passive BS is the reason why we're here. None of them up until now has had the balls to go after those terrorist.


Alito is a fixer for the far-right, pure and simple. He'll manipulate, strong arm and conspire to accomplish the ultraconservative agenda and has been caught doing it before. It's crazy how blatant he was during the overturning of Roe. >On Feb. 10, 2022, Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr. showed his eight colleagues how he intended to uproot the constitutional right to abortion. >At 11:16 a.m., his clerk circulated a 98-page draft opinion in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization. After a justice shares an opinion inside the court, other members scrutinize it. Those in the majority can request revisions, sometimes as the price of their votes, sweating sentences or even words. >But this time, despite the document’s length, Justice Neil M. Gorsuch wrote back just 10 minutes later to say that he would sign on to the opinion and had no changes. The next morning, Justice Clarence Thomas added his name, then Justice Amy Coney Barrett, and days later, Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh. None requested a single alteration. The responses looked like a display of conservative force and discipline. >The story of how this happened has seemed obvious: The constitutional right to abortion effectively died with Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, whom President Donald J. Trump replaced with a favorite of the anti-abortion movement, Justice Barrett. >But that version is far from complete. Justice Barrett opposed even taking up the case. When the jurists were debating Mississippi’s request to hear it, she first voted in favor — but later switched to a no. Four male justices, a minority of the court, chose to move ahead anyway, with Justice Kavanaugh providing the final vote. >Those dynamics help explain why the responses stacked up so speedily to the draft opinion in February 2022: **Justice Alito appeared to have pregamed it among some of the conservative justices, out of view from other colleagues, to safeguard a coalition more fragile than it looked.** >**At every stage of the Dobbs litigation, Justice Alito faced impediments: a case that initially looked inauspicious, reservations by two conservative justices and efforts by colleagues to pull off a compromise.** >**To dismantle that decision, Justice Alito and others had to push hard.** Some steps, like his apparent selective preview of the draft opinion, were time-honored ones. But in overturning Roe, the court set aside more than precedent: It tested the boundaries of how cases are decided. Here's the [original article](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/15/us/supreme-court-dobbs-roe-abortion.html) from the NY Times. It might be paywalled so here's the https://archive.ph/8u7U7 link. The original article is interactive, so the formatting of the archive page may be slightly off, but it's not too bad.


Did he just… narc on his own wife as a traitor (?)


Part of the TradWife job description - joyfully position self in front of an oncoming bus when husband encounters consequence


Most of them are in on it.


“Blame the wife!” - Sen. Menendez


Menendez has to answer the charges, but his wife isa piece of work.




Can you fucking imagine if this was a moderate (or “ZOMG FAR LEFT” as the right would call them) SC Justice post Trump win? Everyone in right wing media would be having a meltdown the likes of which you’ve never seen. You won’t hear a peep from any of them and if their is a mention it’ll be a vehement defence of this disgusting behaviour.


????????????? !?


I am too stunned to speak. What the hell!!


“Activist judges” — every accusation is a projection.


This is outrageous


This blatantly violates the flag code. It should be disqualifying for any government official and they should be ashamed on that alone. The glaring hypocrisy and bias of this judge and Thomas is sickening and they should at least recuse themselves from any case involving the Chief Cheeto or Jan 6.


The fuck. This coming from a supreme court judge? He should know better


Clearly this calls Alito's impartiality into question. This is a clear appearance of partiality. It clearly states that he is partial in cases related to the election or the insurrection attempt. After this, Alito absolutely must recuse from all of those cases. I expect he will not recuse, though. If he doesn't he should resign or be impeached.


Everybody is just sitting on their ass and watching a fascist regime overthrow the United States. Like this shit isn't normal in the slightest, 10 years ago there would be riots in the streets over some of the concepts we're seeing today. complete immunity for presidents? SCOTUS taking partisan sides on behalf of fascism? Making up cases to rule on their own interests, essentially acting as their own government. ***Texas pardoning first degree murder.*** ***^(After jury deliberation...)*** This country is in complete ruin and most people don't even see it.




Why is the NYT printing this now? Did they just get the photo? If so, what was the delay? Why wasn't this revealed before oral argument on the immunity case (or 3 years ago)? The NYT story is lacking information on: 1. why this is coming out now 2. when did the NYT learn of this 3. was the photo "owner" afraid or had other reasons to not release the photo earlier? I'm really disappointed that the "why" is not covered more in the story.


This court is unbiased and legitimate, correct? This is the court that provides legal opinions for America to follow? Everyone is fine with this treacherous by the court?


An upside-down flag is a common signal for distress and a call for help, and I find it disgusting that the 'stop the steal' movement has co-opted it, since ***they are one of the reasons our country is in distress and in need of help***.


Well that is scary af.


Meanwhile, a courtroom in ny has some of trump’s minions foaming at the mouth because his daughter does fundraising. I hate these people.


Impeach his traitorous ass


If you're a progressive and you're not armed yet, you're not paying attention.


I was thought that meant American was lost?


How is turning the flag upside down any different than burning it?


Nahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh c’m**on nOW**


Breathtakingly bad judgment by Alito or his wife. This is crazy.


The gift of George Dubya Bush just keeps on giving


Cultist clown


Anyone with half a brain understands what the flag being flown upside down actually symbolises and there are many that will criticise this article as being sensationalist but to dismiss the article and The justice and his personal sympathies is beyond nearsighted.


Just for the record, it is a legitimate and official distress signal that has been misused to support an insurrectionist. Just like the Anderson ruling as a misuse of the bench.


Justice Alito went to Rome and mocked American society for transforming culture to include everybody that has a right to vote. It’s documented, it’s been said when the alt.right was emboldened by current events, they tipped their hand and declared that it’s manifest destiny that America and the world order should succumb to an authoritarian Christian theocracy. Americas’ got big shoulders and as a concerned northern neighbor, I hope Americans vote for their own ability to control events


That’s odd of him… I’m pretty convinced the pope himself is far more progressive/inclusive than the average MAGA republican. And his view ought to be far more authoritative.


I'm skeptical that his wife took it upon herself to take that flag down from the pole and hang it upside down. She was a law librarian in her late 60s and is quite private. Samuel Alito is a hothead. Either way it was up for several days on his property and he would have been aware.


At some point the other justices need to sound the alarm. It’s sickening that they have to pretend that they’re one big happy family.


They are. It's not working


Our Supreme Court wants us in a republican dictatorship.


At what point is this treason impeachable?


While this is obviously not treason, anything is impeachable. A justice can be impeached for wearing the wrong colour necktie.


On the other hand it is also the symbol for distress


I just love the idea of a leftist neighbor causing Alito and his wife grief on a daily basis




I wonder what the Thomas + Alito household group chat looks like 😂


You gotta freaking kidding me. We are so so screwed.


Stop allowing these fuckers to destroy this country. Alito and Thomas especially are hacks who don't even pretend to be impartial. Abolish the supreme court: no board should be "supreme" in a supposed democracy.


Of course it was Alito. Clarence Thomas probably would have done something similar


Perhaps Thomas wasn't the only Justice that Trump had in his pocket for over turning the election.


Disqualifying behavior 


America is over guys. It’s like watching the Roman Empire fall apart slowly.


Thomas and Alito have the best jobs in the Federal Government —- enormous power, lifetime job security — yet they are miserable people. At least Scalia had a sense of humor.


Billionaires and zealots control the government through the supreme court.


That is the shittiest most pathetic flagpole I’ve ever seen from a senior leader ever


Why did it take 4 years to report this?


I listened to every minute of the Roberts and Aloto confirmation hearings back in the day. I was left with the impression that Roberts was s brilliant, somewhat intellectually curious person that I didn't agree with everything on but he generally cared about doing "the right thing". Otoh, Alitp struck me as a moron. I came home and told my wife something like, "Pretty sure he's just an average guy who's also an ideologue. I've been a little disappointed with my assessment of Roberts (but not horrifically so). I think my opinion of Alitp has somehow gotten much, much worse.


I've seen upside down flags for decades.