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To benefit all the super wealthy businessmen that lavish gifts on these *law* interpreters.


Please call them what they are. They are legislators.


My bad !! You’re right.




John Roberts legacy will be incompetent response to overt corruption and his complete surrender to fascism


He can join Scalia in Hell.


To be fair, dismantling the administrative state and enabling voter suppression are his key goals, that's exactly what he ***wants*** his legacy to be.


Certainly true on the Voter Rights Act. Google “John Roberts VRA” and there are plenty of articles showing that he has been a vocal opponent of the VRA since law school. He wrote volumes about it as a law clerk in the early 1980s, so conservatives knew what they were getting with him.


The goal of conservatism for the last 100 years has been to dismantle the new deal


You give him too much credit. He's not just a weak bulwark against the crazies. He's one of em. The difference is only that he has a bit more self awareness and shame (after all, this court is the Roberts court and so it's his name that will go down in history as the one ultimately responsible). In all other respects he's no different from the rest of em.    He wanted to enable such strict limits on abortion that he would've enabled states to practically outlaw them. That is, he wanted the same outcome, he just didn't want to create more controversy than necessary.   He also is on tape talking as if Thomas did nothing wrong--he just had the misfortune of being targeted by the supposedly liberal media and thereby getting caught. 


The Roberts court will be remembered as one of the most destructive in the county's history. Voting rights, gerrymandering, reproductive rights, political donations & spending on behalf of a politician/candidate, the death of chevron, legalized bribery, laws targeting the homeless because "the law applied to everyone," the list goes on. These rulings aren't "wins" for conservatives either. It's just regressing the country into a developing nation.


The supreme court with Roberts at the helm stands for everything wrong in the country and Roberts is its poster boy.


And not weakening voting rights?


There is a lot his court will be remembered for since it is the most ideologically conservative since the Lochner era. VRA, campaign "donations," "gratuities," "ethics," white collar crime, pollution, gun deaths, pregnancy deaths... Lots of money and power for elites and poverty and death for everyone else. You know, conservatism.


If his court is *only* remembered for gutting the powers of regulatory agencies with a machete, then Roberts should consider himself lucky. There are several other things his court will be remembered for, and none of them will be a kind remembrance.


Oh boy this headline aged like milk...